Free Tony DeAngelo Chapter From “The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers’ History;” Routine Blueshirt Booing Continues to Rattle TDA, Blake Wheeler Returns to Practice; Nice “Black Ace” Option For Laviolette, BSU Game 4 Viewing Party Announced for 5/11 & More

As the Rangers and the Canes prepare for Tuesday night’s Game 2 clash at M$G, once again, former Blueshirt, Tony DeAngelo, now with another Rangers’ rival, has made his presence felt – and where the Garden Faithful has thrown him off of his game too. And as noted following the events of Game 1 ( ) – while I don’t think that it’s necessary, or even worth the tradeoff either – a Rempe vs. DeAngelo tilt would blow the roof off of M$G.

Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on Let the good times roll – and these Rangers are rolling!

This blog will be a quick hitter for today, as we all get ready for Game 2 – and where hopefully following it – the Rangers not only increase their series lead to 2-0, but push their playoff winning streak to six straight games too.

Due to my busy real-life work schedule, I figured that I’d “lessen my load” for later tonight (Game 2 review) by covering Monday’s off-day – and everything else in-between.

And since I have to report to duty in a mere two-hours, let’s get right into it!

Blake Wheeler, who received a nasty right knee/leg injury back on February 15th, 2024, made his return to Rangers’ practice on Monday, May 6th. Photo Credit: Getty Images

One of Chris Drury’s “Summer of Six-Figure Signings,” former captain of the Winnipeg Jets, Blake Wheeler, hasn’t been seen since February 15th ( ), following a gruesome injury sustained after being hit (cleanly) by Montreal’s Jayden Strubbe during a Rangers’ 7-4 home win over the Canadiens at M$G.

At the time of the injury – Wheeler’s chances of returning this season didn’t look good – and assuming that there was any chance of such a return to begin with.

A day later ( ) and the bad news was confirmed, as the Rangers officially put Wheeler on LTIR, while Laviolette pretty much ruled out his top-six winger for the remainder of the regular season.

Once Wheeler’s fate was confirmed by the team, I wrote the following on 2/16:

“For what it’s worth, it’s being reported that there’s an outside shot that Wheeler could rejoin the team should the Blueshirts go far during the 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs (either the ECF or SCF round) – but even if that scenario becomes a reality – are you really going to break up an in theory red-hot Rangers’ team (you have to be hot to go deep into the playoffs) – and by taking out a player for one who will be rusty and trying to regain his bearings?

“I didn’t think so.

“For Wheeler to ever wear a Rangers’ jersey again, then most likely, not only will the team have to go far during the playoffs, but the Blueshirts will have to sustain an injury in order to open up a spot for him.

“And again – that’s assuming if he can ever return to full health to begin with.”

Wheeler, and just like Filip Chytil, is now back with the Rangers, as #17 was a full participant at Monday’s practice in Tarrytown, NY.

However, and just like Chytil too – Wheeler presently remains on LTIR.

And for one more Chytil comparison – it’s tough to envision Wheeler suiting up for the Blueshirts during this playoff run, that is, barring injury or a monumental collapse, where such a desperation move would be required.

After all, and as noted many times on this site before – you don’t fix what’s not broken, and when you’re 5-0 in the playoffs – then you don’t touch a thing.

Sadly, and for both Chytil and Wheeler, one of the oldest cliches in sports has played out for them, “injuries open up opportunities.”

While not exactly a true “Wally Pipp” situation, in the case of Chytil, it’s Vincent Trocheck, who if you can believe it, was projected as the team’s third-line center at the start of this 2023-24 campaign.

Trade deadline acquisitions, Alex Wennberg and Jack Roslovoic, are two more roadblocks for a potential Chytil return.

When it comes to Wheeler, Roslovic, now slotted with the BFF’s (Mika Zibanejad and Chris Kreider), is one of two roadblocks. The other roadblock is Matt Rempe – and a player that you simply can not remove from “Lavy’s Line-Up” when trying to accommodate a return of the veteran right-winger.

That all said, I do think that it’s a great thing that Blueshirts’ bench boss Peter Laviolette has options – but where in my eyes – these are “in case of emergency, break glass” options – and in no way, and in no how, should either player be reinserted into the line-up today with the team rolling.

Furthermore, even if the Rangers should drop a game or two to Carolina in this series (I’m realistic – no Stanley Cup champion has ever finished 16-0 in the playoffs), then I still would leave the line-up as is.

