NYR/NYI 4/9 Review: Rempe-Less Rangers Busted Up By Isles; Still Remain as “BEST IN THE WORLD BLUESHIRTS,” “Lavy’s Lot” Play One of Their Worst Periods of the Season; “Roy’s Ruffians” Play One Of Their Best, JAGR WATCH Update; One Shy From “CK40” Too, Laviolette Irately Incensed In Most Explosive Interview Yet; A Case of “Rempe Regret,” Frank Boucher Trophy Voting, “Ranger Killers,” M$GN & More

On Tuesday night, and in reasons unbeknownst to everyone besides the Blueshirts’ bench boss – Matt Rempe did not dress during the Rangers’ empty-net abetted 4-2 loss at the IBS Arena at Belmont. By the time that the head coach, Peter Laviolette, conducted his extremely brief post-game edition of “LAVY’S LOUNGE” – Pissed-Off Pete sounded like he had both remorse and regret in both his words and in his tone of voice. Even so, Rempe or no Rempe, the Blueshirts had one of their worst periods of the season during the first twenty-minutes. Down 3-0 when entering the second stanza, the Blueshirts made a valiant attempt when trying to erase the “dreaded three-goal lead,” but Isles’ netminder, a “Ranger Killer” for my future second-volume of my book series, Seymon Varlamov, was able to stand tall. The end result come the end of the night? The Blueshirts retained their “BEST IN THE WORLD” standing and are now three-games away from securing such status.

Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on BlueCollarBlueShirts.com. 79 down, 3 to go – and if you’re one of the people doing the “DOOM & GLOOM” act following one loss from the first-overall team in the league – then I can’t help you.

But perhaps this will alleviate your self-inflicted misery:


Another reminder for the fans racing to the ledges and bridges right now?

Why of course, my season-long daily-disclaimer, a 25-word regular-season war cry that goes like this:


Long story short? (Easy for me to say!)

Yeah, it’s never fun losing to the shitbags, piles (or Isles) of poo who play with the smell of horse manure permeating throughout their arena – but one loss to a desperate Islander team doesn’t define the Blueshirts’ season.

(Three fecal references in one sentence too – a season-high for this site!)

Furthermore, win-or-lose, and despite the latter taking place on this particular night, there are only two things that will ultimately be remembered from this season as the years pass on and as the hairs gray on our heads:

One, the Rangers won the only game of this season-series with the Islanders that mattered, their epic 6-5 overtime triumph at the football stadium in New Jersey.

Two, if the team won the Stanley Cup or not.

As far as anything else between these two teams from this season – and with all respect paid to the birth of REMPEMANIA?

Irrelevant – and that includes the Rangers’ 5-2 win against these Islander scrubs from St. Patrick’s Day too.

But of course, we must talk about tonight’s tilt too – and forever as long as I can before this dinosaur computer shuts down on me for the third time – which will be the last time – as I don’t have anymore feet to kick it with!

But I can’t borrow any ice from the Rangers’ trainers tonight – as all of their ice was used up in this loss.

Mika Zibanejad had a nasty collision with the Isles’ Adam Pelech during the third period of Tuesday night’s game. For a player who has had a severe concussion history in the past – this didn’t look good – and especially since Mika’s eyes were rolling to the back of his head as if he were The Undertaker at the time. While he’d never return to the game following this hit/accident with eleven-minutes and change remaining – following a trip to the locker room – he did return to the bench for the final-seconds of this match. Photo Credit: M$GN

For the person who writes the longest hockey blogs on the internet today (and with no ads, spyware or pop-up video players either for your one click) – it’s pretty, pretty, pretty easy to sum up this 4-2 loss:

The Rangers played one of their worst periods of the season during the first twenty-minutes, while the Islanders had one of their best periods of the season at the same time.

Come the second period, my old motto, “special teams swing games,” proved true, as the Rangers used two power-play goals to bring their former three-goal deficit to a 3-2 score.

The final frame saw the Blueshirts employ an all-out attack, where with nearly six-minutes remaining, the shot on goal tally was 12-0 – and in favor of “the visitor” – but Varlamov wasn’t having any of it.

Also not having it, where in this case, the word “it” is being substituted for “a Rangers’ victory?”

One of the worst officials in the league today, Kelly Sutherland, an asshole of the most epic of proportions, as he allowed Vincent Trocheck to be viciously (and cowardly) boarded and crosschecked by the Isles’ Noah Dobson during the Blueshirts’ last attempt of evening the score, which took place during their 6 x 5 empty net attack.

