NYR/WSH R1G4 4/28 Review: HOW SWEEP IT IS! BEST IN THE WORLD BLUESHIRTS Take Care of Caps; Four Down/Twelve To Go, Trocheck = Series MVP, Team-Wide Contributions, Laviolette’s Winning Ways, Rempe & Co. Don’t Take Wilson’s Bait; Ovi’s Big Zero, Panarin & Mika Redemption – But The Story Must Continue, Looking Ahead To Round Two; Canes or Isles? See Ya M$GN; Go To Hell Sieve Vagistat & More

While of course, every resident of Rangerstown, USA should be celebrating in the streets following the BEST IN THE WORLD BLUESHIRTS’ 4-2 Game 4 victory from Sunday night in D.C. – but what shouldn’t be forgotten is that for “Lavy’s Lot” – this is what they were supposed to do – and the mission at hand is only twenty-five percent complete. That said, what a time to be alive! And how about Vincent Trocheck, who in my opinion, was the series MVP. Not only did he lead all skaters in goals (3) and points (6), but he also leaves the first-round as the best center at the circles of these 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs too! Furthermore? His strong work on the Rangers’ immaculate penalty kill was completely impeccable.

Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on BlueCollarBlueShirts.com. Four down, twelve to go – and now following Sunday night’s sweep in the nation’s capital – 1 series down, three to go!

Off puck drop, I apologize in advance if I’m all over the place tonight, because as you’d expect – I’m overwhelmed and flooded with positive emotions – and where I’m not used to such feelings either whenever watching the Rangers!

That said, I’ll to remain somewhat level-headed, because while the Rangers did make history in their 4-2 Game 4 victory in Washington on Sunday night; as these 2023-24 Blueshirts became the first club in seventeen-years to sweep a playoff opponent – but I’m also aware that there’s a lot of hockey left remaining should “Lavy’s Lot” finish their story by winning the Stanley Cup this June.

Another fact that I’m also fully aware of?

Perhaps one being lost in all of the sweep hoopla – the Blueshirts were SUPPOSED to close out the Caps in a quick series.

And let’s face it:

Anything else other than a sweep would have led to a lot of groaning and moaning – and most likely – “the same old Rangers” discourse too.

But of course, and as my fellow long-time fans are all too familiar with – what the Rangers are supposed to do and what they actually do – well those two things, expectations and reality, don’t exactly go hand-in-hand for this franchise!

However, for “Lavy’s Lot” – they’ve not only met all expectations this season – they’ve shattered all ceilings too – and where this playoff sweep is just another milestone and accomplishment on a long list of them from this campaign for the Cup.

And for the head coach?

You know that he has to be beyond ecstatic after sweeping the team that “amicably parted ways” with him at this time last year.

If you’ve been following me on social media (@NYCTheMiC on the Tweeter machine), then you know that I change my profile picture with each win posted. Let’s hope that I get down to Eddie Giacomin’s number in five-weeks time! Photo Credit: NYR

There are a whole lot of stories from both this particular Game 4 and this series in general, where from the league-wide (unbiased) perspective, it’s the fact that the Rangers prevented future Hall of Famer, one of the greatest goal scorers in NHL history to boot, Alex Ovechkin, from registering one single point in these four games played.

Not only was “The Great Eight” rendered completely ineffective – he couldn’t even pick up a fugazi secondary assist in this series either – and where at times – you had to check the box score to see if he was even in Spencer Cadberry Egg’s line-up.

In a way, Ovi looked “washed” throughout these 240-minutes of hockey – and that’s what most people are saying too – but I also think that the Rangers, both the players and their coaching staff, deserve a lion’s share of the credit for #8’s no-show.

Laviolette and his assistants drew up a plan, and once such blueprints were complete – the players executed this defensive architecture.

Come the end of Game 4 and Ovi, who entered this do-or-die contest match for the Caps with only five shots on goal – remained with this same quintet of chances.

While I know that Ovi’s lack of production is the top story amongst league pundits (and it is); to me, I only care about the Rangers’ future – and one that I hope ends with a parade.

I only really bring this up because I saw many Blueshirt backers revel in this fact.

While I understand such jubilation, at the same time, I didn’t understand the extremist reaction – and where if you didn’t know any better – than you would’ve thought that Ovechkin was the biggest playoff choker in all of NHL history.

Of course, such a label was removed from his name following his 2018 Stanley Cup win.

But when I look at Ovi and his 2024 Caps as a whole – a lot of what I said in my playoff preview (https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/nyrwsh24/) rang true once this series concluded – it feels like the franchise is solely built today to get Ovechkin to goal #894 – Wayne Gretzky’s record – and then to surpass “The Great One” too.