Since both Chytil and Wheeler remain on LTIR, then per league rules, neither man is required to speak to the media right now – and where in addition – Laviolette doesn’t have to speak about their current statuses either.

In other words, we know for a fact that both men are back skating with the team – but we don’t know the extent of their recoveries, nor if it’s even in the game-plan to have them return at all either.

In my outside-looking-in opinion, it’s my belief that this all goes back to what Laviolette has preached from day one – family and team.

If you can recall, then at the start of the season, Laviolette had family days at Rangers’ practices, as the future Hall of Fame head coach wanted to create team bonding and chemistry at a personal level.

(Funny enough – there was no annual mom or dad road-trips this season – and the Blueshirts’ beat reporters have never asked about this either – but the ineffective reporting comes to the surprise of nobody.)

As a “Family Guy” (but not like Peter Griffin) himself – Laviolette knows all too well how the hectic NHL schedule takes players away from their families – and how important families are – both on and off of the ice.

By allowing both Chytil and Wheeler to participate at Ranger practices, it speaks to that message – family – and where every Stanley Cup contender needs to treat their teammates as such.

Rather than having Chytil and Wheeler away from the team, or even as non-participant outsiders at both games and practices; instead, Laviolette has these two around the team and contributing.

And should it play out that Chytil and Wheeler never suit up in a playoff game, then their roles as “Black Aces” (practice players) will be remembered as a benefit – and should we all see our dreams come true – and the Rangers do go on to win the Stanley Cup – then both men will have their names inscribed on hockey’s holy chalice too.

While Wheeler has enough regular season games played to qualify for such a life-changing inscription, Chytil does not.

But with the way that things are going, then I feel 100% confident in predicting that should the Rangers hoist the holy grail of hockey this June, then every player on the team, and Laviolette too, will request the NHL to have all of their “Black Aces” immortalized in history by having their names etched to the Cup.


And FAMILY too!

Laviolette has pressed all of the right buttons during these 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs.

Following Sunday’s Game 1 4-3 victory over Carolina ( ), and as you already know by now too, the Rangers reconvened for practice on Monday.

Outside of the Wheeler news, not much really took place – and where yep, one more time on this site – “no news is good news” – as the fine-tuned and motoring Rangers continue to roll.

Following the practice where the line-up remained the same, Laviolette conducted another edition of “LAVY’S LOUNGE.”

Here it is for you below:

Again, if you’ve been following this team all season, then nothing that Laviolette said on Monday would surprise you here, as he continued to praise his players (individually) and the team (as a whole) too.

And when you’re winning, then you don’t have to change a thing either.

Furthermore, we long know the goal already and where another cliche, “actions speak louder than words,” is the only one that’s relevant these days.

Moving on!

Our buddies over at “The Blueshirt Underground Show” are hosting their first playoff watch party of the season this Saturday, May 11th, for Game 4 of this second-round series. Photo Credit: BSU

For my fellow “Blueshirt Brethren” who want to watch Saturday night’s (7PM puck drop) Game 4 with other diehard Ranger maniacs, then “The Blueshirt Underground Show” has you covered.

The best and longest running Rangers’ podcast in the game today (or are they are a “program” now, as they have evolved over the past thirteen years from a simple prerecorded audio podcast to a full-blown interactive and live YouTube show, and one that you can find here: ), BSU, are hosting another one of their watch parties on May 11th at McHale’s Bar & Grill in NYC.

There is no cost for admission, and having previously been to one of these watch parties before – it’s always a good time – and where outside from watching the game with other hardcore fans – BSU also runs raffles and free giveaways at their galas.

For those wondering – sadly, I won’t be attending – and for one reason only – I’m going to my own bar this Saturday for Game 4 – and where as you should know by now – I’m presently 11-0 whenever watching the Rangers there this season.

As someone who is “sports superstitious” – I can’t run the risk of being anywhere else – that is – except for work – where I’ll be watching Games 2 and 3 from, as I schedule all of my work breaks around the Rangers.

What a psycho!

While you don’t have to reserve your spot for the BSU party (like Nirvana, it’s “Come As You Are,”) I know that the two co-hosts, Jim S. and Eddie G., would like a head-count.

