Note: This is a long one. Feel free to break it up into different reading sessions. There’s just so much to vent about tonight! Can’t wait to hear what you guys think about this doozy!
What’s up everyone and welcome to another blog here on BlueCollarBlueShirts.com. Tonight, I’ll be discussing the Boston Bruins bear-raping of the Rangers, to a tune of 6-1. Every time you think the Rangers hit a new low, they play another game and set a new low. This game was as bad as it gets.
In tonight’s Rangers 6-1 loss to their Original 6 rival, the Boston Bruins, there will be plenty of finger pointing. The #FIREAV contingent, while I don’t agree with them, are entitled to scream FIRE AV from the roof-tops. My train, the trade Lundqvist express, has every right to want this egomaniac out of here. The people who blame the Rangers defense for every goal, they can have their voice heard too after this one. A new growing minority, the “Zuccarello isn’t doing crap this year” people, also deserve a chance at the soap box. It’s just that bad. Oh, and in something everyone can agree on, no matter where your opinions may land – Joe Micheletti should be deported.
Right now, Rangerstown looks like Philadelphia. The Rangers actually look like the horse-shit that the Philadelphia fans eat. I actually said that very line in my last blog. In fact, speaking of my last blog, as usual, you can find my last blog and my last few blogs, in case you missed them, below:
NYR/DAL 2/5 Review: The N.Y. ER Rangers Lose Again, Rangers Officially Starting the Rebuild Process, The Rick Nash Era Coming to a Close (But There Could be a Sequel), Marc Staal Retirement, Bishop Takes The King in a 2015 Throwback Game, Sam Rosen Losing It, Lettieri Finally Called Back Up & More News/Notes/Opinions From Rangerstown
NYR/NSH 2/3 Review: The True Turning Point Loss of the Season as Nashville Exposes Every NYR Weakness, The Cats Win the Tim Donaghy Cup, Hockey Remains Hot in Tennessee, Tanner Glass > Cody McLeod, Two More NYR Join the IR, Embarrassing Game For the League, The Lundqvist Debate Rages On, Predicting 30, & Much More
NYR/TOR 2/1 Review: New Winter Jersey’s But Same Old Rangers, The Leafs Take the Rake to Lundqvist For The Third Time This Season, Rangers Look Depressed (#BellLetsTalk), Root Canals, We Want Lettieri, Silly Charts, New & Improved Website & Much More From a Possible Playoff Ouster
New York Rangers At the All-Star Break: Larry Brooks Drops an Atomic Bomb on Rangerstown, The West Coast Trip, Looking at a Potential Rebuild & Why I’m Against It Happening NOW, NYR Screws Season Subscribers Again, Why Henrik Lundqvist To the NJ Devils is a Win-Win, Defending Duguay, Where AV Stands All-Time Among Ranger Coaches & Many More Thoughts & Opinions on Our Beloved Blueshirts
NYR/COL 1/20 Review: Government Shutdown Apparently Affects NYR’s Offense, The Ranger-Pack Can’t Dig Themselves Out, Nash Goes Cold in Denver, Shatty Joins The Cast of ER: M$G, Will Joe Micheletti Break Up His Daughter’s Marriage, Upcoming Cali Trip & More From a Loss You Can’t Be Mad About

Before tonight’s Boston drubbing, the loss to Dallas, compounded with the Rick Nash news, has pretty much created tons of debate among Ranger fans. It should be stated, it’s not like a Rick Nash deal is 100%. While it is likely, it’s not signed, sealed and delivered just yet. What may hurt the Rangers, is that everyone knows they want to deal Nash. What hurts the Rangers the most, is the fact that reporters are reporting that Nash would most likely re-sign with the Rangers in the off-season. In other words, if you’re dealing for Nash, you’re going into this potential trade in pure rental mode. You better win the Cup.
After all, the paid reporters are reporting that the Rangers are seeking a package of a first round pick, a prospect and an AHL level player. I just don’t see how the Rangers can get that, especially in this NHL. As talked about ad-nauseam on this blog, there is so much parity in the NHL. I really feel that if you’re in the tournament, you got a shot at it. It’s so wide open. Is it worth giving up a first rounder, a prospect and a borderline NHL player, for someone who doesn’t have a great track record in the playoffs?
Put it this way – I hated the Martin St. Louis trade when it happened, not because of MSL coming here or Callahan being shipped out, but because of the two number 1 draft picks the Rangers included in the deal. As I said on my twitter at the time, (this blog didn’t exist in that season) it should’ve been a straight swap.
I mean really, just go back to last season, where the Rangers were hot a bit and had that second wild card seed on lock. Would’ve you traded a first round pick, a prospect (for arguments sake, say Igor Shestyorkin) and an AHLer (let’s go with Boo Nieves here) for say, Kevin Shattenkirk, the biggest name at last year’s trade deadline?
While Washington (who did acquire Shattenkirk) has surprised the league this season, and hasn’t fallen off like most expected, would you really give up another futures package for another out-of-his-prime player? That’s why I don’t see the Rangers getting a massive haul for Nash.

