The Debut of WAGS-Friendly Dot Com – The Newest Hockey Site to Pop Up After The Closing of CapFriendly! Plus: Longtime Blueshirt Backer Shot in the Ear By a Deranged Lunatic, Latest on Drury’s Debacle with Captain Trouba; Neil Smith Weighs In, Matt Rempe Becomes The Newest “Summer Scapegoat,” Euro Rangers Don’t Attend Adam Fox’s Wedding; Former Blueshirts (Including Goodrow) Do, Schneider and Ruhwedel Renewed & More

As I was rattling around my Blueshirts’ brain (which was described as “loud noises” by CNN) when trying to come up with something unique during a slow Rangers’ news week (but most certainly not a slow news week in this country) – then the idea hit me with all of the force of Matt Rempe behind it. With the extremely popular now shuttered after their sale to the Washington Capitals – then not only can you expect a bunch of off-shoot cap-related sites to pop-up – but perhaps a niche site that’s also salary cap-related, a site that covers the wives and girlfriends (WAGS) of players with NMC’s, is also required in this era? And yes, this new URL,, is now active!

Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on – now the mothership of – but we’ll get into this silliness (and maybe one day – a reality too) in just a bit.

To quote former pro wrestler Lance Storm, “if I can be serious for a minute,” then my best wishes goes out to a member of the WWE Hall of Fame, and a life-long Ranger fan too, President Donald Trump.

And yes – I’m breaking my own rule here about not talking politics on this site – but how can one ignore what’s now become one of the biggest world events in all of my life-time?

(The Top Three world events in my 42-years? In chronological order, 9/11, Covid-19 and the botched hit on Trump. And the perceived end of the “Cold War” is also up there.)

However, I’ll keep my comments on this topic brief – and then move on to the Rangers.

I’ve shared many pictures over the years in regards to Trump’s fandom of the Rangers – and where during three separate marriages – he’s taken all of his wives and kids to games at M$G too. While I understand that Trump can be a lightning rod of controversy for some; but when I look at him, he’s a fellow part of our BLUESHIRT BRETHREN – and in a repeated thought on this site – I wish that it was he, and not James Dolan, that owned the club! Another fun fact that I recently unearthed in regards to Trump’s Ranger fandom? His paternal grandfather, Frederick Trump, was once friends with the founder of the club, Tex Rickard, as both men met each other during their Klondike/Alaska gold rush days (late 1890s/early 1900s). Photo Credit: Getty Images

By now, you already know what happened this past Saturday – and thankfully – the assassination attempt from some 20-year-old mental patient went awry.

At the end of the day, and whoever you vote for, or however you lean politically too – what separates us from other countries and what keeps us civil are our elections devoid of violence – and a smooth transition in power following such results – now a time-honored tradition for the past 235 years or so.

(And the time-frame is a matter of opinion, depending on your view of George Washington first being installed as President or if it begins with the John Adams’ administration.)

Similar to January 6th – and no one from either side of the aisle wants to see what happened on July 13th either – that is – except for people devoid of all morals and common human decency.

In what can only be described as a miracle between life-or-death (a slight tilt of the head); while Trump’s ear was “only” grazed by a lunatic’s bullet, others, such as fireman Corey Comperatore, the lone fatality from this reckless act, weren’t so lucky. To their family and friends, my condolences.

These past four years have been strange times, between the pandemic and for most of us, the first attempt on both a former President and current presidential candidate’s life during our days on this blue-and-green marble. (Being born in 1982, I wasn’t alive for the attempt on Ronald Reagan’s life, which took place on 3/30/1981.)

As a huge fan of history, then I just wish that I could go one-hundred years into the future and once there – then see how historians from the year 2124 cover the world events from these times that we live in today.

And should I ever have access to a real time machine ala the Delorean – then I’d also be interested in how the people in 2124 view us as primitive – and as we do with past eras of American history.

(“What do you mean that they didn’t have cell phones and the internet in 1924? And what do you mean that they didn’t have teleportation machines yet in 2024 too! Airplanes? How antiquated!”)


