The New York Rangers 2023-24 Regular Season Final Report Card: Grades & Detailed Reviews of Every Blueshirt (Both Past and Present!), Thoughts on the Entire Team & The Playoffs Ahead, 2024 Stanley Cup Playoff Round-By-Round Predictions, Blueshirts’ Off-Day News; Rempe Likely For Game 1 and a Chytil Return Too & Much More

Spoiler, not a spoiler, alert: Artemi Panarin receives top marks in this 2023-24 New York Rangers Final Report Card! I’m sure that you are all shocked!

Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on

Buckle up folks – because this is going to be a long one – but well worth your time – as you won’t find anything like this anywhere else – and with no ads, video players or pop-ups to speak of whatsoever!

And just like the slogan of the Men’s Wearhouse – and Mark Messier too – “I guarantee it!”

For regular readers, you already know what I’m about to say next, but for new readers, and where perhaps some of you are now jumping aboard the Blueshirts’ train with the playoffs as the next stop ahead – just a few bullet-points before getting into the meat-and-potatoes of this overwhelming manifesto:

— My computer is older than Senile Sather, where as a result, this dinosaur machine, one that’s created a few broken bones for yours truly after multiple kicks – and punches at it – doesn’t like to cooperate often with me.

(And yes, I’ll buy a new one eventually – it’s just finding the time to do it – and then finding even more time to set it all up.)

— In other words, and as someone who already writes the longest hockey blogs on the internet today – when I get a night like tonight, where my computer rises to the occasion by barely functioning rather than crapping out and freezing repeatedly – then I have to get everything out!

As they say, “You gotta strike when the iron is hot!”

— As repeated about 97678968786966 times ever since I took a promotion at my real job back in January – I’m working crazy hours – and where I’m now averaging over sixty-hours per-week.

Rather than trying to publish a bunch of separate blogs, instead, I have to apply my time wisely, hence blocking out a four-hour session – and as I’m doing tonight in order to cover everything.

— After all, this is a hobby and not a business (but buy my books – all plugged below!) – so I don’t have any desire, nor need, for any sort of artificial clicks – which is what I’d be doing if I broke all of this up into separate links.

— While the “main event” of tonight’s tome is the 2023-24 New York Rangers Final Report Card; following the grades and my assessments of them, I’ll then catch up on all of the recent news that I have yet to cover.

— And after all of that?

A quick, and I mean quick, playoff preview and predictions.

However, I have already previewed the Rangers/Capitals series, and you can find that blog here:

— I am hoping that come the second round, that I can go into more detail about all of these exciting series’ – and as I usually do at this time of year.

But alas, and one last time – my job, my job, my job – and my dino-computer, dino-computer, dino-computer too!

— Waaaa!!! Woe is me!

No Ranger improved as much as Zac Jones this season – and that includes Alexis Lafreniere – or at least I say! Once thought of as trade-bait or as Hartford-bound; once given a chance following injuries sustained to both Ryan Lindgren and Jacob Trouba – the collegiate champion took the ball (or should I say “puck?”) –  and then ran with it. I know that I wasn’t the only one who thought that Jones didn’t have a future with this team. Today? It would be uncivilized not to re-sign him! What a good old American tale – and something that Nils Lundkvist should have read! Hard work pays off! Photo Credit: NYR

One last thing when it comes to the report card.

When you finish first-overall in the league, then of course, there are going to be a ton of A’s and A-pluses doled out.

And it’s funny when you go back and read the quarter-pole and mid-season report cards (linked below) – and then see how everyone finished today.

Perhaps equally as entertaining?

Being reminded that at one point in this season, the early beginnings, that Blake Wheeler, Filip Chytil, Nick Bonino and Tyler Pitlick all were in Laviolette’s starting line-up.

While I can remember the contributions that Bonino provided (Barclay Goodrow, and sometimes Vincent Trocheck too, are still taking faceoffs in the fashion that “Bones” had taught them) – it still feels like it was a decade ago, when Pitlick, now in Hartford, once played for the Blueshirts.