Anything else for the Caps is gravy – including this postseason appearance.

And as also said during my playoff preview – if it wasn’t for Ryan Lindgren’s big brother, Washington goaltender Chucky Lindgren – then the Caps wouldn’t have even had the “honor” of being swept by the Blueshirts in the first place.

But alas, these are all Washington problems – and not stuff for us to soil our hands and waste our minds with!

To wrap-up on Ovi’s no-show from this series, let me lay this one on you:

When it comes to the two greatest players from this recent generation, Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin, it was an Artemi Panarin game-winning and series-clinching goal that ended the final playoff game that both of these legendary men have played to date.

In 2022, Panarin said “SEE YA” to Crosby via his Game 7 overtime goal.

Two-years removed from that series, and once again in the first-round, “The Breadman” did it again – although with far much less dramatics – as his power-play goal scored tonight at the 3:21 mark of the third period sealed Ovechkin’s fate.

And like Crosby and Ovechkin – it’s now time for Panarin to sip from Lord Stanley’s Cup.

The most impressive thing about this entire series in my eyes is that every player on the roster contributed – and in a Game 4 update – Kaapo Kakko too! Photo Credit: NYR

Before continuing, and since the Rangers will have some time off between now and their second-round Game 1 to be played at M$G, here are my GAME REVIEW blogs from the previous three games:

Kakko’s first goal of these playoffs, scored at just the 57-second mark of Game 4, led the way for the Blueshirts. Furthermore, and with this strike from the third-liner, it also meant that all four of Lavy’s lines scored during the series. Want more? Of the twelve-Ranger forwards, only three of them, Lafreniere, Wennberg and Cuylle, didn’t put a puck past Lindgren. Wow! Photo Credit: NYR

I linked my previous three blogs from this series for one reason only – just to remind you how every Blueshirt contributed in this series – and after Game 4 – including the third line too.

While granted, the Cuylle/Wennberg/Kakko line were good enough from a defensive aspect during the previous three matches; this trio finally put a goal on their record following the Finn’s first goal of the series.

And I know that this opinion might sound like pigs flying and hell freezing over coming from me – but arguably – Kakko was the most effective Ranger skater in Game 4!

(See, I am fair but firm too, because as every regular reader knows – I’m not exactly the biggest fan of “The Feckless Finn!” – and where really – it mainly has to do with his draft status more than anything else. In other words, I need to see more – and to see Kakko score at a consistent rate too.)

While arguing over who was the best Ranger on Sunday night is a matter of opinion (but a good debate too – as there are several players to choose from); at the very least, Kakko set the tone in Game 4 – and it wasn’t just because he scored the game’s first goal either.

Prior to the Rangers finally pulling ahead for good in the third period, Kakko forced three pivotal turnovers. His first one led to a goal, a second led to a slap shot denied by Charlie Lindgren and the third almost produced a goal for Mika Zibanejad.

In a four-game series where the Rangers only trailed for a shade over three-minutes (WOW!); it was a god-awful and brutal turnover committed by the returning rearguard Nick Jensen that allowed Kakko to score at just the 57-second mark.

While Jensen’s turnover was horrid; at the same time, we’ve seen the Finn flub these gift-wrapped chances before – which is why it was so exhilarating when the red lamp went off behind Lindgren on Kakko’s “Kapitalization of the Kaps!”


Kakko’s first shot on goal – and score – was just the first of many chaotic chances from the first six-minutes or so from Game 4 – as both teams threw defense out the window and enjoyed a limitless amount of never-ending odd-man rushes and breakaways.

But following this frantic offensive frenzy, Kakko still remained as the lone goal scorer, while the Rangers, and largely due to CZAR IGOR, kept their 1-0, GOOD GUYS, lead intact.

As it was impossible for either team to maintain their 1,000-MPH pace from the early stages of this first period (and the game as a whole) – the match soon grew to a halt – and where shots on goal now cost a premium.

Washington d-man Martin Fehervary, who I thought was one of the better Caps from this series, tied the game at the 14:54 mark, following a defensive miscue and miscommunication from both Jimmy Vesey and K’Andre Miller by the boards bench-side.

But on a night where a lot of the big name Capitals looked rattled and startled (and we’ll get into Tom Wilson in just a bit), a Nick Jensen tripping penalty, committed on Adam Fox, and with just 1:09 remaining from this first period, put the Rangers on the power-play.

Following a Game 3 where the Blueshirts’ penalty killers were the heroes; in Game 4, it was now time for the power-play to receive their flowers.

With just sixteen-seconds left to be ticked prior to the first intermission – and there was Vincent Trocheck for the 2-1, GOOD GUYS, power-play goal.

