NYR/SEA 11/17 Review: KRACKED! Rangers Can’t Find Fix in a Krakhouse; Find a New Way To Lose Instead, Moldy Bread, Pissed Points = Pissed-Off Igor, Jekyll & Hyde Resigned Rangers, S.O.S., No Surprises, Turk; Eye-Popping Quotes, M$GN & More

CZAR IGOR’s physical frustrations following the Rangers’ 3-2 overtime loss to the Seattle Kraken were caught on-air by the M$GN cameras. (Full video below.) And after this putrid display of hockey – who can blame the 2022 Vezina Trophy winner?

Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on BlueCollarBlueShirts.com. Are you surprised?

Seriously, following another night where the Jekyll & Hyde Rangers decided to piss another point away in the standings – I ask you again – are you surprised?

Heck, I basically predicted the final outcome of this game on this site following the paper-win over Arizona.

For the Rangers, it’s the same old shit – win one, lose one and then come the post-game interviews – repeat yourself as often as Sieve Vagistat says “east-west passing” during his worthless M$GN segments.

After all, with eighteen games now complete – how many times have you heard the Rangers say some iteration of the following:

— We have to trust and believe in ourselves.

— We’re doing the little things right, we have to stick with what we are doing.

— We played well for the majority of the game.

— The other goalie had a great game, we have to tip our cap to him.

And you get the rest.

If the 2021-22 season mantra was “One Game at a Time;” then a season later, this 2022-23 campaign is already becoming known as “Jekyll & Hyde.” You never know what version of the Rangers will show up on any given night – but you do know that they won’t win two games in a row. And if a bad team needs an out and/or a player that you never heard of before is due for a career game – then the Rangers may as well have the words “WELCOME MAT” sewn on their jerseys. They’ve been walked on all season – scratch that – STOMPED ON – and I take no joy in saying this.

If you didn’t read Sunday’s game review, then you can find that link located below in the PLUGS segment.

Long story short; following that win over the Coyotes, I said that I couldn’t get excited about it because of the putrid loss to Nashville from 24 hours prior.

(And you know it’s getting bad when you have more “worst loss of the season” candidates, rather than “best win of the season” contenders.)

More importantly, I also said that it wouldn’t surprise me if the Rangers had a 3-1 stinker against the Krakheads.

I was half-right, as Seattle did score three goals and won tonight.

What I got wrong was that the Rangers just tickled your balls a bit with a late third period goal, before losing another game in overtime (1-3-1 in OT this season). Throw a parade – they received the loser’s point tonight!


While I’ll provide more details of this match during the GAME REVIEW; for the fans who favored sleep over hockey on Thursday night, here’s your quick-and-dirty:

— The Rangers failed to play for sixty minutes – again.

— The Rangers were carried by CZAR IGOR – again.

— Artemi Panarin, who is as moldy as rye bread from your last St. Patrick’s Day corned beef sandwich, didn’t pick up a point, now for the third game in a row. He also didn’t register a shot on goal for the second consecutive game either. However if you bet the -7856757675675 over on wild-and-crazy passes to nowhere – then #10 put some money in your pocket tonight.

— The lowest-paid players on the team were once again the best skaters on Thursday night, including Jimmy Vesey and Julien Gauthier – two players that no one had making this roster at the start of the preseason.

That’s great for them. That’s not great for everyone else, where I must bust out the “FAT CATS” nickname again.

The only saving grace in Rangerstown, USA right now? The current states of the two Pennsylvanian hockey teams:

After a hot start in Philly, and a lowly start in Pittsburgh; the Rangers continue to maintain their fourth-place standing in the Metro Division – despite pissing away points like an old-man with a busted prostate. Photo Credit: ESPN.com

Yes, the red-hot Devils, winners of their last eleven games, are playing incredible hockey right now. However, they “only” have an eight-point lead over the Rangers for first-place in the Metro.

When you really think about it – had the Rangers shown a pulse – they’d have that distinction instead – and easily so at that.