Then again, perhaps I’m getting too old – and where everything is starting to bleed-in together!

While there are some failing grades listed below; for the most part, everyone aced this regular season exam.

And I’ll save my season-long daily disclaimer for the end of this manifesto too!

With that all said, it’s time to suck it up, get ice for my fingers (and for my casual three or four rock glasses of Buffalo Trace too) and present to you…

“The New York Rangers 2023-24 Season Final Report Card!”


I’ve been using this simple and basic graphic since 2014! Ten-years and runnin’! And one of these days, perhaps when I have the time, then I’ll create a tab at the top of this site with direct links to all of my previous report cards throughout the years. And maybe I’ll do so once I finally get a new computer to replace this wretched dinosaur machine! Photo Credit: Public Domain

Before doling out the grades, let me give you the usual criteria that I use whenever I do these report cards:

— Grades are given out based on production, playing to their role on the team and to the contract of a player.

For example, I expect less from a fourth line and six-figured salaried player, such as a Jimmy Vesey.

On the other hand, I expect a lot out of a first line player and/or a high-priced player like an Artemi Panarin.

After all, we are playing in a salary-cap world, where teams are constantly giving up quality players, even players they drafted, in order to compete.

— To ignore the salary-cap hit of a player would be foolish, which is why they are considered and factored into these grades.

Keep in mind, to me, a player’s salary-cap hit is a stat that belongs on the back of a hockey card.

When it comes to building NHL rosters, general managers look at cap hits first. They aren’t worried about Corsi’s or whatever other nerd stat that Sieve Vagistat has pulled out of his five-hole this week.

In addition, and more times than not during this present era, you don’t see as many pure “hockey trades” when compared to bygone eras. Instead, you see more “salary-cap dump trades” than anything else.

— Players who have played less than fifteen games with the team, players who have been traded, players who have been injured, and players who were sent down to Hartford, are all listed in the “Incomplete” section.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly above all else – these grades are just my opinions only.

In other words – don’t get bent out of shape over them!

This is just my way of assessing the current roster at this moment in the season.

And if any grade is truly egregious, then I’m sure that you will let me know!

Last but not least, the following:

— These grades take into account every game played this season – all 82 of them.

— Just to compare, and to track both regression and progression, I have listed my quarter-pole and mid-season report card grades with every player applicable.

— To read the full explanations of my quarter-pole report card grades, then make sure to check out:

— To read the full explanations of my mid-season report card grades, then make sure to check out:

At this time, here are my grades, and my explanations on all of them, as we wrap-up the regular season and head into the playoffs!

Despite these 2023-24 Rangers setting multiple franchise records after multiple franchise records – and where as a bonus, they also won the Presidents’ Trophy – at the same time, I’m not even sure if this team would have qualified for the playoffs this season had the three men on the GAG LINE 2.0 not been around – Alexis Lafreniere, Artemi Panarin and Vincent Trocheck. Photo Credit: NYR






During the mid-season report card, I wrote the following about JONNY HOCKEY:

“It’s tough to envision Brodzinski playing a playoff game with the Rangers come the Spring, but he should be a black ace when these games really start to matter.”

Fast-forward to today and that may be the case – but not because of anything negative-related perpetrated by J. Hockey – but because of some player known as Matt Rempe taking over Rangerstown, USA by storm – and the league too – and as his merchandise sales and international world-wide coverage suggests.

And should Filip Chytil, once ruled out for the season but perhaps now possibly available for the playoffs, becoming an option – then the case for #22 in “Lavy’s Line-Up” only weakens.

Brodzinski, a quintessential, if not prototypical too, “4A player,” has been serviceable for the Blueshirts all-season.

In 57 games played, he completed the season with a respectable six goals and thirteen assists.