For more details on the party and to let them know that you’re in, then please visit:

The 2023 Stanley Cup Playoff loss to the Devils inspired me to write this book – as I needed an outlet to vent out all of my frustration. And while I have sold a butt-load of copies of this title (hence me sharing another chapter for free on this site today), if you haven’t purchased this title (and it’s written in a comedic – and not dark – type of a way), then help a brother out by visiting: After all, I don’t run ads on this site – and I do need a new computer too!

As I have done previously on this site whenever the Blueshirts are opposing a “RANGER KILLER” this season, including when I shared the Tom Wilson and Alex Ovechkin chapters ( ) for free prior to the first-round; then today, I’d like to share my Tony DeAngelo chapter with you from The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History.

After all, when it comes to the biggest Ranger villains in the league today – then perhaps no one is more detested than DeAngelo himself.

And while I don’t share the personal disdain that many others have for DeAngelo – I do encourage all of the jeers that he receives – because as mentioned many times over, and as explained below too – it always gets to him.

While this chapter that you’re about to read below just sticks to why DeAngelo is a villain; for everything on TDA, then just check out the archives of this site and “Tricks of the Trade Volume IV” too.


Tony DeAngelo’s old podcast, “Watch Your Tone,” was the first podcast ever hosted by an active NHLer. For some people, they never listened to it – but they always made negative assumptions about it to suit their own narratives anyway. Photo Credit: “Watch Your Tone.”
  1. Tony DeAngelo

I have mentioned the following in both “Tricks of the Trade: Volume IV” and on my website,

“I feel like I’ve written more words about Tony DeAngelo than any other Ranger, or for that matter, any other Blueshirts’ opponent, during the past three-years!”

And no joke, despite his relatively short career at the time of this book’s publication, and much like “Tricks of the Trade” – you could already write a four-volume set of books about him! That’s how “controversial” he’s been.

DeAngelo is also an interesting case study – at least when it comes to athletes using social media – and one day – that may become what he’s ultimately remembered for.

The former defenseman of MSG has a unique distinction of being one of the most polarizing players in franchise history – primarily the result of being a product in his own era. (Put it this way: Brad Park didn’t have Twitter in his day!)

He’s also included on this list – for both his time spent in New York and elsewhere.

DeAngelo, after all games played through the end of the 2022-23 season, has only played in 340 NHL games – yet has already left his mark on many – and for better or for worse.

Originally drafted by the Lightning, but making his league debut with the Coyotes during the 2016-17 season; when the man known as TDA was traded to the Rangers on June 22nd, 2017, the native of South Jersey (but rooted in Philadelphia), had already joined his third NHL franchise by the age of 21-years-old – not exactly a ringing endorsement of his personality and character.

DeAngelo’s time with the Rangers is well-documented – and as mentioned – has been extensively covered in my previous writings.

During the pandemic-plagued 2019-20 season, DeAngelo was enjoying the best season of his career yet – and where today – his 15 goals and 53 points, despite only playing in 68 games, remains as his career-highs, as set while as a Ranger.

Prior to the coronavirus taking over the world; at the time, DeAngelo, in the last season of his rookie contract, was the fourth-highest scoring defenseman in the league.

But then COVID-19 hit – and while he did have a good 2021-22 season in Carolina – there’s been more sliding than rising ever since.

As usual, whenever talking about DeAngelo, my disclaimer – it’s not my intention to talk about politics – but politics is part of his story.

Having previously used social media to share his political opinions before the pandemic; once the NHL found themselves in a state of a pause, DeAngelo, like many of his age group (he was born on October 24th, 1995), took to Twitter to kill time – a social media platform, whether you like it or not – does skew liberal – and as later revealed and exposed once Elon Musk bought the company in October of 2022 – perhaps two years too late for TDA.

With the U.S. Presidential election set to take place in November of 2020, DeAngelo made it clear – he was a diehard supporter of Donald Trump. While most hockey players (and definitely the owners of these teams) lean Republican (they are rich – and they don’t want to get creamed by taxes) – they also don’t publicly share their political opinions in the way that DeAngelo did.

Was DeAngelo wrong for having political opinions? No. Was it wise to share them when up for a new contract and on social media platforms where conservatives were heavily outnumbered and being distorted by liberals? No.

If DeAngelo wasn’t a celebrity, then no one would have cared about who he desired to vote for. However, he was/is a celebrity, and during a time when everyone was cooped up in their houses and looking for anything to talk about – DeAngelo gave them fuel.

