Is the Current State of NYC Driving Away Potential Free Agents? Tyler Motte Signs with Tampa; The NHL’s “Middle Class” Being Phased Away, Alice Cooper, TNT’s Paul Bissonnette Suggests a Violent Crime Against Mike Babcock; Why The NHL is Ignoring It, NYR Rookies, Phil Watson’s 1940 Cup Ring, Lundqvist Reunites with Hagelin; Who Says No to a Swedish M$GN Broadcast & More

On Saturday, September 9th, Tyler Motte, the now former two-time Ranger, signed with the Tampa Bay Lightning, where the fourth-line forward agreed to a one-year deal worth $800,000. Motte’s decision to sign in sunny Florida, rather than in dumpy New York, feels like a no-brainer to me. I just wonder if other soon-to-be unrestricted free agents will continue to follow this path? More below.

Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on

Update: My fingers are now healed after writing my most recent missive, the 20,000 word 2023-24 NHL Season Preview Blog!

By the time that you read these words, we are now only twenty-four hours away from some form of Rangers’ hockey – the two games featuring the prospects of Broadway and Broad Street:

As previously covered on this site, the Rangers, who gave up on the annual Traverse City (Michigan) Tournament following the 2019 rendition, have now agreed to a pair of yearly exhibition games with their I-95 rivals, the Flyers. Photo Credit: PPL Center

The Rangers’ rookies and prospects are currently practicing at the team’s training facility in Tarrytown, NY, where following their two days together (Wednesday and Thursday), this group will then head on down to Allentown, PA to meet the youths of the orange-and-black.

As of this writing (and I spent nearly twenty minutes trying to find such details – a fruitless endeavor) – there is no broadcast, streaming or radio information for the fans who can’t make it – aka, “The Rangers’ Way!”

(I can’t think of another team in sports that actively goes out of their way to withhold everything from their fans – but since a new sucker fan is born every minute – the Blueshirts, and unlike most teams in this league – don’t have to put in the effort. And yes – I know this is a tired topic for this site!)

While the Blueshirts can never be bothered to present such games and events to their fans (apparently, repeat episodes of the “JB SMOOVE SHOW” on the M$GN draw better ratings than live Ranger hockey); the Flyers usually air one of these games on their NBC Sports Network affiliate channels. (And sometimes, they just stream it on their YouTube channel.)

Here is who will be participating for the Rangers this weekend:

Photo Credit: NYR

As you take a gander at the Rangers’ rookie camp roster, there are two notable omissions – Gabe Perreault, the club’s first-round pick from the 2023 NHL Entry Draft (23rd-overall) and Will Cuylle.

In the case of Perreault, he has already committed and agreed to play for Boston College during the 2023-24 campaign. In other words, he’s currently attending classes and getting ready for the season with his collegiate teammates.

Should Perreault only spend one year at school, then in theory, he could play in these two games next year.

For Will Cuylle, he’s already played two seasons at the AHL level, while also skating in four games for the Blueshirts last season. However, and again in theory, he could’ve participated this weekend – and as Zac Jones, somewhat in the same position as Cuylle, did last year. (Jones also served as the team’s captain in 2022.)

While of course, careers won’t be made-or-broken this weekend, especially when you consider the competition; the biggest draw for the Blueshirts is Brennan Othmann, the hungry forward looking to forgo the entire AHL process altogether and who also wants to jump right into the NHL for the 2023-24 season. (And this is both a great and positive mindset to have – and every player should think this way.)

(The biggest news from the first day of Ranger rookie practice, according to the bird brain scribes who make up the Blueshirts’ beat reporters? That Othmann had gained ten pounds of muscle during the off-season – a fact that you know Joe Micheletti will repeat no less than 9876786767966876 times, while sporting a raging erection too, during the preseason.)

However, and as previously opined in this space – it probably suits both the Rangers and Othmann best for the young man, who is agreeable to play on his off-wing (he’s not Alexis Lafreniere, as Othmann understands the franchise’s depth chart), to spend a year getting seasoning in the NHL’s top minor league. (What an oxymoron – “top minor!”)

