NYR/FLA 3/4 Review: 62 Games Down; The Final 20 Featuring a Different Roster Ahead, Latest Trade Talk, Potential “Turning Point Loss,” Chris Drury’s Biggest Trade Deadline Yet – But Does It Matter with Missing Mika? Kakko Fails Top-Six Audition (Again) – But Is It 100% On The Finn? If The GAG Line 2.0 Don’t Score Then Don’t Expect Anyone Else To; “Beating The Blueshirts Blueprint,” “S.O.S.,” Pride Night, M$G Radio & More

In their final game prior to the 2024 NHL Trade Deadline, and with a chance to return to their status as the “BEST IN THE WORLD” too; on Monday night at M$G, the Rangers dropped a 4-2 empty-net abetted decision to the 2023 Eastern Conference Champions, the Florida Panthers. As was also the case on Saturday night in Toronto – the Rangers proved that they can hang with an upper-echelon team at this stage of the campaign – but what has largely doomed “Lavy’s Lot” all-season remains – the $8.5M alleged first-line center, Mika Zibanejad, is offensively useless. And as we’ve also witnessed all-season – if an opponent can shut down the “GAG Line 2.0” (Artemi Panarin, Vincent Trocheck and Alexis Lafreniere) – then it’s nearly impossible for the Rangers to win.

Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on BlueCollarBlueShirts.com. Let the real fun begin – the annual trade deadline.

Off puck drop tonight, this will be a different style of blog/recap than usual, as not only am I still working my ungodly new hours at work (3PM-11:30PM) – I also had to work three-hours overtime (on the “back end” – and how fitting on “PRIDE NIGHT” too!) – which means that I didn’t start watching this game until 2:30AM.

However, and as noted last week (https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/22824/ ), I am listening to these games live on M$GN Radio (98.7FM here in New York) while performing my work duties – and man oh man – are both Dave Maloney and Kenny Albert the best at what they do.

But of course, and as a writer, these two can only describe to me what’s going on – and I need to see these actual games with my own pair of peepers – which is why I re-watch these games back on my DVR once returning home to my lovely abode.

The point of this droning preamble?

I didn’t take any notes like I usually do whenever watching these games, and since my “real life,” aka another day of overtime immediately ahead at the j-o-b, is getting in the way – I do need sleep as I write these words at 5AM Tuesday morning!

Long story short? (Easy for me to say!)

I’m going to breeze through most of this game – and just like the beat reporters do!

But truth be told, while of course a Rangers’ win (where had such an event taken place, then the Blueshirts would have entered the trade deadline as the best team in the league), would have led me into sacrificing every last second of sleep possible in order to give you every piece of minutiae from Monday’s match – at the end of the day – and win-or-lose – tonight’s game was just fodder, a tertiary story, for the big picture ahead – the 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs – and where come 3PM Friday (3/8) – we’ll finally know what this postseason roster will look like.

(Holy run-on sentence Batman! And those bags under your eyes too Mr. Wayne!)

However, and even if the general manager could land the best right-winger in the league today by Friday (Nikita Kucherov – and no – such a trade is NOT on the table) – would it matter?

What am I getting at?

I don’t even think that the ghosts of Gordie Howe, Bill Cook and Maurice “Rocket” Richard, three of the best right-wingers in NHL history, can fix whatever is going on with Mika Zibanejad these days.

And since the Swedish dee-jay, who hasn’t spun a five-vs-five (even-strength) goal since the eve of Christmas Eve (12/23/23), can’t be traded (he has a no-move clause – and he isn’t waiving it) – if #93, who hasn’t been hot during recent playoff tournaments to begin with, can’t pull his head out of his ass – then whatever Drury does at the deadline could become moot upon arrival.

As noted about 967865678586757656565 times this season on this site, and as clearly on display during tonight’s 4-2 loss – the “BEAT THE BLUESHIRTS BLUEPRINT” is out there for the other 31-teams to enjoy.

While the lesser teams in the league aren’t able to do it – the upper-echelon teams, the postseason teams, have been able to follow such plans – and as we’ve seen during the last two Ranger games – losses to contenders (Florida and Toronto).

