A Summer Day Trip in NYC: The Stan Fischler SoHo Table Hockey Tournament at “The Canuck,” 99 Whisky, The New NHL Store; Reviews, Madison Stink Garden, Photo Gallery, The Tony DeAngelo Autobiography Gets a New Chapter & More

On Saturday, July 15th, at “The Canuck” (202 9th Avenue, NYC), the good people at SoHo Table Hockey presented the first annual “Stan Fischler Invitational Table Hockey Tournament.” The event was filmed by ESPN’s “The Ocho” and will be aired at a later date.

Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on BlueCollarBlueShirts.com. Have I mentioned that my new book, “The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History,” is now available for pre-order?

For those unaware, you can pre-order (and get two free sample chapters of the book too) by visiting this link: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/rangerkillers/

A legendary writer and Stan Fischler at “The Canuck” from 7/15/23! And before you ask me, “Why is Stan wearing an Islanders’ pin?” –  I’ll answer that question for you – The Isles treat him much better than the Rangers do. Heck, the Belmont group even named their media bridge after Fischler!

While the majority of the hockey world is presently in a state of “cottage” (and we’ll get into the lone exception, Tony DeAngelo, at the end of this blog); the fine folks at SoHo Table Hockey aren’t taking the summer off.

Spearheaded by Johnny “Lightning” Fayolle, SoHo Table Hockey is a way for fans from an older generation to relive the glory days of their youth – by playing table hockey:

While I didn’t do an official head count or anything of the sort on Saturday; I’d reckon to guess that about fifty or so players competed in the tournament. Also in attendance was Vincent Piazza from “Boardwalk Empire.” I didn’t take a photo with him because when I saw him, he was eating with his wife and child and in turn, I didn’t want to bother him. Plus, he was wearing an Islander hat too! Nucky Thompson wouldn’t approve of that!

Long before the days of cell phones, the internet, video games and other electronic forms of entertainment from this modern era, there was table hockey, where kids from a bygone generation would profusely sweat over their wooden and metal gaming apparatus.

Nearly fifty years removed from those days, these same kids, now grown men at retirement age – are still profusely sweating over their favorite game – table hockey.

And if the fantastic Mr. Fayolle has his way – then a whole new generation of kids will ditch their phones, computers and video games for table hockey – where should that be the case – then these kids will really have some fun.

What’s probably not known to most (and I didn’t know about this myself until I saw it first-hand with my own two eyes), is that the table hockey community is very loyal, passionate and devoted to their favorite pastime – and just like any other fandom.

For the uninitiated, there really is such a thing as “professional” table hockey – just ask Fayolle and friends.

In a way, and for a comparison – table hockey is no different than other “bar sports” – including pool, darts, bowling and maybe “Joker Poker” too!

While these “sports” can be enjoyed just for fun & bragging rights – and with a few adult beverages in-hand too; there’s also a devout community that dedicates the bulk of their free time to their favorite hobby/game.

SoHo Table Hockey has been running cash-prize tournaments for some time now. For their entire history and story, check out: https://www.sohotablehockey.com

All across North America (United States and Canada) and as far as Europe too, there are various table hockey leagues – and just like any other niche sport – the best-of-the-best in this field do battle several times a year.

Akin to their days of youth, where many of these table hockey pros once spent their weekends traveling while playing junior hockey – today, these masters of the metal rods also travel when competing.

This past Saturday, at the relatively new NYC watering hole, “The Canuck” (which I’ve previously covered on this site – but I will have more on the bar in just a bit), presented the first annual Stan Fischler Invitational Table Hockey Tournament.

Players from as far as Montreal, Toronto and New Hampshire traveled for this competition, which ultimately came down to a final between the two best “athletes” in the game, “The King” Carlo Bossio and Kenny Dubois – and a final match that will air on ESPN’s “The Ocho.”

While the players involved in the tournament were extremely competitive – the entire event, which was hosted by ESPN’s Arda Ocal and Stan Fischler himself, were largely laid-back.