And once again, there was also the Swedish-Iranian deejay, the team’s second line center, Mika Zibanjead, setting up his fellow man in the middle for a shot that Lindgren never had a chance on.

And there was also another Tom Wilson incident too – but more about this during the GAME REVIEW segment.

The Rangers, who began the second stanza on another power-play following another display of Wilson’s boneheaded theatrics, couldn’t get the kill-shot on this man-advantage.

Following this power-outage, the Blueshirts then played their worst period of these playoffs – but at the same time – you have to give the Caps credit too – as they were trying to save-and-extend their season.

That said, this “worst period” of the Rangers’ playoffs thus far only produced a net difference of minus-one goal – and it’s not like the Blueshirts left this period trailing either.

Only a Hendrix Lapierre goal, scored at the 7:48 mark, held up as the period’s lone score – the end result of a long shift from the Mika line – and some shoddy defense too.

Tied at two-all entering the final frame, and for the Rangers, it was “win the period, end the series.”

And that’s what happened.

Trocheck, where as mentioned, was hands-down my MVP of this series (and as a result – my Conn Smythe MVP candidate at the moment too), drew T.J. Oshie for high-sticking at the 3:10 mark.

Just eleven-seconds later, and Panarin, who hadn’t scored a goal, nor registered an even-strength point since Game 1, scored a crucial power-play goal.

3-2, GOOD GUYS – and where for both Panarin and Zibanejad, the two zeroes from last year’s playoffs – they completed a full 180 one-year removed from that disgusting loss to the Devils.

As it was throughout these four games – shots on goal were limited.

In the first period, the Rangers out-shot the Caps 10-8, only to find themselves out-shot 10-6 in the second period.

Now in the biggest period of the series, the twelfth twenty-minute stretch of the series, each team only allowed seven shots on goal.

Desperately looking for one more equalizer after having previously erased two earlier Ranger one-goal leads – the Caps could never find such a moment of glory.

In fact, the Blueshirts, now promoting defense over offense, wouldn’t allow the Caps to even sniff CZAR IGOR for a near ten-minute stretch.

As this final period progressed, and as you were clock-watching as if your life depended on it – Rasmus Sandin, the other returning Washington defenseman on this night, marred the Caps’ chances of a comeback, following his tripping penalty committed on Panarin with only 2:42 remaining.

The Rangers, now returned on the power-play, but never looking to score on it either, as time-management was the goal here, just watched the clock melt.

And since they were a man-down, the Caps couldn’t pull their goalie until there was only a minute left remaining.

Nine-seconds after Lindgren took his seat on the bench for the fourth time this series?

JACK THE RIPPER, government name Jack Roslovic, continued his case to prevent a Filip Chytil return, by depositing a puck into Washington’s empty net.

4-2, GOOD GUYS – and where perhaps quietly – Alexis Lafreniere picked up his fourth point of the series too (a point-per-game player thus far in these playoffs), following this ENG assist.

Equally as good following this sweep?

No more Sieve Vagistat, Sam Rosen and Joe Micheletti this season – and where we will also get plenty more of Henrik Lundqvist too, now exclusively on TNT!


At this time, let’s get into the pregame news and notes – and in a rarity – we got nada!

If Laviolette spoke to the media on Saturday or on Sunday morning, then I don’t know – as none of the beat reporters talked about it – nor did the Rangers upload any material to their official YouTube page either! On brand!

On Saturday, one day removed from their crucial Game 3 victory, the team held an optional practice – and where apparently, Laviolette, and as is non-customary, didn’t speak afterwards.

There was also no pregame edition of “LAVY’S LOUNGE” to be spoken about from Sunday morning either.

While at the end of the day, this is all meaningless – and really – it’s not like anything can be learnt at this juncture either – I just found a lack of a pregame “LAVY’S LOUNGE” to be peculiar.

But as alluded to – who cares?

After all, nothing was going to change heading into Game 4, as there were no injuries to report nor any reason to tinker with the line-up either – and a line-up that remained the same in all four games played this series.

Here was Laviolette’s line-up for the fourth playoff game of the postseason – and the 86th-overall game of 2023-24:

FIRST LINE: Panarin/Trocheck/Lafreniere

SECOND LINE: Kreider/Zibanejad/Roslovic

THIRD LINE: Cuylle/Wennberg/Kakko

FOURTH LINE: Vesey/Goodrow/Rempe

FIRST PAIR: Lindgren/Fox

SECOND PAIR: Miller/Schneider

THIRD PAIR: Gustafsson/Trouba


BACK-UP: Quick

Healthy Scratches and “Black Aces”: Brodzinski, Domingue, Edstrom, Jones and Ruhwedel

Still on LTIR: Chytil and Wheeler


The following graphics and information come from ESPN.com:





22 3 19 .864 18 1 0 0 0 59:16 0


25 2 23 .920 20 0 3 0 0 60:00 0

Praise the hockey gods that I don’t have to see this loser, Sieve Vagisat, ever again for the remainder of this season – and where M$GN finally needs to fire this self-serving scumbag too. Photo Credit: Steve S.