As everyone knows – focus all of your energies on shutting down Panarin, Trocheck and Lafreniere – and then celebrate your win at the final horn.

While “The GAG Line 2.0” didn’t score tonight – to blame them for Monday’s loss is silly too. They’ve been phenomenal and carrying the club all-season. At some point, the other $15M+ in the top-six, and whoever the right-winger du jour is too, need to carry their own weight – and weight that’s mainly been dead for 62 games this season – and it all starts in the middle with Mika. Photo Credit: Getty Images

When specifically speaking about this loss to the Panthers, while much will be said about CZAR IGOR giving up arguably his worst goal of the season on Monday night – and as the 2022 Vezina Trophy winner and 2024 NHL All-Star did at the 6:11 mark of the third period to Ryan Lomberg (and the game winning goal no less) – even so – the Blueshirts only scored two goals in the game – and none at even-strength.

Why continue to harp on those two words, “even-strength?”


Unless you’ve been living underneath a rock or you’re just new to the NHL, then you already know that once the playoffs start, new rules are installed.

Ticky-tacky penalties that are normally called throughout the course of an 82-game regular season campaign are forgotten.

Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that the NHL has recently hired “Heimlich Maneuver” professionals for the postseason too – because once the seasons change – a whole ton of metal is ingested by the men in the white-and-black colors – as these referees swallow whistles in bulk!

Needless to say – even-strength scoring is a MUST in order to succeed in the playoffs.

It’s not bad enough that Stinka Zibanejad can’t score at even-strength – but he’s been an absolute nightmare during Ranger power-plays too!

Funny enough, the Rangers’ power-play, which has been abysmal these days, scored all of their goals tonight against the Panthers while on the man-advantage.

Go figure.

Will Cuylle, with just a tenth of a second remaining on one power-play, scored the game’s first goal at the 16:39 mark of the first period, while Chris Kreider, during a four-minute penalty assessed to Anton Lundell for high-sticking Braden Schneider, scored the other – and the final Ranger goal of the game too, which took place at the 15:26 mark of the second stanza.

While seeing the Rangers score two power-play goals these days is akin to seeing pigs flying over a frozen hell, while at the same time, Sam Rosen also being able to tell the difference between Trocheck and Panarin too – the Rangers had two other power-plays during the match – and where due to Mika Zibanejad – they failed on both of them.

Had the Rangers gone 75% or better than that, 100%, while on the power-play?

Then they most likely would have won tonight.

Why bring this up?

Try on this REAL, and not EXPECTED, stat for size:

Through the first 35-games of the season, the Rangers ranked first-overall in the league on the power-play, with an astonishing 30.9% success rate.

While obviously, maintaining such a high percentage was always going to be a tough ordeal, the drop-off since those first 35-games has been catastrophic.

Prior to tonight, and in their last 26-games played, the Rangers’ power-play success rate has been practically cut in half to 15.7%. That’s “good” for 27th-overall in the league.

But for whatever reason – the head coach, Peter Laviolette, and despite tinkering with his lines and pairings all season – absolutely refuses to give Lafreniere (or anyone else for that matter) a twirl with the first power-play unit.

And at this rate?

I rather see the seven-footer Matt Rempe on the Rangers’ first power-play unit instead of Zibanejad.

Seriously – just think about it.

Throw Rempe in front of a goalie and let the team shoot unmercifully at the opposing (and fully screened) goaltender.

It can’t be any worse than what Mika is doing these days.

Perhaps one of Zibanejad’s never-ending shots, wild and wacky attempts that go anywhere but to the net – needs to hit Lavy in the head in order to wake him up.