Again, and I know I keep bringing this up because I can’t let these losses go (and how prophetic did my Rangers/San Jose blog turn out to be – UGH!); the Rangers have recently pissed away points to the Sharks, Blue Jackets, Islanders (blew a two-goal lead), the Predators and now the Kraken.

Win those five games (as they should have), and as last year’s team would have done – the Rangers would be in first-place.

But, as the story goes – “coulda, woulda, shoulda.”

What’s done is done.

Another old cliche? What Bill Parcells made famous – You are what your record says you are.”

The Rangers, brass tacks (screw the loser’s point), have eight wins and ten losses. I don’t think I have to spell it out for you – they haven’t been very good, hence their losing record.

It’s 1:30AM as I start this blog, so I need to get this done ASAP so I can get some sleep tonight (especially after working 4AM-6PM today – but I did sneak in a pregame power-nap once returned home); but we can save all of  the season-long judgments, breakdowns, evaluations and all of that other happy stuff once I do my annual “Quarter-Pole Progress Report” – which maybe I’ll do this Sunday or Monday.

I just bring this up, because immediately following this game, I started to get feedback from you guys and gals – “Fire Gallant,” “Player X sucks,” “Player Y needs to be traded,” “Player Z needs his ice time cut,” and so on and so forth.

Again, I’ll do a deeper dive on all of this next week.

Let’s blow through the pregame news and then get into the Rangers’ latest fiasco on ice.

Vitali Kravtsov, to no one’s surprise, missed his third consecutive game on Thursday night, ever since the news of his poo-poo and teeth issues first broke following the win over Detroit.

As talked about last blog (Tuesday), Kravtsov, following his bouts with his miserable molars and explosive diarrhea, is now cleared. However, he didn’t play tonight – and I’m fine with that.

After all, I posted this on Twitter on Wednesday, where no joke, some people thought this was actually true, because of how pathetic Kravtsov has become:

And let’s be fair (and this is something I’ll get into when I do that previously mentioned progress report) – Kravtsov isn’t the only disappointing Ranger on this team. He’s just the one that burnt the team twice – hence the extra vitriol. Oh – and Twitter (which despite contrary to popular belief – I don’t think is going anywhere), later deleted this tweet, since I didn’t mark it as a “PARODY.” You can’t make this up! Also not made up? There’s a Hall of Famer who reads this site, who doesn’t follow the Rangers’ day-to-day news – outside of what I write. When he heard about Kravtsov missing three games because of “teeth issues” – well let’s just say that I can’t reprint his reaction here. After all – I don’t use the “f-bomb” on this site!

Following their Tuesday flight to Seattle; on Wednesday, the Rangers practiced at the Krakhouse, where nothing of note really took place, outside of “The Turk” praising Schneider.

Similar to a Sam Rosen reverse-jinx; perhaps the head coach vexed his youngest player, as Schneider (and his partner, Libor Hajek, too), then went out and had his worst game of the season.

To be clear – I’m not slamming Schneider at all. He’s been great, which is why this game was out of the norm for him tonight.

On Thursday afternoon, prior to tonight’s game, Gallant held his daily “TURK TALK.” Here it is:

Again, with the Rangers idle for the past three days – there wasn’t anything to come out of this – aside from the fact that the head coach said he’d be deploying the same line-up from Sunday night.

Here was Thursday night’s line up:

FIRST LINE: Kreider/Zibanejad/Vesey

SECOND LINE: Panarin/Trocheck/Goodrow

THIRD LINE: Lafreniere/Chytil/Kakko

FOURTH LINE: Blais/Carpenter/Gauthier

FIRST PAIR: Lindgren/Fox

SECOND PAIR: Miller/Trouba

THIRD PAIR: Hajek/Schneider




The following graphics and information come from ESPN.com:





30 2 28 .933 22 5 1 0 0 63:39 0


32 3 29 .906 26 3 0 0 0 62:45 0

I don’t know this for sure, but with three more late night games ahead – I doubt we’ll see Henrik Lundqvist back on the M$GN until after Thanksgiving. (And what moron scheduled the Rangers to play on Thanksgiving Eve at 10:00PM EST? I’m sure that went over well with the team – especially for the players and coaches with young families. Also of note – the Rangers won’t be playing their traditional Black Friday matinee game this season either. The schedule-makers have been absolutely horrid this season, and for the reasons as previously described on this website.)

