Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on BlueCollarBlueShirts.com. Any news?
Unlike everyone else that’s out there, including the Rangers’ beat reporters – and to quote George Washington after perhaps his own fictional incident too (how fitting) – an alleged incident which involved a hatchet and a cherry tree – “I can not tell a lie.”
In other words – I have no clue who the 37th head coach of Rangers’ history will be, nor do I claim to have any sort of inside pipeline to the matter either!
But like everyone else – I do have opinions on the subject!
As mentioned numerous times on this site ever since the firing of “The Turk;” I still believe that Joel Quenneville will become Gallant’s successor – but one more time for the people in the back – that’s just my opinion.
With that said, and despite whatever else is out there (Larry Brooks, of the New York Post, while spending over a month erroneously suggesting that his fantasy would become reality – Mike Sullivan; at the same time, he has also been adamant that Coach Q. will NOT be the guy) – I still feel that as time goes on – it will be Quenneville – and for all of the reasons as previously discussed on this site.
(Holy punctuation marks Batman! And heck, maybe Bruce Wayne will be the next head coach candidate that Brooks suggests? As you already know – the Rangers could use some new gadgets on their power-play!)
Why Quenneville? For your consideration, the following:
The Rangers, following the Calgary Flames’ hiring of Ryan Huska, and the Anaheim Ducks’ hiring of Greg Cronin from this past week, are now the only franchise, of the league’s 32 teams, to be without a head coach.
In other words, Drury has all of the leverage in the world right now.
No matter how shallow or deep that you think Drury’s candidate pool is – at the end of the day – with only one bench boss position available in the league – he doesn’t have to worry about any other team snagging one of his potential contenders.
At the same time, he’ll have to name someone soon.
It’s okay to be without a head coach during the NHL Entry Draft – but it’s not okay to be without one during the NHL’s free agency period.
(Also of note: We now know that Gerard Gallant, should he wish to coach again, won’t get another chance until a head coach is fired in-season during the 2023-24 campaign. However, don’t feel bad – the Rangers still owe him $7,000,000 – a heck of a severance package – and one that we’d all love to have!)
Whether it’s Peter Lateralette, Count Hynes, Kris Knoblauch or any other name that you can conjure up, including long shots such as Mark Messier and Patrick Roy too – the ball is in Drury’s court – or perhaps I should say, “the puck is in Drury’s end of the ice!”
Of course, this point hasn’t been brought up by ignorant Rangers’ beat. Instead, these paid scribes have been pumping out clickbait material as if they were employed by a Russian-state social media troll farm company.
Also ignored by the ignorant beat?
The reason why Rangers’ trainer, Jim Ramsay, was fired.

As noted on this site when it happened – I’ve heard both wild and valid theories on why Ramsay was given the pink slip – but there’s been no concrete reason reported yet.
The only thing that’s out there is 100% speculation.
I am aware that some fans think that Ramsay should release a statement, and maybe he will – but at the same time – I also wonder if he can even really talk about his dismissal.
After all, he may have had some sort of “Hippocratic Oath” deal, a privacy agreement, included in his contract. I’d also imagine that he’s not allowed to talk about the personal and private health statuses of his “patients,” in this case, the players, either.
I’ve had a few connected people tell me that the Rangers’ beat knows why Ramsay was fired, and in one instance, one fan even sent me a private email exchange that he had with Brooks – where the Hall of Fame scribe pretty much said he knew why, but also alluded to the fact that he wouldn’t talk about it.
I will not share that email exchange verbatim, nor through screenshots, as I do feel by doing so, it would violate Brooks’ privacy – but these emails confirmed what I thought – the Rangers’ beat doesn’t want to talk about it, in fear of upsetting Drury – a general manger and team president that doesn’t even talk to them anyway!
Can you imagine if Woodward and Bernstein covered Watergate in this fashion?
“Okay Mr. Nixon – we won’t say anything – please tell us what you want us to write instead sir!”
It should be noted that the Rangers have yet to publicly comment on this matter, nor have announced Ramsay’s successor either.
As far as where the 58-year-old trainer goes – that is a question that has yet to be answered too.
I’m telling you – both the Rangers’ beat, and the organization themselves, conduct themselves as if they were a state-controlled media entity – a sad aftermath following the death of print media (newspapers).
Put it this way: If the Rangers played in Toronto or Montreal; then we’d have all of the answers right now.
And maybe when the Canadian reporters, the only people who truly break the news in Rangerstown, USA these days, get a break following this year’s Stanley Cup Final – maybe then, and only then, will we get all of the answers that we desire!
I know that I have already fallen into my redundant and repetitive ways of “beating up the beat,” as if I were DJ Pauly D. from “The Jersey Shore” (and not to be confused with DJ MIA – a Zibanejad who just announced that he’ll be playing with his Apple laptop at “Lollapalooza Stockholm” on June 30th) – but quite frankly – with not much news to report – it’s been the beat reporters trying to invent the news themselves.
However, I promise to breeze through our next segment about this wicked bunch, then get into some good news, followed by a look around the league.