These days, I rather see Jonathan Quick on the power-play than Zibanejad too! Photo Credit: NYR

Prior to moving on, and in case you missed it, I covered all of the news from Sunday, including Jonathan Quick re-signing with the team, here:

I have no clue which one of the 987678969676676767687696 Ranger fan t-shirt companies that is selling this shirt (and where these companies don’t share their profits with the player that they are capitalizing on), but this much is a fact – REMPEMANIA is runnin’ wild – and he’s already hit cult hero status in the toughest market in the league. Photo Credit: @UncleStevieSays on Twitter/X

If there was any positive news from Monday, outside of the Devils firing Lindy Ruff (and isn’t it amazing Suzyn – of the three local hockey teams – it’s Peter Laviolette who now has the longest tenure among this trio which now includes Travis Green in New Jersey and Patrick Roy on Long Island), then it’s the infectious Matt Rempe – who now three weeks into his NHL career – is just letting all of the fan appreciation soak in – and I’m more than elated to see it:

Prior to puck drop, the Florida Panthers publicly acknowledged the stakes at hand, and while this was a “litmus test” game for the Blueshirts too – the Rangers kind of blew off this fact.

Cuylle’s power-play five-hole goal put the home team up first, as the young man was able to capitalize on a rebound sent from Trouba for the 1-0, GOOD GUYS, goal.

As CZAR IGOR was playing lights out, and despite what happened later, it took a Harlem Globetrotter goal, this time a Florida power-play goal, to beat him.

Take a look at Sam Reinhart’s high-light reel score – but a high-light that was only created due to the juggling skills of Aleksandar Barkov – a top-six center, who unlike Zibanejad, came to play tonight:

This equalizer, scored at the 10:11 mark of the second period, was just one of those goals that you have to respect and tip your cap to.

Great players make great plays – and Barkov & Reinhart are great players.

The Rangers, who were still playing well at the time, quickly reverted to old bad habits.

Such a bad habit?

Giving up two goals within two-minutes or less.

While officially, Reinhart’s second goal of the game was scored at the 12:56 mark (or two goals within 2:45), it may as well have been two goals in two-minutes.

Reinhart got to his spot in the slot and that was all she wrote – 2-1, bad guys, and just like that.

However, the Rangers, who to their credit, have been able to showcase their comeback ability all season, did just that exactly three-minutes later, as at the 15:26 mark of this period, and while on the first half of Lundell’s double-minor, Kreider, with who else – Panarin and Trocheck assisting – knotted the game at two goals a piece.

But as said – that was it – and no even-strength goals scored either.

Come the 6:11 mark – the game-winner – and an example of what I’ve been saying thus far tonight – and all season too for that matter on this site:

What’s one of the many things that I’ve been saying all season?

How it’s usually one “BLUESHIRTS’ BRAIN FART” that mars what would’ve otherwise been a shutout for CZAR IGOR – who still leads the league in most one-goal allowed games ever since his January of 2020 NHL debut.

While CZAR IGOR’s shutout was long gone by this point in the game – this was another “BLUESHIRTS’ BRAIN FART” – and the smelliest of them all – where this time – and in a rarity (especially ever since the bye week) – it was the goaltender’s fault.

But to blame CZAR IGOR for the loss as a whole – and who was a big reason why the Rangers just had their most successful month in franchise history (10-1 in February 2024) – is ludicrous.

And yep, not only was this a shot that CZAR IGOR wants a redo on – but it’s also something that he stops 999 of a 1,000 times – and where on this night – Lomberg became the one in a thousand.

What’s the example of something that I’ve already written tonight?

How playoff officiating is much different than regular season officiating.

In other words, while Laviolette can cry until the cows come home about the hook committed by Kevin Stenlund on Jonny Brodzinski all that he wants – such tears are ignored during the playoffs.

While Lavy isn’t wrong, and while who knows – maybe the Rangers win tonight if this penalty is called – a fact?

The Rangers, in spite of this no-call fluke goal, had plenty of chances to score themselves.

Another fact?

The Panthers two five-vs-five goals were the difference.

And while this is just coincidental more than anything else – it does seem like the Rangers are living a lot with their empty-net (6 x 5) attack, having previously scored two of these goals against the Islanders in the Stadium Series game (and while on the power-play too – which also means that their power-play stats deserve an asterisk too) and then one more against Toronto on Saturday – and as a result – are also dying in this way too – and as we saw when Lundell sealed the deal with just 59-seconds remaining in regulation for the 4-2, bad guys, your final, goal.

All of this said?

