Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on BlueCollarBlueShirts.com. Following a few bottles of Buffalo Trace consumed, and many more Labatt Blue bottles downed too – I am now returned home to my lovely Long Island abode – and not a moment too soon either!
Tonight’s manifesto is different from the norm, as this is one of my two or three ROAD-TRIP GAME REVIEW blogs of the season.
In other words, while I’ll eventually get to the stuff on the ice at some point – and talk about the Blueshirts too (and truthfully, I’m procrastinating, as reliving that horror from Saturday night isn’t something that I’m looking forward to) – the main purpose of this particular blog is to share all of my personal stories from my Rangers’ road trip to Columbus, Ohio with you – and especially for fellow readers and fans who are interested in one day attending a game at the Nationwide Arena.
And yep – this is the content (and isn’t that word, “content,” extremely cringy – but it’s the accepted word in 2023) that you’ll only find here!
Let’s roll, as I attempt to empty out all of the thoughts from my head – and where I know I’ll probably forget a few things and then later have to update this posting – or as noted below – perhaps turn into a potential book in the sometime future.
Blame the alcohol if you want, but I’m blaming the Blueshirts for my anticipated “senior moment.”
After all, I do try to block out bad memories – even if I did write a whole book dedicated to Rangers’ misery over the summer, one that you can find out more about here: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/villains/

The purpose of what I’m about to share next has nothing to do with Gomas herself (and if you don’t know the story, then just google her name) – as I’m only using her tale as a frame of reference.
In other words, and as you all know – everyone and their mother, and their little dogs too (Toto perhaps), has a video recording device in their pocket – a smart phone that’s attached to their hands – and seemingly on a 24/7/365 basis.
As a result, and as “victims” living in the Age of Social Media – if something bat-shit crazy goes down – then it’s going to wind up on social media within seconds – and then on TMZ a few minutes after that.
(And then everyone forgets what happens once the next insane story takes place in this 24/7 news cycle.)
And this isn’t just exclusive to Gomas – nor air travel either – and as you all know.
After all, following each Sunday in the National Felony League (NFL), there’s always some video that goes viral featuring a few drunken jackasses brawling with each other – and all over the jobs/professions of grown men who do not care about them!
(And as mentioned many times before on this site, as someone who can handle themselves no matter the copious amount of alcohol consumed – heck I don’t even get hangovers – I hate all of these people – and hate drunken drivers even more. These people give professionals like myself a bad rap!)
A two-point tangent before getting to my original point? The following:
1) Until professional athletes start visiting your place of employment, where once there, they are brawling over the productivity of you versus your co-worker – then you are a full-blown moron if you’re one of these people throwing haymakers whenever attending a sporting event.
When Jacob Trouba starts revving up the TROO TROO TRAIN against a random Rangers’ rival, while boasting about how great I am at my job – then maybe – and only maybe – will I risk dirtying my hands with an Islander fan!
(And keep this in mind for later – because I always treat fans from other fan bases with respect – until they give me a reason not to! In other words, and as you’ll soon see, I have nothing but positive things to say about my interactions with Blue Jacket boosters from this weekend.)
2) Should you ever feel the need to scrap with another human being while attending a sporting event, then, and at the very least, be the person who’s a row up/punching down.
Simply stated: Unless you got a wing-span like former NBAer Manute Bol, or the hands of Mike Tyson in his prime – then you’ll never win one of these idiotic fights when punching upwards.
So what am I getting at with this long-winded spiel?
If you are ever on a flight, then please, and I beg of you, don’t be one of these rude and inconsiderate bungholes, that once the plane lands – you rush up the aisle to get to the door.
Have some common decency (wo)man!
What’s happened to civilization?

I am not making any of this up.
During my two flights (American Airlines too – just like Gomas) this weekend, there were two instances where a person (a guy on the way to Columbus, a gal on my way back to New York) bolted like a Kenyan up the aisle of the plane once the aircraft landed.
Maybe it’s just me, but I’d love to go off on these people (and right to their faces too) – but then I’m reminded of Gomas.
In other words, I don’t want to be a social media star following an angry (and four-letter expletive filled) rant directed at my fellow passenger.
Not only are most of these videos truncated (meaning that you don’t get the full story and only see the crazy) – but I don’t want to be on any “NO FLY LIST” either!
After all, and following this weekend, I only have five more NHL cities to visit before putting a check mark next to all of them on my bucket list (Winnipeg, Dallas, Minnesota, San Jose and Vancouver) – and I can’t envision myself driving to any of them should I ever be banned from the airports!
(On an aside – who knows? I might have two more cities to visit within the next five-years too – Atlanta and Houston. Then again, Salt Lake City could be a contender.)
And really, and especially on the 23-row planes that I flew on – how much time are you really saving whenever being an inconsiderate butthole and disobeying all rules of common human decency?
More amusing?
Rushing and barreling over your fellow passengers, where once pushing your way to the exit – you then wait a half-hour for your luggage to arrive at baggage claim – with all of the people that you just elbowed and stomped over!
This has been my flight etiquette talk for the day!
Moving on!