Come the year 2124 – and I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Rangers still stuck on four Stanley Cup wins – which by then, would mean a “success rate” of only 2%.

But don’t fret – because I can see it now:

Mika Zibanejad The Fourth is telling every beat reporter, via a teleportation press conference hosted in his home in Sweden, how the team will learn from their latest loss – and how things will be better next year too!

After all, the Arizona Coyotes won’t win five straight Stanley Cups in 2125 if MZIV has anything to say about it!

Ditto the now 300-year-old Glen Sather, and ala Billy Martin, back in his fifth stint with the club.


Last time around ( ), I gave you a parody – – and now a week later – I have even more nonsense for you during “The Idle Summer of Drury.”

Before presenting you my latest act of tomfoolery – (and yes – that URL is now live – and as you’ll see below – just in case!), then just some updates from the past week.

In the latest trials and tribulations of what’s now known as the “Chris Drury vs. Jacob Trouba Debacle,” former Ranger general manager, Neil Smith, did an interview with an Islanders based podcast – and in some comedy – Stefen Rosner, who also covers the blue-and-orange for The Hockey News, solely presented Smith to his audience as a former GM of the Isles.

And if you don’t see the comedy in that, then I’d implore you to do your own research on Smith’s career – and see how many Stanley Cups he won with the Rangers – and how many days he lasted over in Uniondale, NY too!

One book that could help you in your research?

Why of course, one that I’ve authored myself, you know this one:

For everything on the Neil Smith era of Rangers, then check out:

While I’ll later conflate what Smith said with the story about Adam Fox’s wedding below; but for now – there’s no real update on the Trouba story – outside of the fact that it looks like he’s staying – per doctor’s orders.

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

And if you want all the latest on Trouba, then check out these links, as I don’t want to rewrite everything again:

During Smith’s appearance on Rosner’s show, it was confirmed that Trouba, and by his own right, added Detroit to his no-trade list the second when the rumors about him being linked to his hometown club first hit the pages of the tabloid known as the New York Post:

As previously opined in this space – I don’t fault Trouba at all – and unlike the masses – I also don’t blame his wife either.

I also hate how Kelly Trouba has become a story – and I despise even more the hate that she’s getting online too – but I guess that’s why a site like WAGS-FRIENDLY, and as you’ll soon see below, is necessary!

All the captain is doing is taking advantage of the parameters of his own contract – and parameters, whether you like it or not, as agreed to by the Rangers.

However, I do think that all of this chaos and havoc falls solely on the shoulders of the PIZZA MAN, MR. ZOOM ZOOM himself, Rangers’ GM Chris Drury.

After all, if Drury truly had some sort of a master-plan to move on from Trouba – then he wouldn’t have publicly done Barclay Goodrow dirty – at least not in his first act.

(For more, check out: )

Perhaps if Drury knew what he was doing – and if he had favored chess over checkers – then he wouldn’t have shown his hand when he callously removed the well-liked Goodrow from the club.

(Larry Brooks would use the word “ruthless” instead of “callous” here – hilarious especially with hindsight – as “Ruth Chris” got cooked and peppered like a steak by Dr. Kelly – then mowed down by the TROUBA TRAIN afterwards.)

Rather than first moving the returning Shark, Barclay Goodrow, to the small ponds of San Jose; instead, Drury could have handled all of his dealings with the bigger fish, the Trouba contract, then go down the line.

For a former Little League World champion, and as Drury is – then you’d think that he’d know that a homerun is better than a single.

But when you’re still holding onto the hope that both Kaapo Kakko and Filip Chytil will FINALLY break out – you know – two players who now have over a dozen years of combined NHL experience under their belts) – then such logical thinking may not be available.

You also have to wonder if it’s Drury, and not Chytil, that has the worst case of CTE too.

After all, and from what we know – Drury is more worried about Trouba’s $8M AAV contract that expires in two years, rather than worrying about Mika Zibanejad’s $8.5M AAV deal – and a contract that extends all the way through the year 2030.