Another thing that I’ve been saying throughout this 2023-24 campaign too, which yep, you know it, brings me to my season-long daily disclaimer – and feel free to say it with me:


Following tonight, we’re five-days away from pretty much seeing what this playoff roster will look like – and in a way – what’s now taken place during the previous 62-games is essentially meaningless – outside of the fact that the Rangers have had their playoff berth sewn up for some time now.

And yep, this too before hitting our usual segments for the night:

Once Game 82 of the regular season is complete (April 15th when the Rangers host the Senators) – then everything that we had witnessed during the campaign will be rendered useless.

It’s the Stanley Cup or Bust – and that’s the ONLY way to judge this team – and as you may have heard once or 9678686767967967969 times this season from yours truly!

Laviolette wouldn’t feed into any trade deadline talk – which duh – is the right approach.

Here’s what Laviolette said prior to tonight’s loss – where it should be mentioned that following their fantastic February, the Rangers are now winless in “Mika March” (0-2 and losers in three of their last four games played too) – and where the two most recent losses (Toronto & Florida) are against teams that they’ll have to beat in their (hopeful) quest to the June parade in the Big Apple:

Here was Laviolette’s line-up for the sixty-second game of this 2023-24 season – and the final game prior to the 3/8 NHL Trade Deadline – and most likely the last time that we’ll ever see this particular line-up ever again:

FIRST LINE: Panarin/Trocheck/Lafreniere

SECOND LINE: Kreider/Zibanejad/Kakko

THIRD LINE: Cuylle/Brodzinski/Vesey

FOURTH LINE: Rempe/Goodrow/Edstrom

FIRST PAIR: Lindgren/Fox

SECOND PAIR: Miller/Trouba

THIRD PAIR: Gustafsson/Schneider


BACK-UP: Quick

Healthy Scratches: Belzile and Jones


The following graphics and information come from ESPN.com:





28 2 26 .929 16 8 2 0 0 60:00 0


28 3 25 .893 22 3 0 0 0 58:36 0

It was uncanny (and coincidental) how much Dave Maloney echoed everything that’s been written on this site during the past two weeks during tonight’s M$GN radio broadcast. Photo Credit: M$GN

As noted up top – this won’t be a regular GAME REVIEW due to my busy schedule.

Plus, and as also stated, I truly felt that going into this game (and one more time – yeah – my attitude would have been slightly different had the Blueshirts prevailed) that no matter the result – this game was just a backdrop for the big picture anyway – the trade deadline.

Since I guess that I have to mention it, I’m only going to say the following about this year’s rendition of “PRIDE NIGHT” and then move on.

But that said – I’ve talked about this subject 986786868796967 times in the past and I really have no desire to keep beating this dead horse.

(If you want to read what I last wrote about this subject, then check out: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/12723/ )

Both the NHL and the Rangers, who flip-flop on this night/subject/topic depending on whoever is crying the loudest at the time, decided to have a “PRIDE NIGHT” tonight – where players were allowed to use whatever colors they wanted to on their gear – but where no rainbow-colored pregame jerseys were worn either (despite the building being lit up in the ROYGBIV scheme) – and as they they have been worn in the past.

On the radio broadcast, none of this was brought up – which I liked – because I just wanted nothing but hockey – and Maloney’s witty commentary (and ad reads) too!

(Maloney’s “Tullamore Dew” ad reads are legendary – and if you’ve heard them, then you know what I’m talking about! At one point, he was talking like the Leprechaun from “Lucky Charms!”)

The television broadcast was different, where at one point, I was hoping for this exchange:



(And if you can’t laugh at that joke, then that’s on you – and not on me! Get a sense of humor!)

As is always the case, the liberal beat reporters were heads-over-heels about rainbow tape and colors all over M$G, as all of them wanted their social media brownie points.

At one point, Ron Duguay, a hockey guy, even called out these folk on his Tweeter account – but not for their support of PRIDE NIGHT – but because these reporters made a non-hockey subject the focus of their coverage.

But really – it’s not like most of these beat reporters have a clue about hockey in the first place – so all of this was to be expected (and as history has shown us) – and just like their never-ending coverage about the meals they have shoved down their gullets – and where food takes precedence over hockey to these “reporters” too.