After all, and as we’re all keenly aware – it serves no purpose for a young and aspiring prospect to play minimal minutes with the varsity club when he can be playing top minutes for the Hartford Wolfpack.

And while I’m also aware that many fans, and even Othmann himself, want to see the talented skater make it to the Rangers right out of camp – I just think because the club’s slogan is “WIN NOW” – and when you consider that both general manager Chris Drury and head coach Peter Laviolette need to take this franchise to the next level – then the braintrust will favor veterans over rookies.

Plus, both Drury and Laviolette have grander things to worry about rather than Othmann, including finding a way for the two lottery picks, Lafreniere and Kaapo Kakko, to make major leaps and strides this season.

It’s tough enough to get one project off of the ground, never mind two or three of them.

As of this writing, it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to view any of the games (although one reader has offered to take me as their guest for the Friday game – but I’m not sure if I can make it yet – and then paying for a hotel in Allentown isn’t something on my bucket list either); so for fans like myself, we all will unfortunately have to rely on the Rangers’/Kim Jong Un State Media for the 411.

That said, I do know a few Blueshirt backers that are making the trip and I’ll give you their reports on the pair of games in a future update.

One thing is for sure – a majority of Ranger fans are enamored with Mr. Applesauce, Tyler Motte. Photo Credit: NYR

In news that somewhat affects the Rangers; on Saturday, September 9th, and following Josh Archibald’s announcement that he was taking some time off from hockey, the Tampa Bay Lightning, who had previously acquired the ex-Penguin this off-season, announced that they had signed Tyler Motte to a one-year deal worth $800,000.

And yep – you know it – with Motte now in Tampa – I don’t see a three-time reunion taking place in New York this season, since the Bolts, on paper (and we know how that goes), should be a Cup contender.

There are a few items to note as a result of this signing – and one major opinion too – and as whether as right or wrong it may be.

For starters, and I want to get this out of the way more than anything else – the 2023-24 Rangers won’t be defined by a fourth-line forward.

Furthermore, the Blueshirts seemingly have a dozen players who can play on the fourth line this season (Barclay Goodrow, Jimmy Vesey, Tyler Pitlick, Nick Bonino, Alex Belzile, Jake Leschyshyn, Jonny Brodzinski, Will Cuylle, Riley Nash, Anton Blindh, Matt Rempe and Turner Elson) – and while most of these names will spend the bulk of the campaign in lovely Hartford, CT – if you’re telling me that Motte is the difference-maker in winning or losing a Stanley Cup Final, then I think that you’re out of your mind.

In my eyes?

The Rangers’ playoff hopes will live-or-die by their top stars – Mika Zibanejad and Artemi Panarin – a 1-2 punch who haven’t been able to break a glass jaw in the postseason of late.

Is Motte a decent player? For sure, but again, he’s not the “missing piece” either – and as we all saw during the 2023 Stanley Cup Playoffs. (Zero points.)

It’s now being reported by Larry Brooks of the New York Post that Motte desired a salary of $2,000,000 this season – and one that Drury wasn’t willing to oblige – and we can all see why the general manager saw it that way.

For the record, I don’t think there is any right or wrong in this situation by either party, as both a player and his agent should want to make as much money as possible – especially since the prime earning years of a hockey player are so finite and short.

But in no way, shape or form was any NHL general manager offering a fourth-liner like Motte, with no Stanley Cup experience (so I don’t want to hear from you, “but, but, but, Barclay Goodrow!”) a contract worth seven-figures – especially in a league that’s somewhat become like most of America itself – an erasure of the middle class.

As we’re seeing today, and maybe this will change when the salary cap returns to normal levels – top stars are getting paid – while everyone else is battling tooth-and-nail to make a million dollars or more.

Need evidence? Then just look at the Rangers’ summer, where Drury only and exclusively signed players willing to play for six-digits.

In another case of “two conflicting things can be true;” while Motte had every right to ask for a decent wage – for the second consecutive summer, and with a new agent to boot – he misread the market.

In Brooks’ report, he stated that Motte really wanted to stay in New York, but at the same time, how true is that?

After all, if he really wanted to stay, then he would’ve originally accepted his six-figure deal from Drury – and as he wound up eventually doing with Julien BriseBois in Tampa – and a deal that would’ve never came to be in the first place had Archibald not bowed out.