Since the Rangers slide, really, ever since Kreider was diagnosed with a blood clot, the emotions are rampant in Rangerstown. Of course, little old me, never one to shy from having an opinion, had a few controversial battles on the Twitter Dot Com. I want to address some of these topics in long-form, (Yes, I know, everything on this blog is in long-form!) just because I think things get lost/don’t get fully explained, on a tweet.
On Rick Nash, I said that his run has been a failure. He’s a good hockey player. Not a great one, when you judge him based on what he’s paid. For some reason, that sentiment and line of thinking upset a lot of people. Not that I care when people don’t agree with me and really, I don’t need the validation of some of the people you’ll meet below, but for my regular readers who may disagree, let me break it down.
Rick Nash, for the money, has been a bust. This is just like my Lundswiss arguments. While you get flashes of brilliance from time-to-time, he just wasn’t/isn’t consistent. This is a salary cap driven league, so every decision made, concerning your roster, has to factor in player salaries. It’s a shame we waste so much time talking player salaries, but blame Gary Bettman for that, not me.
We’ve seen Rick Nash turn it on this season. However, he’s like an old married couple, he only gets turned on once or twice a year. For the $8.2M he’s getting (He’s a $7.8M cap hit), he’s one of the Top 25 paid players in the league. During the course of his contract, he was even closer to being the highest paid player in the league. (Winners like Toews, Kane and others re-signed with their teams for bigger money.)
When you look at Rick Nash, what does he do well? He is a great defensive forward and has been crucial in the Rangers PK. Funny enough, fuel for the AV haters, it was Mike Babcock, when coaching Team Canada, that turned Nash into a PKer. He gets to the net well. He is a great teammate. He has a great hockey IQ. If it wasn’t for Michael Grabner, Nash is arguably the greatest forward on this team right now.
However, the other shoe has to drop…

At $7.8M, when compared to his peers, Rick Nash, aside from one season, has been at the bottom in the Goals Scored and Points category. For as great as he’s been as hockey player, he’s like the “40 Year Old Virgin” – he can’t finish. We all know Nash is a nice guy and how nice guys finish last. In Nash’s case, recent streak aside, he rarely finishes at all and leaves Rangerstown with blueshirt balls, more often than not.
A reader, @Christian_810 brought up a great point to me today – imagine if in the last few seasons, the Rangers built around Rick Nash instead of Henrik Lundqvist? For all my bitching and moaning, that’s one argument I’ve never debated or gave true thought to. Wow.
Think about it, this is the league where to win Cups, you need a strong center and strong defensemen. A rookie goalie can win a Stanley Cup these days. In fact, Matt Murray did it. Twice. (I’ll save you the semantics about how Murray was a rookie in two consecutive years, because he didn’t play enough games in his first season to qualify as a rookie.)
I’ve always preached the Rangers building around Lundswiss was a huge mistake and a colossal waste of time. However, what if the Rangers got rid of Lundqvist, say after the 2013-2014 season and decided to build around Rick Nash? What if, instead of trying to bolster their defense with ridiculous contracts (Dan Boyle, Brendan Smith, etc) they decided to put that money into getting help for Rick Nash?
When you look at one of the reasons for the decline of the Rangers this season, you can go directly to the Stepan trade. Point blank – they never got anyone to replace Stepan. However, at the same time, was Derek Stepan ever truly a number 1 center? I know number 1 centers don’t grow on trees, but at the same time, did the Rangers fail by not trying to build around a potential generation winger, in Rick Nash?