In other words – there were no broken sticks, flying beer glasses or flipped-over tables to be found!

Similar to Sy Sperling from those old “Hair Club For Men” commercials from the late 1990s (I’m not only the Hair Club president, but I’m also a client!”) – John Fayolle isn’t only the president and founder of SoHo hockey – but he’s also a player.

It was Fayolle’s vision and business model that united the table hockey community, where today, many of these table hockey tournaments, which all feature his “gaming surfaces,” have grown in numbers.

While SoHo Table Hockey largely draws a demographic of older men; the game has become so popular that hockey luminaries, such as Gary Bettman, Butch Goring, Stan Fischler and many others play on Fayolle’s adaption/creation – including a pair of former Rangers themselves, Henrik Lundqvist and Mats Zuccarello:

Here’s Lundqvist and Zucc playing SoHo Table Hockey, with the founder and president of the league, John Fayolle, pictured to the left of “The King.” This photo is from September of 2020. For the full photo gallery from this game, which originally aired on the Scandinavian talk show – the appropriately titled Skavlan Talkshow” – visit https://www.facebook.com/sohotablehockey). Spoiler: Zucc beat Hank.

John Fayolle, whose nickname is “Lightning” – as I do believe that he prefers electric automobiles over gasoline powered vehicles (yes – that’s an inside joke that only three people will understand!); has put a modernized twist on the table hockey games from the 1960s and 1970s.

Rather than flimsy pieces, rusty metal and knobs that would always fall off; Fayolle has “classed-up” the game, as his tables are made in either Cherry or Oak wood.

To order your own table and to read about all of the specs, check out: https://www.sohotablehockey.com/order-a-game

While the history of SoHo Table Hockey is an interesting tale (https://www.sohotablehockey.com/table-hockey-history ); for the purpose of this blog, I just want to keep it to what I saw on Saturday.

Let’s roll.

Every good bar needs a theme and “The Canuck” certainly has theirs!

A few months back, Fischler invited me to attend the tournament. Once he told me that the event was being held at a bar, and at “The Canuck” no less, I was in.

(But really, I was always going to attend – as a chance to hang out with Stan is one that I’m never going to pass up.)

I should also mention at this time that Fischler has been a day-one supporter of SoHo Hockey and has attended several of their tournaments in previous years. This was just the first one to be named in his honor – and a tradition that will now continue.

I know I’ve said this a few times before on this site, but heck, what’s one more time – it still impresses the hell out of me that Fischler, now 91-years-old (he loves being reminded of his age!), continues to routinely take these long flights from Israel to NYC.

Crazier than that – he had just beaten a bout with the flu two-weeks earlier. The man is a true hustler and fighter.

We should all be so lucky to be as sharp, witty and vibrant as Fischler – assuming should we ever be as fortunate enough to hit that age.

While Fischler had a few things to do on his current trip to the States outside of this tournament in his namesake (I know that he met up with the Rangers’ Michael Rappaport to talk Blueshirt history – and I hope that Rappaport talks to his boss, “The Pizzaman” Chris Drury, about retiring Frank Boucher’s #7); he’s largely in town to attend the New York State Hockey Hall of Fame Class of 2023 ceremony – where he, along with the likes of John Tonelli, Barry Melrose and Dave Taylor, was inducted on Sunday, July 16th in Troy, NY – a town that’s about a ten-minute drive away from Saratoga.

And similar to Fischler’s 2021 induction into the United States Hockey Hall of Fame; while the honor is nice, and not something to be taken for granted either – in a way, these are somewhat consolation prizes – as the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto has some sort of grudge against “The Maven.” (And to be clear – these are my words – not his.)

I know that I have done my rantings and ravings on this subject before, but for the life of me, I’ll never understand why Toronto continues to omit Fischler from their hallowed halls.

(But if he was Canadian, and not from New York? Then I think he would’ve been inducted decades ago. Ditto his wife, Shirley Fischler – a true female pioneer.)

Fischler wrote the foreword to my new book.