While both players have regressed, and where admittedly, of Trouba’s five years in New York, I’d reckon to say that only two of them have been good – at least the overpaid captain can still serve a purpose – and then you’re done with him in two years or less.

Zibanejad, who is also one-year older than Trouba?

His ineffectiveness in the playoffs only gets worse year-in and year-out – and in a new wrinkle – he’s not much that effective from an offensive perspective in the regular season either.

Say what you want about Trouba’s regression – but he has helped K’Andre Miller become a Top-Four defenseman.

He’s also mentored his successor, Braden Schneider, as well.


It’s now been over three-years of him needing a right-winger to be successful.

Apparently, the past 23 of them during the last three-years, including multiple time Stanley Cup champions and future Hall of Famers, weren’t enough.

But don’t fret – because I can see it now:

Reilly Smith, right winger du jour, and now the 24th – will be the answer.

What’s that textbook definition of the word “insanity” again?

In a move that may somewhat be related to the stuff going on in regards to Trouba (the fact that he’s most likely staying); Drury, in his infinite wisdom, re-signed Chad Ruhwedel on the cheap on Friday, July 12th. Photo Credit: NYR

On Friday afternoon, the Rangers, courtesy of, announced the following:

New York Rangers President and General Manager Chris Drury announced today that the team has agreed to terms with defenseman Chad Ruhwedel on a one-year contract.

Ruhwedel, 34, recorded one goal and three assists for four points in 52 games between the Rangers (five games) and the Pittsburgh Penguins (47 games) in 2023-24. He was acquired by the Blueshirts in a trade with Pittsburgh on March 8, 2024. The 5-11, 191-pound blueliner added 90 hits and 44 blocked shots to his season totals.

The San Diego, California native has appeared in 364 career NHL games between the Rangers, Penguins and Buffalo Sabres, tallying 13 goals and 36 assists for 49 points. In 2021-22, Ruhwedel posted career-highs in goals (4), assists (9), points (13), hits (149), and blocked shots (86).

A 2017 Stanley Cup Champion, Ruhwedel has appeared in 25 career postseason contests, including a career-best 12 in the 2018 Stanley Cup Playoffs.

Ruhwedel was originally signed as an undrafted free agent by the Sabres in 2013 following a three-year collegiate career at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell, where he served as an alternate captain in his final season.

As is always the case – the financial details on Ruhwedel’s new deal weren’t disclosed – as despite 99% of the league always announcing such terms – the Rangers never do.

As first reported out of Canada, Ruhwedel’s new one-year deal will pay him an NHL salary of $775K and should he be demoted to the AHL, then a salary of $400K.

In my opinion, this is exactly the same situation from last summer, when Drury signed a bevy of veterans to six-figure deals.

In other words – this is a no risk, high reward, type of a deal.

Should Ruhwedel, who perhaps will find himself in a time-share with Zac Jones for the sixth defenseman slot on the club (and where the Rangers will hope that Jones wins that spot outright, thus making Ruhwedel your seventh/depth rearguard), play well – then that’s a great thing.

But should he falter – then you can just punt his contract to the AHL – and be devoid of any issues to your salary-cap.

While not the same player as Erik Gustafsson – Ruhwedel is basically this year’s version – and from both a salary cap and roster spot perspective.

It should also be noted that BIG BEN HARPUR, injured during the majority of last year’s campaign, will also look to contend against Ruhwedel for a job with the varsity club.

Names also in contention for the NHL payday rather than the buses in Hartford include Connor Mackey, Brandon Scanlin, Matthew Robertson and the recently signed 27-year-old, Casey Fitzgerald.

In another new deal that was first reported out of Canada (Elliotte Friedman of SportsNet – and not from anyone on the Rangers’ beat – aka – the usual); Braden Schneider, and as expected, re-signed with the club on Saturday, July 13th. Photo Credit: SN

While we’ll close with the WAGS stuff; Braden Schneider, and as everyone knew would be the case (it was just a matter of term and money), re-signed with the Rangers on Saturday.

Schneider, who just got engaged to his future bride last week, hopefully doesn’t have a fiancee looking to become a NYC gynecologist anytime soon.