We will never know what would’ve happened. Perhaps by building around Nash, the Rangers would’ve had a deeper roster and had someone to step up when Zuccarello got hurt in the 2015 playoffs. Maybe the Rangers would’ve been more offensive-oriented, rather than hoping their goalie could stop 25, 30, 35 shots a game. Maybe the Rangers would’ve set the tone of the game & control the puck more than their opponents. Maybe there would’ve been more skill on the offense. Then again, if Lundqvist wasn’t such an egotistical hypocrite at contract time, I wouldn’t even be discussing this at all. The Rangers would’ve had the money for help.
At the end of the day, Rick Nash was paid to score goals at a high rate. He didn’t. If Rick Nash was being paid $3M-$5M right now, he would be as beloved as Zuccarello. He would be known as the big guy with the big heart. Instead, he has a big target on his big back because of his big contract and big bank account. And this doesn’t need to be said, but just a reminder – if you’re making big $ in NY, fans expect results.
I hope Nash does get his shot to win a Cup elsewhere and the Rangers get something back. As stated, Nash is a good guy. He doesn’t have that egomaniac attitude like Lundswiss has. I would have no problem rooting for him to get a Cup.
When you look at how guys like Gaborik, Richards and Hagelin have all won Cups, and how Girardi/Callahan/Stralman all have a chance this year, you gotta wonder, when will the Rangers realize that it’s not everyone around Lundqvist that’s the problem, it’s Lundqvist and his contract that’s the issue?
That all said, I fully expect Glen Sather to sign off on a deal, where it’s Nash/Grabner/McDonagh to Edmonton, for a 6th round pick and a signed Connor McDavid 8×10. SAD!

I can’t believe I even have to waste time on this next section, but in this PC police America, which reminds me of the FCC Nazi’s of the late 1990’s, I guess I should comment on a twitter controversy I was involved in. Apparently, if you think an experienced man is more qualified for a job than an inexperienced woman, you’re a misogynistic sexist.
When reading this, keep in mind, the people who were upset about the following, were the same losers crying for Duguay’s job. Also keep in mind, from just a quick browsing, the same people whining about sexism and feminism, are also people that follow multiple female porn stars on twitter. They are also the same people who post emoji’s of their tongue’s hanging out when a female WWE wrestler posts a half naked picture. You can’t make this up!
I’ve talked about this before. At the beginning of last season, Jim Cerny, who has something like 25+ years in his profession of covering hockey, was fired by the Rangers. Amanda Borges, a young good looking blonde, was hired. Keep in mind, Cerny knows hockey and has been covering it for the majority of his adult life. Borges had no hockey experience and didn’t know who any one was.
When I commented that Borges was just another TV hire, meaning that in TV, young and sexy will always get jobs over the old & unattractive, people got mad at me. Does anyone live in reality anymore? This millennial snowflake generation is ruining America and all common sense.
I mean, just watch the news. Who’s on TV? 99% of the newscasters are young and good looking. People don’t want to watch the fat & ugly on TV. That’s why I write blogs and am not on the MSG networks! Older men can get away with being on TV, because like George Clooney, many men look better as they age. Very rarely, do you see an older woman in a big television spot. It’s the nature of the business.
Anyway, Amanda Borges was featured in some article, where she was praised for her ability to get hired. Here’s what I said:
Here is a hint: being a good looking young woman will get an old bastard who knows his stuff, like @JimCerny , replaced every time. Not knocking Amanda, but her knowledge, or lack thereof of #nyr didn’t get her the job. She knows her Jags tho. https://t.co/TiwkBd25M6
— BlueCollarBlueShirts (@NYCTheMiC) February 6, 2018
For starters, let me apologize to Jim Cerny here. He liked my tweet, which set off the Lundswiss bots. For liking my tweet, that means Cerny wants Lundwiss deported too! Keep in mind, Cerny doesn’t even follow me on twitter, so I can’t even DM him to apologize personally! But he’s been demonized by the Lundswiss bots. Even more, Cerny and I have gotten into verbal debates about Lundswiss, where he defends him, yet Cerny is getting bashed by the Lundswiss bots! It’s all out warfare in Rangerstown!
What is also hilarious is that everyone should cater to Borges just because she’s a woman. Apparently it’s wrong for Cerny to be upset about being aged out by the Rangers. If you’re keeping track, ageism is ok with the snowflakes, but you must FAKE OUTRAGE, if there is any chance that you can twist something into being sexist.