Following my nap, I turned on the M$GN at 9:30PM. Once I saw that Sieve Vagistat was there by himself, that was it for me. I turned on the NHL Network instead, just so I could get the night’s scores and highlights.

However, you loyal readers told me that I missed nothing, aside from just like the Rangers – the same old shit, you know, the following:

— Vagistat talked about his meaningless career, again.

— Vagistat brought up east-west passing like it was a new concept, again.

— Vagisat plugged his pissant ANALytic company, again.

And you get the rest. Enough about this seven food turd.

To switch gears and to be serious for a second, my best wishes to Joe Micheletti and his family.

On Thursday night, during the game, Micheletti’s nephew, Alex Micheletti, took part of a Twitter thread that I’m involved in:

The best to Joe’s brother, Don Micheletti

Despite his brother in a hospital fighting cancer (FWIW – Joe successfully beat cancer himself – and hopefully Don can do the same); Micheletti is on the Rangers’ four-game road-trip, where again – precedes Thanksgiving.

And some players can’t even play with a cavity in one of their teeth.

While I’m sure there’s nothing Joe can do right now, outside of lending support (he’s not a doctor); it has to be tough for him. It also tells me that he loves his job – you’d never know from tonight’s game that he has a serious issue going on in his life.

Again – good luck to Don Micheletti and the Micheletti family.

As far as anything from the Sam & Joe pregame segment, I chuckled when Rosen said, “Panarin drives the Rangers’ offense.”

These days, Panarin is driving like Igor Shestyorkin and Pavel Buchnevich in Brighton Beach.

To me, it’s Adam Fox who is driving this offense.

After being told that tonight’s goalie match-up was CZAR IGOR vs Martin Jones, you know, the same Jones who was absolutely horrendous last year; the game began, where yep – another struggling goalie was soon made to become the second coming of Patrick Roy.

Ugh, let’s try to make this game review as painless as possible.

This was the picture I made last season, following my trip to Seattle, where CZAR IGOR carried the Rangers to victory. He carried them again tonight, but his passengers seemed decidedly uninterested, as if they were sitting in the back-seat of an UBER XL.


Say it with me, even for as redundant as it now is – “it wasn’t all bad…”

Jimmy Vesey, you know, the guy on the $750,000 contract, made his mark immediately felt, when he made a play at the 55 second mark to keep the Rangers’ first attack of the game alive. Lindgren then shot at the side of Jones’ net.

At the 90 second mark, Trouba took the Rangers first SOG of the contest.

In other words, we didn’t have to wait until the 12:30 mark, for this rare feat to happen, as we had to on Sunday.

In an interesting camera shot, the M$GN caught a couple, who looked like dead-ringers for a “Flock of Seagulls” cover band, sitting behind the Seattle bench. I don’t know why I found this so amusing – but I did.

In what would become a trend during the middle frame; at the 2:30 mark, CZAR IGOR made his first breakaway save of the match, when he stopped McCann at the 2:30 mark. Rosen immediately brought up McCann’s successful stats against #31 in Rangers’ white, as the Hall of Fame announcer did his best to “reverse curse” our team again.

And as usual – Rosen was successful – again.

Just fifteen seconds later, Will Borgen took a shot from the point, McCann, while next to Trouba, deftly backhanded the puck from near the left circle, and boom, 1-0, bad guys, just like that, at the 2:45 mark.

So much for my daily 4-0 bet – but hey – Rosen strikes again!

Following the goal, Julien Gauthier drew his first of two penalties tonight (don’t let that be forgotten – he may not be lighting lamps but he’s giving his team chances to do so), when Morgan Geekie hooked him at the 3:23 mark.