Rather than boxing Dobson for his heinous act; instead, Sutherland, while standing two-feet away, said “play on,” and as a result, the captain of the Belmont Bozos, Anders Lee, scored his team’s fourth-and-final goal – and after watching his orange-and-blue teammates get dominated during the previous forty-minutes, for the 4-2, bad guys, final.

I know that what I’m about to say next is redundant, as I’ve said it a lot during the past two-weeks and ever since Rempe returned from his suspension too – but either way – the story remains the same. For the life of me, and I know that we can’t criticize the head coach (but we can question him), I don’t know why Rempe is sitting in the press box during this final stretch of the regular season. If anyone needs to get as much playing experience as possible, coupled-in with the fact that you know, Rempe’s presence is a major positive influence too, then no one is more deserving to be in “Lavy’s Line-Up” these days, and on a regular basis too, then #73 himself.

Away from the goal scoring, the Blueshirts’ brutal first period and anything else from these sixty-minutes, there are two things following this game that not only are fans from either side of this rivalry are talking about – but everyone who covers and watches this league too – and where after tonight – people with no skin in this game are demanding that Scumbag Sutherland explain himself.

Those two things?

The two “hits” on the Rangers’ duo of top-six centers, Zibanejad and Trocheck.

And why do I have the word “hits” in quotes?

Easy, because I, and most certainly unlike Laviolette, didn’t think that Zibanejad was hit.

Not at all.

Instead, I thought that #93 skated face-first into Pelech’s elbow and shoulder – and you make the call for yourself:

As noted earlier, this play, which took place with 11:09 remaining, ended Zibanejad’s night – but whether he suffered a concussion or not, I can’t determine that – but what we do know is that he was back on the bench come the final horn.

Perhaps we would’ve found out if Mika was ready-and-able to continue his game had the Rangers tied the contest during their 6 x 5 empty net attack – you know – an empty net strategy that proved fruitful in the Blueshirts’ first win over the Islanders this season – and twice at that.

However, Sutherland wasn’t allowing it, while also allowing this assault to take place:

Let me get this out of the way before you say the following to me:

Yes, I understand, Dirty Dobson committed this crime with just twelve-seconds remaining in regulation.

However, the Rangers have a pretty, pretty, pretty good track record during these 6 x 5 situations this season – and an even better track record during 6 x 4 play.

Need evidence?

Then just ask the Islanders about their February “home game” in New Jersey.

While we’ll never know now what would’ve happened had Sutherland actually had done his job, but because of this official who shouldn’t be allowed on the ice during the playoffs (as this wasn’t his first act of egregiousness this season – as instead – it’s another disgrace to the sport on a long list of them) – “Sportsbook Sutherland” didn’t give the Rangers a chance to play to the final horn.

Laviolette, who I guess didn’t want to be fined, didn’t call out this prick by name during his post-game interview, as instead, he just referred to the Pelech and Dobson plays as “vicious.”

Verbatim, Lavy said, “Vicious, from behind. Both of them. It was hard out there tonight having to get through all of that. He [Mika] came back at the end from that vicious hit. Watch it. I do [think it was intentional.]”

While I usually run these post-game “LAVY LOUNGES” for you at the end of these manifestos; but for now, here it is in living color for you – as without question – this was the most fired-up, pissed-off and intense that we’ve ever seen the head coach since first becoming bench boss #37 in franchise history:

This all said – and after watching these replays many times over – I don’t know what Lavy saw that made him think that Pelech’s collision was anything more than accidental.

Maybe he had a different replay than what I (and we) saw – but even so – it looked clear as day that Zibanejad wasn’t paying attention, and as a result, he skated right into Pelech.

Some are suggesting that Pelech peeked at and “chicken-winged” Zibanejad at the last second – but I think those people are just trying to find something that was never even there.

But as stated – Dobson’s infraction was just that – a penalty – and where if Trocheck didn’t pop-up right back, and where I’m also to assume that his rage and adrenaline fueled him when immediately charging at Sutherland for not calling this for what it was – A PENALTY -then perhaps the worst referee in hockey would’ve raised his hand and blown his whistle.

Instead, Sutherland just blows.

More food for thought?

If you’re a Ranger fan who defends all of Trouba’s monstrous TROO TROO TRAIN hits (and as I do), while also defending the gargantuan REMPESTEIN too, then you have to rule Pelech innocent, while also ruling Dobson The Defendant as guilty.

That said, I do believe that if it was Rempe, who now has a “REMPUTATION,” hitting Dobson in the way that the Isle hit Trocheck – then yes – not only would’ve #73 been penalized – but he also would’ve been kicked out of a game – and with another suspension looming too.