Amanda Borges, to her credit, does know the NFL. The NHL, she had no clue. Put it this way, it seems the Rangers wanted old Jimmy boy out, and wanted a sexy fresh face in. That’s the nature of the TV business, which has morphed into the digital age.
Make no mistake – I have no issues with female reporters. I’ve been a huge fan and have raved about the work of Kim Jones. She knows both her baseball and football. I have found her work on WFAN to be impressive too. Suzyn Waldman, for as annoying as she can be (“OOOOOOOH JAAWWWWWWWWWN”) she knows her baseball inside and out too. Suzy Kobler? She knows her NFL. Summer Sanders, one of the pioneers in females covering sports, was great in the 1990’s, when covering the NBA. These are just several names, but these four stand out to me the most, and are on my short list as the best I’ve ever seen/listened to. And you can’t say this is a looks thing, because Waldman looks like Artie Lange.
Oh and I’m sure that Artie Lange comment will get me some crap, but it’s a line Artie’s used in his act. I would tell you to look it up, but stand-up comedy is a no-no for the snowflakes.

Ever since tweeting about the Cerny firing, I got 50/50 feedback. Many agreed with what I said, but I also had the vocal minority, who were furious that I dare suggest a qualified man get the job instead of an unqualified woman. With that same line of thinking, I wonder what doctor these people would choose to perform a life-saving heart surgery on them. A man OR WOMAN cardiologist, with years of experience, or a man or WOMAN dentist? The same line of thinking applies here. If Borges landed with the Giants or Jets, I wouldn’t say a word. She just didn’t have the hockey experience or relationships, that Cerny had.
Borges has grown into her job covering the Rangers, but at the end of the day, I prefer Cerny’s analysis and deeper interviews, than the fluff pieces Borges does. In a world where Donald Trump, after being on this Earth for 70 years, suddenly turned into a sexist, misogynistic, racist, nazi, and KKK card carrying member, it’s always a crime if you say you prefer a man over a woman for a job. SAD!
Oh and in closing on this subject, let me share you some tweets from someone who was over-the-top FAKE OUTRAGED by my opinions on Cerny/Borges:
Here’s another ❄️ fake outrage for Amanda Borges fan. He tweets stuff wishing death on the president, follows porn stars, stalks WWE women & after plugging #BellLetsTalk , harasses people for thinking different than him. But sure tell me how Borges is a better hire than Cerny. pic.twitter.com/6ybG4rcbG7
— BlueCollarBlueShirts (@NYCTheMiC) February 7, 2018
Again – it’s amazing how the people so upset about me preferring Cerny over Borges, have no problem stalking female wrestlers, following porn stars and wishing death on people. Hypocrite much? Oh, and don’t get me started on the DIEHARD FAN, EVER SINCE 2015, who begs Steiner Sports for signed Lundqvist pucks, but cried when people called him a loser about it.
I really can’t believe I have to defend my opinion of preferring Cerny over Borges here. I always try to keep politics out of this blog, because whenever you talk politics, you’re bound to offend 50% of the population, but really, the left is swarming into sports. I may as well go Babe Ruth here, and swing for the fences, as I hit my next topic, before getting into this abysmal game.

This will be one of the few times I talk politics here, but I want you to know where I stand, so when you’re reading this, you know where it’s coming from.
For the majority of my life, I voted Democrat. This election, I voted for Trump, just because I couldn’t stand Hillary & her lies. Trump is also a New Yorker and has always served the unions in NY well. He also happens to be a Rangers fan too! I’m not gonna get any deeper than that.
I have several male gay friends, in the real life, that aren’t really into hockey. I do know I have a small lesbian readership that read this blog. These women are as passionate as any other fan. I don’t even like to put the “lesbian” label on them, because to me, they are just another fan that I bullshit about hockey with. Liking cocks, liking pussies, whatever, at the end of the day, everyone is a Ranger fan and has their opinions. Their opinions on the team is the only thing I care about.
There’s one lesbian reader, in particular (again, I hate to label her like that, because it’s none of my business and I don’t think of her any different than one of my regular straight male readers) whom I really respect and she knows her stuff inside and out. I really enjoy the conversations we have. She is usually dead-on the money with her opinions and oozes passion like acne on one of the basement Lundqvist fans. Just so she doesn’t get trolled by the Lundswiss bots, I’ll leave her name out of it. However, if you’re reading this, I loved the story you told me tonight!
For this section, I just want to put all the facts out there. I also must mention, I’m an atheist and don’t approve of what the Catholic Church does. (Have I offended enough people yet? Ha!)
The NHL is now politicizing the game with their “Hockey is For Everyone” month, in an effort to apparently get homosexuals, whether they be gays or lesbians, interested in the game. Keep in mind, there isn’t one openly gay player in the NHL, nor has there ever been.
This is also the same league, that to promote civil rights or blacks in hockey, rolls out Willy O’Ree once a year and calls it a day. I’m sure you all know Willy O’Ree. But do you know the second black player to play the game? Do you know the third? Furthermore, has the NHL ever told you who the first American black player to play the game was? Of course not. They just show you Willy O’Ree and pat themselves on the back, like Bettman is the second coming of Martin Luther King Jr.