While tonight’s game was also broadcasted on the much more superior TNT network; I watched the M$GN broadcast instead.

(I know that I’m a glutton for punishment – so you don’t need to to tell me!)

After all, going into this game, I was expecting the broom, where such a result meant that this game would be the final M$GN broadcast of the season.

I should mention here, that M$GN will be providing both pregame and post-game coverage throughout the remainder of the playoffs – but since Vagistat is the featured talking head – I won’t be watching a second of it – nor writing about such wretched drivel either!

(And with the frequent-flier Lundqvist jettisoning between NYC and Atlanta these days – you won’t get him on M$GN, as he’ll be on TNT instead. In other words, M$GN will be providing solo-Sieve performances – vomit-inducing ones at that!)

And I rather get a prostate exam administrated by a no gloves Doctor Sausage Fingers than ever see that seven-foot puke ever again!

At this time, a quick recap of the final M$GN pregame show of these playoffs – and of this 2023-24 season too.

I don’t know how “THE KING OF COMMENTARY,” Henrik Lundqvist, can stand the useless gash sitting to his left. Photo Credit: M$GN

While it’s always nice to see Lundqvist kicking ass in his second act as a TV analyst; it’s just brutal enduring the seven-foot asshole – who once again – the worst back-up goalie in franchise history continued to cut-off one of the greatest goalies in franchise history during these thirty-minutes.

As I was wondering at 6:29PM, and following the Knicks’ win from Sunday too, that if this is really “1994 Redux” – and when will Major League Baseball go on strike to boot; it was reported that Jimmy Vesey was the winner of this year’s “John Halligan Good Guy Award” – an annual award that dates back to 1975 when Chris Jericho’s father, Teddy Irvine, won it – and where really – this is the most meaningless year-end award of them all.

(Holy dashes and terrible grammar Batman!)

After all, this award solely honors the Ranger that was the nicest to the media all-season – and as voted on behalf of the Blueshirts’ beat too.

And when Mollie Walker and Wince Mercogliano have pull in an award – then it tells you how truly worthless it is.

But still – kudos to the Pride of the Crimson Tide regardless!

Vagistat, always irritating, wasted no time when cutting off Lundqvist on Sunday, as after “THE KING OF COMMENTARY” was pontificating on how hard it is to sweep an opponent (having only done it once during his HOF career- and the last time in franchise history prior to tonight), the smug scumbag quickly promoted one of his “RAY TODD” charts.

I should mention, that Vagistat, this carny self-promoter, plugged his crappy ANALytic company five-times in these thirty-minutes – and where all of these CLEAR-SIGHTED ASSHOLE advertisements were far worse than all of the gambling commercials too.

(And you know it’s bad when you’re clamoring to see a J.B. Smooth commercial!)

In addition, not one of Vagistat’s made-up charts, where mind you – nobody else in the league ever talks about them – had anything to do with tonight’s game.

In fact, and in a self-admission of his own ignorance; following Lundqvist’s promotion of the virtues and valor of Barclay Goodrow, Vagistat then said that he didn’t realize how strong Goodrow and the Rangers’ penalty kill has been this season.

Perhaps he should actually watch the games, rather than making up useless pie graphs?

Just a suggestion.

Vagistat continued his sickening act, as for the final time this season, and for the 9876785655675th time overall, he joked that his career was on the same level as both Lundqvist and CZAR IGOR.

It was mildly funny the first time – some seven months ago at that – and that’s being generous.

Once Vagistat finally went to the oxygen machine after talking for ten-minutes non-stop about nothing; Lundqvist brought up, and politely at that, that Washington wasn’t really that good – and would spiral if they found themselves trailing again.

That kind of happened – but only after the Rangers took the lead for the third time in this game.

Following Vagistat seemingly shoving Lundqvist off of our screens, the worst goalie in franchise history said, and I quote, “being swept is the most embarrassing thing in sports.”

Gee, I thought giving up ten-goals in one-game was more embarrassing.

After that comment, I couldn’t take anymore and just watched the end of the Nashville/Vancouver game instead – and speaking of embarrassing – what a brutal Game 4 loss for the Predators.