Since these nights are always “controversial” (for a lack of a better word – but it always creates discourse from all venues), and for all of the reasons as meticulously explained in the past (keep politics and sex stuff out of sports, no one of any sexual preference or background is ever denied admission from any games, the only color of the rainbow that the Rangers and the NHL care about is green, etc) – and let’s not forget that this was a huge topic in the league last year too; then it came to nobody’s surprise when this video went viral following the game:

I don’t know if the word “nonsense” is the best word, nor do I think that the title of this video, Everyone tossing the pride bags they gave out over the railing” is 100% accurate either (I doubt it was “everyone” – and in the video – it only looked like 15-20 bags – but who knows what we didn’t see); but no matter what your opinions are on this topic – once again – people are talking about this – and you can expect the subject of “PRIDE NIGHT” to hit all of the news cycles too.

Thankfully, the trade deadline is nearly here – and once the teams start wheeling-and-dealing – then this tired topic will be put to bed – that is, until next season.

And sorry if I sound so dismissive and/or negative about “PRIDE NIGHT” – but again – I’ve said my piece 9068786786786786786786 times about this tired topic before – and I’m dead-tired as I write these words too.

(So why mention it? I had readers emailing me about it and I’m a man of the people – and to be crystal clear – I don’t care what kind of an adult that you sleep with – as long as it’s not an Islander fan!)

Here’s a “transition” for my transgender friends/readers (Hi Becca & Joe) – and a joke for my gay readers too (Hi Sieve Vagistat – I kid, I kid – he doesn’t read this site!) – Larry Brooks, of the New York Post, sure is “bending over backwards” these days when denying any rumor concerning Kaapo Kakko being traded out of town. With his non-stop denials, not only is he fueling such talk – but you’d think that he has money on it too. (PROMO CODE: TORTORELLA.)

As far as my final thoughts on this game, it cemented everything that I’ve been saying all season – this team needs help – but due to the damage caused by the Devils in May of ’23 – I will be a nervous wreck come the playoffs – and even if the Rangers go 20-0 during the final stretch of the season!

And Mika Zibanejad isn’t calming these nerves either.

Presently, there are 40678638478637836783674863 rumors about what the Rangers will do.

To narrow some of these rumors down, it seems like Drury has inquired about Yanni Gourde, Jordan Eberle and Alex Wennberg of the Seattle Kraken (and these reports both originated in Seattle and by the Canadian reporters who talk to their fellow countrymen who serve as agents – or in other words – none of this is being leaked out of Drury’s New York office – aka the usual) – and where for the life of me – I don’t see why the Rangers (nor their fans) are clamoring for Wennberg.

Put it this way: Do you think that Wennberg, who Seattle has now put on the shelf for the trade deadline, and his nine goals in sixty-games played this season, is really a difference maker?

Gourde would be nice – but I can also see the Barclay Goodrow hating sect of the fan base quickly turning on him too.


Please, no more ex-Islanders!

When it comes to the three players that I’ve been championing for since December, Adam Henrique, Frank Vatrano and Radko Gudas – the Canadian scribes continue to report that Drury has inquired about both “The Ranger Killer” and the former Blueshirt – but not a peep about Gudas.

Funny enough, during tonight’s broadcast, Maloney, when critiquing Erik Gustafsson, said that Drury needs to go out and get himself a nasty playoff veteran blueliner.

I wonder where he got such an idea – I kid, I kid – as Maloney is a hockey savant and he doesn’t need me to tell him anything!

Plus – this is all common sense stuff too.

(And while on Maloney – and unlike the television broadcast – he does openly talk about Ranger trades – a no-no topic for both Sam and Joe. Furthermore, he had no problem burying Zibanejad on the broadcast either.)

While it seems like Henrique can easily be had, the opposite applies to Vatrano – as Pat Verbeek, who has all the power and hand in such a potential transaction, keeps on upping his asking price.

Similar to the Vatrano talk, there is still some buzz about other former Blueshirts becoming two-time Rangers, including both Anthony Duclair and Vladimir Tarasenko.

While I think a return of “THE DUKE” would work – like Wennberg, I just don’t see him as a game-changer either – nor someone you should give up a bundle for either.