But if the future Mrs. S. has such dreams – then being around the likes of Kaako, Chytil and Mika in the playoffs will fast-track and advance her new career.

Thankfully, Schneider, who first received the BABY TROUBA moniker/nickname just one week into his Rangers’ career back in 2022 (and where it should also be noted that he’s never returned to the Wolf Pack ever since his 1/13/22 NHL call-up), doesn’t have a NMC just yet – and as Dr. Kelly’s husband does.

Officially, here’s what the Rangers had to say about the deal, courtesy of

New York Rangers President and General Manager Chris Drury announced today that the team has agreed to terms with defenseman Braden Schneider on a two-year contract extension.

Schneider, 22, established career highs in 2023-24 in games played (82), assists (14), and points (19) and tied his career high with five goals. He ranked second among Rangers defensemen in hits (167) and blocked shots (133). Among NHL defensemen who recorded 85 or more shorthanded minutes of ice time, Schneider ranked fourth in power-play goals allowed per 60 (4.03).

The 6-3, 211 pound blueliner has collected 12 goals and 36 assists for 48 points and a plus-13 rating in 206 career NHL games across parts of three seasons in New York. Since making his NHL debut on January 13, 2022, the Prince Albert, Saskatchewan native ranks first among Rangers defensemen in games played, second in blocked shots (315), third in hits (374), and fourth in points. 

Schneider was originally selected by the Blueshirts in the first round, 19th overall, of the 2020 NHL Draft.

In the news that the franchise always omits from their fans and customers, Schneider’s new two-year deal will annually pay him $2.2M – so for you math majors – overall, he’ll earn $4.4M on this contract – life-changing money.

Furthermore, and with both Ruhwedel and Schneider re-signed; the Rangers approximately now have $5.123M in cap space to play around with – but of course – the arbitration-bound Ryan Lindgren, now the last domino to drop, must be re-signed too.

This Schneider deal is a no-brainer – and where I think that #4 could’ve earned even more than the $4.4M that he agreed to.

Let’s just be glad that he likes that number – #4 – because if he was wearing #5 (as Ruhwedel does – and a number that should’ve been retired decades ago in honor of Bill Cook) – then it would be hard to argue against a $5.5M deal for the man known as B-Schneids.

Let’s also be happy that Zibanejad’s deal doesn’t pay homage to his jersey number either – as $9.3M for nothing in the playoffs is even worse than $8.5M.

I don’t know how anyone can accuse Matt Rempe as being a source of the Rangers’ perennial playoff failures – but alas – the ANALytical and millennial crowds never fail to disappoint. Photo Credit: NYR

In a follow-up to a story that I wrote about last week, the gargantuan Matt Rempe is kicking it up a notch, as he’s now taking fighting lessons from former NHL prizefighter, Georges Laraque:

What tickled me pink when I first saw this story, was the reaction to it – and where it was the same old stuff from the charts-and-graphs humpers:


Even more humorous?

Just because Rempe is working on his on-ice boxing, then that means, and cue the eerie music here too – that <GASP> – HE’S NOT WORKING ON ANYTHING ELSE!

All such opinions from this feeble-minded folk then spiraled into how it was Rempe’s fault that the Rangers failed in their quest to win the Stanley Cup this year.

Apparently, a piss-poor 1 of 19 power-play in the ECF, routine no-shows from the players taking up over 25% of your cap (Zibanejad and Panarin), nothing whatsoever out of “top-sixers” Kakko and Chytil, a banged-up defense, horrendous coaching/managing decisions, and so on and so forth, were not worthy items to look at.

You see, it was the fourth-liner Matt Rempe, who on some nights, didn’t even receive 2:00 of ice time, if he was even dressed at all, that was the problem.

Perhaps because we’re now over six-weeks removed from the Rangers’ final game from the 2023-24 season – their June 1st Game 6 ECF loss to the Panthers – then that’s why these simpletons are now taking out their rage on Rempe.

Also included in such Rempe discourse?