One last time this season: Sam and Joe are the nicest human beings walking this planet today – but they are a brutal listen these days too. Photo Credit: M$GN

Come 7PM, Sam Rosen and Joe Micheletti entered our homes for the final time this season – and where just seconds into their face-time – and no I’m not making this up either – a bumble bee flew out of Rosen’s toupee.

I tried to find a clip of this for you guys and gals, but since I didn’t record this game, I can’t provide one for you – but if you want to see the evidence for yourself, then subscribe to the M$GN app and watch it yourself.

As Rosen told us, “OH JOE, BUST OUT THE HAMMERS JOE, THE RANGERS ARE LOOKING TO SWEEP TONIGHT – OH WAIT – PARDON ME JOE – I MEAN BROOMS JOE!” (and yes – I am making this up!); these two, and for seemingly the first time this season – actually promoted the Rangers.

However, such promotion ended as these two then fell into their old habits by talking about every Capital known to man – and as it would be throughout the remainder of this broadcast – these two, frick and frack, were just begging on-air for Ovechkin to finally show up this series.

As noted up top, while I get that Ovi’s no-show is a story and that it had to be mentioned, at the same time – I don’t need to hear these two talking about it all-game long – and especially with the Rangers looking for a sweep.

In other words, all of this gibberish came off like “jinxing the Rangers talk” – and discussion that I did not want to entertain!

Furthermore – I rather hear about what the Rangers are doing – and not what the Caps aren’t doing!

But Micheletti, in Game 86 of this season, nailed his final prediction of this campaign.

In his final pregame comment, Jumpin’ Joe said that the third line were due – and that it would take place tonight – where in this case, the word “it” means a goal scored.

Little did Micheletti know, and for that matter, fans too – that Kakko would prove a winner out of him – and just 57-seconds in.

And with that – and finally – GAME REVIEW time!

CZAR IGOR, and now having the advice of a Stanley Cup winner (Jonathan Quick) to draw from for the first time in his career too, was absolutely fantastic during this four-game set. While he wasn’t challenged that much throughout this sweep – when he was – he answered the call. Photo Credit: NYR


The Mika line began the game and following #93’s faceoff loss, Braden Schneider, who I thought looked excellent once again in this game, blocked a shot from Double A., Alex Alexeyev.

Following this shot block at the 24-second mark, Trocheck was employed to take a pivotal d-zone draw – and one that he won.

One more time, and let’s put it in bold print too:


And just to think – many of us, myself included, were conflicted when Chris Drury didn’t re-sign Ryan Strome in the Summer of ’22.

Furthermore, if it wasn’t going to be Strome, then many fans wanted the general manager to re-sign Andrew Copp instead.


Following a 2022-23 season of creating chemistry with Panarin, and Trocheck, who was slotted as the team’s third center back in October – is now the team’s first-line center – and also the odds-on favorite for the Conn Smythe!

With the third line now hopping over the boards following Trocheck’s d-zone faceoff win – Kakko’s first goal of these 2024 playoffs:


While I’ve already mentioned this goal a few times already, I do want to bring up how both Jensen and Sandin, who made their one-and-done playoff debuts on Sunday night, helped lead the Caps to their season-ending demise.

Jensen gifted Kakko a goal here and then took a penalty later this period that soon set-up a Rangers’ power-play goal.

Sandin, and as previously mentioned, took a penalty that essentially preserved the Blueshirts’ victory during the final seconds of regulation.

But of course, and in the case of the Caps – this series was long lost before these two bumbling rearguards entered it.

After Kakko’s goal, and as described above, both teams then had multiple odd-man rushes and breakaways.

Dylan Strome was denied on a 2 x 1. Schneider blocked a Carlson shot while Jensen blocked a Panarin shot at the 2:45 mark.

Then, and just 4:30 in, Kakko created his second turnover of the game – but this time – Ryan’s brother denied him.

No joke, it was just a shooting gallery out there – and where I’m surprised that the NRA wasn’t sponsoring this game too!

Matt Rempe, now the biggest NHL heel (that is, outside of New York), made his presence felt early and often.

At the nine-minute mark, and with a large Ranger contingent in-attendance belting out his surname; Rempe got a puck deep and recorded his first of three hits during his 5:39 TOI.

And once again, the big man was not only renting space in the head of all Washington supporters – but in the domes of every Capital too.

The fact that a Ranger opponent must live in fear and spend their focus on a Blueshirt fourth-liner speaks volumes – and really – it is unprecedented too.

As we hit the ten-minute mark of this first frame, Pacioretty, seemingly frightened over Rempe, turned over the puck on a Caps’ 4 x 3 odd-man rush. In the other end, Charlie Lindgren, who Rosen called “Lindberg” no less than ten-times tonight, stopped the other “GREAT EIGHT” of this series, Rangers’ captain Jacob Trouba.