In an effort to not repeat myself, I’d advise you to check out the “PLUGS” segment below if you’re not up-to-date with what I’ve previously written about the Rangers’ head coaching search – and with the way that the beat reporters have covered it.
What continues to amaze me – is that despite having no clue what’s going on – these keyboard jockeys, as if they were monkeys with a typewriter, continue to pollute our screens with false information.
In essence, their hypothetical situations are presented as fact – and not as opinion/speculation.
Need proof? Check out this tweet that was posted on Tuesday, June 6th, from Wince Mercogliano:

As you’re already aware – not only did the Rangers not announce a new head coach “within the next 24-hours” of this tweet – they also didn’t announce a head coach by “the end of the week” either.
But since not many people call out these “reporters” – there’s no accountability – and what’s done is done – and then forgotten.
(However, if a player refuses to wear a rainbow jersey – then all bets are off – that’s never forgotten – but that’s a topic for another time, a tired one at that, and one that I don’t want to bother myself, nor you, with tonight!)
Furthermore, not mentioned once by Wince, and where you have to wonder if he even knew – and despite non-stop coverage of this event on the NHL Network – Drury and company spent most of the week in Buffalo, NY.
Why Buffalo and not NYC?
Easy: The Rangers’ brain-trust attended the annual scout combine, where players from this year’s upcoming NHL Entry Draft were being intensely looked at.
In other words – do you really think that Drury was going to announce his head coach from Buffalo?
At least Brooks, as he continues to shoot down the Quenneville speculation on a daily basis, and as if it were personal – brought up the combine in the wing-eating city during his latest article dated on June 8th.
And for fellow drinkers like myself – should you find yourself at home over the weekend and looking to play a new and Rangers-inspired drinking game – then I present to you the “Blueshirts’ Beat Shot Challenge!”
(Health advisory and legal disclaimer: Only participate if you have a strong liver and a high tolerance for alcohol.)
Here’s how the game works:
Pull up every article that the Rangers’ beat has written since the firing of Gallant, which covers a time-span of one month.
Once you have collected all of these articles, take a shot whenever you see these words: “if,” “maybe,” “perhaps,” “likely,” “whether” and “assuming.”
Should you play this game – then most “likely” – you’ll be belly-up on your floor before even getting through one of these many articles!
The message here?
There’s been more fiction and speculation rather than facts – and where the mention of facts are non-existent.