While a day out at a bar is something that I’d rarely refuse (although going to NYC is something that I always try to avoid – but more on that in a bit); another reason to attend the tournament was to see Stan – and give him an advanced copy of “The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History.”

After all – do you know what it costs to ship a book to Israel – especially a book, that should you ever swing it at someone’s head, would give that person CTE?

While I’ve previously written about “The Canuck” and their grand opening in the past – until Saturday – I had never stepped one foot in the joint.

Now, as a patron, I can say this: Wow, color me impressed!

If there was one major takeaway that I had as I sat on a smelly LIRR train from Penn Station back to my home on Long Island, then it was this – “Damn, I wish I had a bar like this near my house!”

“The Canuck,” and probably as advertised, is everything that any hockey fan would want in a bar.

Heck, I’m sure that the bartenders would bodycheck you from your stool if you didn’t pay your bill too!

Whether it’s the Canadian beer, the hockey memorabilia plastered wall-to-wall (and even in the bathrooms), poutine on the menu for the French-Canadian folks, the friendly staff and nothing but hockey on the big screen TVs – the bar is a hockey fan’s dream.

The one drawback, especially for savvy bar veterans like myself?

No buybacks – but that’s largely a NYC thing anyway – and not nothing to gripe about.

And while I don’t know if “The Canuck” does “buybacks” for their regulars (usually four drinks for the price of three, but for me at my local L.I. joints, it’s three drinks for the price of two – but of course – I both drink, and more importantly than that, tip heavy too); this event mainly drew “tourists” – so I wasn’t expecting a buyback anyway.

However, I always try to give you every angle and piece of minutiae on this site!

That said, buybacks or no buybacks, that was all quickly forgotten about once I saw this:

“The Canuck” sells Gretzky Whisky! Here’s my “Canadian Boilermaker!”

I know, I know, I know – maybe only five of you will care about this – but bear with me!

As mentioned about 967868689 times before; whenever I visit Canada, I always bring back a case of Gretzky Whisky home with me and for one reason – it’s not sold in the United States. (At last check, it’s only available in Ontario and in Alberta.)

While admittedly, Gretzky Whisky is a novelty spirit; it’s also pretty damn good – and I’m not just saying that because of his name.

After all, and for a comparison, I’ll openly state here that I think that Gretzky’s Beer is horrendous. Heck, I’d rather drink “Natty Lite!”

But Gretzky’s whisky? It’s divine!

I talked to one of the co-owners of “The Canuck” on Saturday about this rare find – and with the intentions of buying a bottle or two from him – and where I was also under the assumption that he must’ve had a few cases of the booze in his stock room.

That wasn’t the case.

As Denis Ladouceur, one of the proprietors of the joint told me, “We try to order this stuff all the time, but they only ship us one bottle at a time.”

Suffice to say, Wayne Gretzky and his investors don’t have the same backing, marketing or sales skills as the UFC’s Conor McGregor does – as you can find “Proper Twelve” in any bar or liquor store across North America today – and who like “The Great One” “The Notorious One” launched his whisky in 2018 too.

And yep – you’ll only find this sleuthing style of reporting on this site!

Elmer Ferguson who? (Mollie Walker had to look up that name.)

While this is a real estate issue more than anything else; the only other “negative” I could conjure up about “The Canuck?” It’s a shame that it’s not located closer to M$G.

As I was thinking that I wish a bar like “The Canuck” was closer to my home – it’s also a shame that the bar isn’t closer to M$G too – but of course – that’s all about real estate – and where (non-union/scab) developers have already knocked out a ton of bars from the area, including a former hockey bar, “The Flying Puck.”

(My current M$G pregame bar of today, “The Mollie Wee,” is currently fighting a battle against NYC developers to keep their location on 32nd Street & 8th Ave.)

That said, “The Canuck,” which is located at 23rd Street & 9th Ave, is not that far of a walk from M$G either.

Put it this way: Even a beer-bellied blogger like myself, and in the sweltering summer heat no less, made the foot-trek to the bar from Penn Station in just under ten-minutes.