It was also around this time, and following another Trocheck faceoff win (13-6, 68.4%), that Rosen informed us that #16 entered this game with an eye-popping 72.2% success rate at the circles.

And needless to say – NONNA TROCHECK’S BAMBINO, who ironically isn’t one of the 98778785675675 alternate captains of this club – this team leader has entrenched himself into the hearts of Blueshirt fans.

With 9:00 remaining, CZAR IGOR then came up with a pair of back-to-back and belly-to-belly saves on Tom Wilson – which only fueled the frustration of the long-time Cap – and most likely Ovi’s successor as team captain too.

It should be noted, that following two matches of DRAFT KINGS’ inspired officiating, the referees tonight, Steve Kozari, Jake Brenk and Kyle Rehman, all stayed away from influencing this game’s final score.

While perhaps they could’ve given Wilson a harsher penalty during the final stages of this first period; other than that – they did a bang-up job – and never impacted what the players were doing.

I bring this up here, because with about seven-minutes remaining – and you could see how the previous piss-poor officiating had affected Rempe – as with Sonny Milano lined-up and ready for the taking – Rempe held back and just gave him a love tap, rather than one of his thunderous, “go to the locker room,” body blows.

Come 5:06 remaining, and with both Miller and Vesey by the boards, a rare miscommunication led to a turnover as created by Aliaksei Protas – and a goal for Fehervary too.

This was just a slight bump in the road for the “it’s never easy” Rangers!

As Rempe heard loud boos from Cap fans in D.C., and with Washington trying to throw him off of his game too; with 1:09 to go, the following:

As you can see, this was a dirty penalty committed by Jensen on Fox – and one very reminiscent to the knee-on-knee hit that Fox sustained earlier this season – and when he missed ten-games after what Carolina’s Sebastion Asshole did to him.

And as you can also see – the entire Rangers’ fourth line immediately rushed to Fox’s aid.


Fox went to the bench after this illegal infraction – but never to the locker room.

In other words – “WHEW” – and more words than that – a huge crisis averted.

Erik Gustafsson began this power-play in Fox’s regular spot as the QB/point man of the PP1 unit, but shortly thereafter, there was #23 back in his rightful position.

And with Fox back on the ice, the following occurred:

2-1, GOOD GUYS – and another special teams goal for NONNA TROCHECK’S BAMBINO.

And this is where I also express my lone dissatisfaction with tonight’s officials too.

As you can see here, following Trocheck’s PPG, and there’s Fox, trying to skate to his teammates for the post-goal celebration – and who is denied of doing so by Tom Wilson.

As Fox skated towards his teammates camped behind Lindgren’s net – and there was Wilson with a headlock tightly applied on the skull of the 2021 Norris Trophy winner.

While the officials accurately penalized Wilson for his dumbass doings – at the same time – he only received a two-minute minor for roughing.

Arguably, such reckless stupidity should have garnered him a five-minute major – if not a game misconduct.

I mean, what are we doing here?

I understand that it’s the playoffs, emotions run high and penalties are somewhat glossed over – but what about player safety?

Seriously, this was a caveman reaction – and a reaction that should’ve earned Wilson a far more severe timeout than his two-minutes ultimately served.

And when Wilson wakes up on Monday morning, and after wiping off the dust of this Rangers’ sweep from him – then I hope that he steps, while bare-footed, on the nastiest Lego piece of all-time.

2-1, GOOD GUYS, after twenty.

Here’s what I said at the time:

I know that such talk is premature, but if CZAR IGOR can win twelve more games this Spring, then he makes his case as arguably the greatest goaltender in franchise history – and there’s been a ton of them. Photo Credit: @Laf4MVP on Elon Musk’s app – and an app that won’t let me change my profile picture these days too! I’m still stuck on 14!


As noted earlier, these were the worst twenty minutes that the Rangers have played yet this postseason.

During this failed power-play, Rosen, and as he always does, confused Trocheck for Panarin.

He’d later do this two more times, thus hitting the 292674762767426789468962875th time that he’s done so this season.

Bless Sam’s heart.

Also taking place twice?

Two CZAR IGOR saves, shorthanded at that, on Beck Malenstyn.

Come the 3:15 mark and Schneider was sent off for hooking Oshie.

The Rangers’ highly heralded penalty kill, perhaps their biggest strength, didn’t even allow Washington to record a SOG – and where Trocheck denied Ovechkin on this PK from scoring a potential backdoor PPG too.

This is when Sam and Joe lamented again about Ovi being without a point in this series as well.