And this is where my major opinion, as teased in the horrible photoshop picture above, kicks in.

While I’m using this picture to both exaggerate and accentuate my point (and at the risk of all of the made-up -ists that will come my way too, such as “sexist”); if you’re Tyler Motte, then would you rather look at the bikini babes on the beaches of Tampa Bay – or instead – live in the shithole now known as New York City? Photo Credit: TampaPartyStrippers (Use code “BLUECOLLARBLUESHIRTS” for 50% off – and it’s your choice whether it’s the tops or the bottoms that’s taken off! Heyyo!)

As a disclaimer, and in case you’re just returning to this site after the summer; my once half-glass of eternal optimism for the Rangers has evaporated. Check the archives of this site for all of it.

And maybe it’s because I recently saw Alice Cooper in concert (and for 75-years-old – he was amazing – and much better at his job than Sam Rosen is at his at the same age); I have now adopted his biggest hit as my theme song for this season:

Now that I think of it, I believe that most song titles from Cooper’s 29 albums are equally as suffice as “No More Mr. Nice Guy” when describing my feelings about the Blueshirts entering this 2023-24 campaign, including, “Poison,” “Bed of Nails,” “Hey Stoopid,” “House of Fire,” “Trash,” “Dangerous Tonight,” “Bad Place Alone,” “Lost in America,” “Billion Dollar Babies,” “Brutal Planet,” “Go To Hell,” “Wicked Young Man,” and perhaps the most-telling, “Hurricane Years.”

Furthermore, and you can visit the PLUGS section for all of the details; perhaps I haven’t left the mindset when writing-and-publishing my latest book this summer, “The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History.”

Holy Tangent Batman!

Back to Motte.

From all accounts, Motte was well-liked and respected in the Rangers’ locker room. Photo Credit: NYR

While I understand that the following can be considered as a far-fetched theory; at the same time, I do think there is some merit in what I’m about to say next:

If New York City should continue to fall further-and-further down into a drug-fueled den of despair, full of crime, junkies, pot and urine which completely permeates the air and streets; then I wonder if unrestricted free agents, whether it be hockey players or other athletes, will look elsewhere before agreeing to a deal in the Big Rotten Apple.

In no way, and in no how, do I want to make this blog political.

However, just open your eyes – New York City is a complete shithole in the present times – and where the days of both Mayor David Dinkins and the corrupt Tammany Hall era are missed.

Don’t believe me?

Then just take a trip around Manhattan yourself – and should you survive (wear both a flak jacket and nose plugs would be my advice), then you’ll see it all with your own two eyeballs.

Between all of the illegal immigrants flooding the city (where many of them are criminals and undocumented), the non-stop smells of both piss and bad marijuana everywhere that you go, the increasing and staggering crime rate (shoplifters aren’t prosecuted – they are encouraged), scooter operators hitting anything that moves, junkies who walk the streets with needles in their arms (and in some cases – in their necks too) – Gotham has never been worse.

Worse than that?

It feels like New York City hasn’t even hit rock-bottom yet – as it feels like things will only continue to fall, rather than improve.

And for an athlete, there’s also that “jock tax,” and a New York City tax that tops the nation.

So let me ask you, John or Jane Q. reader – if you were Tyler Motte, or any other free agent, would you rather play in New York, where both the junkies and the homeless won’t even accept change – they want cash – and in some cases, they’ll ask you to boost their Venmo accounts too; or would you rather live in Florida – where there is no state income tax – and almost as important – not much traffic to speak of either?

Counter-point? From the day this franchise was first conceived (1926), and under the first owner in team history, Tex Rickard; the Rangers have been able to attract every free agent that they’ve ever desired. Photo Credit: A crown jewel of my own Blueshirts’ memorabilia collection

The case of Motte is specific to himself, but I do wonder if this is the start of something – assuming that the state of NYC continues to decline and regress.

Granted, the Rangers, and unlike the Islanders, have never had issues attracting big-name star players in the past, but at the same time – they’ve handsomely paid for every single one of them.

Hello Aturnover Panarin.