The Rangers’ PP1 unit basically controlled the puck for the entire two minutes here, but rarely challenged Jones. In other words – an easy kill for the Krakheads.

Come the first TV timeout, the Rangers were out-shooting the home-team by a tally of 7-2 – but again, in another all-too-familiar story – the Blueshirts had issues with the main objective of the game – scoring Father Finkin’ goals.

After Jones made a few saves on Mika, CZAR IGOR, who must be sick of watching this team at even-strength; the 2022 Vezina winner made one of his patented home-run passes, this time to Panarin. I thought Panarin was hugged a bit too much here by Borgen (but not with the same force of a Kreider-to-Zibanejad hug), but the officials said “play on” – probably the correct “no-call.”

One thing is evident, and all over Rangers’ social media, you’ll hear all about this – the third line, the Kids line, the first-round draft pick line or whatever you want to call it; Lafreniere/Chytil/Kakko, collectively, they all had their worst game of the season while together yet.

There is something to the rumblings and grumblings that are out there – where are the points?

To be crystal-clear with you, I’m not knocking them – but you can’t ignore the facts either.

Also a fact? This trio were absolutely eaten alive by Matty Beniers’ line all game.

With four first-round picks on the ice, including a first and second overall for the road team; it was Beniers, a second-overall pick himself (2021), who just dominated and made ghosts out of 13, 72 and 24.

Following what felt like another never-ending Kraken odd-man rush, this time of the 4 x 2 variety; Igor, as he did all game, stopped Burakovsky on this try.

After the save, we then had the M$GN #CadillacTrivia question, where we were tasked to answer, “name the Ranger who led the team in goals and points during the Rangers’ inaugural season?”

I’ll leave Micheletti alone, considering everything he’s going through right now – but yep – he had no clue who Bill Cook was.

If you’ve read any of my books – then you would’ve nailed this gimmie question as I did.

I’ll save you from another 9786786678967896789696-word rant on this subject (as Jim Schmeideberg, of “The BSU Show,” expects out of me) – but yep – this is why Bill Cook’s #5, along with a slew of other legendary Rangers (you know – the ones that actually won Stanley Cups and are in the Hall of Fame – AS RANGERS), should have banners in the rafters of Madison $quare Garden.

And yep – you can find out more about this in tonight’s PLUGS segment.

With 5:57 remaining, and as you wondered if the Rangers would ever score; Tanev hooked Goodrow.

Despite Larsson breaking his stick; the Rangers’ power-play couldn’t make the Kraken PK pay – at least not during their first attempt. The second attempt was much better, as with 5:02 to go, the Rangers tied the game:

On this goal, Trocheck, devoid of much luck these days (this somewhat changed tonight), had a puck bounce to him on a broken play. He soccer kicked the rubber to Kreider, and CK20 dished the puck along the crease to his BFF. The end result – an easy PPG for Zibanejad, as #93 had all day to score on Jones’ vacated net.


I predicted this during my last blog, but I do believe that we saw some of the following tonight – with three days off, a healthier and better version of Jacob Trouba was on the ice tonight.

Known as a big-time hitter (ask Sidney Crosby); we haven’t seen any of those “TROO TROO TRAIN” hits lately.

While we didn’t see them tonight either – we did see two mini “TROO TROO TRAIN” hits, including one on McCann with 4:00 to go.

Trouba, along with Blais, finished with a team-high four hits tonight.

Perhaps somewhat eye-brow raising and/or alarming, only Fox (1) and Hajek (1) recorded hits for the Rangers’ defense in this game – a game where the Rangers largely chased the Kraken around like chickens with their heads chopped off.

Following two more robbery saves for #31, we reached the conclusion of the period.

Here’s what I said at the time:

The second period was the CZAR IGOR Show.


This period flat-out sucked, aside from CZAR IGOR and the Rangers’ penalty kill.

It’s getting late, so let’s bullet-point this dreadful twenty minutes of Rangers’ hockey:

— If I had the bandwidth on this site, and/or permission to rebroadcast this game with legal consent of the NHL – I’d just post this entire period. This was CZAR IGOR standing on his head for twenty minutes.