In case you’re new here, let me give you this qualifying statement – I believe that Brooks is the best writer of the beat – and I’ve said that for a long time now. I guess that’s why I find his recent string of articles, ever since the firing of Gallant, to be so disappointing – as he’s become just like everyone else.
No joke, trying to figure out Brooks’ non-stop madness is like watching one of those “Homeland” episodes when a manic Carrie Mathison (played by Clare Danes) locks herself in a room for days-on-end, blasts jazz music, downs bottles of wine and then push-pins about 867896789678967896 pictures on her wall-to-wall cork-boards.
First, albeit temporarily, it was Joel Quenneville. Then it was Mike Sullivan. Then it was Spencer Carberry. Then it was Jay Leach and Kris Knoblauch. After that, it was both Peter Laviolette and John Hynes. If that wasn’t enough, then it was Patrick Roy for all of two-days, who Brooks then said that the Rangers have no interest in.
Since Brooks and his peers have suggested more names than you’d find in a population census – I just can’t believe a word they say. Yours truly, and you too, will just have to wait until the Rangers and Drury officially say something.
While Brooks was the conductor of the “Roy Train,” a position that he held for all of 48-hours; he later said there was no shot of Drury’s former Stanley Cup champion goaltender becoming his head coach.
However, it’s my opinion that Roy did a very good job of pleading his case, via an interview with his buddy, a fellow Canadian, the excellent Dave Stubbs.
Fresh off of his Memorial Cup victory, Roy gave Stubbs an interview, one that you can read here: https://www.nhl.com/news/patrick-roy-wants-to-coach-in-nhl-again-but-is-at-peace-with-emotional-past/c-344795208
You can read what Roy said for yourself, but once you’re finished, then you’ll see that Roy admits to his past mistakes, expresses regrets, and then says what he’d do differently if afforded another opportunity to become an NHL head coach again.
One of the knocks on Roy (faults that he took accountability for) was that he was too demanding, wanted control over his roster, and tried to play the role of general manager when he should’ve just focused on coaching.
I don’t know if this interview changes the way in how Drury views his former teammate; but I’ll tell you this – if it not Quenneville, then I wouldn’t mind Roy.
And really, outside of Coach Q. – every other candidate is a lateral move, garbage or the complete unknown.
Furthermore, and as predicted at the start of this search – Drury never had any sort of concrete plans after firing Gallant. The fact that this search has gone on for so long is all the evidence that anyone needs.
It’s just my opinion that Drury’s decision to can “The Turk” was a knee-jerk reaction – and he caved when his players started crying during their exit interviews with him.
One more time – no accountability – and with an abundance of arranged marriages, aka no-movement clauses – coaches can go – players will stay.
My prediction one more time on this subject before moving onto our next segment:
The Rangers won’t announce a coach until after the Stanley Cup Final.
Not only should Drury wait to see how Bettman rules on Quenneville’s fate; perhaps an assistant coach from either the Vegas Golden Knights or the Florida Panthers will become available.
And whether or not you’re against these suggestions – it’s in Drury’s best interest to do his due diligence and examine every possible candidate.
After all, he’s waited this long. What’s one more week?
At this time, I want to give you an update on my next book, the soon-to-be released “The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History.”

As brought up once or a hundred times on this site during the past year – I’ve been working on my fourth title (ten books in total, as a result of writing two separate four-volume sets), “The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History.”
The project is now 80% complete, as my rough-draft is nearly across the finish line. And since yours truly and my “staff” have been through this process nine times before – everything is smooth sailing and has never been easier.
As opposed to my other books, this one is written in a more comedic fashion, and with a vibe of “misery loves company.”
While all one hundred men, events and happenings were extremely painful for Ranger fans; I do feel that you’ll enjoy the book in a “we’re all in this together” type of a way.
Since the book is nearly done, I’ve had to submit cover art, a short synopsis and what I have so far to Amazon, where I’ll be releasing the book, in advance.
When the book nears its release (I was shooting for October 2003, but I think I’ll be able to get it out two months ahead of my original projection, in August), I’ll share some sample chapters, and maybe the introduction too, just so you can get a feel for it.
And while this may be good for book sales; sadly, in a way, there will be “Ranger haters” who will also get some jollies out of this book too – but it does expose my writing to a bigger niche audience than usual.
Before sharing with you the one hundred names and events that are featured (and there are many more talked about during these 100 profiles too), here’s the Amazon.com synopsis of the book:
The New York Rangers, set to turn 100-years-old in 2026, have only won four Stanley Cups in their history. Along the way, there have been thousands-upon-thousands of “Ranger Killers” who have terrorized the franchise over the years. Whether it was opposing players, real-world events, commissioners and even a circus – there has been a lot of heartbreak for Blueshirt backers during the past century. “The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History” fully explains the best, and the worst, of the lot.
“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History” features in-depth profiles on the following men, happenings and exhibitions, and in a comedic fashion, during a century-long ride of Blueshirt hockey:
And now, in my final disclaimer before giving you the full list (in alphabetical order, and not in the way they’re listed in the book), let me get this out of the way:
I am fully aware of that.
All lists of an opinion-based nature are meant to be debated – and there’s no way that I’m suggesting that my opinion is better than anyone else’s – but I will say that I’m more informed than most!
Before you write in to tell me that “You missed this guy” and “You missed that guy,” be advised – several names that are omitted are mentioned in passing.
Furthermore, I could’ve listed over 1,000 names – but I didn’t want to write another four-volume set of books this year – after writing two of them last year!
And heck – I omitted enough names to write a sequel to this title too – and since I don’t run ads on this site, and give you these 10,000 word blogs for free – I have to be thinking about my next writing projects to make money on!
(Who else would admit that?)
However, and most importantly, I do believe that I covered each era and year of Rangers’ history accordingly.
After all, do you really want 400 pages on just the Islanders’ dynasty? (I covered their big guns, but admittedly, did omit Ken Morrow and others.)
Lastly, and as you’ll see below – I tried to group things when possible – just so I could cover more things in the book.
For example, the 2015 Tampa Bay Lightning, The Sutter Brothers, The Broad Street Bullies and other items are covered as one single entity.
Rather than breaking up these items individually; instead, it allowed me to shed more light on other topics.
Without further ado, drum roll please – here are the men and events that will be discussed at length, and covered with full detail, in “The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History”:
2015 Tampa Bay Lightning
Adam Henrique
Air Force One (Movie)
Akira Schmid
Al Arbour
Alec Martinez
Alex Delvecchio & Ted Lindsay
Alex Ovechkin
Back-Up Goalies Making Their First Start
Bernie Geoffrion
Billy Smith
Blake Comeau
Bob Gainey
Bob Probert
Bobby Hull
Bobby Nystrom
Bobby Orr
Brad Marchand
Braden Holtby
Bruce Boudreau
Bryan Trottier
Busher Jackson
Butch Goring
Clark Gillies
Claude Giroux
Claude Lemieux
Craig Berube
Dale Hunter
Daniel Briere
Dave Brown
Denis Potvin
Derek Sanderson
Donald Brashear
Eddie Shore
Eric Lindros
Evgeni Malkin
Frank Mahovlich
Gary Bettman & The Hard Salary Cap
George Armstrong
Glen Sather
Glenn Hall
Gordie Howe
J.P. Parise
Jack Hughes
Jaroslav Halak
Jean Beliveau
Jean-Gabriel Pageau
Jimmy Howard
John Druce
John Ferguson
John LeClair
John Spano
John Tonelli
Jonathan Quick
Justin Williams
Ken Daneyko
Ken Dryden
Ken Hodge
King Clancy
Lou Lamoriello
Marc-Andre Fleury
Mario Lemieux
Martin Brodeur
Marty Barry
Matt Martin
Maurice Richard
Mike Bossy
Mike Milbury
Milt Schmidt
Norm Ullman
Normie Smith
P.K. Subban
Patrick Roy
Patrik Elias
Pete Babando
Petr Bondra
Phil Esposito
Red Dutton
Red Kelly
Ron Hextall
Scott Stevens
Sidney Crosby
Stan Mikita
Ted Green
Terry O’Reilly
The Bell Centre
The Broad Street Bullies
The Circus
The Referees
The Sutter Brothers
Tiny Thompson
Tom Wilson
Tommy Salo
Tony DeAngelo
Wade Redden
Wayne Simmonds
World War II
Zdeno Chara
One last note on the book – I hope this Rangers’ search for a new head coach goes on for a while longer – as it’s given me more time to focus on getting this book done – hence the reason why these blog entries have been so infrequent during the past six-weeks.
Let’s close tonight’s manifesto by taking a look at the rest of the league, and in no order of importance.