(But as fellow fans of the drink will tell you – the twenty-minute round-trip walk will cut into your Rangers’ pregame drinking too! What’s that number for AA again?)

I can’t say enough good things about “The Canuck.” I had a heck of a time and the place was amazing.

In a way, I am jealous that I don’t live closer to it!

I’d also reckon to guess, and without personally asking either one of them, that both Fischler and Fayolle were happy with the venue too – and how the bar expertly hosted the event.

ESPN’s Arda Ocal, who I have known for a long time due to our former lives in pro wrestling, with Fischler. Of note: Ocal, a Mensa member, had a major grievance with yours truly for including ESPN as a “Ranger Killer” in my new book! Of course, he’s employed by ESPN and I am not! I will say, I still miss Ocal’s old M$G Hockey Show, but suffice to say – he’s gone on to do bigger and better things – much bigger and better things at that! (And isn’t it funny that two of the three men from that old show on M$GN now have jobs with major NHL broadcasters, as Ocal’s former co-host, Anson Carter, now works with TNT? I’m not sure what Will Reeve is up to today, nor have I bothered to use the Google Machine to find out either.)

Fischler, who practically knows everyone and anyone in hockey (and as said many times on this site in the past – the fact that he takes an interest in my work blows me away – as he doesn’t owe me anything and he always does whatever he can to push my stuff, including spots on NHL.com and The Hockey News); was also there to auction off some of his memorabilia, as a way to raise funds for the college tuition of his granddaughter, Avigail.

(To donate to the GoFundMe, visit: https://gofund.me/33d8db90. For complete details, visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/7223/)

“The Maven,” who has nicknamed yours truly as “The Young Maven,” wanted to give me some of his old memorabilia from one Rangers’ historian to another. While I did make a cash donation towards Avigail’s dream (I rather give cash, as it goes straight to the source, as I know that GoFundMe takes a percentage of whatever is raised), Fischler gave me the following items:

An “old” book from the late 1970s entitled “The New Breed,” with a then-emerging Ron Duguay on the cover.
A newspaper clipping about a new Rangers’ Chief Scout, Carson Cooper. Similar to a now former Blueshirts’ trainer of today, Jim Ramsay – I’m sure that Mollie Walker doesn’t give a shit about this either!
A 1940 Stanley Cup champion and former Ranger general manager, Muzz Patrick.

And the prize jewel, or at least for me?

This one:

An original Bill Gallo illustration of Chuck Rayner.

While Fischler had hundreds of items up for auction, these were the items that I selected.

I also don’t think that you can put a price tag on any of this, but for a Rangers’ historian – all of this stuff was truly invaluable – and where the Rayner photo is already framed in my humble abode.

Equally as amazing as Fischler’s never-ending round-trip flights was the fact that all of his stuff, a collection that goes back to the 1950s – all of it is pretty much in a pristine state of condition.

While there is some slight fading in the newspaper clips; for the most part, everything is in near-perfect condition and has stood the test of time – much like “The Maven!”

Receiving the Chuck Rayner cartoon was even better than the Gretzky Whisky served at “The Canuck!”

During my time at the SoHo Table Hockey Tournament, I also bumped into an artist named Dan (who once tried out for Neil Smith’s ECHL team, the Checkers), a talented artist at that – and a former one-time roommate of Fischler – despite their fifty-year age gap!

The stories that Dan told were hilarious – including an off-color hockey joke about a woman meeting Wayne Gretzky – and not one that I can reprint here!

Dan has painted numerous hockey collages and where today – most of them are now hanging in the homes and offices of the NHL alumni. He’s recently put the finishing touches on a Henrik Lundqvist painting, one that I think is about four feet by six feet – and an impressive mural if I’ve ever seen one.

I asked Dan to email me some pictures of his work and the paintings that he has for sale.

Once he sends me over the information, then I’ll share it on this site in a future update.

I’ll be back!