But since Dobson doesn’t have the same reputation, and since Trocheck didn’t lay there as if he was Jonas Siegenthaler or any other Devil – then it was “no harm, no foul” to Sutherland.

And yep, this all circles back to Rempe too – mainly because these two warring teams are set to do battle one more time this Saturday (at M$G) – and where get this – in a game that the Blueshirts are promoting as “FAMILY FUN DAY!”

Everyone expects Rempe to answer the call on Saturday against these low-life Islanders. Photo Credit: TNT

With bad-blood already boiling at high temperatures between these two teams in a rivalry that’s now 52-years-old; following tonight’s events – everyone and their mother (and I’m to assume Lavy  too), wants to see another chapter written in the book of “REMPE’S REVENGE!”

Granted, and admittedly too, I would like to see Rempe pummel the face of Dobson, and any other Islander that may cross his path; at the same time – I absolutely hate this idea as well.

Blogs, tweets and social media postings don’t lie:


In other words, I don’t like Rempe being exclusively used as some sort of mercenary.

I mean, I just said this last blog too, and I beg of you to find me any evidence suggesting otherwise:

When has Rempe had a bad game? When has he made a brutal turnover for a goal allowed the other way? When has he NOT forechecked? When has he NOT given this team a huge shot in the arm? When has he NOT had his name chanted by 18,006 Garden patrons during a match at M$G?

I can’t find any faults in Rempe’s game – and where if I didn’t already shave my head, then I’d be pulling my hair out whenever #73 gets stapled to the bench for long stretches of time – and as Laviolette suggests to everyone that his big man is some sort of liability.

Rempe, in his short NHL tenure, has been asked to do a lot of things – and he’s answered all of these tasks with raving reviews.

And now?

Everyone just wants to see him fight Dobson on Saturday – rather than questioning why Rempe wasn’t playing tonight in the first place!

Would’ve Rempe made a difference between a win or a loss tonight?

Similar to Sutherland’s scandalous theatrics – we’ll never know.

But I can tell you that he would’ve kept the Isles honest – and Patrick Roy’s team were never intimidated once tonight either.

There are three games remaining after this one and Rempe should play in all of them – and not just to fight – but because he’s a good hockey player that brings something unique to the table.

And while no coach should cave to fan-pressure, does Laviolette really want to hear fans chanting “WE WANT REMPE” the second the Rangers go down 1-0 in their first playoff game – and as we’ve already heard four times this season at M$G ever since Rempe returned from suspension?

I feel bad for Rempe, I really do.

He’ll probably play on Saturday – and try to fight too (I can’t see Dobson obliging such a request – but I can see Matt Martin doing so) – where as a result, he’ll most likely be kicked out of the game.

None of this progresses Rempe’s career.

There are nine more periods of regulation hockey left to be played – and with the Rangers’ status as BEST IN THE WORLD – Rempe should be featured and get more repetitions as a net-front presence – and instead as just solely as a face-puncher – as the monster amongst men can eclipse a goalie like no other in the league today.

And the energy that he brings – well, do I really need to go on any longer on this topic?

Let’s just hope that Rempe isn’t banned from Saturday’s game – as he’ll most likely play on Thursday night against the free-falling Flyers (losers of their last eight games – and where not only has this octet of defeats have knocked them out of a playoff spot – but most likely, John Tortorella’s bid for the 2024 Jack Adams’ Trophy too) – and where a rematch with Nic Deslauriers could be on the docket for Rempe as well.

At this time, the pregame news & notes, followed by a brief GAME REVIEW too.

I fear that a playoff-eliminated Deslauriers, and his Flyers too, have nothing to lose on Thursday night when the Rangers host their I-95 rivals. Should Rempe be baited and fights – then I just hope that he’s not suspended as a result – as the league has their eyes on him – and are apt to go after him for every fart-and-cough. Photo Credit: ESPN

Before getting into Lavy’s pregame remarks, here’s Larry David, often quoted on this site (heck, I’ve already done so twice already!), from the series finale of “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” which aired this past Sunday night:

David’s series, one of the best comedy series of all-time, closed their run by having their star, writer and creator plugging the Rangers in back-to-back episodes.

After praising Artemi Panarin in the penultimate episode, David brought up the 1994 Cup win in the finale.

It’s funny, because I always thought that David was a bigger basketball fan (and he may be) than a hockey fan – but he never brought up the Knicks in recent seasons.

Instead, it were his beloved Blueshirts!