Here’s my deal – I’m pro gay rights, pro gay marriage, the whole 9 yards. My take is that if someone is gay, how does that affect me? It doesn’t. However, if you’re a parent at a game, do you really want to explain to your kids what “gay” is? I mean, I don’t even think I knew what homosexuality was until 6th or 7th grade. I know kids are more ahead of the curve today, because of television, but like talking the birds & the bees, who wants to talk about sex, straight or gay, at a hockey game with their kids?
I just think the NHL should support non-political causes. Supporting the troops? I’m down with that. Hockey Fights Cancer? I support that too. However, if you’re gonna do a month supporting gays, where is the month for the people who have different opinions? As I said above, when you politicize something, you’re going to offend 50% of people.
Where ever you may lie on the subject of homosexuality, it’s no secret – the Bible Belt states aren’t a fan. The NHL has teams in those markets. Why make a big party of homosexuality for no reason?
I know I’m walking a slippery slope here, but it’s not a BCBS blog if I’m not controversial anyway!

Let me expand a bit more here.
From the conversations I’ve had with my gay and lesbian friends, NOT ONE OF THEM, wants any brownie points for being gay. They, like me, believe being born gay is natural. Most of my friends hate the exaggerated gay stuff you see hammed up on TV. Not every gay man speaks with a high pitched voice and walks around with a limp wrist, like a Ross Matthews. Not every lesbian is butch and acts like a man. Don’t let the shit you see on TV fool you.
Oh and an aside, if you can ever move into a neighborhood with a high rate of gays in the population, do it. Your property values will increase. This is a known real estate fact.
Most people watch sports to escape the real-life politics that bury us in real life. You can’t watch TV or read a newspaper without “Trump this” or “Trump that” or “Hillary this” or “Hillary that.” People love the NHL and other sports, because it’s a way to disassociate yourself from real-life, even if it’s only a three hour vacation from the reality of our mundane lives.
Gay people are people. They don’t need to be celebrated or put on a pedestal. They are just normal people, who have jobs, families and are sick of Lundswiss too. They put their pants on, one leg at a time, like anyone else.
Hockey is For Everyone? I’m fine with the message, but trying to make gays as martyrs is something out of the 1990’s. If you really want to make Hockey is For Everyone stick, then lower Ranger ticket prices so real fans can boo this fucking team out of the building.
I am now off my soap box.

4000+ words in and not a peep about tonight’s game. Maybe that tells you what you already know – this game was a massacre. In fact, I broke two self-imposed rules tonight. I never answer/talk on the phone during Ranger games, because I want to hear the broadcast. I broke that rule, because the person I was talking to was light years interesting than the shit I was watching. The second rule, is that I promised to myself, not to drink one of my NYR Molson Canadian beers, until NYR wins three games in a row. That rule was broken tonight. I just can’t wait three years for Igor to get here.
I really don’t want to lament on the game too much, because I know I sound like a broken record already. However, let’s breeze through this, because what is there to say? The team fucking sucks, Lundswiss sucks, and the only hope any Ranger fan has right now, is that they blow this shit up and the young blood pulls a 2017 Yankees & the team makes the playoffs.
As usual, the ESPN.com boxscore:
1st Period Summary |
Time | Team | Scoring Detail | BOS | NYR |
5:00 |
![]() |
Rick Nash (16) Unassisted |
0 | 1 |
7:54 |
![]() |
Riley Nash (8) Assists: David Backes, Danton Heinen |
1 | 1 |
16:09 |
![]() |
Zdeno Chara (5) Assist: Jake DeBrusk |
2 | 1 |
Time | Team | Penalty Detail | ||
2:42 |
![]() |
Adam McQuaid: 5 Minute Major for Fighting | ||
2:42 |
![]() |
Cody McLeod: 5 Minute Major for Fighting | ||
2nd Period Summary |
Time | Team | Scoring Detail | BOS | NYR |
3:47 |
![]() |
Patrice Bergeron (23) Assists: David Pastrnak, Torey Krug |
3 | 1 |
7:25 |
![]() |
Tim Schaller (8) Assists: Matt Grzelcyk, Anton Khudobin |
4 | 1 |
10:00 |
![]() |
Patrice Bergeron (24) (Shorthanded) Assists: Brad Marchand, Zdeno Chara |
5 | 1 |
Time | Team | Penalty Detail | ||
9:31 |
![]() |
Charlie McAvoy: 2 Minutes for Interference | ||
17:55 |
![]() |
J.T. Miller: 2 Minutes for Slashing | ||
3rd Period Summary |
Time | Team | Scoring Detail | BOS | NYR |
6:34 |
![]() |
Sean Kuraly (5) Assists: Austin Czarnik, Matt Grzelcyk |
6 | 1 |
Time | Team | Penalty Detail | ||
0:26 |
![]() |
Jesper Fast: 2 Minutes for Hooking | ||
15:22 |
![]() |
Adam McQuaid: 5 Minute Major for Fighting | ||
15:22 |
![]() |
Cody McLeod: 5 Minute Major for Fighting | ||
15:22 |
![]() |
Adam McQuaid: 2 Minutes for Roughing (Served by David Pastrnak) |
Goaltending Summary