Once I safely arrived in Ohio, me and my fellow road-trip partner, my next-door neighbor, my good buddy, the always mentioned on this site “TEN O’CLOCK TOMMY;” both of us went outside and looked for an UBER to bring us to our swanky digs – the Hampton Inn in downtown Columbus.
As we were waiting, some guy and his wife approached us and said, “Aren’t you Sean from BlueCollarBlueShirts.com?”
If you’re familiar with this site and/or know me personally, then you know that I have a warped sense of humor, mainly deprecating, but still all-encompassing.
That’s why my buddies (especially Bill W.) get a kick out of whenever I refer to myself as a “ten-time award winning author!”
Another line that I use with my friends, especially TEN O’CLOCK TOMMY, who attends all of these Ranger games with me?
“What’s it like being with a celebrity?”
The short of it?
Ever since starting this site ten-years ago – and this really has ramped up during the past few years – I’m “recognized” by readers all the time during these road-trips – and that’s when I hit Tommy with that line!
My own frail and fragile ego aside; the person who approached us was Kyle Vanyo, who was with his wife for a wedding in Dayton, OH – and a Ranger fan who is also a military man. (And again to Kyle, thank you for your service.)
Mr. Vanyo and his wife are good people and we had a fun conversation with them, one that was cut short only because the UBER showed up.
(You don’t want to make them wait – unless you want to risk losing your perfect five-star review/rating! Perish the thought!)
Going into this trip, I had scheduled to meet with two readers from Ohio (hello Ted C. and Dave N.) who wanted to buy some of my books off of me, where to fast-forward to that story – I just exchanged for free drinks.
As friend/reader Linda H. says, “that’s why you’re a man of the people!”
Since I value military service (and I’m always sickened by the people who feel the opposite – I could never do what these people have done/do – I have flat feet – and an even flatter, but not flattering, ass); I gave Kyle two of the books that I had on me – where I did have some extras just in case other people wanted to buy them from me.
The point of this story?
If you ever see me on the road, then ask Tommy, “what’s it like being with a celebrity?”
The other point?
I do trade books for booze!

Once bidding our adieus with Kyle and his wife; Tommy and I then took a ten-minute ride to our hotel, the Hampton Inn on North High Street, which is located in the heart of downtown Columbus.
Not only was the Nationwide Arena a quick five-block walk away from our digs, but so was everything else – Ohio State University (the main draw in town), the college bars that come with it, the restaurants and of course, right across the street, the Columbus Convention Center.
ROAD-TRIP HACK: Always spend the extra money on a hotel closer to the arena. You’ll save money in the long run, because if you stay further away, then you’re paying for it via either a rental car or for numerous UBER rides.
We paid $175 a night, somewhat pricey, but it was definitely worth it as we were able to walk everywhere and explore the lifeblood of the capital city.
And despite what you may think of my appearance – I do enjoy walking around all over the place and soaking in the new sights. I don’t do that Fit-Bit/Step Count shit – but based on the soles of my shoes – we logged a bunch of miles.
Prior to every road-trip, I always do my research, where my degenerate gene always takes over – as the first things that I look up in town are the bars and casinos – and not high-dining and museums!
In other words, I had no clue that Columbus has a statue of “The Terminator” – a bronzed piece of art that was stationed directly across the street from our hotel.
Admittedly, and perhaps to your surprise too – I don’t have much knowledge in the field of bodybuilding contests – outside that I’m sure that these guys inject themselves with more steroids than a 1980s WWF wrestler.
However, I’m familiar with the “Mr. Olympia” contest – the Superbowl meets Stanley Cup of bodybuilding.
The “silver” contest for competitive bodybuilders?
“The Arnold Sports Festival,” which is held annually (usually in March) in Columbus.
So, if you’re ever in the mood to take a picture with a statue of the former Governor of California – then Columbus is the city for you!

Keep in mind as you read along, and in the effort to be both fair and transparent:
I was in Columbus for only 48-hours, and outside of taking an UBER to the Hollywood Casino, a gambling hall which is located 10-15 minutes away from where I stayed – I pretty much confined myself to a 25-block radius – and all in the downtown area.
In other words, I didn’t hit every nook-and-cranny of the city, so what I’m saying here is just from my own personal experience and two eyes (and ten fingers as I type this out).
Going into this trip, I really didn’t know what to expect.
I’ve been to redneck states before (and big college towns at that), like Alabama and Arkansas (one of my close friends, Rob S., has worked in minor league baseball at the AAA and AA levels for years and I have visited him during his nomadic stops) – and I somewhat thought that Ohio would be a lesser discount rack version of these two states.
But then again, I also knew that the Blue Jackets were named after the Union Army, as Ohio was on the right side of the Civil War.
Again – I didn’t know what to expect – but I just knew it wouldn’t be New York City – a good thing these days.
In a word, Columbus is CLEAN.
One last time, I can only talk about what I saw, but during my trip which took place on weekend nights (Friday and Saturday) – I was just overwhelmed with the cleanliness.
Unlike the sewage-soaked streets of Manhattan – I didn’t see litter anywhere, nor was there a stench of bad pot and piss in the air either.
I also didn’t see any junkies, discarded needles, empty baggies, or any of that ilk too.
In fact, I only saw one homeless person and that was outside the arena after the game.
The streets in Columbus were full of trash cans – trash cans that the citizens actually use.
Really, and this was very noticeable as a New Yorker – you didn’t see cigarette butts, empty soda/beer cans, candy wrappers, whatever other junk that you usually see in the streets, anywhere.
I think the only “debris” that I saw was a loose pebble – and I wound up picking that stone up with my shoe!