(And of course, the majority of people questioning Rempe’s skating have never laced a pair of boots themselves – but alas – I digress!)

I just find it comical that people are now finger-pointing Rempe as a problem for the Rangers’ routine and year-in, and year-out, failures.

If anything, then Rempe was the complete opposite, a spark-plug for the team.

And while it wasn’t only Rempe – it’s also true that the Rangers, following six-weeks of .500 up-and-down hockey, just dominated and marched their way to the Presidents’ Trophy following the Rempe call-up – as Rempe, in his NHL debut, was part of a Blueshirts’ squad that dethroned the Islanders at the outdoor game at Giants Stadium this past February.

Also forgotten?

How the Rangers opened the playoffs at 6-0 – then – and for whatever scatterbrained reason – both Drury and head coach Peter Laviolette felt the need to bring the Concussed Czech, Filip Chytil, back into the line-up.

Once Chytil returned?

Right back to .500 hockey – and another ECF loss to a Florida-based team too.


Prediction: Rempe, a hard-working kid, continues to improve leaps-and-bounds next season – and also remains as one of the brights spots on this team.

And I won’t hold my breath when anticipating Garden patrons chanting out the surnames of Kaako, Chytil and Mika either – and as they did every night for REM-PE!

Adam Fox and his now wife, Tate, got married on July 8th. Photo Credit: Mrs. Trocheck

On July 8th, Fox received his first ring as a Ranger, as he and his bride, Tate nee Green, tied the knot.

As pictures from the ceremony flooded the social media accounts of Ranger WAGS, it was soon revealed that both past and present Blueshirts attended Fox’s nuptials.

Along with current Rangers such as Will Cuylle, Vincent Trocheck, Alexis Lafreniere, Jimmy Vesey, Jonathan Quick, Braden Schneider, Ryan Lindgren, and yes, captain Jacob Trouba too; also in-attendance were former Blueshirts such as Sammy Blais, Ryan Reaves and Kevin “ROONDOGS” Rooney.

Another member of the alumni at the wedding?

The newest member – Barclay Goodrow.

(And while he hasn’t officially announced his retirement yet – Blake Wheeler was also there.)

Not there?

Any of the European and Russian Rangers.

When it comes to the likes of “Missing Mika,” “The Feckless Finn” and “The Concussed Czech,” then their no-shows comes as no surprise – as after all – they never show up for any big events during the warm months.

For the Russians, I am to assume that both Artemi Panarin and CZAR IGOR are in their motherland – but even so – with the money that they make – you’d think they’d come back for this.

And just to mention it, and as was evident by the story shared above – Rempe wasn’t at the event either – but it should also be said that he hasn’t played with Fox for as long as the others have – and furthermore – he also doesn’t have the same finances.

(I only bring up Rempe’s cash flow because he said during break-up day that he was driving from NYC back to his home in Calgary – days behind the wheel – rather than taking a six-to-seven hour flight.)

Perhaps the most noticeable omission, and to quote Larry Brooks too?


The new Mr. and Missus Adam Fox. Photo Credit: Tate Fox

While I don’t truly think who was and who wasn’t there is that big of a deal; what I did most take away from the pictures and videos shared by the WAGS was this – Goodrow and Trouba were there – and even standing side-by-side when posing for the photographers.

If only we were flies on the wall – and could listen to what these two had to say about Drury.

And I’m sure that the always animated, and often opinionated, GRIM REAVER, had a few choice words himself.

But while of course the day was all about Adam and Tate – you just have to think that these guys had some interesting dinner conversations about their general manager – and how he recently disrespected both of his lettermen, now former alternate captain Goodrow and captain Trouba.

And while this is truly neither here or there, but for your consideration anyway; back when Kevin Shattenkirk got married and there was his head coach of the Rangers, David Quinn, in his bridal party.

Neither Laviolette, and certainly not Drury, was at Fox’s wedding.

Too bad, because if Drury was invited, then I’d love to see some sort of TMZ employee focus all of their energies on any Goodrow and Drury interaction.

Ditto the captain and his GM!