I write these blogs in real-time, which means, I have no plans when I start these blogs. I open up the page and just start typing. I totally forgot to mention how the latest update in how the Rangers are butt-fucking (doesn’t matter if you’re straight or gay on this butt-fuck, it hurts equally) their season ticket holders.
Let’s go to season ticket holder @Scottyhockey. To be fair, I was tagged about this news by 767896789678969 people, but Scotty has all his tweets in a row, so it’s easy for me to grab all at once:
Funny from @nyrangers: “Your opportunity to renew your Season Ticket Membership for the 2018–19 season begins now! The deadline to renew is March 9, 2018. Your passion and energy fuels the Rangers at The Garden and we want you to be there for a new season of RangersTown stories.”
— Scotty Hockey (@ScottyHockey) February 6, 2018
Interesting: new extended 11–month payment plan, first three payments will be based on current 2017–18 prices. Should the price change for the 2018–19 season, you will be notified of the price change in May, and your remaining payments will be adjusted to reflect these changes.
— Scotty Hockey (@ScottyHockey) February 6, 2018
I left out the best part of the Ranger e-mail: ‘Should your pricing change, you will have the opportunity to cancel your Season Ticket and receive a full refund of all payments previously made at the time you receive notice of any price change.’ But they keep the interest …
— Scotty Hockey (@ScottyHockey) February 6, 2018
Do you know what this tells me? The Rangers 100% have no clue, as of right now, if they are going to raise season ticket prices again, for the 8th season straight. Keep in mind, last year’s hike, was the most drastic yet. It is my opinion, that the club is waiting to see if the team makes the playoffs. If they do, they are hiking up the prices. If they don’t, they will give you some bullshit story about how they are keeping the prices the same, FOR YOU, THE WALLET-RAPED FAN!

Going into this game, I predicted three things. All three things would come true. I think this is why my haters get so upset. They know I’m right, but they don’t want me to be right:
We all agree that ONDREJ THE GIANT should start tonight, right?
— BlueCollarBlueShirts (@NYCTheMiC) February 7, 2018
Another back up who will shine https://t.co/VLQGxPpNH3
— BlueCollarBlueShirts (@NYCTheMiC) February 8, 2018
Lundqvist will blow the lead by the ten minute mark #nyr
— BlueCollarBlueShirts (@NYCTheMiC) February 8, 2018
From the “I told you so” department, all available on my twitter account @NYCTHEMIC , I said Pavelec should’ve started, Lundqvist is cold, Khudobin would have a good game, NYR would log 22 shots, Lundqvist would blow a lead within three minutes of gaining a lead and that Boston would hit the over tonight. Everything came true, which made the Lundswiss bots explode.