While I don’t wish to delve into politics on this site (you always offend half of your audience whenever you do); some things are just facts, facts which I’d like to share with you.
I had no clue that Columbus was a liberal-leaning city, as in my own New York state of mind – I thought Ohio was a “middle of America” red state.
I later found out that the city has even removed a statue of its namesake from its town hall – Christopher Columbus – because OH MY GOD, THE HORROR – for a man born in the year 1451 – he doesn’t pass the 2023 sniff test – where every historical figure must be judged by the liberal eyes of the current year.
Have I ever mentioned before how much I hate cancel culture – and especially their efforts in trying to eliminate all history?
(Let it be known that I love history – especially American and hockey – and all regular readers of this site know this about me.)
Spoiler: The world hasn’t exactly been a rainbow and lollipop place – and to erase history means we can’t learn from it.
I also found out that the city actually debated renaming themselves – but haven’t pulled that trigger on that silly idea (for the 24/7 news cycle) yet.
But of course, “The Liberal Madness Judge Everyone with 2023 Eyes Blue Jackets” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue that well – but I guess the BUCKEYE BLUE JACKETS does.
(Another thing about me? I’m a sucker for all things alliteration!)
As we hit the pavement when exploring all of the bars and restaurants – 99.9% of them had rainbow and transgender flags on their store fronts – similar to the Chelsea and Village areas in NYC.
To go along with that, many of these restaurants and bars had employees with multi-colored neon hair and all of the metal in their faces too – and I say that as someone who once worked in a tattoo shop – and is covered in ink myself! (And I’m not judging, I’m just giving you the full story.)
Of course, Columbus is also a young college town, so that goes with the territory. I guess I should have known this in advance, because after all, most major colleges, including THE OHIO STATE, promote a liberal agenda.
(And you can’t walk two inches without seeing an OSU logo somewhere in Columbus. I appreciate the devotion.)
And this isn’t just exclusive to OSU, or for that matter, this era either. People who lived during the Vietnam War will confirm as much.
However, back in the 1960s, extremely ultra liberal colleges, including in California, actually allowed George Lincoln Rockwell (look him up if you’re not familiar with who he is) to speak/hold lectures – where today – I don’t think you’d see a Republican candidate (better adjusted than GLR) as a featured speaker at any of these places of higher learning.
How the times have changed – and no – I’m not supporting Rockwell’s message either – I’m just shocked that he was allowed to push it to college students. That would never happen today.
Anyway, my point.
Liberal, conservative, right wing, left wing, broken wing – it didn’t matter – EVERYONE was extremely friendly – except for the staff at BAREBURGER (one block down from my hotel), where we tried to get lunch at on Friday.
As we stood there at the “PLEASE WAIT TO BE SERVED AREA,” no less than four employees, all with hair that looked like it had been through a tie-dye t-shirt machine, walked past us several times over – and where not once, were we ever acknowledged, nor told, “give me a second, I’ll be right with you.”
(And keep in mind – the restaurant was about 25% full at the time – or 75% empty – not busy.)
And while I don’t want to be cruel here, nor <GASP>, BODYSHAME, anyone either; but as someone who won’t be competing in the Arnold Schwarzenegger bodybuilding competition anytime soon – if you have a spare tire fit for a Mack Truck around your gut that’s in a major need of a deflation – then it’s probably not best to wear belly-shirts – and this especially goes for people who have red stretch marks all over their belly as if a toddler went crazy with a crayon on a blank wall.
I’m just left to assume that these big-bellied employees must barrel over people at the end of their airline flights too.
As I continue to produce this “content” that you won’t find anywhere else; I only bring up this experience at BAREBELLYBURGER, because it was the only negative time that I had in Columbus.
Firm (unlike the bellies) but fair I say!
Everywhere else that I went, including the Parlay Pub, The Home Town, Pearl, Callahans’, and I’m forgetting a bunch of them too – all of the staffs and establishments were welcoming and friendly – including at the R-Bar, which I’ll soon get into.
Ditto the citizens of Columbus and Blue Jacket fans.

Following a quick nap after lunch, we took an Uber ride to “The Hollywood Casino,” a casino that features this sportsbook:

GAMBLING HACK: Stay away from the casinos that are the only game in town – unless you’re betting sports.
I wish I could follow my own advice, but I was drawn to this casino like a sailor to a mermaid siren.
For all intents and purposes, the casino was nice, clean and again – everyone was friendly – but the machines were tighter than a nun’s five-hole.
After all, Columbus isn’t Vegas or Atlantic City, and with no competition, the screws are turned on all of the slot machines.
I stayed in the casino for three-hours, between hitting the slots and having some belts & pops at the Barstool Sportsbook.
The casino floor? I only heard one loud ROAR from an excited gambler during my time at this clip-joint for suckers.
Sadder than that?
The payout on his hit?
Sadder above all else?
I bet $75 on Deion Sanders’ Colorado team to cover their -13.5 spread against Stanford.
Once leading 29-0 at the half, Stanford took the neon out of Deion – and won the game in double overtime by a final score of 46-43.
The Colorado Buffaloes couldn’t ease the pain, but at least the Buffalo Trace whisky somewhat did.
Speaking of whisky, and wrapping up on Friday – the college bars!

After making a donation at the casino, we concluded the night by visiting some college bars by our hotel.
Depending on your age and personal preferences, this may not be for you.
Friday the 13th, October 13th, 2023, was the day that I realized that yours truly – and now at the spry age of 41-years-old – I am a relic, a senior citizen, an outcast – and all when it comes to the world of college (dive) bars.
“I used to be somebody!”
We visited three different college bars on this night, where the names aren’t important because they were all the same – drunken frat boys looking to fight each other and sorority sisters crying about god knows what.
You know, the stereotypical college dive bar from your youth!
Another thing, of many, that I also noticed?
I was the only one drinking (double) whiskies, while everyone else was drinking some sort of a rainbow fugazi concoction, such as flavored seltzer or whatever else is all the rage.
Whatever happened to Zima?
Our Founding Fathers, big boozers themselves, would be horrified with all of the White Claw that is being consumed by a new generation.
As I always say, “drink rot-gut whisky like a man!”
Plus, who drinks regular seltzer on their own free time, much less the alcohol-infused variety?
While these people (fellow customers/bar patrons) were fine with and by me; I also came to the sad realization that if I had shared the lead in my pencil with a female of my age in my formative years – then WHAT A HORROR – I could’ve been a parent to some of these kids!
Granted, while Tommy and I weren’t going to stick around to see the final conclusion of the “COME AT ME BROS” and “WHY IS HE DOING THIS TO ME SOBBING SISTERS” anyway; but once we realized that we were the oldest people in these bars – and twice the age of our fellow patrons too – it was time to call it a night.
The good thing about going home early (or early for us)?
An old school Pizza Hut in the area – where that skillet pie sopped up the booze and left us fresh for Saturday morning.
Perhaps being excited about a Pizza Hut was all the realization that I needed – I’m an old fart now!