However, for a cap-league that’s phasing out the middle class, and where once assumed “fringe” players are more valuable than ever before; what about these men fighting to crack the seven-digit barrier?

Unless you’re completely desperate, have roots here or just delusional – why would any player want to take $800,000 to live and play in NYC, when that money, and your lifestyle too, improves in any other market around the league?

To be fair, and even going back to the era of the original “Bread Line” (Bill Cook, Frank Boucher and Bun Cook) – most Rangers don’t live in Manhattan.

(The best line of franchise history lived in Queens, and as time moved on, and specifically when Emile Francis took over in the 1960s – the team then called Long Island home, where most players lived in Long Beach or Atlantic Beach.)

Today, and outside of a handful of players (including Jacob Trouba, Ryan Lindgren and Alexis Lafreniere), most of the 2023-24 Blueshirts reside in Connecticut, New Jersey or Westchester, NY.

And when you look at Trouba, Lindgren and Lafreniere, do you know what they don’t have that other players such as Igor Shesterkin, Mika Zibanejad and others have? Kids.

My point?

What sane parent would want their kid growing up in the toiled and soiled streets of NYC?

I know that all of this sounds like a blazing attack on Manhattan, akin to a hail of gunfire that you read about in the NYC papers every ten-minutes; but am I wrong?

Love him or hate him, Elon Musk, one of the richest and smartest men alive today, is predicting that Manhattan will be completely overrun and broke in five-years.

I find it tough to counter his opinion, as every day, all of the NYC crime figures increase (guns, shoplifting, subway attacks, etc) – and third-world countries, releasing their prisoners with the knowledge/agreement that they will flee their respective nations for NYC, doesn’t help matters.

Even the Rangers’ Artemi Panarin was charged with illegally firing off a gun this summer, albeit, in his native land of Mother Russia. I’m surprised that he hasn’t ditched his Connecticut digs for an apartment in NYC! He’d fit right in!

Is this all just a blistering commentary or is it just the cold-hard truth? For me, it’s the latter.

I can only speak for myself – but in my 41-years – I’ve never seen NYC look (and smell) worse than it does today.

While the Rangers will always be able to overpay top names to play here; again, it’s the third- and fourth-liners & third-pair defensemen that I’m thinking about right now.

Only time will tell if this opinion is an overreaction to a scary trend; but at the very least, I do think it’s worth talking about.

Enjoy the beaches and babes of Tampa, Mr. Motte.

(And then there is the whole championship pedigree thing in Tampa too – but why pile on?)

Moving on.

Mike Babcock is currently the top story in the NHL today. Photo Credit: Columbus Blue Jackets

In news that’s getting everyone’s attention; on Tuesday, September 12th, the “controversial” or “old school” head coach, Mike Babcock, now in Columbus, was accused by both Ryan Whitney and Paul Bissonnette, of “The Spittin’ Chiclets” podcast, of demanding his players to show them photos stored in their smart phones.

I’m assuming that you’ve heard about this story by now, and since I don’t care to list every detail of the story; if you haven’t heard the news, then First Ohio Battery, a Blue Jackets’ fan site, has all of the details for you.

The short of it?

The Blue Jackets, Babcock and player Boone Jenner have confirmed that there is some sort of veracity to what Whitney and “Biz” had said; but they also accused the podcasters and former players of exaggerating the truth.

According to the CBJ, Babcock and Jenner, all that happened was that the player and head coach were talking about their families, and during their conversation, Babcock asked to see pics of Jenner’s family, as a way to relate and bond with his team’s captain.

Following CBJ’s team-issued response, both Whitney and Biz doubled-down – and with one of the lead analysts on the league’s national television rights partner, TNT, even making a rape joke at the expense of the head coach:

(In case Bissonnette deletes his tweet, he wrote, We’re a players podcast. You want to fuck with the players we’re going to bend you over no spit, no lube, sandpaper finish.)

Listen, I’m not soft, and I don’t think that Biz is actually going to anally penetrate Babcock against his own free will either; but at the same time – Biz does work for the league – and for their biggest TV partner.