Following my entertaining four-hours spent at “The Canuck,” and now with a dozen or so drinks sweating out of my pores in the sizzling heat; I journeyed my way over to the new NHL Store on 33rd Street & 9th Avenue.

(Fat guy summer life hack? Always carry a small white dish or hotel towel – to mop-up the sweat!)

Previously, I had visited the NHL Store at their old location, on 47th Street & 5th Avenue, and on many occasions.

Here are a few pictures from the new store:

The NHL’s office is located in the next building over from the store.
The storefront.

When I first posted these pictures on social media, I had some people ask, “Is the NHL Store worth visiting?”

In short, the answer is no – but as a bucket list thing and just to see it – I think you owe it to yourself to check it out.

However, the store, which is “powered” by Fanatics, is largely what you’d expect – wall-to-wall of overpriced merchandise – and perhaps unnecessary merchandise at that.

Furthermore, unless you’re a fan of a non-local team (Rangers, Islanders and Devils) – then there’s no real reason to go to the NHL store in order to buy swag of your favorite team – especially for Blueshirt fans – considering that the Rangers’ official team store, another store full of overpriced merchandise, is only a few steps away.

If there is any “draw” to the NHL Store, then it’s the fact that they have a one-piece Hockey Hall of Fame exhibit on the top floor. However, for New York City, and what the NHL store and HHOF are offering – it does come off as second-rate:

How many New Yorkers, or people/fans for that matter, really care about the old Western League Trophy? How many know that a pair of former Rangers coached the 1952 champs, the Saskatoon Quakers, and as Bill Cook and Frankie Eddolls did? The goalie of that team? Gump Worsley.

While I guess seeing the old Western League Trophy was something; it’s not a piece of history that I’d go out of my way to see either – and I say that as a Rangers’ historian!

It just felt like the Hockey Hall of Fame sent the least desirable item that they had to NYC.

Heck, I’d rather see the WHA Avco Cup again! (I saw it during my original visit to the HHOF in Toronto.)

As far as anything else, this store is bigger than the old one, especially with two floors, but it’s not worth going out of your way to visit it either. Maybe check it out once prior to a Rangers’ game and then be done with it – as I have now done.

If there’s any reason to ever go back, then it’s whenever the store is promoting an event/signing/appearance.

In fact, the last time I visited the old NHL store prior to its relocation was in 2016 – to see Mike Richter at a speaking/autograph event when he was promoting that year’s World Cup of Hockey tournament.

Conversely, Rose’s Pizza on 34th and 7th? That’s worth visiting!

I’m not the only NYC commuter to say this – Penn Station misses Rose’s Pizza!
Nothing absorbs a bunch of a booze better than two piping hot slices from Rose’s Pizza!

Prior to boarding my train back home, I walked past M$G:

Madison Stink Garden

I know this isn’t hockey related, but hey, it’s the summer so give me a break; but man, oh man, did M$G, and its surrounding areas, smell like a drug-ridden toilet.

Between the overwhelming abundance of people peppering the air with marijuana smoke, day-old urine and an ungodly amount of body odor – I felt like I needed a hazmat suit when walking the two blocks from the NHL Store to Rose’s Pizza – and where M$G is the equidistant point between the two places.

Both NYC, and their powers-to-be, can push their Penn Station purification project all that they want – but the place remains a shithole – and where you also have to be careful of stepping on the fentanyl drug addicts with every step that you take.

And if these people aren’t laid out on the concrete, where you even have to question if they are alive – then they are temporarily upright and demanding you for your money. You can’t win either way.

But hey – check out the brand new Penn Station – with the same old smell and with even more derelicts than before!

Making Penn Station worse, at least on the LIRR side of things, and as it’s been for the past two-years – is that there are no places to sit, eat or drink as you wait an hour for your train to arrive.

But fortunately, the old reliable, Rose’s Pizza, is just across the street.

However, and what’s the right way to say this – the Latina women with the large breasts – are no longer there to sell you three tallboys of beer for $10 – and where if they like you – they’ll slip you a fourth one in your bag for a small $1 or $2 tip!