Once getting ready to head to the game on Saturday, and one more time here – I didn’t know what to expect.
Outside of everyone forewarning me about “that damn cannon,” one that I regretfully heard seven times on this sad night of October 14th, 2023 (and a cannon that rival players detest too); I was wondering – is Columbus really a hockey city?
I already had my own preconceived notions about the Columbus Blue Jackets, where the idea of “Columbus being the American version of Winnipeg” ran throughout my mind – and a statement/opinion that I’ve read many times over from people who have visited both of these NHL cities.
And while I’ve never been to the alleged drab-and-dreary-and-depressing Winnipeg (yet); I’m happy to report to you my friends, and after a conversation with Maury Povich, “this has been determined to have been a lie!”
Not a lie?
Why I originally questioned the hockey passion in Columbus.
After all, and as explained, Columbus is the home city of (THE) Ohio State University, and as was evident everywhere that I went – it’s BUCKEYES or bust.
Columbus is also the capital of Ohio, where despite such a standing – the NFL, NBA and MLB teams of the state play elsewhere, in Cleveland and Cincinnati.
That’s why I was of the impression that Columbus was “just a college town,” a city where pro sports would never work.
Should you be an Ohioan finding this blog, some background:
I am born-and-raised on New York sports my whole life – and where college sports are a remote afterthought here.
Sure, there are some New Jersey fans who care about Rutgers’ football, and when St. Johns’ basketball gets hot, there’s some interest there too; but really – no one cares about college sports in New York City – unless they are gambling on it.
But as far as a college stadium in NYC, one that routinely draws over 100,000+, as is the case in Ohio State?
Non-existent. NYC is strictly a professional sports town.
And perhaps like hockey in Columbus, and despite whatever Blue Jacket fans may think – hockey is also secondary here – where to go further than that – it’s perhaps the fifth-most watched sport in town, behind baseball, football, basketball and MMA.
Fans of tennis (Arthur Ashe Stadium) and horse racing (Belmont) may argue that their sports are bigger than hockey too.
But like Blueshirt backers – Blue Jacket fans are extremely passionate – and hardcore too.
But of course, for a franchise that’s nearly 75-younger than the Rangers – there are more hockey fans in NYC than in Columbus, Ohio – but the ones I met over the weekend were diehard – and better than that – were over-the-top friendly too.
Heck, at points, it felt like they wanted to pick away at our brains and gain knowledge – and just as I do with “The Maven,” Stan Fischler. (We’re all thinking about you Stan.)
Put it this way: TEN O’CLOCK TOMMY and I must’ve been stopped no less than three-dozen times in and around the arena on Saturday – where all of the conversations were positive and of the getting-to-know-you nature.
Of course, being a savage New Yorker, and as each person approached, I went “here we go,” as if I was at a game in Philadelphia – as I had my guard up – because after all – how can people be so friendly?
Seriously, as each person started a conversation with us, I was thinking, “what’s wrong with this person? What do they want?”
It was then that I realized that living in New York has warped my views on humanity!
Blue Jacket fans couldn’t have been any nicer or as accommodating, as outside of talking puck, they gave us bar/restaurant/what to see in town suggestions too.

The bulk of my conversations with CBJ fans took place at the R-Bar – the premier hockey bar in Ohio:

As you can see, the “R-Bar,” and as Kyle first suggested to me upon landing, is a hockey fan’s paradise.
Better than that, and unlike the non-hockey bars that surround M$G in NYC?
Everything was reasonably priced – and where the bar features wall-to-wall hockey paraphernalia too – and not just exclusive to the home team either.
Just some generalizations about the Blue Jackets from their own fans, and again, just from my own interactions:
— The tide has turned against the once beloved in New York John Davidson – and especially following the whole Mike Babcock debacle.
— There isn’t that much love for the CBJ GM, Jarmo Kekalainen, either. Barring a major run for a team that’s expected to compete in the 2024 Draft Lottery and not the playoffs – most fans expect this duo to receive their pink slips at the end of the season.
— Everyone was aware of the Rangers’ history with CBJ – not playoff history – but how many big-bucks and brand name players, where of course, Rick Nash and Artemi Panarin lead the pack, have bolted from Columbus to NYC.
But as these fans keenly (and regularly) reminded me (they weren’t aware that I’m a famous ten-time award winning author, nor a “Ranger Historian” either – an official title bestowed upon me by the great Stan Fischler) – the Rangers never won a Stanley Cup with any of these players.
— Another man with Ranger roots that once spent time in Columbus? John Tortorella, who all these fans loved and where it was repeated a few times to me that “Columbus is a head coach town.” (Meaning that the coaches become bigger than the players, which I guess is the case in most college towns too.)
— But everyone in town is enamored with Adam Fantilli – duh!