It’s been a busy week in the Metropolitan Division, as the Devils, Flyers and Blue Jackets have made trades – and in the case of the latter – they have made one trade each with the former teams.
Since their first trade of the week, which was made on June 6th, was a three-way trade with a lot of moving parts included, let’s visualize it here, via CapFriendly.com:

In a span of 48-hours, the Blue Jackets have bolstered their blue line by acquiring Ivan Provorov (Philadelphia) and Damon Severson (New Jersey).
The biggest talking point from their week is the sign-and-trade that they made with the Devils.
Similar to the trade that the Flames and Panthers made last year, where Matt Tkachuk left Calgary for Florida; Severson, a pending free agent, signed a max eight-year deal worth $50,000,000 overall ($6,250,000 annually) with the Devils and was then traded to the Blue Jackets.
Had Severson waited until free agency, then he could’ve only signed a contract with a maximum seven-year limit.
For many, there’s a lot of debate in concern to Severson’s deal – and where it’s been suggested that Columbus is severely overpaying him.
While I understand such talk; at the same time, you have to understand the whole situation too.
For starters, every year, whenever media outlets release the findings of their player polls, Columbus is ranked the second-least desirable city to play and live in. (Winnipeg usually finishes in “first.”)
And as history would tell you, and with Johnny Gaudreau being the lone exception to the role – players tend to bolt out of Ohio whenever they can. Ranger fans should know all about this, as two of the greatest players of the Blue Jackets organization, Rick Nash and Artemi Panarin, left middle-America for the Big Apple as fast as they could.
Long-story short? Fair or unfair – Columbus has to overpay players in order to get them to stay.
But I will say – as predicted on this site following the Rangers stepping into “Schmid” – I expect the entire division to get better this off-season.
Overpay or not – the Blue Jackets, the worst team of the Metro last season, are better today than what they were at the end of the 2022-23 season.
Besides Severson, a third-pair defenseman, do you know who else benefits by the contract that he signed?
K’Andre Miller, currently a restricted free agent, and Ryan Lindgren, who will become an unrestricted free agent next season.
Without a shadow of a doubt – their respective agents are smacking their lips over the deal that Severson signed on Thursday – which in turn – is just another mountain of a question for Drury to eventually answer.
The two trades that Columbus made were also enlightening for the teams who they made these deals with – where again – go figure – both trades were made with divisional rivals.
By trading away Severson, the Devils admitted that they are in salary-cap crunch – like most Cup contending teams.
The Devils will need money to sign their own free agents, where Jesper Bratt and Timo Meier will draw the most attention. They just didn’t have the money to retain Severson.
For the Flyers, new general manager, Daniel Briere, is immediately living to what he said during his introductory press conference – he’s going to blow it up and make big changes.
Provorov was the first domino to fall, and with the acquisition of goaltender Cal Petersen; many expect that Carter Hart, once assumed to be the Flyers’ savior in net ever since the days of Ron Hextall, will be next out the door.
Two other names that could join Provorov and Hart? A pair of former Rangers, Kevin Hayes and Tony DeAngelo.

