“The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” will be released on September 6th, 2021.
You can purchase this book in multiple ways and in three separate versions. The three versions are a signed paperback copy, an unsigned paperback copy and an e-Book/Kindle version.
To purchase a signed paperback copy for $25 (shipping price included for domestic customers) you can pay electronically either through PayPal or Venmo. (PayPal also accepts credit cards.) For customers looking to pay by check or cash, please contact me at BULLSMC@aol.com.
Here is the PayPal and Venmo ordering button for customers looking to make direct payment:

To purchase the e-Book version, you can buy it off of Amazon.com by clicking this link:
The price for the e-Book version is $9.99.
On September 6th, paperback copies of the book will also be available for purchase by clicking the link above. The price for an unsigned paperback copy is $19.94.

For those looking for more information about the book, check out these blogs:
https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/81421/ – This link provides you with complete information of the book, including the writing process.
https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/7621/ – This look provides you with a sample chapter on Bill Cook.
International customers and anyone else having questions about ordering, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your interest and as always, “LET’S GO RANGERS!”
Sean McCaffrey
@NYCTHEMIC on Twitter
Congrats on your book!
This advertising on the uniforms thing pisses me off to no end…….it is going to eventually look as ridiculous as the Swedish or Finn league, I forget which, where the players all look like Nascar Cars!……..with STP!……..GOODYEAR!……..VALVOLINE…..QUAKER STATE!!….type adverting plastered all over their uniforms, it is beyond absurd looking
I am sure the idea ticks you off just as much as me!
Hell I am YET to get over the advertising along the boards and on the ice!…….I still passionately hate it!
Wouldn’t it be fine to see a clean ice surface and spotless white boards in hi definition!!……with the only logos on the ice being the team name and colors at center ice!!!?……….even Sam could occasionally track the puck under those circumstances!
Hey Zap–
Agree on the ads, just put up a new blog talking about it. Now that they are doing it, they’ll never go back to having clean jerseys again.