Pretty, pretty, pretty, good! Photo Credit: NYR

Up next, the head coach and company.

Laviolette, and to say the least, was much more jovial prior to tonight’s game than he was after it!

Following a Wednesday practice where both Roslovic and Gustafsson returned to the line-up, while Rempe and Jones were returned to the press box with an already-collecting-dust Chad Ruhwedel (remember him?); the head coach talked about his roster decisions – and where for the 9678678967896789678968796th time – reminded everyone that he was going to keep deploying new line-ups right to Game 82:

Following the off-day practice in Tarrytown, N.Y., come Thursday, the Rangers’ didn’t have their usual team-sponsored “RISE AND SHINE” morning skate.

And while Laviolette spoke to the birdbrain beat reporters at 5PM Thursday, two-hours prior to puck-drop – the Rangers’ social media channels, and their official YouTube account too, didn’t bother to share what he said intended for Blueshirt backers.

According to reports, all Lavy did was confirm the moves from 24-hours prior – CZAR IGOR in net and his line-up too.

Speaking of…

Here was Laviolette’s line-up for the seventy-ninth game of this 2023-24 season:

FIRST LINE: Panarin/Trocheck/Lafreniere

SECOND LINE: Kreider/Zibanejad/Roslovic

THIRD LINE: Cuylle/Wennberg/Kakko

FOURTH LINE: Goodrow/Brodzinski/Vesey

FIRST PAIR: Lindgren/Fox

SECOND PAIR: Miller/Trouba

THIRD PAIR: Gustafsson/Schneider


BACK-UP: Jonathan Quick

Healthy Scratches: Rempe, Jones and Ruhwedel


The following graphics and information come from ESPN.com:





34 2 32 .941 29 3 0 0 0 59:59 0


28 3 25 .893 21 4 0 0 0 57:52 0

Henrik Lundqvist saved M$GN viewers a few minutes of Sieve Vagistat’s never-ending bullshit on Tuesday night’s M$GN pregame show. Photo Credit: Henrik Lundqvist

Since tonight’s game took place on a weeknight, and since I’m still working the asshole shift (3PM-12:00AM) – I didn’t watch one lick of the pregame show – as instead – I time (and combine) all of my well-deserved breaks for when the Rangers are playing.

For those who have asked, and some of you actually did, I take my lunch/dinner hour from 7PM-8PM – but usually I cut this break fifteen-minutes short, as most first periods end at 7:45PM. I then do more work, and return with my work buddies around a laptop at 8PM – and then use my two coffee breaks for the second and third periods.

What a trooper – as after putting in hard day of blue collar work – I then return home at around 12:30AM – and viciously fight a battle against this dinosaur computer of mine when writing these words of wisdom to you!

But yeah – I didn’t see the M$GN pregame show tonight – but I was told from readers that Lundqvist, THE KING OF COMMENTARY, was once again amazing, while Vagistat sucked as much as Sutherland.


CZAR IGOR’s stats got roughed up a bit – and much like the Rangers on this night – but it’s really tough to pin any of the three goals allowed on him. But yeah, and needless to say, one extra save – then perhaps the Blueshirts leave Long Island with at least one extra point to their names – an “insurance point” in their quest to win the Presidents’ Trophy. Photo Credit: NYR


As I was still shaking my head over the Rempe scratch (remember – I’m questioning Laviolette – and not criticizing the future HOF coach), the Isles won the first faceoff of the game – and then pretty much kicked the Rangers’ ass from pillar-to-post for the next twenty-minutes.

As Micheletti shared his “TACO BELL TAKE,” and where I was surprised that it wasn’t “Jacob Trouba must avoid his stalker, Dominick The Dolce” – and no – I don’t have the time to get into this mentally deranged story tonight – but you can look at my Tweeter account, @NYCTHEMIC, for all of it; Adam Fox hooked Mat Barzal at just the 1:25 mark – and when Mat the Miscreant was on a breakaway.

CZAR IGOR, not too hot on breakaways, nor shootouts either, made his first big save of the game when he denied the Islander on his penalty shot.

As you were thinking that this big balls save would be a momentum-changer – that’s all it was – a thought.


The Isles, and like a porn star, just kept on coming and coming.

At just the 4:12 mark, Mike “Who?” Reilly scored a deflection goal – after a puck bounced off of Ryan Lindgren.

Still, I think this deflection was as intended by the Islander – and it was a shot that CZAR IGOR had no shot on too.

1-0, bad guys.

A few seconds later, and Panarin, following one of his patented razzles-and-dazzles, was stopped by Varlamov – who again – has become a “Ranger Killer” himself in recent years – and as Jaroslav Halak once was.