(To go even further – I do share the same sense of humor as Biz – and I make bad jokes all the time too. However, I’m also not employed by the NHL, nor do I have to worry about the risk of losing a seven-figure salary either! But I wish I did! I could use a cool milly in my bank account!)

In other words, I think it’s one thing for a fan, a blogger or a podcaster to make a stupid little joke (and one that anyone can see is a joke too); but it’s another thing for a league employee to suggest such an act against another league employee.

For whatever reason (and I’m not suggesting, nor hoping, that Biz gets “canceled” – I do find him entertaining); but it does make me wonder why Mike Milbury was fired by NBC (and then canceled by the NHL) for making a silly joke/stating a fact about women distracting young males – while Biz seemingly gets off scot-free for suggesting male-on-male rape – and of the most violent variety.

Perhaps if Biz had said the same comment about a woman employee of the league – then poof – canceled.

(But I do think he knows not to say as much about a female.)

And let’s face it – we all know that would be the case had he said the same thing about any female in the league, whether it be ESPN’s Emily Kaplan (first name that came to mind – not suggesting her at all) or anyone else.

And the fact that Biz’s tweet remains up, over two days later, is also telling – as that tells me that the league hasn’t intervened at all.

Kyle Beach who?

Back to Babcock.

I’m glad that Babcock isn’t my boss, because if he was, then he’d probably wonder why I have 9876786789678968 memes of this guy on my phone – uncensored! Photo Credit: A brave photographer, now with a glass eye.

Following CBJ’s team-issued statement, both Biz and Whitney have accused Babcock of “bullshit.”

In other words, the former-players-turned-podcasters are sticking to their guns – and they are now also releasing text messages (with the senders’ names edited out of the screen shot) as proof of what they reported.

In my eyes, all of this tells me the following:

1) Babcock is hated. If he wasn’t, then players wouldn’t be running to both Biz and Whitney, who many look to as both the voice of reason and advocates of the players.

2) I don’t think that Biz and Whitney are lying. They haven’t before and they have no incentive to risk their reputations by making up a story out of thin air.

3) Columbus needed this story like a cannon-sized hole in their heads.

4) It will be interesting to see how the NHLPA, the weakest union in sports, views this. After all, if both Biz and Whitney are 100% proven true, then what Babcock did is a violation of the workplace – and a fireable offense too.

Hello Gerard Gallant?

How about some positive stories to close tonight’s blog?

Is Henrik Lundqvist recruiting his fellow countryman and former teammate Carl Hagelin for the Rangers’ alumni? I hope so! Photo Credit: Henrik Lundqvist

As previously written; injuries have forced former Blueshirt, Carl Hagelin, into an early retirement.

However, the former #62 in New York seems to be enjoying life, as this weekend, he joined his fellow Swede and teammate, Henrik Lundqvist, at the U.S. Open, and on Monday night, he took in the New York Jets’ home opener with “The King” as his escort.

As you all know by now, one of Lundqvist’s titles with the organization is “Team Ambassador.” While the title can mean many things, one thing it can also mean is “recruiter.”

In other words, and as I previously talked about on this site – wouldn’t it be nice to see Hagelin, a beloved Blueshirt, join the franchise as an active member of the alumni?

What I specifically mean is wouldn’t it be nice to see Hagelin get some face time on the M$GN (and hopefully at the expense of the annoying and irritating Sieve Vagistat – and the hockey gods know that a former forward is desperately needed on that panel), or at the very least, make some appearances on behalf of the franchise?

While of course, Hagelin and Lundqvist have a friendship from their playing days and now with their time off, will get to hang out more; but it would be super to see “Hags” rejoin the franchise in some capacity.

Perhaps one of the most “controversial” Rangers of all-time, “Fiery” Phil Watson. Photo Credit: NYR

As recently discussed on this site; one of the many book projects that I’m currently working on includes a biography about “Fiery” Phil Watson – a 1940 Stanley Cup champion with the Blueshirts – and a former head coach of the club too.

Presently, I’m talking to the Watson family to get never-before-told stories about the emotional and physical “Fiery Phil,” and during our talks, his daughter, Hollywood actress Janet Winston, uncovered his 1940 Stanley Cup ring:

While I’ll expand on this story in my upcoming book; for now, it should be noted that this ring was made in 1990 – fifty-years following the third Stanley Cup win in franchise history.