— The Rangers were out-shot 16-5. You know that I don’t do the ANALytic junk on this site, but of those sixteen saves that #31 made – I’d reckon that 15 of them were of the HIGH DANGER variety. (Just don’t send me Vagistat’s next day “Monday Morning Quarterback” charts on Friday – I don’t care!)

— No joke, Igor made five extremely difficult saves in just the first four minutes alone. He also got some luck too, when Beniers hit a post, following a terrible Hajek turnover.

— And I guess this is the time to say it – I’d expect Zac Jones in the line-up on Saturday night. Hajek played himself out of the line-up tonight.

— As the Rangers looked like shit, CZAR IGOR was “the shit,” including when he absolutely robbed Sprong on three occasions, including when #31 made a breakaway save at just the 3:20 mark:

— The Rangers took three penalties this period. To be fair, while Igor is the story; the Rangers’ PK also held up their own end.

— Panarin, absolutely a shit sandwich these days, took his eighth offensive zone penalty of the season.

— Kreider hit a post, where if you play this game – then canceled out Beniers’ iron job.

— Again, Igor, Igor, Igor, where had the Rangers won this game – tonight’s blog header photo would’ve been the goaltender with a ski mask on inside of a Krakhouse (man, I’m killing that pun tonight!)

— Instead, the Rangers sucked and the lead was Igor’s act of frustration following the loss.

— Sprong hit a post, as he tried to pin-point the Rangers’ netminder, after being routinely robbed all game.

— Trocheck had “Gauthieritis,” and went wide on a breakaway. Kakko got close to Jones too, but as is often the case – couldn’t lift the puck for an easy goal. #24 also enjoys making the extra fancy move/deke whenever in these situations and it rarely works out for the Finn.

— One last time to sum up this period – IGOR.

1-1 after two periods, where the Kraken easily could’ve had a five-spot on the board.

Here’s what I said at the time:

I hate to sound so down on Panarin lately – but I can only work with the material that I’m given. As observed a few blogs back – either Panarin picks up multi-point games in blowouts or doesn’t score (or put a SOG either) at all. Photo Credit: NYR


Right before the final frame began, Rosen said, “this has been a good game.”

I have no clue what he was watching. Then again, he also referred to the second period as “the second inning.”


At one point, I was fooled again and thought that the Rangers might steal this win. What a sucker.

After Jones stopped both Trouba and Goodrow at the 1:09 mark; Panarin stayed on the ice for over two minutes and accomplished nothing.

As Rosen excitedly recapped the saga of Vince Dunn and Sammy Blais’ friendship (“OH JOE, THEY PLAYED GRAND THEFT AUTO TOGETHER JOE” – okay, he didn’t really say that, but you get the point); Trouba, admittedly accidentally, blocked a shot with his skate – a shot that would’ve been 2-1, Kraken.

With 12:57 remaining, Carson Soucy blatantly elbowed Fox in the face. Not one Ranger retaliated. I thought that was telling.

The Rangers’ power-play did nothing here, except establish zone time. However, this game is about scoring goals – and not about having nice time of possession stats.

Now with the momentum on their side following their successful kill; with 10:33 to go, Justin Schultz, who I never heard of before (I’m joking/exaggerating to make a point – I am fully aware of his exploits with the Penguins), and a depth-defenseman who is now also obviously the Bobby Orr of today’s generation, scored. 2-1, bad guys. This was the end result of another broken play.

Following the face-off at center ice – Jordan Eberle almost scored. Hell of a job to allow that shot to take place.

As Igor continued to excel while the bread just smelled; with 7:19 to go, Mika went to the box after tripping Burakovsky. This meant that down by one, the Rangers would be without their best penalty killer (sans Igor).

This was the best Kraken power-play yet – which doesn’t say much – but it does tell you how valuable Zibanejad is.

Right away, Beniers hit iron (crossbar) for the second time.

Igor kept the Rangers alive, and continued to keep this as a one-goal game.