Come 12:30 remaining, and the Mika line, and as was often the case in Game 4, were once again pinned deep into their own zone – and while on an elongated shift too.

Eighteen-seconds later, and Zibanejad, who changed too early, then watched Lapierre have his first shot denied by CZAR IGOR, but then saw the Cap score on his rebound.

2-2 – and where Kreider, who has otherwise been great this series, not looking so hot here either.

But nobody is perfect – and the other team, especially one trying to stave off elimination, is also paid to play too.

In what looked scary at the time, Rempe, and with about 10:30 remaining, had a near two-minute shift.

After chasing down Jensen like a gazelle, and then hitting him and forcing a turnover too; Rempe, Goodrow and Vesey then survived a long opposing attack.

Once the GAG LINE 2.0 returned to the ice, I mused the following:

And as people pointed out to me at the time – Panarin did have a secondary assist on Trocheck’s PPG – but what I meant here was an even-strength point and/or a goal in any fashion.

With 8:30 remaining, and in a “BATTLE OF THE GREAT EIGHTS,” Ovi forced Trouba into turning over the puck.

As not much was going on at 5 x 5, Kakko created his third turnover with 6:30 to go, but following a feed to Cuylle that then set up Mika – the dee-jay couldn’t spin one by Lindgren.

As the period wound down to 2:30 remaining, and Cuylle had Miller wide-open, and all day at that, but didn’t pass the puck for the one-timed attempt.

After that, the Panarin line came on and this is where Rosen confused #10 for #16 for the billionth time this season.

2-2 after 2 – and despite this horrible period – you still never doubted the Blueshirts – and man, oh man, does that say a lot about this team too.

Here’s what I said at the time:

While Trocheck is my series MVP, it was the Rangers’ MVP of the regular season – if not the league MVP too – that came up big when it mattered the most. Photo Credit: NYR


Unlike Sam and Joe – I was begging and pleading with the hockey gods for the Rangers’ Russian – and not the Caps’ Russian – to finish this game – and series too – once-and-for-all.

Such prayers were soon answered.

With Rempe now done for the game (and one more time – I still can’t think of one play of his that’s hurt the Rangers in these crunch-time moments – but I do understand “LAVY’S LOGIC” of favoring rookies over veterans too); Cuylle then shifted to the fourth-line while Panarin was double-shifted with the law firm of Kakko & Wennberg.

Following Oshie’s high-sticking penalty on Trocheck (and where Oshie had his quietest game of the series – and at the most inopportune time for the Caps) – BREADMAN:

3-2, GOOD GUYS – and your game-winner too!

Worth noting?

This goal was set-up by Zibanejad, who like his fellow center Vincent Trocheck, also finished this series with six-points next to his name.

And one last time – what a turnaround for both #10 and #93 from last year – but this can’t be it either.

And let’s face it – the Caps (who were sellers at the deadline mind you) really never had a chance in this series – and the competition in round two (and beyond) will only jump-up ten-fold.

Down to 14:59 remaining, and Goodrow, trying to bail out Trouba, took a hooking call on Mongo McMichael.

The Rangers’ PK?

You know the deal – FLAWLESS.

As the Caps could never find a way to CZAR IGOR’s net, Panarin almost scored again, but Lindgren denied his deflection attempt.

But needless to say – now with the lead late – the Blueshirts weren’t going to cough this lead up.

I have to mention, I also found it comical and ironical when with about 8:00 remaining, Capital fans were singing Metallica’s “ENTER SANDMAN” – and as the Blueshirts were putting their favorite team to bed.

As the Caps made one of their last-ditch efforts, while also hearing bellowing sounds of “IGOR! IGOR! IGOR!” reverberating throughout their barn; then this is when Sandin’s tripping penalty on Panarin led to the final nail in Washington’s coffin – and Roslovic’s 4-2, GOOD GUYS, empty net goal too.

4-2, GOOD GUYS, your final

4-0, a first-round sweep!

I couldn’t be any more prouder of this team – and I hope that such feelings continue as we progress!

Here’s a stern Laviolette after the win – but where I’d suspect that he allowed his elation to come out privately during the team’s flight home back to New York:

In conclusion, the Rangers did exactly what they were supposed to do, as the best team of these playoffs showed up against the worst team of this postseason.

It’s what follows that matters the most.

Up next for the Blueshirts – a day off on Monday – and perhaps on Tuesday too.

Presently, the Rangers await the winner of the Hurricanes/Islanders series, and where Rod Brind’Amour’s team currently holds a 3-1 series advantage against the blue-and-orange losers.

Game 5 between these two clubs takes place on Tuesday night.

This might sound fool-hearted to some, but I believe in what I’m saying next here regardless:


I truly don’t.