In 1990, during a presentation held in Vancouver of all places, the Rangers honored only the living members of the 1940 club.

In other words, deceased players and staff, including Davey Kerr, Frank Boucher, Lester Patrick, et al, were excluded – as their family members didn’t receive rings on their behalf.

Fortunately for Watson, who was sick at this time (he passed away while living in Vancouver, B.C. on February 1st, 1991) – he was able to attend – and as a result – his family now his ring in their home.

More on Watson to come in future site updates.

For the record, Michael Del Zotto, who many have nicknamed as “Del Zaster,” blocked me on Twitter in 2014 – nearly ten-years ago – after I wrote about his dalliance with porn star Lisa Ann! Photo Credit: NYR

As we say bon voyage tonight, a goodbye and good luck also goes out to both Michael Del Zotto and Nick Holden, a pair of former Rangers’ blue-liners who recently announced their retirements.

Del Zotto, who just turned 33-years-old was the first, as the 2019 Stanley Cup champ (St. Louis) announced his retirement on September 6th.

Holden, who just celebrated his 36th birthday, announced his end of days on September 12th, and where after informing fans of his retirement – also announced that he accepted a job with the 2023 Stanley Cup champions, the Vegas Golden Knights, as part of their player development staff.

The best of luck moving forward to these two – and where unlike Hagelin – I don’t envision either of them doing any work with the Rangers in the near-future as part of the alumni.

Up next: Something about the Ranger rookie games – where hockey god willing – the Flyers will broadcast at least one of these games – and as they’ve done in the past.

PLUGS TIME! (Buy a book and support my Rangers’ induced therapy bills. After all, I don’t run ads on this site!)

My fourth title and tenth book is now available for preorder!

“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History,” is now available for preorder.

For complete information, please visit:

The hardcover version of my first book, available now at

My second plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden.”

As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link:

For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have a few signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that:

Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today

My four-volume set of books, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is a game-by-game recount of the Rangers 2021-22 campaign.

My second title as an author, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is now available in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.

To obtain signed copies, visit:

To purchase all four volumes on Amazon, visit: – “One Game at a Time.”

The greatest volume-set of books on Rangers’ history today!

“Tricks of the Trade – A Century-Long Journey Through Every Trade Made In New York Rangers’ History,” a four-volume set of books that meticulously covers every trade made in franchise history, is now on sale.

All four volumes of the title can be purchased on and are presented in three different formats – eBook, paperback and hardcover.

To purchase Volume I: Conn Smythe (1926) – Craig Patrick (1986), visit

To purchase Volume II: Phil Esposito (1986) – Neil Smith (2000), visit

To purchase Volume III: Glen Sather (2000-2015), visit

To purchase Volume IV: Jeff Gorton (2015) – Chris Drury (2022), visit

To purchase signed copies of all four volumes, visit

Here are my last few blogs, in case you missed them:

A Complete Preview of the 2023-24 NHL Season: Detailed Profiles on all 32 NHL Teams; Departures & Arrivals, Division Rankings, Stanley Cup Playoff Predictions, What to Watch, The Rangers’ Chances & More

“Once a Ranger, Always a Ranger”: Former Blueshirt Carl Hagelin Announces His Retirement; A Career Retrospective, Ranger Alumni Update: Phil Watson, Tex Rickard and Pete Stemkowski, Patrick Kane Ready For Return, 2023-24 NHL Preview & More

Alexis Lafreniere Drops Bat; Picks Up Pen & Re-Signs with NYR, Rangers Off-Season Finally Complete; Full “Somber Summer” Recap, Chris Drury Overhauls Staff But Does It Matter? Panarin In Town After Gun Charge, Alumni Updates; Tex Rickard, Ron Greschner, Eddie Giacomin & More

If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog for the next update:

Now on sale!

Don’t forget to order my recently released four-volume set of books, “Tricks of the Trade!”

If you don’t order through me, all four volumes are now available on

For more details, check out:

Thanks for reading.


Sean McCaffrey

@NYCTHEMIC on the Tweeter machine

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