When you look back at DeAngelo’s days with the Rangers, what really stinks the most is this: Once social media became a thing – no Ranger, nor NHLer either, was as active, fan-friendly and as engaging as DeAngelo was. However, during a crazy time when everyone was at home and was using social media more than ever before – DeAngelo was raked over the coals for having political opinions that many Ranger fans didn’t agree with.

During this time, DeAngelo also launched a podcast, entitled “Watch Your Tone.”

The podcast, which was basically DeAngelo, his brother, and his friends all talking about sports, was then soon accused of being a radical right-wing (political, not a hockey position!) podcast by liberal fans – people who already hated DeAngelo – and equally as important – people who never even had listened to one episode.

But during a period of time where the phrase “FAKE NEWS” was commonplace; selling DeAngelo in a horrible light – without even listening to what he had said – it just didn’t matter to these folk.

By now, you probably already know what happened next.

Just six-games into the 2020-21 56-game season, DeAngelo was exiled from the club. A slammed penalty box door was the start of it – a verbal altercation on the ice with then-goaltender Alexandar Georgiev ended it. The craziest thing about all of this? It was Georgiev who punched DeAngelo in the tunnel after the spat – yet it was the puncher, and not the victim, who was made out to be the hero of the story.

Had it been the other way around and with DeAngelo punching the goalie – then the rearguard would’ve become even more villainized.

A few days later, and in perhaps one of the worst cases of asset management in Rangers’ history; then-general manager, Jeff Gorton, held a press conference and adamantly declared, “Tony DeAngelo has played his last game as a New York Ranger.”

The story could’ve ended here – but it didn’t.

DeAngelo, still hated by a large part of the fan base – mainly by the fans who disagreed with him politically – these people soon started making up stories about him – stories that many people wanted to believe – due to their own personal disdains about DeAngelo’s politics.

One Rangers’ blogger/fiction writer (whose name isn’t worth mentioning here) received a ton of traction when he accused DeAngelo of being racist and stealing a puck from K’Andre Miller, a puck that was the defenseman’s first NHL goal scored – and as the sole reason for DeAngelo’s dismissal.

These lies sprouted by this ultra-liberal fan soon created an NHL first – a Team President publicly refuting and denouncing fan-fiction, which was presented as truth, by a blogger with his own political agenda.

The lies got so bad that then-Rangers’ Team President, John Davidson, held a press conference – and where he said that none of this was true. JD also called the blogger irresponsible.

Following JD’s comments, that particular blogger then went into hiding for the remainder of the season – as he was exposed as using Miller’s skin color to promote his own self-serving junk.

JD also said that DeAngelo was well-liked by his teammates – something that appears to be accurate due to the guests that DeAngelo had on his podcast, in addition to the players who would later speak up for him around the league, including Marc Staal, Kevin Hayes, Brendan Smith, Jesper Fast, Brady Skjei, Ryan Strome and others.

In July of 2021, and with a new regime (Chris Drury) running the franchise, DeAngelo was bought out of his contract. He then signed with the Carolina Hurricanes on a one-year “prove it” deal worth one million dollars, where he then had a successful campaign (51 points in 64 games – the most points ever scored by a Carolina defenseman in a single-season – and despite DeAngelo missing eighteen games with an injury).

(Brent Burns, one-year later, during the 2022-23 season, then surpassed DeAngelo’s record, with 61 points in 82 games played.)

Come the 2022 Stanley Cup Playoffs – wouldn’t you know it – the Rangers squared-off against the Hurricanes in the second-round.

Prior to this series, DeAngelo, who was already heavily jeered during the regular season games that the Canes played on MSG ice – was public enemy number one – and where he was booed every time whenever he touched the puck.

DeAngelo would later say that the booing didn’t bother him, nor did he care about it either – but ever since leaving the Rangers – it’s been apparent – it does get to him. His box scores and performances don’t lie.

And the non-stop hatred of DeAngelo has continued on in every game since – and not just at MSG either – and as we’ll soon get into!

In Carolina’s first-round seven-game victory over Boston, DeAngelo scored one goal and picked up eight assists.

Now with the Rangers on the other end of the ice – DeAngelo only picked up a meager amount of two assists – and where this much was obvious – the non-stop booing, which had reached Denis Potvin levels, rattled him.