In my eyes, everyone else should be worried about the Presidents’ Trophy winners – and where all the Rangers need to do is keep on doing what they are doing.

That said, I’m rooting for a seven-game series between the Canes and Isles – and plenty of overtime matches too.

And I know what some are saying right now, such talk that goes like this:

“The Rangers might have too much time off! Look what happened to the Panthers in the Stanley Cup Final last year! You don’t want rust over rest!”

To such remarks, I respond with the following:

Take a deep look at what the Rangers just did.

They had six-days off between Game 82 of the regular season and Game 1 against Washington – and where they never were truly in doubt of losing any of their four postseason games.

And really, what’s the alternative?

Letting the Caps hang around for five-, six-, or seven-games – where in turn – you’re only increasing your risk of injury and chances of gassing yourself out?

I’m more than jovial about the sweep – and despite my “LATERALETTE” stuff from earlier this season (and opinions that can only be debunked with a Cup victory) – I do trust in the fact that Peter Laviolette knows what he’s doing – and how he will have his team prepared for the first-game of the second-round too.

And here’s one for you too:

While unlike Washington, where Laviolette was just there last season – Lavy, during his previous coaching stints throughout his HOF bound career, also coached both the Hurricanes and Isles.

In other words, for the Rangers to reach the Eastern Conference Final, then Lavy’s Lot will have to defeat another one of their head coach’s previous teams.

Since I know that nobody wants me to be ambiguous here, then if I had my choice, then I’d rather draw the Isles than the Canes.

Moving forward – scouting the Isles and Canes.

Outside of rooting for a long-series, where the eventual victor hopefully leaves banged-up from; then if I had a gun to my head (and who would point such a hypothetical pistol to my brain over this?), then I guess I’d like to see the Isles make the unlikely comeback against the Canes.

My reasons?

Should the Isles do the insurmountable, and erase a 3-0 series deficit, then every second-round game for the Rangers would be a home game – as the blue-and-orange trash unload their tickets to the big-buck Blueshirt buyers.

I also think that the Islanders prevent the least path of resistance too – and they also have a goalie controversy going on these days to compound matters as well.

That said, for as bad as the Isles are, and they are terrible – they’ve also held their own in all four of their games against “big bad” Carolina thus far – and where really – this series should be tied – if not little brother being up 3-1.

And due to the dog-shit Isles being in every game of this series – it only increases my optimism no matter who prevails.

That said, it’s probably going to be the Hurricanes as the Rangers’ next opponent – and one that the Blueshirts defeated in seven-games just two-years ago in a second-round series.

Once the Rangers’ second-round opponent reveals themselves, then I’ll a return with a series preview.

But here’s an obvious spoiler for you – I have the Blueshirts moving on no matter who they host in round-two!

Like the Rangers, get some sleep these next few days, as it all starts again sometime next weekend – and where unlike Washington – whoever is next will be much more formidable than the Blueshirts’ first opponent.

But until then – enjoy these feelings – as it doesn’t occur that often!

One parting remark before your favorite and final segment?


PLUGS TIME! (Buy a book and support my Rangers’ induced therapy bills. After all, I don’t run ads on this site!)

My fourth title and tenth book is now available!

“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History,” is now available for sale!

For complete information, please visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/rangerkillers/

The hardcover version of my first book, available now at Amazon.com

My second plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden.”

As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link:


For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have a few signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that:

Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today

My four-volume set of books, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is a game-by-game recount of the Rangers 2021-22 campaign.

My second title as an author, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is now available in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.

To obtain signed copies, visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/onegamebook/

To purchase all four volumes on Amazon, visit: Amazon.com – “One Game at a Time.”

The greatest volume-set of books on Rangers’ history today!

“Tricks of the Trade – A Century-Long Journey Through Every Trade Made In New York Rangers’ History,” a four-volume set of books that meticulously covers every trade made in franchise history, is now on sale.

All four volumes of the title can be purchased on Amazon.com and are presented in three different formats – eBook, paperback and hardcover.

To purchase Volume I: Conn Smythe (1926) – Craig Patrick (1986), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume II: Phil Esposito (1986) – Neil Smith (2000), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume III: Glen Sather (2000-2015), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume IV: Jeff Gorton (2015) – Chris Drury (2022), visit Amazon.com

To purchase signed copies of all four volumes, visit https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/

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Now on sale!

Don’t forget to order my four-volume set of books, “Tricks of the Trade!”

If you don’t order through me, all four volumes are now available on Amazon.com

For more details, check out: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/

Thanks for reading.


Sean McCaffrey


@NYCTHEMIC on the Tweeter machine

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