And no one knows this topic better than me – and you can check the PLUGS segment for all of it!

Zibanejad, who never shows up in any of the big games this season, hurt the Rangers as this period progressed, as he caught Kreider near the head with one of his one-timers to nowhere.

Kreider, while shaken up on the bench, never went to the locker room.


As we approached the half-way mark of the period, and in a game that was already becoming chippy – Will Cuylle wanted a piece of Rob Bortuzzo – but the refs broke it up before a fight could go down.

Down to 8:42 remaining, and the Rangers showed a sign of offensive life, but following three robbery saves from Varlamov, and his last one on Fox – the Isles unfortunately came out of this Blueshirts’ attack unscathed.

This then led to Joe Micheletti into verbally felatting Sieve Vagistat on-air.

But I’ll be nice to Jumpin’ Joe – as perhaps this is his grieving process, following the recent loss of his brother Tom – and as talked about a few times this week on this site.

Following Fox coming up short, nearly thirty-seconds later (or the 11:47 mark to be precise), the overpaid Bo Horvat scored a double-deflection goal.

2-0, bad guys, as following a shot from Barzal, Dirty Dobson got a piece of the rubber, and as did Horvat – and on a shot that once again – CZAR IGOR didn’t have a prayer on.

This is when Islander fans really got on CZAR IGOR, as they were mocking his name while chanting it – and as Penguin fans once did in May of ’22.

While of course, their chant was ridiculous, as CZAR IGOR’s two goals allowed weren’t softies or anything of the sort – let’s face it as Ranger fans – had the roles been reversed – then we would’ve been up Varly’s ass like a wedgie.

But in what was just aggravating, and where you had to wonder if there were Islander fans in the booth with Sam and Joe (and who knows – maybe it was Sam and Joe too) – from this point on, and throughout the remainder of the broadcast – then all you heard were anti-Ranger and pro-Islander chants.

So much for miking up a crowd – or should I say – “de-miking” a crowd!

But the Rangers didn’t do much when trying to shut up these idiots who enjoy the worst Italian food in the world over at Borelli’s, nor the biggest phony Islander fan around either, Stu “I live off of my wife” Feiner.

Up next saw an agitated Zibanejad get into it with Kyle Palmieri – and where yeah – Mika was lucky that the refs didn’t allow the Islander to drop the gloves with him – because had such an event happened – then Palmieri would’ve wiped the floor with the Swedish-Iranian dee-jay.

I hate the Islanders, and I most certainly despise the Devils too, but yeah – Palmieri is one of those guys that you’d love to have on your team – while hating him as an opponent.

Palmieri, or at least for me, is kind of like how Wayne Simmonds once was – and how Brad Marchand still is today.

Speaking of “Killer Kyle?”

No less than two-minutes after finding themselves down 2-0, come the 13:38 mark, and Palmieri found himself all alone and behind the Rangers’ defense, which then allowed him to score an easy tap-in goal after a pass received from Brock “No Relations to Lesnar Joe” Nelson.

3-0, bad guys.

Still, and my live-tweets don’t lie – I really thought that the Rangers would come back.

After all, that’s been their modus-operandi all season – but just not tonight.

And after this, the Rangers almost found themselves down by four, as at the 14:30 mark, Trouba went off for tripping Cizikas.

While the Blueshirts’ penalty kill proved successful – these two-minutes of man-down play were hairier than George “The Animal” Steele.

3-0, bad guys, through twenty-minutes.

And while the Isles did have some luck on their deflections, there was skill involved in these scores too – and just like how all of Kreider’s deflections and tips are.

Here’s what I said at the time:

The two “Road Warriors” scored tonight – but only on the power-play. And since no Ranger scored an even-strength goal tonight – the Blueshirts came up empty-handed by the end of the game.


As Sam Rosen confused Panarin for Zibanejad, Kreider and Trocheck – and I’m not making this up either – the Breadman almost scored – but he wound up hitting some iron at the start of this middle period.

And as the Blueshirts continued to look as flat as a plate of warm summer piss, Sam and Joe then raved about Denis Potvin, the biggest Ranger Killer of them all, for being in-attendance.

They didn’t say, “hide the wives,” or “watch out for his Rempe-sized right-hand” either.

Instead they had a belly-chuckle about “POTVIN’S SOCKS” – and didn’t mention how the Islander legend almost joined the Rangers in 1994 either. (For the full story, check the PLUGS segment – my newest book!)