Tarasenko, where Ottawa couldn’t retain 50% of his contract in a trade with the Rangers due to salary cap law – could in theory be had – as the Rangers have the money to do so.

But if Drury takes on the remainder of Tarasenko’s deal, then it leaves him little wiggle room to shore up other areas.

Another name is now gaining steam – Jake Guenzel of the Pittsburgh Penguins.

While Guentzel has the track record and would be a great fit for the Rangers – there’s no shot in hell I see the black-and-yellow helping out the Blueshirts – and just like how I said over the summer when both Brooks and his lapdog, Mollie Walker, were reporting that Drury was looking to hire Mike Sullivan as head coach.

This same logic, logic that many on the Blueshirts’ beat have yet to acquire, also applies to Brock Nelson of the Islanders.

As stated many times before – there’s not a person on this blue-and-green marble that hates the Rangers more than Isles’ head-honcho, Lou Lamoriello.

In fact, I can see the octogenarian dealing Nelson, and whoever else (Jean-Gabriel Pageau has been rumored to have hit the trading block), to either the Lightning or the Red Wings – one of the two teams that the Rangers will most likely see during the first-round of the playoffs.

As far as who Drury is willing to part with, everyone and their mother (besides Darren Dreger), and including Larry Brooks, says the Rangers’ first-round pick is in play. I’ve already covered this story before, so for the full 411, check out: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/2624/

Of all the reporters and INSIDERRRRRRZ, only Brooks is stating that Kakko, set to become a free agent this summer, is off-limits.

I’ve done all the Kakko talk before, so no need to do it again, but at the end of the day – he’s easily replaced.

And there’s the whole “WIN NOW” mantra too – so even if you think that Kakko, come Year 6 of his career next season, can finally break out – wouldn’t you trade him if it guaranteed you a Stanley Cup this year?

But of course – we’d all trade anyone – and our mothers too – if it guaranteed us a parade in June!

In the present, the Finn has failed in every top-six audition that he’s ever had with the team – and he has also expressed his displeasure, and many times at that, with his lack of playing time.

But under Laviolette, he’s received many chances – and he just hasn’t done anything with it.

Today, he’s a third line guy at best – but if you could get a big-time scorer as a right-wing option – then when it comes to the forwards – who do you want to see get bumped in favor of Kakko?

Rempe? Edstrom? Cuylle? Vesey? Goodrow? Brodzinski?

Sad to say it, but I can make a case for any of these six-men over Kakko (when you also consider playing to their role on the team) – and especially if the Rangers can land a Vatrano type.

As far as who else but Kakko who can realistically be traded on a team full of no-move-clause contracts – Goodrow could be dealt – but I think that will defeat the Rangers’ purpose and goal for the playoffs – as it’s the postseason when a player like the alternate captain is at his best.

K’Andre Miller could also be dealt – but I just don’t see it happening – as it’s tough to find rearguards who log so many minutes – and more importantly – who rarely miss time too.

The Rangers’ prospect pool has also been mentioned in potential trades – but unless you’re getting one of the Connor’s, McDavid or Bedard (and we know that’s not happening) – then I can’t see trading away these prized pupils such as Brennan Othmann, Adam Sykora and Gabe Perrault.

And that’s why I’ve really been going back to Kakko so much – because I don’t see who or what else can be sent the other way – and where fans must also understand – you have to give up something in order to get something.

Simply stated: No opposing GM is going to give the Rangers a haul for some late-round picks and Tyler Pitlick.

Following tonight’s 4-2 loss, Laviolette spoke one more time – and perhaps for the last time with this present roster in-tact (the Rangers are off on Tuesday but will return to practice on Wednesday):

Bill Goldberg’s message to Chris Drury. Photo Credit: WWE

As I close this stream of consciousness blog (or some may say “scatterbrained!”), I do think the best is still yet to come.

After all, can Mika Zibanejad be any worse?

And that’s really the only impression that I want to leave with you tonight – if Mika can’t turn it around, then whatever Drury does could be all for naught.

But damn it – the general manager has to go all in and try – as you can’t keep wasting these prime years from this core, including Panarin, Fox, CZAR IGOR, et al.