Once the Blueshirts vanquished their Metropolitan Division rival; come the Summer of 2022, DeAngelo returned home – following his signing of a two-year deal worth $10M overall with the Flyers.

In three games played against the Rangers in the 2022-23 season – DeAngelo didn’t register one point – and where the jeering was even louder than it was during the playoffs.

Making matters worse?

Not only was DeAngelo booed out of the building during a December 17th, 2022 Rangers’ 6-3 win against the Flyers – but all of the negative sounds took place in Philadelphia – as Blueshirt fans took over the arena, due to Flyer fans staying at home as a result of the team’s poor season.

But wait, it’s even worse than that!

This game was also DeAngelo’s return to the Flyers, as he had briefly left the team to attend the funeral of his grandmother.

Despite his state of mourning and having just buried a woman that was very influential to him during his life – Ranger fans weren’t having it – and once again – the defenseman was rattled – rattled so bad at that – as he finished the game with a plus/minus stat of -6.

The Rangers would later rematch with the Flyers in Philadelphia on March 1st, 2023 – a 3-2 Blueshirts’ win – and where once again – DeAngelo was booed not only whenever he touched the puck – but whenever he dared to get close to it too.

Due to DeAngelo playing for two rivals of the Rangers during the past two-years, and knowing that the negative crowd reaction gets to him in every game too – he will remain loudly booed – and deservingly so. After all, it gets to him, so why not?

But one day, when DeAngelo retires and when hockey historians review his career – he’ll always be known as a player from the social media age – and how social media platforms severely impacted the trajectory of his career – and not in a positive manner.

However, and for now, here in the year 2023 – this can’t be disputed – of all active players, DeAngelo is the most hated Rangers’ villain of today.

Simply put: No one, and I mean no one, gets booed as loudly, and as often, by Ranger fans as he does.

And since the desired effect always works – don’t expect these vociferous boos to ever go away whenever #77 is on the other side of the ice!

Some fans, the crybaby ones with no sense of humor at all, were actually outraged over this stupid/silly AI generated picture that Ryan Whitney made when taunting/trolling Paul Bissonnette on Twitter. I’m not even going to waste my time explaining why such a reaction is ludicrous. Photo Credit: Ryan Whitney
I hope that I don’t get canceled when sharing this Whitney homage to the war of words between Matt Rempe and Tony DeAngelo! Then again, I’m “uncancellable!” That said, perhaps I should be locked up for murdering the good name of Photoshop with all of my horrendous and poorly made pictures!

Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, it’s off to work I go – and with a lengthy dinner break scheduled for 7PM!

I’ll be back early Wednesday morning with a Rangers/Canes Game 2 review.

Enjoy the game and of course, LGR!

And while it’s time for yours truly to work for the man, for you, it’s…

PLUGS TIME! (Buy a book and support my Rangers’ induced therapy bills. After all, I don’t run ads on this site!)

My fourth title and tenth book is now available!

“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History,” is now available for sale!

For complete information, please visit:

The hardcover version of my first book, available now at

My second plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden.”

As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link:

For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have a few signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that:

Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today

My four-volume set of books, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is a game-by-game recount of the Rangers 2021-22 campaign.

My second title as an author, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is now available in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.

To obtain signed copies, visit:

To purchase all four volumes on Amazon, visit: – “One Game at a Time.”

The greatest volume-set of books on Rangers’ history today!

“Tricks of the Trade – A Century-Long Journey Through Every Trade Made In New York Rangers’ History,” a four-volume set of books that meticulously covers every trade made in franchise history, is now on sale.

All four volumes of the title can be purchased on and are presented in three different formats – eBook, paperback and hardcover.

To purchase Volume I: Conn Smythe (1926) – Craig Patrick (1986), visit

To purchase Volume II: Phil Esposito (1986) – Neil Smith (2000), visit

To purchase Volume III: Glen Sather (2000-2015), visit

To purchase Volume IV: Jeff Gorton (2015) – Chris Drury (2022), visit

To purchase signed copies of all four volumes, visit

If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog for the next update:

Now on sale!

Don’t forget to order my four-volume set of books, “Tricks of the Trade!”

If you don’t order through me, all four volumes are now available on

For more details, check out:

Thanks for reading.


Sean McCaffrey

@NYCTHEMIC on the Tweeter machine

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