Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on BlueCollarBlueShirts.com. This is a quick one tonight, as I just want to plug a new endeavor that a buddy of mine is doing.
About three years back, I reviewed the book “Block That Shot” on this site. The book was written by former Ranger Bob Chrystal and his friend Ty Di Lello. The book is Chrystal’s autobiography and a good one at that. For my review of the book, check out: http://bluecollarblueshirts.com/10318/
After I posted my review of the book, Di Lello and I went back-and-forth, sharing stories about our fandom of all things NHL history. Where my focus is primarily on Rangers history, Di Lello’s passion is the history of all things related to hockey in Manitoba. However, away from both the Rangers and Winnipeg, the two of us also enjoy the topic of hockey history in general.
Recently, Di Lello started an email newsletter for fans looking for stories from hockey’s past. For the full details on the newsletter visit this website: https://nhlhistory.substack.com/p/coming-soon

Below is a press release from Ty Di Lello regarding his new project. In the press release, Di Lello shares details about his qualifications and what to expect from the newsletter.
Welcome to NHL History with Ty Di Lello
A platform for readers to learn about some of the timeless stories that have helped shape the sport of hockey.
I guess you could say that things are coming full circle.
I first got into the media business by starting an independent blog called Jets Talk after the Winnipeg Jets first returned to the National Hockey League in 2011.
It wasn’t great. But it was my start in the “business.”
Ten years later, I am now officially returning to independent media. I feel it is the way of the future. In ten years, I’ve certainly grown as a hockey writer and historian.
At the age of 28, I’ve now written seven books about the history of hockey. The greatest of which perhaps being my upcoming biography on Hall of Fame legend Bill Mosienko (famous for his three goals in 21 seconds record that will never be broken).
Mosienko: The Man Who Caught Lightning In A Bottle is slated to be released on October 22nd at bookstores across Canada. (https://www.greatplains.mb.ca/product/mosienko/)
Over the years, I’ve written for some of the top hockey publications on the planet, including The Hockey News, NHL.com, International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF), Bleacher Report, and many more. I’m also the historian for the Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame. Through this, I’ve been fortunate enough to earn media credentials at several NHL arenas and have enjoyed watching many games from the press box.
My main hockey-related passion has always been the history of the game and hearing the stories of the players that have helped shape it.
Over the past ten years, the relationships I’ve built with former players and their families have been instrumental in getting myself to where I am today. And these relationships will sprinkle throughout the articles you read in this newsletter.
I really hope NHL History with Ty Di Lello will become one of your regular stops to read up on some fascinating stories about the history of hockey and the National Hockey League.
Writing this inaugural post reminded me of the excitement I had writing my first for Jets Talk. Only this time around, I have a decade of experience, a heck of a lot more contacts in and around the NHL, and I think I’ve even gotten just a tinge better at the ol’ writing game too.
If you subscribe to NHL History with Ty Di Lello, you can expect at bare minimum two articles to your email’s inbox every week on Tuesday and Friday mornings.
Biographies, quirky and player-told stories, and much more! I have so many stories just sitting on my laptop waiting to be told from the likes of the oldest player I’ve ever interviewed in Milt Schmidt (who played in the NHL in the 1930s!) to current NHL superstar Nikita Kucherov. So if you’re a fellow hockey historian like myself, I can promise that you won’t be disappointed by what’s to come in this newsletter.
I plan on keeping this newsletter free for the next while as I get my bearings here, so why not subscribe in the meantime and see what this is all about!
Sometime in early 2022, there will be a transition to a cheap ($5 a month) paid subscription model while also ensuring that free subscribers still get an article every two weeks.
Wrapping this introduction up, I’d like to thank you the reader for however long you’ve followed my work. If you’re new, I look forward to showing you my stuff. This is a big leap of faith, but one I am excited to make. I hope you’ll join me on this new journey, and I can’t wait to take you along for what should be an entertaining ride.
To subscribe to the newsletter, click this link: https://nhlhistory.substack.com/welcome

I’ve been a day one subscriber of Di Lello’s project and I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far. In fact, he “beat” me to an article that I wanted to do on Alex Shibicky, where truth be told, Alex Shibicky Jr. shared us the same story and photos. However, perhaps I’ll do mine anyway. After all, Shibicky is featured in my new book and a full length blog on Shibicky would be a good book tie-in. Always gotta hustle and promote!
Speaking of my new book, despite hundreds of you pre-ordering the book through me directly, the book is climbing the Amazon charts, with the paperback version of the book currently the fourth best-selling hockey book on Amazon.com right now:

For complete ordering information for “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden”, click this link: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/pre-order-the-new-york-rangers-rink-of-honor-and-the-rafters-of-madison-square-garden-book-today-kindle-paperback-versions-available/

I’m back to filling out addresses on packages and envelopes, as I await my shipment of the books. Once I receive this shipment, then I can fulfill every pre-order received in a rapid fashion.
Until next time, and as always…
Let’s Go Rangers!
Sean McCaffrey
@NYCTHEMIC on tweeter