Ditto again to the captain’s wife and the GM of her husband!

Congrats to the Fox’s – and just to show you how sick some fans can be – then check out the comments from the video that Mrs. Fox posted:

I don’t want to give such comments from cretins much play here – but since everything is public these days – then I did raise an eyebrow when I saw many fans question Fox lifting up his wife – while saying that he shouldn’t do that, following his two knee injuries sustained during this past season.

And to be clear – these thoughts weren’t from a realm of true concern, as instead, they were made in a deviant nature.

But at least no one is worrying about what Zibanejad, Kakko and Chytil are doing this summer.

Wives and Girlfriends, shortened to WAGS – and perhaps the “woke” successor to the more familiar phrase of “trophy wife” too – has become all the rage these days. Photo Credit: The E! Network

As someone who doesn’t pry into the personal lives of players, nor who really cares about whatever their wives and girlfriends are up to either; then admittedly – I have no clue when the WAG phenomenon first became a thing – nor its origins either.

And I guess that I could look all of this up – but really – and to quote birdbrain Mollie Walker – “I don’t give a shit!”

From what I believe to be true, then the genesis of WAGS, now as their own celebrities with TV shows, movies, books, social media influencing accounts, podcasts, et al., began with the women in the NBA – and then with the females involved in relationships with NFL players.

From my best recollection, the first WAG to gain national prominence was La La Anthony, then the wife of former Knick, Carmelo Anthony.

At the very least, she’s the first that I can remember using her husband for celebrity and lucrative deals.

But as you already know – I’m not exactly an E! viewer – nor care about whatever squabbles these women get into for television ratings.

So how does all of this relate to hockey?


(And just go with it – as I’m really making a stretch here!)

The death of, a site that completely changed the game, is now property of the Washington Capitals, and in turn, is no longer available for public use. And the fact that the Caps bought the site tells you what a game-changer that CapFriendly was. Photo Credit: Washington Capitals

As reported in this space last month and now official as of today – is no more.

Without patting myself on the back too much – then I’d like to think that I’m usually at the start at every trend.

After all, who did the most belly-aching about Henrik Lundqvist’s final contract – and where finally, here in 2024 – or in Year Eighteen of the salary-cap era – we finally have our first non-asterisk (*Andrei Vasilevskiy/the Nikita Kucherov LTIR ordeal) goalie to win the Stanley Cup as the league’s highest paid netminder.

CapFriendly, ahead of the game, and a visionary as I was at the time, knew where this league was going.

Under Gary Bettman, and in a point that I must have repeated about 4o980676342146347982634798368479863478676347623479863 trillion times on this site before  – then in this era – cap hits are just as important as any other stat on the back of a player’s trading card.

Unfortunately, but not unwarranted, and cap-hits take up the bulk of most hockey talk, articles, podcasts, etc, these days.

That’s what Bettman has created – and a poor creation at that.

While I felt the need to explain all of this back-and-front, and side-to-side too, when I first started talking about this topic nearly eleven years ago; today, and I don’t think that I have to explain this to you any longer.

In other words, by now, and as we’ve seen with plenty of players, both Rangers and non-Blueshirts alike – their fates, their homes, are determined by the salary cap.

Need any further evidence?

Then just talk to Barclay Goodrow.

And to tie-in everything when at the risk of tooting my own horn too much – then this is why I believe that I’m at the forefront of this new development – NHL WAGS – in the form of

While WAGS have been prevalent, profitable and marketable in other sports – outside of former Ranger Sean Avery talking about Dion Phaneuf’s “sloppy seconds” – then you really don’t hear too much about the females in the lives of NHLers – that is – outside of their mothers, matriarchs who largely sacrificed their own lives and personal time in order for their sons to realize their dream.

(Some irony when on this subject? Goodrow’s wife, Madison, was formerly with Max Domi – but unlike Avery and Phaneuf – no mean-spirited remarks were ever exchanged by any party.)

As any mother, and father too, will tell you – hockey isn’t cheap.

To go even further than that, then making the NHL, or just to get on a scout’s radar, is also very expensive.