To mimic the Rangers’ beat here, “ACCORDING TO ELLIOTTE FRIEDMAN,” the Islanders are in the market for a right-handed defenseman – and have one center too many.
For the Flyers, Tony DeAngelo, now on the final year of a contract that will pay him $5,000,000 next season, should be dealt.
As you may recall, he butted heads with head coach John Tortorella at the end of the season and where Torts didn’t even dress DeAngelo during the final two-weeks of the season.
For a team like the Islanders, where scoring goals (especially on the power-play) has been an issue for some time now, even during their two runs to the Eastern Conference Final (2020 and 2021) – a power-play quarterback would only better them.
Plus, for DeAngelo, what’s one more stop on his “Metropolitan Division World Tour,” having previously played for the Rangers, Hurricanes and Flyers?
Former Rangers’ center, Kevin Hayes, who still has three-years left on a deal that annually pays him $7,142,857, could also make his departure from the City of Brotherly Love.
With the Flyers rebuilding and with Hayes still productive, #13 in the orange-and-black could help a contender – assuming that Briere is willing to eat a piece of the contract.
And like DeAngelo – Hayes also found himself in Torts’ doghouse during the 2022-23 campaign, as he too was made a healthy scratch on multiple occasions.

According to NHL head-honcho Gary Bettman; both the league and the Coyotes are still trying to find another city in Arizona for the franchise that’s never worked in the desert for over 25-years.
As this failed experiment for the Desert Dogs continues; Utah Jazz owner, Ryan Smith, has campaigned for an NHL franchise in his Mormon state. However, Smith has expressed more interest in expansion, rather than a relocation.
While Smith continues to campaign for Team #33; over in Hartford, both Governor Ned Lamont and Mayor Luke Bronin have been politicking for a revival of the Whalers – where in this scenario – the Coyotes would trade in their red jerseys for green jerseys.
Currently, the pair of politicians have requested a meeting with Bettman, while asking their taxpayers to commit to a $107,000,000 plan, a plan that would completely overhaul and renovate the Hartford XL Center – where the Rangers’ AHL affiliate team, the Wolfpack, calls home.
However, should this plan go through (and it’s looking very likely) – it’s not intended for the Wolfpack – but instead, for a Whalers 2.0 NHL franchise.
To do my best Larry Brooks impersonation here, and play the President of Fantasy Land, my dream scenario?
The Coyotes move to Hartford and rebrand themselves as the Whalers; while the Wolfpack move over to Uniondale, NY, at the now abandoned-and-vacated Nassau Coliseum.
Of course, my dream scenario, one that’s admittedly self-serving (I live fifteen minutes away from the Nassau Coliseum and would love to attend more Wolfpack games than I currently do – and would also enjoy some Whaler/Bruin road-trips too); has about a .00000001% chance of happening – but hey – a boy can dream!
(Although I do turn 41-years-old on June 13th and should no longer have such boyish thoughts from the realm of fandom – including thoughts of the Rangers winning the Stanley Cup anytime soon!)
The Ottawa Senators, who are in a less dire of a state than the Coyotes, are also in the news these days.
The franchise, which is still up for sale following the death of owner Eugene Melnyk; has now had two separate bidders back out (including the group backed by Ryan Reynolds) – and where both parties have cited a frustrating bidding process as their reason.
It’s been reported that the Melnyk family is looking for one billion dollars – and with the $750,000,000 expansion fee that the Seattle Kraken paid – their ask is justified – especially with rumors of a new arena coming to town.
While the Senators won’t be relocating, nor at any risk of doing such a thing either; many thought that their sale would have been executed by now.
Perhaps John Spano, currently serving prison time in Ohio following his latest fraud and arrest, is waiting in the wings?