It’s not very often where you could find anything wrong in Brodzinski’s game – outside of the fact that he’s not the unique giant, Mr. Rempe.

While we will give REMPESTEIN his flowers soon enough; JONNY HOCKEY played well in his bottom-six role – but obviously – didn’t flip the script either.

And no one ever chanted his name for that matter to boot!

To Brodzinski’s credit, he did earn himself a new contract in the era now known as B.R. – “Before Rempe.”

It was well-deserved, but for the captain of the ‘Pack, he may be back howlin’ with them next season.

For now, he’s a versatile player that Laviolette can deploy when needed.





Cuylle, now through with his rookie season (81-games played – and where his lone healthy scratch prevented him from an 82-games played six-figure bonus – and hopefully – there’s cash snuck under the table for him as a make-good), led the team in hits (249).


Captain Jacob Trouba (191) – but where of course, it has to be mentioned that “The Great Eight” missed thirteen games following the All-Star Game/bye week.

Cuylle’s 249 body-blows also led all NHL rookies this season.

For a player who had much hype coming into the season (but not as much as Brennan Othmann, who Cuylle beat out for a roster spot during training camp), #50 picked up 13 goals and 8 assists too.

While Cuylle’s long-term future is left to be determined, and where as the years go by, his scoring totals and ice time should only increase – he was a bright spot for most of the season.

Whether he hit the proverbial “rookie wall” or not is only something that he can answer (and he won’t answer this question until the last playoff game is played); but it did feel like he hit a rut with three-weeks remaining in the regular season – hence his one scratch.

Following the scratch?

Cuylle reminded everyone why he earned that roster spot at training camp.

Not to make this report card “ALL REMPE, ALL THE TIME” or anything of the sort – but this much is true:

In the B.R. Era, Cuylle was the most talked about rookie in New York.

Today, now in the Rempe Era, and whether it’s a recency bias or not, and perhaps because Cuylle quickly acclimated himself to his new job and surroundings too – so much so, that at times, you forget that he’s still a rookie – he did become somewhat an afterthought throughout “REMPEMANIA.”

But this can be a good thing, a motivational tool, as Cuylle looks to showcase to the league what he can do during these most important games of the season – the playoffs.





Really, everything that I said during the quarter-pole and mid-season report cards remains true here – and stuff that I’ve also said ever since Goodrow first signed his extension with the Rangers following his arrival from Tampa in June of ’21.

Bottom line?

He’s not here to score – and as his four goals and eight assists will tell you.

Instead, this WARRIOR is here to grind out opponents.

Furthermore, the regular season is just a drill, a walk-through if you will, for the playoffs for a guy like Goodrow – a two-time Cup champ and battle-tested veteran.

Simply stated?

Goodrow’s biggest value will be displayed now – the postseason.

Despite whatever that moron Sieve Vagistat says, or other ANALytical assholes like him – Goodrow, who can play any of the three forward positions, and who also has been a beast on one of the top-ranked penalty killing units in the NHL, is a major asset for the Blueshirts.

He’s also a major team-first type of player too – where he’ll even eat out of a straw for a month when sacrificing his health and well-being for club.

While yes, he’s over-paid a bit – you’re paying for what he brings to your locker room, what he does on defense and his playoff accountability too – and not for any sort of sexy stats.

Every Stanley Cup champion has a “roster stew,” a mix of different ingredients – and while Goodrow isn’t the beef, nor “bread,” like Panarin is – the meal doesn’t work without him.

I make the same face whenever talking about “The Feckless Finn.” Photo Credit: NYR





While this report card only covers this 2023-24 season; for Kakko, everything that we’ve seen from him during his first four campaigns took place in this one too – and where the feelings of joy and excitement from that 2019 NHL Entry Draft have long subsided.

There are two ways to look at the fifth-year Finn.

The Blueshirts’ Colored Glasses On Perspective: You just have to focus on what he does well – and where some will allege that it’s his defense and puck-handling – and while as a reliable third-liner.