DUH – the genesis of centers around Jacob and Dr. Kelly Trouba. Photo Credit: The Trouba’s

As is no more, a new contender as the best site for all NHL salary-cap information has emerged –

But while PuckPedia is now the sole player in the game (and as a result – they have a lot more advertising on their website than ever before) – I now also expect several off-shoots to come down the pike – especially since these sites, ran by fans, are now being bought by NHL clubs.

In other words, for a person with dreams of getting a gig with their favorite NHL team, then web masterminding a site (and then putting a whole lot of time and energy into it too), is one way to get there.

While who knows if PuckPedia will be purchased by an NHL franchise down the road; what we do know is that many teams are now racing to catch up to the Capitals by creating their own in-house inspired systems.

With that all said, then wide-eyed dreamers looking to get a job with their favorite team must get creative – and provide a service that no other website or entity in hockey provides – hence the creation of!

Let’s just hope that this unholy union never takes place – or else I’d have to change the site’s name to include homosexual relationships – and where no one wants to see Drury as a co-owner of the Rangers either!

While granted, and if you haven’t already figured it out, then yes, I’m writing most of this in jest (even if I did buy the domain name – just in case!); but following all of the nonsense with Trouba and his wife (and she’s not at blame – it’s his contract and he can live to every letter of it too) – then wouldn’t every GM in the league like a one-stop shop when trying to determine if a player is willing to play for them?

In some seriousness, it should also be mentioned that players not wanting to leave a city is not a new concept either – and for more – just ask Ray Ferraro – and others like him who have bought expensive homes in a city – then only to get traded months, weeks and sometimes days, afterwards.

You can also ask Eddie Giacomin about this too – but unlike Trouba – neither Eddie nor Ferraro had NMC’s.

Furthermore, their wives weren’t in the final year of a doctor’s residency either!

And I haven’t even brought up how some players don’t want to leave their homes (hence another reason why they want a NMC in the first place), as they don’t want to uproot their young children from their schools and friends.

But alas – there are those three letters again – NMC – letters once prominently splashed all over – and now no movement clauses that have to factor in what a player’s spouse, fiancee or girlfriend is doing in her own career and life.

Irma Helin-Zibanejad, wife of Mika, was a former soccer player who after her playing days, then got into broadcasting in her home country of Sweden. However, she then put her career on hold following the August 2023 birth of their daughter Ella. Photo Credit: Irma Zibanejad

If you’ve noticed (and this was intentional), then I’ve included many personal pictures of the Rangers and their significant others throughout this blog.

And as noted earlier, while I never pry into their lives (I’m only doing this here – and now explaining why), it took me all of two nano-seconds to find all of this information.

In other words – I didn’t exactly lead a Sherlock Holmes style of investigation here!

For all of these players, and their WAGS too – then all of them have grown up in the social media age.

To simplify – they don’t know a world without the internet – and a world devoid of social media apps too.

And they’ll never know what it was like trying to use an AOL 2.5 CD-ROM either – and how one phone call would kick you off the internet to boot!

To be clear – these players and WAGS are just a product of the time that they live in – and you can’t fault for them that.

Just like 99.9% of us – and they too use social media – and where Facebook remains private for their friends and family, while other apps, such as Twitter, Instagram and TikTok, are shared for the public.

Should you want to do your own recon, then just go to the Google machine, type in any player and/or “any player + wife,” and BANG – all of it is there for you – and where you then can also find the names of the WAGS, and the children spawned too, by any player.

Invasion of privacy?

Yes and no – as after all – the WAGS are putting all of this info out there for the public to find.

The news of Schneider’s engagement to his girlfriend Josee was broken on Instagram.

Should I ever bring to the light of day, as for now, I’m just spit-balling when creatively writing; then I guess that I’d have to become more hip – as I don’t have an Instagram or TikTok account – or whatever other social media apps that are out there.

Hell, I still use AOL as my email provider!

I’m old-school – which means that I just stick to Facebook and Twitter – and where I rarely use FB that much anymore either – as all of the ads and scrolling required is a waste of time.