Just some final thoughts on the Blue Jackets and their fans, before getting into “that damn cannon.”
CBJ fans felt like I did – there’s no real rivalry between them and the Rangers. (Of the division, and from what I gathered, the CBJ faithful hate Flyer fans more than anyone else – and we can all support that!)
For us, Ranger fans, our rivalries are with everyone else in the division, where even the Hurricanes, once perennial patsies, have become a heated foe in recent years.
The Blue Jackets? They come nowhere close to being as hated as the Devils, Islanders, Flyers, Penguins and Capitals.
On the other end, the Blue Jackets have their gripes mainly with the team that’s closest in proximity to them, the Red Wings. I was told that Detroit fans (just like Ranger fans) usually come out in large numbers for Red Wing/CBJ games.
But as far as a Red Wing/Blue Jacket rivalry?
Let’s face it – it’s not exactly one of hockey’s biggest feuds – as the 23-year-old team in Ohio hasn’t been around long enough.
Furthermore, CBJ have only reached the playoffs six times in their history – and where they have only reached the second round once (following the biggest upset in playoff history, their 2019 sweep over the Lightning, where following that victory, they then dropped a six-game set to that years’ eventual Eastern Conference champions, the Bruins).
And for those who don’t know – the Rangers and CBJ, despite sharing a division for the past ten-years – have never had a playoff series against each other – which is another main reason why outside of the players bolting for the Big Apple bucks – there’s no real rivalry between these two squads of the Metro.
In closing, CBJ is still looking for their first real rivalry, like the Oilers and Flames in “The Battle of Alberta” – or like the Dallas Stars and the Houston Aeros (oh wait – that’s next year – too soon?)

Before continuing this never-ending blog; in case you missed it, here are 135 pictures that I took during my time in Columbus: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/cbjpix/
As teased all blog and as you’re probably aware of by now too; the Nationwide Arena is home of the cannon.
Instead of a traditional goal song, the Blue Jackets celebrate scores by shooting off a cannon, where if you’re not ready for it – then it could lead to a long day at the laundry mat when trying to remove brown stains from your shorts.
I knew that this cannon was as loud as gun shots ringing through Chicago on a Saturday night – but, and without sounding snobbish – you have to see it for yourself to believe it.
TV doesn’t do it justice.
I was told by many people that even when you’re expecting it, the cannon could have you shaking like Michael J. Fox on a rickety-roller coaster. (New readers – MJF makes these jokes so it’s okay – he embraces the comedy/humor.)
Following Saturday night’s game, 100 of these cannons going off wouldn’t bother me – because after hearing seven of these blasts (one during the pregame, one on the disallowed goal that Trouba blocked and the five goals that CBJ scored) – I’m now a savvy and experienced veteran of the cannon.

As brought up earlier, I’m five NHL rinks away from seeing them all.
Maybe this is a future book idea?
I’m sure that many fans could get some use out of a book that covers every NHL city, their arena, their fans and their history. I know that I’d love such a book.
I just need some donations (wink-wink) to make it happen anytime soon – as I can’t afford five long-distance road trips this season!
(Plus, this book would be on the back-burner, as I’m currently working on a biography of former Rangers’ great, “FIERY” Phil Watson.)
I’d have to really think it over, go back, assess and read my previous road-trip blogs (sometime this week, I’ll archive all of them so they are easily accessible), to say that the Nationwide Arena is in TOP FIVE TERRITORY – but at the very least, I can say it’s in the top ten.
The top five NHL arenas/cities in my opinion are Montreal, Las Vegas, Nashville, Tampa and ugh, the IBS Arena at Belmont.
(And upon reflection, I don’t have Columbus knocking either of these cities/arenas from their perch – outside of saying that Columbus, OH is vastly better than Elmont, NY – but the IBS Arena, the newest in the league, is better.)
The bottom of the pack?
M$G, LA, Anaheim, Florida and Seattle.
Some quick shots on why I think the Nationwide Arena is a huge asset to the league and for their fans:
— The cannon is an amazing draw, arguably one of the best in the league. It’s part of the branding. It’s part of the merchandise. Whoever came up with it (the name escapes me) is a marketing genius.
People were lined-up all over the place to take a picture with the cannon – and where if CBJ charged even a minimal fee of $5-$10 to do so – I’m sure that everyone would pay it. I know this tourist would have done so!
— Like the city itself, the venue was C-L-E-A-N. The venue is now becoming one of the older ones around, but it looks as brand new as the day it was built.
— WIDE ROTUNDAS! This is a personal pet peeve of mine, especially in regards to that second rotunda at M$G that resembles a herd of “Walking Dead” zombies during intermissions; but throughout Nationwide, you can move freely around – and not once did I have to say excuse me, nor bump into anyone either.
— Short lines. In total, between four beer runs and four piss breaks too – I spent a total of four-minutes in line. What I did at Nationwide would take me four hours at M$G.
— Better sight lines. Granted, I paid a little extra ($150 – but this ticket would have ran $850 at M$G) to sit close, so sight lines would never be an issue anyway – but from my vantage – there was not one obstructed seat in the house. What a concept.
— Again, and I know that all of this sounds sickening and sugar-sweet (you might need to see a dentist for the cavity that I’ve caused) – but the fans.
Just no bullshit at all. Just some fun ribbing after goals and that was to be expected – and I respect that.
Not that I ever worry about my own safety to begin with whenever attending a hockey game (I think the only place in sports I won’t go to is to a Giants/Eagles game in Filthadelphia – as the mix of drunkenness by the derelicts who can’t handle their booze combined with living in Philly is a toxic concoction); but no matter what colors you wear – you don’t have to worry about having to protect them from a mongrel either.
And some 7,000 words later, finally, the Rangers and this game.
But of course, prior to getting into the Blueshirts’ portion of this blog – your daily disclaimer for this 2023-24 season:
(This disclaimer is also why I wasn’t so high following the big win in Buffalo, nor so low after the loss in Columbus – although I was disgusted by it since I was there!)