You also must not ever, and I mean ever, bring up his draft status either – and you must just take him for what he is instead.

The Realist Rangers’ Fan Perspective: Draft capital and salary-cap dollars matter. If your lotto pick doesn’t work out, then it can set your team back years.

Thankfully, the Rangers have some guy named Artemi Panarin. They also have some guy who once was in the same position that Kakko is today proving his draft-status these days too – Alexis Lafreniere.

Kakko scored 13 goals and picked up 6 assists in his 61 games played this season.

Not bad numbers for a third liner – but it’s also the same amount of points (19) as “4A” Brodzinski.

I don’t want to get into the Patrick Kane stuff again, or really, any other scoring right-winger that was available to Chris Drury all-season (I just use Kane because he wanted to return and because the Rangers could have just signed him without giving anything up the other way); but yeah – for a team in “WIN NOW” mode – I would have preferred a dynamic winger who could score – rather than doing whatever Kakko does – and where on most nights -l, it looks like “The Wallflower” is humping the boards to kingdom come.

Put it this way: Whenever Kakko scores a goal, and whether they be “A-Rod” goals or meaningful goals – then it shouldn’t be celebrated as if it were a national holiday.

Instead, these Kakko goals, which feels as rare as seeing a solar eclipse followed by an earthquake (oh wait!), should be the norm.

But like everyone else profiled in this report card – a strong playoffs – and the Cup – will erase all regular season negativity.

But we’ll get to Mika Zibanejad in just a bit!





While many will point out that Kreider, his BFF Zibanejad and whoever their right-winger du jour is (six different skaters this season skated alongside #20 and #93), were largely ineffective during even-strength (5×5) play all-season – I think that’s mainly a Missing Mika Problem – and not a Kreider Conundrum.

Also worth mentioning about Kreider’s five-vs-five play?

His +19 rating ranks him first-overall amongst all Ranger forwards.

Once a fresh-faced rookie during the 2012 Stanley Cup Playoffs for Blueshirts; today, Kreider is not only the longest-tenured player in-town – but he seems to evolve and grow as a player in each passing season with age.

Not only is CK20 eating big minutes as part of the team’s top-six; the “power-play specialist” is now a bonafide penalty killer too.

Of Kreider’s 39 goals (second-best only to Panarin, who finished with 49 red-lighters), 18 of them took place while on the man-advantage – and with two more scored while a man-down.

And while this doesn’t have anything to do with this season – let’s also not forget that come the playoffs – then that’s usually when Kreider shines best.

After all, he was the only “Fat Cat” player from that Devils’ disaster from last year to show up.

If any Ranger deserves a Stanley Cup today more than Kreider, then I can’t name one.

Still pissed-off after the way things had ended last season – that fuel burnt all-season should continue into the playoffs.

While I never used the word “BUST” whenever talking about Alexis Lafreniere (and as many others did – and I’m glad that I didn’t – as I’d be dead-wrong); I did have my doubts about him. He alleviated all such concerns this season. Photo Credit: NYR





It took four seasons – but finally, the first-overall draft pick is now living up to that status.

While he still has a ways to go; for the first time since being drafted in the 2020 pandemic draft (and as talked about many times on this site – he was put in a unique position as the only first-overall pick to be drafted during a world-wide plague – and not a fortunate/advantageous situation either) – we are now seeing why #13 was drafted as #1 – and why he was the consensus pick in this slot too.

It’s very easy to say that Panarin led Lafreniere into completing the best season of his career, as the French-Canadian set all of his career-highs in scoring (28 goals, 29 assists and 57 points) – and while that is true – it’s not like Lafreniere was “carried” either.

Instead of saying that, the truth of the matter is that Lafreniere finally broke out – and where no one, including yours truly, is talking about his softball stats anymore either!

And after a season like this?

He can play in as many mens’ senior softball leagues as he wants this summer!