As Sam and Joe were having a gay old time celebrating the 3-0 deficit; come the 6:41 mark, and Jack “We now know why JD traded him for next to nothing” Roslovic was tripped by “OH, OH, OH, O’REILLY – AUTO PARTS!”

(And yep – that’s a reference that only N.Y. radio listeners will understand!)

The Rangers were mechanics on this power-play, and repaired the 3-0 score to a 3-1 deficit, following Kreider’s 39th goal of the season, another man-advantage tally, at the 7:47 mark.

Three things about this 3-1, bad guys, goal:

One, this was another goal that Panarin set-up, as he looked to shoot the puck at Kreider’s twig for the hopeful, and then successful, deflection.

Two, and with three-games remaining, Kreider is now one-shy of having the second 40+ goal campaign of his career.

Three, our JAGR WATCH segment. With the primary assist (and his 70th helper overall), Panarin now has 116-points. He’ll need seven points in the next three-games in order to tie Jagr’s 2005-06 single-season franchise record. It’s doable, but tonight didn’t help his cause – but only because we’re used to seeing #10 bake multi-point games all-season.

Following this first power-play of the game, and as you were wondering why Missing Mika remains on PP1 while Lafreniere picks out lint from his belly-button on the bench – the Rangers received two more power-plays – and in succession.

At the 11:16 mark, Bortuzzo tripped Lafreniere.

Despite drawing the power-play, #13 sat – and then watched Miserable Mika flub the hell out of this man-advantage.

During the final thirty-seconds, Varly lost his stick, which meant, or at least in theory, that the Rangers had a great opportunity to score.

However, Varly never had to make a save – and in spite of his dumbass defensemen never offering up their own stick to him either.

What happened next?

Missing Mika turned over the puck and that was that.

Following this Isles’ kill, they were right back on it, as at the 13:48 mark, Dobson took one of those lovely D.O.G. penalties for airmailing a puck over the glass.

Down to 4:59 remaining, and my favorite rearguard and yours, Adam Fox, scored his career-high 16th goal of the season, another FOXECUTION goal – and where you have to wonder – would have he won the Norris Trophy this year had he not missed those nine games earlier this season, following the Sebastion Asshole knee-to-knee hit?

Then again, it seems like Roman Josi, of the Preds, has this year’s Norris Trophy on lock.

Anyway, 3-2, bad guys – and the last goal that the Rangers would score – but it wasn’t for a lack of trying either.

From this point on – this game was all Rangers.

It was also all Varly.

3-2, bad guys, through forty-minutes.

Here’s what I said at the time:

Despite a game-high six shots on goal, and many other shot attempts that were either deflected or blocked, Panarin couldn’t pick up his 47th goal tonight. With three games left, he’ll need four in the next 180-minutes of play in order to become an exclusive member of the Blueshirts’ Fifty-Goal club. Photo Credit: NYR


It’s getting late, my eyes are as heavy as Shannon Hogan’s ass and one last time – this computer refuses to work with me tonight.

In other words, we can breeze through this final frame.

The Rangers did everything, and I mean everything, when trying to tie this game.

The Blueshirts registered the first twelve shots of the period, but after that, they were then out-shot 4:1, for a grand finale of 13-4 – and where the fourth Islander shot was Lee’s empty-netter.

Since I haven’t mentioned it yet, then I guess that I should do so here:

The Blueshirts’ fourth line was the most effective of the game – but similar to the GAG LINE 2.0, the best line in hockey today – they couldn’t score at even-strength either.

But alas, and one last time – it wasn’t for a lack of effort either – including when a Goodrow wrap-around tuck-try was denied by Varly – and as it was with 13:40 remaining.

I don’t know what it was, and maybe it was a combination of both or neither – but it felt like the Rangers were trying to win this game, while the Islanders were trying to escape/not lose it.

But to the credit of “little brother” – while being dominated – they were still blocking as many shots as possible.

The evidence?

The Isles blocked 34 shots tonight.

The Rangers blocked 7.

But for a desperate team like the Isles, hoping to keep their undeserved losers-point abetted playoff-berth in-tact – this was to be expected – and again – and as much as I hate to say it – kudos to them for coming up big when it mattered – and as they’ve been doing a lot of lately – and as their five-game winning streak and seven-wins-in-their-last-ten games would suggest.

(Holy dashes Batman! What is this, BlueCollarMorseCodeBlueShirts?)

Prior to the Mika and Trocheck shenanigans, Lindgren was the first to feel the wrath of the dirty Isles:

Lindgren would leave the game – but would also soon return to it.