Unfortunately, this game started with Joe Micheletti, who as usual, was just dreadful tonight. The quick and dirty – he didn’t blame Lundqvist for any of the four goals allowed, didn’t mention that Lundqvist was pulled for the third time in five games (He gave up 4 goals in one game he wasn’t pulled) and was slobbering so much drool, that levees and dams were breaking left and right.
Doc Emrick, channeling his inner Sam Rosen, was making mistakes left and right all night. At one point, he said Phil Esposito wore the number 77 in 1988. I guess making mistakes goes hand-in-hand with the Rangers these days.
Before three minutes expired, Cody McLeod and Andy McQuaid fought. They would fight again, with five minutes left in the third period. Both fights were futile. McLeod should’ve been cut after the Nashville loss. Too little too late. Even more SAD, McLeod lost both fights. I’m sorry, there’s no reason for McLeod on this team when Tanner Glass is dicking around in the minors. I don’t care what you say, Glass would not sit there after three of his teammates got concussions. McLeod is past his expiration date. Get him the fuck out of here.
In the lone NYR highlight, Rick Nash put the Rangers on the board first, with a great move and shot, five minutes into the first period. 1-0 good guys. Cue the “Nash just increased his trade value” chatter. All one has to do is look at his playoff production, and that trade value sinks. I’m not saying Nash wouldn’t be a good pick up for anyone, but as talked about above, giving up a real King’s ransom (As opposed to fake King Lundqvist) would be absurd.
The Rangers, who actually looked good to start the period, would get off a lot of high quality shots. However, Anton Khudobin, Boston’s back-up goalie, was on his game and was much better than the inferior highest paid goalie in the league.
The Rangers had multiple opportunities to push this game to 2-0, 3-0, or 4-0, but whether it was three missed shots, at the 8:34 mark of the first period or Kampfer finding iron, they just couldn’t score. Without those goals, they didn’t put Boston on their heels or in chase mode. Instead, Boston did what every other playoff team in this league does, and that’s to expose the fraud known as Henrik Lundswiss.

It only took Lundswiss three minutes to blow the lead. Check it out:
Riley Nash is left all alone in front to tie things up for the #Bruins. pic.twitter.com/dMZyrRfXcu
— Sportsnet (@Sportsnet) February 8, 2018
I don’t know where Lundswiss was going here, maybe to the Delta Club? Sure, the defense was atrocious here, but Lundswiss was way out of position. 1-1.
Zdeno Chara, the Bruins captain, and with only four goals all year, decided to expose Lundswiss too. At the 16 minute mark, the Boston HOFer beat the NYR HOFer:
BIG ZEE! Zdeno Chara with an absolute snipe 👀 #NHLBruins pic.twitter.com/PxDC2C1WJd
— Binge Sports (@BingeSports) February 8, 2018
That’s a goal that is saved 99.9% of the time around the league and something the highest paid goaltender should have. Unfortunately, as usual, after playing well for a bit, Lundswiss is in his usual mid-winter slide. More unfortunately, the Rangers have Ondrej Pavelec and not Cam Talbot or Antti Raanta to rely on. 2-1 bad guys.
What pissed me off some, was Lundswiss screaming at his teammates after the first goal allowed. Did the defense shit the bed there? YES. I’m not denying that. Did Lundswiss shit the bed on the next two goals? Yes. Was he humiliated on the third and final goal allowed? YES. I would just love to see one of his teammates rip him apart, on ice, after a bad goal. After all, it’s ok for the egomaniac to do it to anyone he sees fit.
2-1 after twenty mintues, in one of those games where NYR left too many goals on ice.

The second period would feature Lundswiss taking his throne on the bench. Let’s take a look:
BERGY! Patrice Bergeron with a wrist shot 5-hole that squeaks by Lundqvist #NHLBruins pic.twitter.com/sEmFVwt9u8
— Binge Sports (@BingeSports) February 8, 2018
3-1. How regal.
Oh My…Tim Schaller… so filthy. #NHLBruins pic.twitter.com/1VpDb69fiZ
— Forward Mile NHL (@ForwardMileNHL) February 8, 2018
4-1, with more than half the game remaining, courtesy of fourth liner Tim Schaller. Game over.
I thought Pavelec should’ve started. He didn’t. I thought Pavelec should’ve came in after the second goal. He didn’t. For sure, I thought Pavelec would come in after the third goal. Instead, AV chewed that gum like it owed him money. As usual, it took AV to watch Lundswiss give up four goals, before letting Pavelec play mop-up duty, like a relief pitcher, in a 10-1 baseball game in the third inning. I could cry.
Not going to lie, at this point in the game, I was checked out. And it’s not like the Rangers didn’t come out to play either. They had a good first period. They just couldn’t score and Lundqvist was terrible. It was just all downhill after the first.

With the game over, Pavelec hopped the boards and entered the game. While he made a few good saves, he couldn’t fend off the Bruins either. Bergeron embrassed Pavelec minutes upon Pavelec’s entrance into the game, on a short-handed goal, nonetheless, to make the game 5-1. Sean Kuraly, in the third period, would make the game 6-1, squeaking one by Pavelec’s five hole. I was just hoping for the Rangers to take a knee and run the clock out. There really isn’t much more to say. 6-1 Bruins.