For a guy who gets no power-play time whatsoever, aside from the twenty-seconds or less crumbs left by the first power-play unit; Lafreniere’s 28 goals were third-best on the team.

While he did somehow score two power-play goals in the limited time afforded to him; his 26 even-strength goals ranks him second-overall on the team, only behind his linemate, “The Breadman” (38).

Lafreniere was also one of five Rangers (Kreider, Trocheck, Schneider and Panarin) to play in all 82-games – which only speaks to both his durability and reliability.

If I wanted to “knock” Lafreniere, then I’d discount his grade by bringing up how he had a long stretch where he couldn’t bury a puck past a goaltender – and how his teammates did the same after about two-dozen picture-perfect set-ups from their first-line right-winger.

However, I can’t do that – especially when looking at this season as a whole.

Lafreniere’s bad “puck luck” from the middle stages of this season was just that – bad puck luck.

It also told us that he was playing well and doing the right things.

And once overcoming such besmirching from the hockey gods?

The results, and as you can see, finally came.

Lafreniere entered this regular season with a lot of question marks and doubt – and as his horrid preseason would suggest.

Fast-forward to today and he’s one of the best players on the team – and now looking befitting of his draft status too.

He’s also a big reason why the Rangers won the Presidents’ Trophy this season – and should the team go all the way – then I’d suspect that the same statement would also apply.

That ping-pong ball from 2020 has grown into a first-line stud – and where the sky is now the limit.

I had a lot of jokes when it was first revealed that Panarin had shaved his head – but today – I’m not laughing with my tears in my eyes – instead, I’m crying tears of joy – as “The Breadman,” who already was the greatest free agent signing in franchise history prior to this season, just completed one of the best individual seasons in franchise history too.




I mean, what else can I say about Panarin that I haven’t already said on this site during the past 82 games played?

And since I’m handing out a few A+’s in this report card – I had to give Panarin an extra nine plus marks – for a nice round total of ten pluses – and in tribute to the #10 that he wears on his back!

I also had to give Panarin this grade, the highest that I’ve ever given, in order to “weight” the grades.

Nothing against the other players receiving A+’s out of me – but they weren’t Panarin either!

Really, just check this site’s archives for everything on Panarin, as this blog is long enough already, but needless to say, “The Breadman,” at least statistically (and yes – we all know how the eras are different – so no need to remind me!), just had the second-best season in franchise history – and only second-best to some guy named Jaromir Jagr.

Panarin’s 49 goals, 71 assists and 120 points just fell short to Jagr’s scoring from the 2005-06 season, when #68 scored 54 goals, 69 assists and 123 points – and where Jagr’s goals and point totals are single-season franchise-highs.

That said, and with the risk of inciting painful memories – Jagr’s 2005-06 Rangers were also swept in the first-round by the Devils during the 2006 Stanley Cup Playoffs.

Panarin’s Rangers?

Time will tell – but I’ll throw in my fan card – and stop writing too – if these 2023-24 Blueshirts are swept by the Capitals.

Aside from Panarin’s scoring, and as mentioned when he won the Frank Boucher Trophy ( ) – it’s everything else that he’s brought to the table this season.

I mean – what hasn’t he done?

Between lifting up his teammates (Lafreniere and Trocheck never had better seasons than this one – and where I’d reckon that Panarin assisted on at least 75% of Kreider’s goals too), being double-shifted in clutch moments (and then scoring during these times) and now making defensive plays as well (and I haven’t even mentioned how Panarin has eliminated all of those mind-numbing cross-over turnovers that we saw last season too) – “The Breadman” has been one of the most dominating MVPs in some time – and where he most certainly deserves the Hart Trophy during a stacked-year of candidates to choose from – and where if it wasn’t for four other strong candidates (Nathan MacKinnon, Connor McDavid, Auston Matthews and Nikita Kucherov) – then he’d win his first league MVP in a landslide.