Since I’m getting to this special GAME REVIEW over 24-hours after the fact, I’m just going to give you some thoughts and quick hits – as everything is dated and we have the home-opener later today.
For all of the LAVY LOUNGES that I haven’t posted yet on this site, you can find all of them here: https://www.youtube.com/@nyrangers/videos
But really, outside of the coach’s post-game talk – not much was said – and we’ll get into what was said during that talk once we get there.
However, anything else?
Same old stuff – SYSTEMS, SYSTEMS, SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURE, STRUCTURE, STRUCTURE – stuff that you didn’t really see on Saturday night.
Here was the Rangers’ line-up for their 5-3 pathetic loss to the Blue Jackets:
FIRST LINE: Kreider/Zibanejad/Kakko
SECOND LINE: Panarin/Chytil/Lafreniere
THIRD LINE: Cuylle/Trocheck/Wheeler
FOURTH LINE: Goodrow/Bonino/Vesey
FIRST PAIR: Gustafsson/Fox
SECOND PAIR: Miller/Trouba
THIRD PAIR: Jones/Schneider
BACK-UP: Quick

I know that I thought this right away (I said it at the time on my social media accounts), and I know that this statement/opinion/fact has been reiterated and echoed a billion times throughout the streets of Rangerstown, USA too – but outside of CZAR IGOR – is there anyone else that’s more important, and especially from a win-loss perspective, than Ryan Lindgren is for the Blueshirts?
On Saturday, Laviolette made a planned substitution to his forward group, when Jimmy Vesey replaced Tyler Pitlick on the fourth line.
Admittedly, I believe in “don’t fix what’s not broken,” and while I had no problems with the 2016 Hobey Baker winner making his season debut – I would’ve left well enough alone.
And for what it’s worth – I thought that Vesey was one of the better Rangers on Saturday night – and you noticed him all game.
The other change that Laviolette made from his Thursday line-up to the one that he employed on Saturday was on defense – but this wasn’t of his own doing.
Prior to the game, the Rangers announced that Lindgren was “day-to-day” with an upper-body injury, where it’s assumed that he injured his hand during the final minutes of the Blueshirts’ blowout in Buffalo.
(Of note: The Rangers were off on Sunday – so we won’t know what’s going on with Lindgren’s injury until Monday’s home-opener. However, it’s thought, if not solely hoped, that the injury isn’t serious.)
Saturday night, and just like any other game that Lindgren has missed during his NHL career, was a hell of a night for his agent – and especially with #55 on the last year of his expiring contract – where he’ll become a restricted free agent at the end of the 2023-24 campaign – assuming no accord is reached before that.
Put it this way: The Rangers, since Lindgren’s 2018-19 in-season call-up, are 149-82-27 with him in the line-up (throw out the overtime loser’s point, and that’s 67 games over .500) and 47-52-17 without him (5 games under .500 when excluding overtime losses).
That’s a 72 win swing.
(It should also be mentioned that a bulk of the games that Lindgren missed was during his 2018-19 league debut, where he only played in five games.)
Lindgren’s worth and value is vast – and like these blogs – never-ending.
Between the shot-blocking, being the heart-and-soul type, a natural leader, the team-leader in the plus/minus statistic, and an all-out ULTIMATE WARRIOR – not to be overlooked is his presence with his BFF, his defensive partner, Adam Fox.
I’m not breaking any news with this FACT: Adam Fox is at his best whenever Ryan Lindgren is his partner.
While the Jeff Beukeboom & Brian Leetch comparisons will always be there for this dynamic duo, ones that I wouldn’t necessarily agree with – but there’s merit to them regardless – Fox, who ironically wears the #23 that Beukeboom once wore but has the Norris Trophy that #2 has – doesn’t play as well as he normally does whenever Lindgren is out.
And for that matter – neither do the Rangers.
But let me be clear – one player’s absence shouldn’t define your team – nor be the sole reason in winning and losing either – and especially not to a team like the projected lottery-bound CBJ – who once again – were forced to fire their head coach during training camp.
Furthermore, CBJ were missing their best d-man on Saturday too, rearguard Zach Werenski.
So let’s dead the excuses for losing right now solely because of Lindgren’s ailment.
At the end of the day, the reason for the loss in my eyes?
Once the two Rangers goals were disallowed (Chytil and Zibanejad), strikes that were scored in the first period and where had they counted – would’ve put the visitors up on the scoreboard 3-1 – I think the Blueshirts lost all of their momentum.
At the very least, these video review reversals kept Columbus alive – and from giving up themselves.
To say that Lavy’s Lot “gave up” wouldn’t be correct, because after all, the Rangers out-shot CBJ all game, including two periods featuring 17 shots on goal a piece – and where the Blueshirts actually doubled the Blue Jackets in the SOG category to a tune of 42-21.
Furthermore, the Rangers had 89 shot attempts in total.
So in turn, you just can’t say that they felt sorry for themselves after the video reviews which didn’t go their way.
What also didn’t go their way?
All of the SYSTEM and STRUCTURE talk.
And after watching this game back on TV (I’m a glutton for punishment); that smug jackass, Sieve Vagistat, sure changed his tune, no?
After burying Gerard Gallant passive aggressively on Thursday night for his perceived LACK OF SYSTEMS – not one word was muttered about this on Saturday.
Yeah it’s early, and we all know the disclaimer that was printed at the top of this too – but after the Blueshirts having no issues with the Sabres – the Blue Jackets, and much like that damn cannon – had no problems going off – and gaining entry into the Rangers’ zone all game.
1-3-1 = 5 goals allowed.