Where do you go from here? Do you take Valiquette out of the MSG studios and put him into these games? Better yet, when the Rangers slight Frank Boucher, and retire Jean Ratelle’s #19 before Boucher’s #7, should they see if Ratelle has any interest in lacing them up?
My take: as much as I didn’t want to see it happen, the rebuild is going to happen now, when it should’ve happened last summer.
You all know that I’ve been drinking the Russian vodka and singing the praises of CZAR IGOR. However, he can’t be brought here this season. He could be bought out in the summer, but that seems like light years away.
What would I do, come Friday, against Calgary? Easy. Call up this man:

Whether it’s sending Pavelec down a game or what, I don’t care, because let’s be honest – Ondrej Pavelec is not part of any Rangers rebuild.
Lundswiss is a mess right now. Alexander Georgiev is playing lights out hockey in the AHL, for the Hartford Wolfpack. Can you really tell me why he doesn’t deserve a shot? Let’s see what he has.
Listen, this team is having one of those years. They never replaced Stepan. The team is decimated by injuries. Like a young arm killing it in Triple A ball, why not give Georgiev a chance? Let’s see what he has.
And yes, I know goaltending was strong for most of this season, but it’s time to see what’s in the system. I still don’t get why Nieves and Pionk are fucking around in Hartford. It’s time to try these guys out, full-time, on the NHL ice. I can understand keeping Chytil and Andersson down, because you don’t want to burn their rookie year now. But for everyone else in the system? Let’s see what they got, before you retool over the summer.

This is the part of the blog where I usually give you the standings. However, what’s the point? Maybe I’ll include them again when the Rangers are either close to a lottery pick or close to a playoff spot.
Up next are the Flames of Calgary, on Friday night, at M$G. I’m going to this game, as like many, I bought these tickets way in advance, to see Jagr and Glass. Of course, both of those players have since been cut. Now I’m just rooting for Georgiev to be called up.
No team makes the playoffs forever, and I’m accepting that reality with this team. I’m in it for the long haul.
As you know, I have a 4:30am clock every morning. I plan on attending this game, getting a hotel in NYC, then going to work on Saturday. If possible, I’ll do a blog after the game from my hotel room. If not, I’ll be back on Sunday to look at the Jets game.
Misery loves company folks, so thanks for reading. I hope to hear your feedback at:
Sean McCaffrey
@NYCTHEMIC on the tweet tweet
It’s Flukeqvist show to the bitter end, you know that, why do you think a non-threat like Pavlec was brought in after Talbot who would have won the cup if not for Mr 2-1 or lose. He had the season of his life this year unlike all those other years the backups saved the season, now all the long breaks and tired teams sent to Chase Garden can’t even hide the problem Flukeqvist is.
Safe is death was fired because Flukeqvist wanted him gone, same as this coach got handed the Renney trap playbook and was told it’s Flukeqvist way or no way at all which is why Nash became a shot blocking goalie like everyone they sign. Dan Boyle fought it, Shattenkirk hates it so Dolan’s media toadies or who’s left after Brooks (Zipay quit Dolan’s Rag newsday) will supply the Flukeqvist propaganda to protect him and blame everyone else.m
Knicks corporate fans carry that building, Dolan’s tax exemption and his Belmont arena from Cuomo with ESD pay the bills or the tax exemption would go away and so would that dump.
Raanta were better and Biron was retired after one game. And Andrea Greenberg is Dolan’s latest gm for Msg, she decides the hockey decisions for on-air, she likely had a role in Cerney’s departure who was nothing but a Dolan stooge like Chris Botta who Dolan fired as director of communications after his 2 year reward job for pounding NYI everywhere he could pass expired in 2016.
And NWHL spokesman Botta wrote the release about Duguay but kept his name off it, he needs Dolan’s reference.
Your comments are right on the money, I really enjoy your opinions and writing style! The fake outrage for Duguay was disgusting. I’m not too familair with Greenberg, have to look her up.
As usual I agree with you and enjoy reading the blog. But I’ve come to the realization that the Rangers have been, are currently and will continue to be hampered by the Curse of Joe Micheletti and will continue to faulter until he gets his pie hole spayed.
Nuf Ced.
so happy for my NHL TV scrip. turned this mess off at 4-1. don’t even remember which game i switched to, anything but “just another team” rangers.
and the last time someone got in King Pissypants’ face on the ice, they wound up in the arizona desert howling with the coyotes
and now comes the tear down. bets that pissypants will still be here? who the fuck would take him and that contract?
I can’t believe these idiots will continue to build around this guy and the media doesn’t even bat an eye.