(Holy run-on sentence Batman – and a staple of this site too my dear Robin!)

Panarin is in GOD MODE right now – and may he bless us with a Conn Smythe Trophy come June too – following the franchise’s fifth Stanley Cup victory!

From day one, which means the first-second of his NHL career, Matt Rempe has personified the definition of “CULT HERO.” He’s also a pretty damn good hockey player. Photo Credit: NHL





Similar to Panarin – what else can I say about Rempe on this site that I haven’t said yet?

As an esteemed, deemed and official Rangers’ historian (and as decreed by the biggest Blueshirts’ historian of them all, “The Maven” Stan Fischler) – I can proudly say that there’s never been a player to take over the Blueshirts – and the league too – as Rempe has done in his limited time of action.

Not Sean Avery. Not Don Murdoch. Not Dylan McIlrath. No one.

As mentioned to the point of ad-nauseam on this site – Rempe has reached rarefied air – as a skater (not a goalie) to have his name chanted out by 18,006 Garden maniacs in all of his games played at M$G this season.

He’s also heard the now familiar “REMPE” – and the “WE WANT REMPE” – chants on the road too.

We can call a spade a spade here and admit that Rempe’s appeal is his reckless rock’em-sock’em style of fighting.

But we must also state that Rempe isn’t just a fighter – as he’s also one hell of a forechecker – and a player that no goalie wants to see standing in front of them either.

While who knows how long REMPEMANIA will last – but for this season – and hopefully moving forward too – he’s been a hockey godsend.

It’s hard to put it in words, but there’s just some sort of feeling, a vibe, a juice, an all-out passion, that both this team and the Garden experiences whenever #73 is dressed.

In a way, Rempe’s youthful exuberance feeds the team.

It’s also why he needs to be in Lavy’s Line-Up during the playoffs too.

I know that some, maybe the ANALytical jerkoffs, will scoff and call me a “BOOMER” for this A+ grade of a throwback player.

And if they do, then that tells all of us that these morons haven’t figured out a chart that can truly and accurately display Rempe’s value to this team.

I’ve asked this question many times this season and I’ll ask it one more time here:


Another thing that I’ve said this season?


“I will turn 42-years-old on June 13th, 2024. Matt Rempe turns 21-years-old on June 29th, 2024. Despite our twenty-year age difference – I’m an all-out mark – a fan-boy – of Rempe!”





The C+ grade may suggest a negative opinion about the former Blue Jacket, but let me be clear.

I’m giving Roslovic an average grade because that’s what I think he’s been ever since being acquired during the final seconds of the March 8th NHL Trade Deadline – average.

While I don’t think that Roslovic has been bad or anything like that; at the same time, he hasn’t made much of a difference, and as his 3 goals and 5 assists (8 points) in 19 games played would tell you.

I also can’t fully blame him for a perceived lack of production either – as once again – that falls on Mika’s shoulders – or at least I say!

To be fair, I’m not so sure if Roslovic is really a first-liner to begin with.

Furthermore, I can also see why John Davidson, who has no love for Chris Drury following the 2021 backstabbing, was willing to ship good old J.R. to NYR for next to nothing in return (a conditional 2026 fourth-round pick).

When it comes to a pair of former Winnipeg Jets – it’s been Blake Wheeler that has had more success when playing with the BFF pair than Roslovic – but of course – it was also Wheeler who was here from day one of this season, while Roslovic had to learn on-the-fly.

That all said – Wheeler was also better defensively than Roslovic too.

With Chytil nearing a potential return, it will be interesting to see if Roslovic remains in the line-up come the playoffs.





Last season, and where there was merit to this remark, many fans and media members proclaimed the following:

“Only Ryan Strome had chemistry with Panarin.”

While perhaps such thinking was true at the time, also true today?

It took a full-year for Trocheck to create chemistry with Panarin – and praise the hockey gods that such a bonding took place!