Again, no normal style of GAME REVIEW tonight, as everything is now dated and this blog was really about sharing my exploits in Columbus; but for now, just my thoughts on the game:
— Zac Jones, the apple of the inept Mollie Walker’s eye, is not an NHLer.
While that could change one day, he’s not one now.
At times, I was tracking him and man-oh-man, is he out of his league.
No joke, he looked more out of place than me at one of Arnold’s bodybuilding competitions.
For that matter, Braden Schneider didn’t look so hot either.
And yep, this is the Lindgren Injury Trickle-Down Effect – as Fox and Gustafsson, playing together for the first time, didn’t have much chemistry, and the Swedish veteran, because of his promotion – his absence severely weakened the third pair, which at the end of the day, hurt the team the most as it meant Hello Mr. Jones (and not me).
(Yes, that’s a Counting Crows joke – and where else are you going to find such bad references and attempts at musical humor?)
That said, Gustafsson did get that early puck-luck goal fifty-seconds into the game – but that was the only display of such luck for the remainder of the match.
— Artemi Panarin, and just as Rick Nash once received, heard the boos all game.
“The Breadman,” a regular season player, had another decent game in my eyes, but against two struggling goalies, the diarrhea-filled Elvis Merzlikins, and the cold-as-ice Spencer Martin (who played the third period as Elvis left the building for some Dude Wipes) – it was like a playoff game – Panarin couldn’t bake.
Mind you, the Flyers, expected to finish at the bottom of the league, beat these same CBJ 48-hours prior.
The Rangers, with Cup aspirations, couldn’t do the same.
And say what you want about it only being one game – but these two lost points count just as much as the two points that are on the line during the latter weeks of the season in March and April – and when every Stanley Cup contender is jockeying for playoff positioning.
Furthermore, let’s also not forget how this same core dropped a ton of games to bad teams at the start of last season – and while home ice doesn’t matter much against the Devils – it did cost them a home Game 7 in the first-round last year – where having the last change is a major advantage for a head coach.
— As far as the video reviews goes, I thought the officials got all of them right – at least to the letter of the rule – but not in the spirit of it.
That said, and as said about 789678696796976 times before on this site – I hate these reviews where a player is offside by a c-hair, which in turn, disqualifies a goal.
Can you imagine going back and looking at all of Wayne Gretzky’s 894 goals?
If you did, then Alex Ovechkin would have the all-time goal record right now – and Washington could finally embrace their rebuild too.
— You knew it was going to be that type of night, not only when two goals were overturned, but even when a triple-deflected shot was saved by Martin on his third or fourth shot faced.
Sometimes, puck luck isn’t in your favor.
— I heard – Sam Rosen called Boone Jenner “Bruce Jenner” again.
It’s time for the Rangers to transition away from Rosen and into Kenny Albert – something I’ve said for years now.
Go figure, for another game full of firsts, I saw the first hat trick of the CBJ season, Jenner’s second of his career, as he pumped three goals past CZAR IGOR.
Speaking of the 2022 Vezina Trophy winner…

— CZAR IGOR has to beat these bad teams.
Granted, the majority of the five goals surrendered was more about the Rangers’ defense and all of the odd-man rushes that they gave up rather than anything else – but even so – five goals allowed on twenty-one shots faced (.762 save percentage) – is inexcusable – especially when two guys who will never sniff a Vezina in their careers, Merzlikins (24 saves, .960%) and Martin (15 saves, .882%), out-played and had the heavier workload than Shestyorkin.
This wasn’t exactly 2023 Stanley Cup Playoff deja vu, when CZAR IGOR, who did play well in that series, but also, an unknown Akira Schmid outplayed him – but this did feel reminiscent to these new dark days in Rangers’ history.
Funny enough – it was questioned by the Rangers’ beat reporters if CZAR IGOR should have even started this game – and not because Quick was a former CBJ – but because of the “work load.”
Goalies of a yesteryear laugh at such notion.
So did I.
But I wasn’t laughing at the end of the game.
And imagine telling Glenn Hall that he should take off the second game of the season?
Hell, imagine telling Lundqvist that?
— The daily topic of Alexis Lafreniere
While his stats would suggest a putrid performance (-2, only 1 SOG, 30% success rate at the dots, etc); obviously, while not having the same strong performance that he had during the season opener in Buffalo – I thought he was fine – but at the same time – I do worry about his consistency.
I don’t worry about Will Cuylle though.
Neither Brennan Othmann, who already has three goals in Hartford for the ‘Pack.
— Chris Kreider, Special Teams King
We’ve talked about this subject before, but once again on Saturday night, Kreider added another power-play goal to his ledger. He currently has the second most PPGs in the league, along with the most shorthanded goals scored too, during the past two+ seasons.
He has found a good time to find the prime of his career – but it can’t just be him either – especially in the playoffs when both Panarin and DJ Mika take their usual LOA’s.
— Did the bottom-six outplay the top-six again?
While the talent in Columbus takes a huge hit from their top-six to their bottom-six; either way, only the bottom-six Rangers finished with a plus/minus stat in the positive category.
(Full stats info here: https://www.espn.com/nhl/boxscore/_/gameId/401559262 )
Yes, every top team is due for a stinker every now and again, but it does seem commonplace for this Rangers’ core, a core that tends to rise to the competition but also sinks to it.
And it’s a tough night when your second line center, Filip Chytil, isn’t allowed to take faceoffs – and finishes -3 too.
I think I had enough of reliving this game for the rest of my life.
Here’s what Lavy said following the debacle:
For what it’s worth, I did agree with a lot of what the bench boss said, including when he stated, “Offensively, I thought we pushed the entire game, especially in the third and just couldn’t seem to get it in.”
(I think I heard some of those OSU frat boys at the college bars say the same thing about getting it in.)
But yep, and you know it, excuses don’t cut it anymore – not now – and not for this team in their present state.
On Lindgren, and not making excuses, Lavy also said, “[His absence] would be an excuse. I like the lineup we had dressed tonight. He’s upper-body, day-to-day, and will be evaluated when we get back home. I don’t think that had anything really to do with the game.”