And since all of these social media apps are just that – a waste of time – then I don’t need anymore misspent time – as I do find myself using Twitter too much to begin with!

But for a youngin’ who does have the time – then just the concept of a could work – and it would be entertaining too.

CapFriendly, PuckPedia and sites like them, will soon all be the same – a place where you get the important salary-cap information – all black-and-white facts – but nothing with color.

But for a new-age GM looking for that extra edge? – as this site will tell you what players will veto trades based on the vocation of their WAG!

(Furthermore and to expound a bit? Since most NHLers, as in 100% of them, are involved with gorgeous women – then under the principle of “sex sells” – don’t you think a site like this, where you’d feature pictures of these beauts, drive in a lot of advertisers dollars and traffic? Know your demographics!)

Artemi Panarin with his wife, Latvian model, Alisa Znarok. Photo Credit: The Panarin’s – what it can be!

I can see it now:

— “Kaapo Kakko has refused a trade to San Jose, as his WAG, like her significant other, is a ballerina – and where NYC is the top market for all tap-dancers.”

— “Filip Chytil’s WAG also suffers from neurological issues and as a result, #72 won’t waive his NMC as NYC, as led by Dr. Kelly Trouba, has the best neurological surgeons in the country.”

— “Adam Fox’s wife, like her husband, is another Jewish-American with an affinity for bagels, therefore, she has no desire to sink her teeth into the kneaded dough out in Winnipeg!”

— “K’Andre Miller’s girlfriend has gotten accustomed to all of the excellent Korean mani-pedi providers in NYC, and where as a result, she refuses to get her nails done at some second-rate facility in Calgary!”

“Vincent Trocheck’s wife, Hillary, refuses to leave NYC, as she’s become quite attached to the fine dining in Little Italy. When asked to waive his NMC in order to go the Stars, the Trocheck’s said in unison, ‘we once went to an Italian bistro in Dallas – and all we got was noodles and ketchup!'”

Last but not least?

This one:

“CZAR IGOR, the highest-paid goalie in the league, now here in the year 2031, refuses to waive his NMC, as his wife, Russian model Anna Butosova, will only eat Borscht from the delis in Brighton Beach and Sheepshead Bay!”

I told you – I’m a visionary!

And yes, this too:

I’ll sell to the Rangers when offered.

Hell, maybe I should really get crackin’ on this idea – because at the very least – maybe they’ll pay me just to shut this silly site down!

But until that time, it’s back to writing and pushing books on you folk, which now brings us to…

PLUGS TIME! (Buy a book and support my Rangers’ induced therapy bills. After all, I don’t run ads on this site!)

My fourth title and tenth book is now available!

“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History,” is now available for sale!

For complete information, please visit:

The hardcover version of my first book, available now at

My second plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden.”

As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link:

For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have a few signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that:

Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today

My four-volume set of books, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is a game-by-game recount of the Rangers 2021-22 campaign.

My second title as an author, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is now available in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.

To obtain signed copies, visit:

To purchase all four volumes on Amazon, visit: – “One Game at a Time.”

The greatest volume-set of books on Rangers’ history today!

“Tricks of the Trade – A Century-Long Journey Through Every Trade Made In New York Rangers’ History,” a four-volume set of books that meticulously covers every trade made in franchise history, is now on sale.

All four volumes of the title can be purchased on and are presented in three different formats – eBook, paperback and hardcover.

To purchase Volume I: Conn Smythe (1926) – Craig Patrick (1986), visit

To purchase Volume II: Phil Esposito (1986) – Neil Smith (2000), visit

To purchase Volume III: Glen Sather (2000-2015), visit

To purchase Volume IV: Jeff Gorton (2015) – Chris Drury (2022), visit

To purchase signed copies of all four volumes, visit

If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog for the next update:

Now on sale!

Don’t forget to order my four-volume set of books, “Tricks of the Trade!”

If you don’t order through me, all four volumes are now available on

For more details, check out:

Thanks for reading.


Sean McCaffrey

@NYCTHEMIC on the Tweeter machine

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