And while he’s definitely a HOCKEY PLAYER – these days, and whenever you see #55 incur such physicality – you get nervous – and especially after his knee injury from earlier this season.

Down to 11:09 remaining, the previously talked about Zibanejad/Pelech collision.

Come 7:34 remaining – the worst time for a Rangers’ penalty imaginable – and an o-zone infraction that Goodrow took, after his slashing committed on Boomer Esiason’s son-in-law.

This penalty stunted all Rangers’ momentum.

While the Blueshirts killed this Islanders’ power-play, here’s what happened next:

— At the time, the Rangers were out-shooting the Isles by a tally of 12-0.

— The Blueshirts would only register one more SOG after this penalty – a weak one-timer from Kakko following a JONNY HOCKEY pass from the slot – and a puck that he probably should have shot too.

— CZAR IGOR made three saves on the PK – the only saves that he made during this final frame.

— When CZAR IGOR was pulled, Sam Rosen said, and I’m not making this up, “Alexandar Georgiev to the bench Joe!” And yep – please retire Sam.

— Then, and with CZAR IGOR on the bench, Dobson creating the need for Rempe this Saturday.

— Lee, following an assist that should’ve been credited to Sutherland, rather than to another Ranger Killer, Jean-Gabriel Pageau; scored the 4-2, bad guys goal, an empty netter, with just six-seconds remaining.

4-2, bad guys, your final.

And one last reminder – yeah, the loss sucks in the moment – but think of the big picture – and the fact that the Blueshirts remain as BEST IN THE WORLD too.

I have no clue what to expect on Thursday. On one hand, Torts’ Flyers have blown their surprising “Rudy” season during their last eight-games played. But of course, it would also be so on-brand for the Rangers to allow Torts & Co to end their schneid too. It’s up to the Blueshirts to put the final nail into the Flyers’ coffin on Thursday night – and where I expect we’ll see Jonathan Quick in net too – as I think CZAR IGOR gets the final two games of the season on home ice (Isles on Saturday, Senators on Monday.)

I gave you all of Lavy’s post-game remarks above.

Up next: Rangers v. Flyers on Thursday night at M$G.

Of note: You no longer need to worry about trying to find me tickets for Saturday’s game, as instead, my local watering hole is hosting another Rangers’ watch party – and where yours truly, my dear old dad, TEN O’CLOCK TOMMY, and other such riff-raff, are 7-0 at the bar this season.

And we need the win on Saturday!

We’ll look to make it a perfect eight-of-eight in the return game then, the fourth-and-final meeting, with the crumb bums from Belmont.

Come Sunday, a rare off-day from work for me, as I’m going to give my fingers a work-out, as I hope to post two different blogs – a look at Rangers’ Cup Champion Alex Shibicky (and there’s a strong argument for a HOF bid for the former Bread Line 2.0 member too) and this year’s Frank Boucher Trophy winner.

On the Frank Boucher Trophy winner, I presently have 752 votes in – and where admittedly – the person who you would expect to win is winning this in a land-slide.

Still, keep on voting, as who finishes in second-place for “Most Popular Ranger” will be an interesting debate – as the most popular is obvious.

Hell why tease it?

Panarin is going to win it – but that said – read the voting results – and the blog written too!

Holy crap, it’s almost 4AM, which for me, means bed-time, which for you means…

PLUGS TIME! (Buy a book and support my Rangers’ induced therapy bills. After all, I don’t run ads on this site!)

My fourth title and tenth book is now available!

“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History,” is now available for sale!

For complete information, please visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/rangerkillers/

The hardcover version of my first book, available now at Amazon.com

My second plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden.”

As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link:


For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have a few signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that:

Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today

My four-volume set of books, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is a game-by-game recount of the Rangers 2021-22 campaign.

My second title as an author, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is now available in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.

To obtain signed copies, visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/onegamebook/

To purchase all four volumes on Amazon, visit: Amazon.com – “One Game at a Time.”

The greatest volume-set of books on Rangers’ history today!

“Tricks of the Trade – A Century-Long Journey Through Every Trade Made In New York Rangers’ History,” a four-volume set of books that meticulously covers every trade made in franchise history, is now on sale.

All four volumes of the title can be purchased on Amazon.com and are presented in three different formats – eBook, paperback and hardcover.