As we get to the end here, another thank you to the city of Columbus and Blue Jacket fans.
I couldn’t have felt any more welcomed – and I know that I have gained a few new blog readers from my personal interactions with you guys and gals – especially Rory G. and John T. at the R-Bar.
As far as the loss, it always sucks 7896786967896769696876 times more when you see it live – and 8976786786768967867689 times worse than that when you fly to see it too!
While I won’t overreact, and I will stay true to my daily disclaimer – the Rangers blew this game – and I feel that these two points, along with future losses to bad teams (it’s only inevitable), will also play a factor in their goal to get home ice for the first-round of the playoffs.
Back at it Monday night, with a Rangers/Coyotes home-opener review.
As far as the line-up, I think it’s safe to say that CZAR IGOR gets the home opener, while Lindgren’s injury will determine the state of the defense.
I will say, if Lindgren is out for any amount of time, then I’d call up BIG BEN HARPUR, as Z-Jones isn’t the answer.
As far as the forwards go, take your pick, although I do prefer Vesey over Pitlick.
Thanks for sticking with me, as I know that this blog was longer than all three Godfather movies combined.
PLUGS TIME! (Buy a book and support my Rangers’ induced therapy bills. After all, I don’t run ads on this site!)

“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History,” is now available for preorder.
For complete information, please visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/rangerkillers/

My second plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden.”
As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link:
For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have a few signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that:
Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today

My four-volume set of books, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is a game-by-game recount of the Rangers 2021-22 campaign.
My second title as an author, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is now available in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.
To obtain signed copies, visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/onegamebook/
To purchase all four volumes on Amazon, visit: Amazon.com – “One Game at a Time.”

The greatest volume-set of books on Rangers’ history today!
“Tricks of the Trade – A Century-Long Journey Through Every Trade Made In New York Rangers’ History,” a four-volume set of books that meticulously covers every trade made in franchise history, is now on sale.
All four volumes of the title can be purchased on Amazon.com and are presented in three different formats – eBook, paperback and hardcover.
To purchase Volume I: Conn Smythe (1926) – Craig Patrick (1986), visit Amazon.com
To purchase Volume II: Phil Esposito (1986) – Neil Smith (2000), visit Amazon.com
To purchase Volume III: Glen Sather (2000-2015), visit Amazon.com
To purchase Volume IV: Jeff Gorton (2015) – Chris Drury (2022), visit Amazon.com
To purchase signed copies of all four volumes, visit https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/
Here are my last few blogs, in case you missed them:
NYR/CBJ 10/14 Pictorial Review: Over 100 Pictures from Columbus, Ohio (And No Video Review To Overturn Any of Them!)
NYR/BUF 10/12 Review: Blueshirts Barrel Over Buffalo in Season Premiere – But It’s Not How You Start – It’s How You Finish, Bad Puck Luck Mars Otherwise Flawless Game, “Block-And-Blue” NYR, Lafreniere’s Redemption; Lavy’s Motivation, Kreider Drives Special Teams 100-MPH, Lazarus Rises, Reverse Rosen Curses; M$GN & More
The Top Ten Tuesday Takes in Rangerstown, USA: Blueshirts Announce “Participation Trophy” Alternate Captains; Ignore & Omit the Obvious, Lines Don’t Matter; Scratches Do, Lafreniere vs Systems, Cuylle Joins Luminaries, Topics That The Beat Reporters Won’t Touch & More
“CUYLLE HAND LUKE” Makes The Cut! Brodzinski, Harpur and Othmann Assigned to the Prison in Hartford; Wolf Pack’s Roster, Chytil Returns; Lafreniere Goes Away Day-To-Day, Lavy’s Line-Up, Gorton’s Greatest Trade, HBD To The Best NYR of All-Time & More
If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog for the next update:

Don’t forget to order my recently released four-volume set of books, “Tricks of the Trade!”
If you don’t order through me, all four volumes are now available on Amazon.com
For more details, check out: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/
Thanks for reading.
Sean McCaffrey
@NYCTHEMIC on the Tweeter machine
Thanks for the review of Columbus and Nstionwide Arena. Maybe I’ll attend a game there sometime, but I doubt it. That indoor cannon firing is not something I would enjoy. Over 50 years ago, I served for 3 years in the US Army, all in either field artillery (howitzers) or air defense artillery (pom pom guns and missiles), so I’ve heard more than enough cannon fire already!
My only advice?
The cannon is in section 111.
Sit on the other side of the arena lol
And thank you for your service.
You’re welcome. I came home from the Army in 1971, but many of my buddies didn’t make it back alive. I was happy to be back in NYC to attend NYR games at MSG. I also loved going to the Friday night fights there. People were still allowed to smoke indoors back then, which made it difficult to see the action from afar. You could get a great view if you were able to snag a front row seat, but you risked getting splashed with blood when sitting that close to the action.