Trocheck, who not only took Strome’s number of sixteen, but also Strome’s spot on both the Panarin line and on the first power-play unit too, just wrapped up the best season of his career with 25 goals, 52 assists and 77 points.

Aside from a 2017-18 season when he scored 31 goals for the Florida Panthers, all of these numbers are his career-highs.

As a threat in all three zones, and no matter the situation, Trocheck’s 58.7% faceoff winning percentage also paced the team.

Furthermore, his 86 blocked shots were also a team-high amongst all Blueshirt forwards.

His 175 hits were only bested by Cuylle and Trouba too.

Talk about doing everything – and doing everything well too – for NONNA TROCHECK’S BAMBINO – and hence this A+ grade!





What a career renaissance it has been for the Harvard graduate – and where if I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a million times – Vesey is this generation’s Bobby Carpenter.

And he’ll really become Carpenter 2.0 if he can win the Stanley Cup – and where Carpenter won his Cup doesn’t need to be mentioned right now either!

Once and long ago projected to be a top-scorer, and where in 2016, half of the league was clamoring for his services; come 2019, the Rangers had given up on him.

Come 2022, the Sabres, Leafs, Canucks and Devils had done the same.

Now approaching the age of thirty-years-old, Vesey, back with the Blueshirts for a second go-around, has morphed himself into both a defensive stalwart and reliable fourth-liner.

And in case of emergency, then you can break glass and put #26 on the BFF line too.

And heck, with 13 goals and 13 assists this season, and #26 picked up 26 points!

Isn’t that amazing Suzyn?!?!?





The former Krakhead has come as advertised for the Rangers – a defensive bottom-six center – and one who won’t give you much scoring either.

In his nineteen games played with his new team in the Big Apple, while also having to worry about the birth of his second child (and there were no issues there – and congrats once again to the Wennberg’s), the new number 91 in-town (Sammy Blais and Vladimir Tarasenko who?) scored one goal and chipped in four assists.

While five points isn’t much to rave about, scoring isn’t in the Swede’s wheelhouse anyway.

Similar to Goodrow, Wennberg is here for his defense.

It’s truly tough to get a read and/or assess Wennberg because this trade came at a tough time.

After all, you try moving 3,000 miles away from your home – and with a wife due to give birth at any second too.

I went with a grade of a B here just because I think he’s played well while under a heavy mind.

But with his family now settled?

I think the best is yet to come in Wennberg’s Blueshirts’ career.

I HOPE TO BE PROVEN WRONG AND THAT THIS FOLLOWING HYPOTHETICAL NEVER HAPPENS TOO! Should the Rangers not win the Stanley Cup in 2024, then it’s time to part ways with the $8.5M center. After all, what’s that textbook definition of the word “insanity” again?





Mika Zibanejad has been miserable ever since the 2022-23 regular season ended.

Following that Devils’ playoff loss in 2023, where #93 was rendered as completely useless and ineffective – the Swedish-Iranian just completed the worst season of his Rangers’ career in 2023-24.

Unlike Panarin, who used the disappointment from last year as motivation – Zibanejad has never recovered.

As a player known for his slow starts – Zibanejad never started-up at all this season – and even after the alternate captain had demanded that his last two coaches, David Quinn and Gerard Gallant, receive their walking papers.

At some point – it has to be about the player – and not the bench boss.

I don’t want to get redundant on Missing Mika again – because as we all know – there are about 100 blogs posted on this site from this season detailing all of it.

If anyone embodies my season long and daily disclaimer on this site, then it’s Mika.

Have a good playoffs and this regular season will be forgiven.

The opposite?

Let’s try to remain positive and not explore such things!

And just to think – for a franchise that won the Presidents’ Trophy behind their franchise-best 55 wins and 114-points – how greater would have these numbers been had #93 had a pulse this season?