Maybe that’s why I like history so much – I’d rather live in the past than in today’s present!

Speaking of the past and present; at this time, let’s now switch gears and talk about the future – as in, where is Tony DeAngelo going to play during the 2023-24 season?

I first made this bad photoshop on June 9th, 2023. Following the events of this weekend; the possibility of DeAngelo signing with Long Island Lou is even stronger.

It doesn’t happen very often, but I have to be fair and honest – I was wrong. Dead-wrong at that!

Last year, when DeAngelo signed a two-year deal with his hometown club, the Philadelphia Flyers, I thought that the former Ranger would hit it off with a former Blueshirt head coach, now in the City of Brotherly Love, John Tortorella.

While I know that most people, perhaps saner than me, thought that the two were always destined to collide; I thought that both men were cut from the same cloth – as both men are passionate, emotional and never afraid to say what’s on their minds.

And really, that’s what both Tortorella and DeAngelo said about each other once then Flyers’ GM, Chuck Fletcher, brought the defenseman into the orange-and-black fold.

While things started off well, and as previously written on this site and as you already know – that’s not what happened.

Rather than retooling; instead, the Flyers are now rebuilding – and where you now have to wonder if Torts is the right guy for that job too.

However, the Flyers are still paying Alain Vigneault $5M per-year for the next three seasons, so financially – it would be tough to fire Torts too – and in turn – pay three different coaches next season.

I’m not going to recap the “Saga of Tony DeAngelo” on this site again, because after all, it’s all in the archives of this site and also fully talked about, and in painstaking detail, in “Tricks of the Trade Volume IV.”

But to pick up from where I last left off – the firing of the Flyers’ braintrust and the hiring of Team President Keith Jones and General Manager Daniel Briere – it was only a matter of time before DeAngelo was shown the door, just like another former Ranger himself, Kevin Hayes – who only brought back a sixth-round pick in what was a salary cap dump of a trade with St. Louis.

As previously written on this site (that’s becoming my new go-to phrase!), in late June, the Flyers had made a trade with the Carolina Hurricanes, where DeAngelo would return to Raleigh – and with the Flyers retaining 50% of his salary/cap-hit ($2.5M of TDA’s $5M AAV contract). However, the legalese, the NHL’s salary-cap mumbo-jumbo rules, prevented that – and where the two teams would then have to wait until July 8th to legally execute the trade.

Fast-forward to July 8th, and TDA was still in Philly – and a trade, which once was agreed upon, was no longer on the table.

Following their failed and initial attempt to regain the services of TDA; Carolina, along with the Pittsburgh Penguins, have become a suitor to the (NOT MY) 2023 Norris Trophy winner, the San Jose Sharks’ Erik Karlsson.

The Flyers could wait no longer. After all, Hayes had only fetched a sixth-round pick.

Rather than seeing what the end result of the “Karlsson Sweepstakes” would turn out to be (and why any team would trade for Karlsson’s contract is beyond me – but then again – after what Vegas just did – maybe teams, of this salary-cap era, are now more willing than ever before to go “all-in” and whatever happens, happens); instead, the Flyers, who are currently dealing away every veteran possible, just decided to waive and buyout DeAngelo outright – and as they did this weekend.

On Friday, the Flyers waived DeAngelo. 24-hours later, at noon Saturday, when I was enjoying my first pop at “The Canuck” – the Flyers then bought out DeAngelo.

As a result, DeAngelo is now the first player in NHL history (and the salary-cap era too) to have been bought out of his contract by two different teams. Not even Wade Redden found himself in this boat.

In total, DeAngelo, who had a $4.8M AAV contract with the Rangers, has received $9.8M from the two Metro teams – to NOT play hockey.

I gotta say, I’m extremely envious of DeAngelo – as I’d settle for a tenth of that to never work again too!