The turning point, albeit temporarily, was when with 2:56 remaining, Soucy took his second dumbass penalty of the game, this time for hooking Gauthier.

This meant that the Rangers could pull Igor with about a minute or so into the power-play for the extra attacker, thus giving them a 6 x 4 attack.

They wouldn’t need to.

After horrendous puck luck for the better part of the past three weeks – Trocheck finally got a break with 1:54 left on the clock – and right before you presumably thought that Igor would take a seat:

2-2, in what would essentially become a “Blueshirts’ Blue Balls Goal” – even if it did earn the team a point in the standings.

However, I go back to Parcells and the Rangers’ current record.

The Rangers, hellbent on driving CZAR IGOR to a mental ward; then allowed the Kraken to pepper their goalie with thirty ticks remaining. Once again, #31 stood tall.

Tied at 2-all after regulation.

Here’s what I said at the time:

In one of my tired expressions – while it’s good for Jimmy Vesey that he was the most noticeable skater tonight – that’s not good for the team themselves.


The Rangers looked like crap, sans Trouba and Vesey making defensive plays.

As “young Rangers’ Twitter” were getting hot in the pants about the “Kids Line” & Miller not playing; 72 & 79 finally came on and this happened:

3-2, bad guys, as Schultz scored his second goal of the game. (And his third of the season – so hey – the Rangers didn’t allow him his first goal of the season – just the third-pair defenseman’s first OT GWG of the season – what progress!)

Chytil looked lost, Panarin just watched as if he were a “Peeping Tom,” and K’Andre Miller, who was actually better than usual tonight, couldn’t do anything.


And what an asshole I am.

I thought that the Rangers could really rip off six wins in a row after beating Detroit – especially considering the lowly competition – even if this is an “Any Given Sunday” league.

They’re now 1-1-1 (1-2 in reality) since that horrendous bold prediction (or should I say – hopeful dream).

I now envision the Rangers beating San Jose on Saturday, pumping their chests – and then getting spanked by Los Angeles 6-1 on Tuesday.

As I said at the top of this blog – would any of that surprise you?

I remain loyal, even if the “FIRE GALLANT”/”HIRE TROTZ” stuff is all over Rangerstown, USA

Just a few closing thoughts:

You can check the Rangers’ YouTube page for all of the post-game interviews – where as mentioned, it was the same old shit. However, three things caught my watchful eye:

One – Gallant said the phrase “I do not know,” when talking about his team’s woeful second period performance. This is now the third time this season that Gallant has used that phrase.

As you may suspect – that’s not good.

I wouldn’t say he’s losing his team (and to be upfront – 99.9% of the time – I blame the players – and not the coaches), but if he doesn’t know – who does?

Two – When you filter out the “same old shit” quotes from the players; do you know what vibe/tone that I’m feeling? Everyone is accepting of losing, where it feels that whenever in these close games – the team just resigns to the fact that their fate is inevitable, as if they were Adrian talking to Mr. Rocky Balboa – “YOU CAN’T WIN!”

Three – Despite everything I’ve ever said about Henrik Lundqvist’s contract (and I was right about everything I ever said about it – the evidence is all there and what I predicted became true – but no need to rehash all of that) – win-or-lose, #30 was always available for post-game interviews.

It didn’t matter if Lundqvist had a shutout or gave up six goals – he was always there for the press.

In other words – when was the last time CZAR IGOR spoke to the media after a loss?

While I’m not blaming Igor for this loss (the complete opposite – they don’t get a point tonight without him), you’d figure someone would want to ask him about this:

And if that was Kravtsov elbowing a door, then he would be out for the next three months. (I still was able to get one last knock in at #74 – “By George – I think he’s got it!”)

I need to go to bed. I may be delirious due to the lack of sleep and anger!

However, before doing so, I’ll be appearing on a podcast hosted by Rangers’ historian, George Grimm, on Friday night at 7PM. I think he airs these shows live on his Facebook page (so friend him if you haven’t already), but I do know that he uploads the shows to YouTube once done.