I apologize for being all over the place tonight – but I’m running on no sleep – and I will return, fully rested (or so I hope), once Drury makes his first deal – and he will be dealin’!

It’s bed time for me and for you it’s…

PLUGS TIME! (Buy a book and support my Rangers’ induced therapy bills. After all, I don’t run ads on this site!)

My fourth title and tenth book is now available!

“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History,” is now available for sale!

For complete information, please visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/rangerkillers/

The hardcover version of my first book, available now at Amazon.com

My second plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden.”

As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link:


For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have a few signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that:

Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today

My four-volume set of books, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is a game-by-game recount of the Rangers 2021-22 campaign.

My second title as an author, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is now available in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.

To obtain signed copies, visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/onegamebook/

To purchase all four volumes on Amazon, visit: Amazon.com – “One Game at a Time.”

The greatest volume-set of books on Rangers’ history today!

“Tricks of the Trade – A Century-Long Journey Through Every Trade Made In New York Rangers’ History,” a four-volume set of books that meticulously covers every trade made in franchise history, is now on sale.

All four volumes of the title can be purchased on Amazon.com and are presented in three different formats – eBook, paperback and hardcover.

To purchase Volume I: Conn Smythe (1926) – Craig Patrick (1986), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume II: Phil Esposito (1986) – Neil Smith (2000), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume III: Glen Sather (2000-2015), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume IV: Jeff Gorton (2015) – Chris Drury (2022), visit Amazon.com

To purchase signed copies of all four volumes, visit https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/

Here are my last few blogs, in case you missed them:

Jonathan Quick Re-Signed For One More Year in a No-Brainer of a Deal, Latest “LAVY’S LOUNGE,” Final Game Before Trade Deadline Ahead; Rempe v. Tkachuk Next? Don’t Forget Radko Gudas In Potential Swap with the Ducks & More

NYR/TOR 3/2 Review: Original Six Marquee Match-Up Exceeds All Hype & Expectations; Refs Rob Rangers in Shootout Loss, Historical Similarities & Differences Between Two Aging Cores, All Strengths & Weaknesses Remain, GAG Line 2.0 Does All of The Heavy Lifting; “Mika Marchless” Does Nada, Rempe & Reaves Deliver in Anticipated Heavyweight Tilt; Both Come Out as Winners, Mr. Mackey Re-Signed, Laviolette, Kakko on the Blockko, Best M$GN Broadcast of the Season & More

NYR/CBJ 2/28 Review: BEST IN THE WORLD BLUESHIRTS BEAT BLUE JACKETS; First Team to Hit 40 Wins, Matt Rempe The Top Talk of the League; Gets Gary Bettman’s Attention, What The Duck – Verbeek In-Attendance Too, Panarin Continues Career-Best Season; Another 3-Pointer Netted, Mika March Needed After His February Failure, Maloney & Albert = Gold, M$GN & More

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Sean McCaffrey


@NYCTHEMIC on the Tweeter machine

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4 thoughts on “NYR/FLA 3/4 Review: 62 Games Down; The Final 20 Featuring a Different Roster Ahead, Latest Trade Talk, Potential “Turning Point Loss,” Chris Drury’s Biggest Trade Deadline Yet – But Does It Matter with Missing Mika? Kakko Fails Top-Six Audition (Again) – But Is It 100% On The Finn? If The GAG Line 2.0 Don’t Score Then Don’t Expect Anyone Else To; “Beating The Blueshirts Blueprint,” “S.O.S.,” Pride Night, M$G Radio & More

  1. Thanks Sean,
    Am I the only one or is Kreider suffering from Mika malaise too? I know he scored but he’s not playing with much passion in my eyes. Too much floating, hanging in his sweet spot, ala Mika one time stationing, and lack of team motivation besides the hug line.
    Sorry just venting, last 2 losses were galling. Hoping for a new teamwide uptick in passion! LGR!

  2. I don’t understand why Lavy doesn’t mix up the kreider and mika line, he has nothing to lose, he has to do something and don’t use them for the power play, that makes no sense. Of course the goal is the playoffs but if we don’t try now, we are screwed.

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