“BlueTruth” host, Brian Attard, said it first – Tony DeAngelo has a lot in common with another American right-handed defenseman that once played for the Rangers, Kevin Shattenkirk. Both players were unceremoniously jettisoned out of town by their favorite team growing up – following both a buy-out and a poor season from their once former favorite team. Photo Credit: Flyers

DeAngelo, set to turn 28-years-old on October 24th, has earned nearly $16M throughout his NHL career – where nearly five-eighths (62.5%) of his contracts signed have been bought out.

It’s very easy to be cliche, and say that something has to be wrong with him, especially since he’s bound to sign the sixth contract of his career this summer – and if it’s not with Carolina, Tampa Bay, Arizona or the Rangers – then he will be joining his sixth team too – but I do think he has a case of “Murphy’s Law” attached to him too.

After all, how many players get sent home and then bought out – after their own goalie sucker-punches them? Only DeAngelo.

While I’m not going to revisit his Rangers’ tenure, as I’m sick of writing about it and I’ve probably written 987678676879689768976 words about it in the past; in Philly, DeAngelo, who always wanted to play for his favorite team, found the wrong time to do so.

And if DeAngelo was the sole problem, then the other players that the team has moved on from this summer (and don’t forget about their former team captain from last year, the 1,000 games played in Philly, Claude Giroux), would have remained. Ditto their old regime.

While not exactly the same as the end of his Ranger days (although a new regime took over in NYC – and then TDA was bought out – just like he was in Philly); DeAngelo found himself stuck with another rebuilding franchise.

Arguably, and I’m sure that he knows it – he should’ve just remained in Carolina after his successful “prove it” 2021-22 season with the Canes. But since he “lost” money, by playing on a one-year deal worth “only” $1M – at his age and after what he went through – he had to take the big payday – especially when his favorite team was the one making the offer.

DeAngelo, who has previously admitted to butting heads with then Rangers’ coach David Quinn; like many, soon found himself in Torts’ doghouse too. For whatever reason, Rod Brind’Amour, bench boss on Tobacco Road, has gotten the best out of TDA. Photo Credit: Carolina Hurricanes

Maybe it’s because I’m a historian or maybe it’s because I do believe that DeAngelo was wronged in NY; but for whatever reason – I find both his tale and career to be absolutely fascinating.

As said in my books – if one NHL player defines both the social media age and the COVID era – then it’s DeAngelo – and you can read the explanations of why that is in both “Tricks of the Trade” and “Ranger Villains.”

Seriously, come 10-15 years from now – I’m looking forward to reading the DeAngelo autobiography.

While another former Ranger, Sean Avery, was controversial for other reasons; I eagerly and extremely awaited Avery’s tell-all book, “Ice Capades.” I wasn’t disappointed after reading it. And one day, I feel like a DeAngelo book will be just as telling.

Since DeAngelo is still talented and can play at the NHL level – he’ll get another chance. After all, this latest buyout isn’t performance related – it’s rebuilding related.

Carolina, on paper, would be the best fit for him, especially since it’s worked in the past for both TDA and the Canes. But such a return won’t take place until the dust settles on whatever happens with Karlsson.

It will be interesting to see if DeAngelo signs elsewhere prior to Karlsson’s future being determined. Perhaps following whatever happens with Karlsson, then DeAngelo could sign a cheap one-year deal with the loser of these said sweepstakes – the Canes or the Penguins – as both are looking for an offensively-oriented d-man.

As far as other suitors in the interim, and should TDA not want to wait out whatever happens with EK65; then I think it’s safe to say that you can rule out both the Rangers and the Sharks as his team for the 2023-24 campaign.

However, I wouldn’t rule out the Islanders – as they are desperate for scoring – and for a power-play quarterback too. DeAngelo, who will most likely play for cheap since he has the $5M bag from Philly secured, checks both boxes.

In the past, DeAngelo, and repeatedly at that, has said that he’s always wanted to play close to home, as he strongly values his family. Perhaps another Ranger rival, and another Metro team too, the Devils, takes a chance on him – especially since the price will be right.

A better fit may be in Minnesota, a Wild team pressed-up against the salary cap – but of course, Minnesota is nowhere close to where TDA calls home on the east coast.