The 2023 Stanley Cup Final, where the Vegas Golden Knights currently lead the series over the Florida Panthers, two games to one, has been marred by brutal officiating.
Heck, a terrible and bad call assessed against the Panthers, with just eleven-seconds remaining in regulation during Game 3, almost cemented the series for the Knights.
Fortunately, the Cats clawed their way back (har-har-har) and won their first home game of the series in overtime – and their first Stanley Cup Final game victory of franchise history.
While the referees have been piss-poor more times than not; at the same time, the Panthers have had their fair share of power-plays too – and have gone 0-12 during all of these man-advantages.
In other words, while the Zebras have hurt the Cats; it’s up to the Florida power-play, and really, all of their special team units (their penalty kill hasn’t been as hot as the weather in these two cities either) need to improve.
While it remains to be seen who will emerge victorious; I do feel what I said at the start of this series remains true.
Whoever wins, whether it be Eichel or Tkachuk – that player will become a bigger league-wide superstar than Connor McDavid.
Take it to the bank – and where I expect that whoever hoists the silver will also be featured on the cover of the almighty EA Sports video game too.

It’s time for me to punch-out here, especially with a busy Saturday ahead – the Belmont Stakes, a UFC PPV and of course, Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Final.
And yep, this too – I want to continue to get my book project across the finish line!
Let’s Go Marc Staal!
PLUGS TIME! (Buy a book and support my Rangers’ induced therapy bills. After all, I don’t run ads on this site!)

My first plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden.”
As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link:
For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have a few signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that:
Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today

My four-volume set of books, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is a game-by-game recount of the Rangers 2021-22 campaign.
My second title as an author, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is now available in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.
To obtain signed copies, visit: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/onegamebook/
To purchase all four volumes on Amazon, visit: Amazon.com – “One Game at a Time.”

The greatest volume-set of books on Rangers’ history today!
“Tricks of the Trade – A Century-Long Journey Through Every Trade Made In New York Rangers’ History,” a four-volume set of books that meticulously covers every trade made in franchise history, is now on sale.
All four volumes of the title can be purchased on Amazon.com and are presented in three different formats – eBook, paperback and hardcover.
To purchase Volume I: Conn Smythe (1926) – Craig Patrick (1986), visit Amazon.com
To purchase Volume II: Phil Esposito (1986) – Neil Smith (2000), visit Amazon.com
To purchase Volume III: Glen Sather (2000-2015), visit Amazon.com
To purchase Volume IV: Jeff Gorton (2015) – Chris Drury (2022), visit Amazon.com
To purchase signed copies of all four volumes, visit https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/
Here are my last few blogs, in case you missed them:
“As Reported By Elliotte Friedman”: Rangers’ GM Chris Drury Shows Interest in “Peter Lateralette;” But Count John Hynes Creates a “Shallow Hal” Scenario, Two HC’s Hired, NYR Makes a Trade; “What If Questions” Starring Jack Eichel & Matt Tkachuk (For the Last Time!), Let’s Go Marc Staal, NYR Villains Book & More
Rangers’ “COACH-WATCH” Continues; Joel Quenneville’s Increasing Odds and the Confirmed Interviews, Vitali Kravtsov Runs Home Crying to Russia; Officially a Bust, The 2018 NHL Entry Draft Revisited; More “What If Questions,” Drury Curiously Cans Jim Ramsay; NYR Media Silenced, Marc Staal, TNT v ESPN & More
“The Hunt For The Rangers Head Coach of October!” Broadway’s Latest Play Based on The Real Life Story of The Blueshirts’ 2023 Search For a New Head Coach, Five New Actors to the Stage Featured, The 37th HC Revealed & More!
If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog for the next update:

Don’t forget to order my recently released four-volume set of books, “Tricks of the Trade!”
If you don’t order through me, all four volumes are now available on Amazon.com
For more details, check out: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tricksofthetrade/
Thanks for reading.
Sean McCaffrey
@NYCTHEMIC on the Tweeter machine
Just discovered you. You are a very enjoyable read. No fluff.
Thanks, hope you stick around!