I’ll have that link for you Saturday night – where we will be talking about my new books, which brings us to…


On Tuesday, November 15th, our buddies at “2 Guys 1 Cup” returned with a new episode. To check it out, click the link below:


The hardcover version of my first book, available now at Amazon.com

My first plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden.”

As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link:


For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have a few signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that:

Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today

My four-volume set of books, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is a game-by-game recount of the Rangers 2021-22 campaign.

My second title as an author, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is now available in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.

To obtain signed copies, visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/onegamebook/

To purchase all four volumes on Amazon, visit: Amazon.com – “One Game at a Time.”

The greatest volume-set of books on Rangers’ history today!

“Tricks of the Trade – A Century-Long Journey Through Every Trade Made In New York Rangers’ History,” a four-volume set of books that meticulously covers every trade made in franchise history, is now on sale.

All four volumes of the title can be purchased on Amazon.com and are presented in three different formats – eBook, paperback and hardcover.

To purchase Volume I: Conn Smythe (1926) – Craig Patrick (1986), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume II: Phil Esposito (1986) – Neil Smith (2000), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume III: Glen Sather (2000-2015), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume IV: Jeff Gorton (2015) – Chris Drury (2022), visit Amazon.com

To purchase signed copies of all four volumes, visit https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/

Here are my last few blogs, in case you missed them:

Rangers Get “Kraken” For Seattle (Har-Har-Har); Turk Talks Team, Kravtsov Back (Yawn), Jack Campbell’s Struggles All-Too-Familiar Story for Oilers (And Connor McDavid Too), NHL Rookie Watch; Grades For The Top Six & More

NYR/ARI 11/13 Review: Dr. Gallant & Mr. Turk’s Rangers Revert to 2021-22; Defy “ANALytics” Again; CZAR IGOR’s Best Game Yet, Ugly Win Staves Off Panic For One Day; Tough to Get Excited, Kravtsov & His Miserable Molars Tries to Infect Team, M$GN & More

NYR/NSH 11/12 Review: POWER OUTAGE! Power-Play Goes 0-5; Rangers Lose To Another Bottom-Feeder, The “NashVegas Flu;” Kravtsov Remains The Ultimate Wuss, FB Jail, Black-And-Blueshirts’ Bruised, Henrik Lundqvist & “First Ballot Hall of Famers” & More

If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog for the next update:

Now on sale!

Don’t forget to order my new four-volume set of books, “Tricks of the Trade!”

If you don’t order through me, all four volumes are now available on Amazon.com

For more details, check out: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/

Thanks for reading.


Sean McCaffrey


@NYCTHEMIC on the Tweeter machine

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2 thoughts on “NYR/SEA 11/17 Review: KRACKED! Rangers Can’t Find Fix in a Krakhouse; Find a New Way To Lose Instead, Moldy Bread, Pissed Points = Pissed-Off Igor, Jekyll & Hyde Resigned Rangers, S.O.S., No Surprises, Turk; Eye-Popping Quotes, M$GN & More

  1. Miller has regressed. Had the hope he was going to become an offensive force such you could overlook his lack of physicality i/f/o his own net. Hang you hat on one or 2 Bitetto-like end to end goals, but doesn’t look like he will ever get to say 20 goals/30 assists PP point that would make his defensive deficiences tolerable. Hasn’t been as nonphysical defenseman on this team standing 6’6″ since Willie Huber.

    Don’t understand the lack of urgency to shoot the puck and get bodies in front of the net. Teams have seen this PP on tape; if you want to pass around the perimeter all night looking for the perfect shot, knock yourselves out. But one of those passes is gonna go awry or get defensed. Same thing with cycling; all fine and good to battle on the baords, but the point is getting a shot on net, not cycling. And collectively this team doesn’t appear to get that at all.

    1. The Willie Huber comparisons will always remain – and I agree with you.

      What’s up with Panarin refusing to the puck?

      I’m nervous about this team. I think they’ll earn a playoff spot – but not confident in them going far – right now.

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