To purchase Volume I: Conn Smythe (1926) – Craig Patrick (1986), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume II: Phil Esposito (1986) – Neil Smith (2000), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume III: Glen Sather (2000-2015), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume IV: Jeff Gorton (2015) – Chris Drury (2022), visit Amazon.com

To purchase signed copies of all four volumes, visit https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/

Here are my last few blogs, in case you missed them:

NYR/MTL 4/7 Review: “The Breadman” and “THE BEST IN THE WORLD BLUESHIRTS” Continue Their Epic & Historic Seasons; The BFF’s Show Up Too, The Deserving Vincent Trocheck Wins The Prestigious Steven McDonald Award; Thank You NYPD, Lots of Franchise Records Set to Be Broken; JAGRWATCH Down To Eight Points, Insane Roslovic Overreactions Actually Overshadow Rempe’s Return; Vesey Gets Top-Six Time, Presidents’ Trophy Dream Becoming Reality, Laviolette, M$GN & More

NYR/DET 4/5 Review: BEST IN THE WORLD BLUESHIRTS One Game Closer To Securing Presidents’ Trophy; “Lavy’s Lot” Find Another New Way To Win, GOODY GOT IT; Rempe’s Rise Rev Up “GAG LINE 4.0,” Rangers Outlaw “Fighting” From All Materials, Quick Continues Career Renaissance; Named 2024 Masterton Candidate, Zibanejad’s Lost Season; Wings Able To Cool off Panarin & Co., Updated Standings, Condolences to Joe Micheletti; Maloney Saves Rosen & More

NYR/NJD 4/3 Review: BEST IN THE WORLD BLUESHIRTS Continue Winning Ways in Most Explosive Victory Yet (And During an Appropriately Named “TNT” Broadcast!), Peter Laviolette & Co. Respect “The Code” and “OLD TIME HOCKEY;” Travis Green Pays Homage to Paul Newman’s “Slap Shot,” The Legend of REMPEMANIA Grows; “Maulin’ Miller” & “Two-Piece Trouba,” Panarin’s JAGR WATCH Inches Closer-and-Closer, A Game To King Kong Your Chest About, Lafreniere Has Risen; Kakko Turning The Corner, M.I.A. Zibanejad, No “Devils’ Deja Vu;” Akira Schmid Who & More

If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog for the next update:

Now on sale!

Don’t forget to order my four-volume set of books, “Tricks of the Trade!”

If you don’t order through me, all four volumes are now available on Amazon.com

For more details, check out: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/

Thanks for reading.


Sean McCaffrey


@NYCTHEMIC on the Tweeter machine

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6 thoughts on “NYR/NYI 4/9 Review: Rempe-Less Rangers Busted Up By Isles; Still Remain as “BEST IN THE WORLD BLUESHIRTS,” “Lavy’s Lot” Play One of Their Worst Periods of the Season; “Roy’s Ruffians” Play One Of Their Best, JAGR WATCH Update; One Shy From “CK40” Too, Laviolette Irately Incensed In Most Explosive Interview Yet; A Case of “Rempe Regret,” Frank Boucher Trophy Voting, “Ranger Killers,” M$GN & More

  1. About had it with the Sam&Joe seniltiy festival. “Defensive Play of the Game” was Adam Puloch. Was I a decade or 2 younger, would be sending M$G a bill for a new TV. Does MSG understand that right now their broadcasts spare Lundqvist are pissing off NYR fans? Still gonna watch but what the fuck.

  2. Feels like Trouba isn’t up to speed yet, he isn’t hitting like he used to. I had to check to see how many he had (5) as I couldn’t remember much of his presence. Certainly none of those big, crushing hits we are used to seeing! On the other hand, it felt like Vesey was hitting everything, but he only had 3!

    Isles seemed to play a very physical first period before running out of steam. Would’ve been nice to have a 4th liner who could hit and was a big physical presence around…

    1. Good observation on Trouba – and where Cuylle has been hitting more bodies than ever before too.

      Agree on the fourth-liner comment – as you’d expect!

  3. Igor who’s not so hot on breakaways or shootouts is a perfect 5 for 5 on penalty shots. Go figure.
    Zbad ran into Pelech who was pretty much stationary – you can’t blame him for bracing himself.
    Unless he lifted his arm or elbow which is hard to tell from the replay we saw it’s a clean play.
    I don’t care if there’s one second left in the game that Dobson hit has to be called. In fact, with only
    12 seconds left it makes it an easier call for the referee. Come Saturday – The Rempire Strikes Back!

    1. I would have Rempe play the remainder of the season, but that doesn’t look like it will be the case.

      Didn’t know the PS stat – thanks for sharing. Crazy how he’s perfect there but gives up a ton during breakaways and SOs.

      And if you’re in town Saturday, then you know where we will be at 12:30 Saturday!

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