Should DeAngelo be willing to move away from his roots; maybe the Ducks could be a fit.

In Anaheim, he’d have a familiar face in his friend Ryan Strome – but like Philly – the Ducks are also rebuilding, albeit, a tad further ahead than the Flyers.

Until a decision is made, we’ll have to wait for the next chapter in DeAngelo’s career to be written – and his future autobiography too!

Buy the book, buy the book, buy the book!

The final edits are being made to “The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History,” and after that – the full-court promotional press will be on! I know I have a few podcast appearances lined-up, and once I have all the info, I’ll share it on this site.

Until then, stay in the A/C – and preorder the book!

PLUGS TIME! (Buy a book and support my Rangers’ induced therapy bills. After all, I don’t run ads on this site!)

My fourth title and tenth book is now available for preorder!

“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History,” is now available for preorder.

For complete information, please visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/rangerkillers/

The hardcover version of my first book, available now at Amazon.com

My second plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden.”

As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link:


For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have a few signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that:

Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today

My four-volume set of books, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is a game-by-game recount of the Rangers 2021-22 campaign.

My second title as an author, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is now available in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.

To obtain signed copies, visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/onegamebook/

To purchase all four volumes on Amazon, visit: Amazon.com – “One Game at a Time.”

The greatest volume-set of books on Rangers’ history today!

“Tricks of the Trade – A Century-Long Journey Through Every Trade Made In New York Rangers’ History,” a four-volume set of books that meticulously covers every trade made in franchise history, is now on sale.

All four volumes of the title can be purchased on Amazon.com and are presented in three different formats – eBook, paperback and hardcover.

To purchase Volume I: Conn Smythe (1926) – Craig Patrick (1986), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume II: Phil Esposito (1986) – Neil Smith (2000), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume III: Glen Sather (2000-2015), visit Amazon.com

To purchase Volume IV: Jeff Gorton (2015) – Chris Drury (2022), visit Amazon.com

To purchase signed copies of all four volumes, visit https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/

Here are my last few blogs, in case you missed them:

“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History” Book Scheduled For 8/1 Release; How To Preorder Your Copy Today, Free Jonathan Quick & Mike Milbury Sample Chapters, Your Questions Answered & More

“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History” Set for Release, Blueshirts Bring the Cincinnati Cyclones Into the Mix, NYR Alumni Update, Tarasenko Teetering & More

“The Six-Figure Dollar Man” Chris Drury Hits the Discount Rack at the Senior Center; Shrewdly Signs Nine Players; A Look at the 2023-24 Roster, “Pizza Man” Finally Speaks to His State Media; Lashes Out, Goodrow Makes Fools of Reporters Too, “Rate Limit Exceeded”: Twitter Finds a Fine Time to Crap Out, All the Big NHL FA Signings, New ECHL Affiliate Needed, Giannone Hacked, Fischler & More

If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog for the next update:

Now on sale!

Don’t forget to order my recently released four-volume set of books, “Tricks of the Trade!”

If you don’t order through me, all four volumes are now available on Amazon.com

For more details, check out: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/

Thanks for reading.


Sean McCaffrey


@NYCTHEMIC on the Tweeter machine


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1 thought on “A Summer Day Trip in NYC: The Stan Fischler SoHo Table Hockey Tournament at “The Canuck,” 99 Whisky, The New NHL Store; Reviews, Madison Stink Garden, Photo Gallery, The Tony DeAngelo Autobiography Gets a New Chapter & More

  1. Sean – I didn’t catch your report on Tony DeAngelo until now (I guess I was too busy watching the Mets sinking ship). You made a good comparison between DeAngelo and Sean Avery. DeAngelo has more talent, but they both have big mouths and they’re both pains in the ass. I thought Philadelphia was the perfect spot for DeAngelo, but with Tortorella behind the bench the Flyers must have realized they had one PITA too many. Maybe DeAngelo will make your head coaching prediction come true and end up coaching the Flyers after Tortorella inevitably gets fired (but I doubt it).

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