Granted, while I’m exaggerating some, as Zibanejad was an integral part of the team’s extremely successful penalty kill; at the same time – and there’s that sum of $8.5M being paid to a Swede again – he simply needs to score goals.

What a time like the playoffs – and the present too!

Perhaps this K’Andre Miller and Braden Schneider pairing isn’t just the future of the Rangers’ defense. Instead, it’s the second-pairing of today – and beyond. Photo Credit: NYR





For the 2021 Norris Trophy winner who missed ten-games this season following a disgusting and dirty knee-to-knee hit from Carolina’s Sebastion Asshole – Fox scored a career-high 17 goals this season.

His 73 points racked up this season only falls one shy from the 74 points that he scored during the 2021-22 season – and when he played in 78 games.

And if it wasn’t for that injury that should’ve garnered Aho a suspension – then we’re talking about a second Norris for Fox.

While perhaps some detractors of this high grade will bring up how Fox hit a mini-slog this season; for me, I can’t do the same.

It just took some time for Fox to regain his bearings following his injury – and as we all saw – as once 100% healthy and back into the swing of the things – then the greatest Rangers’ rearguard since the days of Brian Leetch was right back to his all-world self.

And perhaps like #2, one of his childhood heroes, then maybe Fox can win the Conn Smythe Trophy thirty-years after Leetch did!

These two, Schneider and Gustafsson, played their best hockey as the season progressed. Photo Credit: NYR





Granted, while “THE GUS BUS” did hit some potholes as the season progressed – you also can’t forget how he admirably filled-in for Fox when the Norris Trophy winner missed his ten games.

The Rangers never missed a beat when #56 replaced #23.

Primarily a third-pair LD whenever the team was at 100% health, Gustafsson scored 6 goals and racked up 25 assists.

These scoring totals, including his 31 points, were second-best only to Fox amongst all Ranger rearguards.

Not too shabby for a player on a $825K contract – and where the Swede will receive many suitors for his services come this off-season.

What “hurt” Gustafsson at times is whenever he had to play with the at-the-time struggling Schneider.

It’s also why Drury went out and traded for Chad Ruhwedel – just in case.

But once Schneider found his game, and whenever paired-up with Zac Jones too – THE GUS BUS continued to motor.

If it wasn’t for Jonathan Quick, then Gustafsson would be considered as the crown jewel of the G.M.’s shrewd off-season (summer).





As someone who has no problem telling you whenever I’m right about something; then in the same vein, I must also tell you whenever I was wrong about something.

In other words, was I completely off when assessing Zac Jones!

But I also don’t think that I was the only one!

For a player who largely sat in the press box all season as the team’s seventh defenseman, as the Rangers thought he was good enough for the NHL while also not wanting to chance exposing him on waivers; Jones, perhaps pissed-off about his status, maximized his minutes when finally tasked to do so.

After using some Pledge cleaner to remove the dust from his #6 jersey – Jones then became a big part in the Rangers’ second half of dominance.

Following the Blueshirts’ 41st game of the season, Jones hadn’t scored a goal – and was a minus-eight too.

Come the end of the season you ask?

Two goals, seven assists and now a plus/minus rating of +1 – a nine-point turnaround.

For a guy who’s been willing and has shown his dedication time-and-time again (remember the rookie games that he captained last summer when he was already at that point an NHLer); Jones, and unlike Crybaby Nils Lundkvist, believed in himself – and then proved himself to the Blueshirts too.

While he’s probably still considered as the team’s seventh defenseman today; there’s now a future for Jones in this line-up – and maybe he’ll receive his first playoff game too should the Rangers need a shot in the arm during this long and grueling tournament.





How many times can we all say it?


For a player that we all know is made-up of duct tape, blood and whatever other household items that you may have lying around; once again, double-nickel, Mr. Lindgren, had another amazing season.

And once again, the team’s top left-defenseman led the team in the almighty plus/minus stat, with a +22 next to his name.

Lindgren, who takes a lickin’ but never stops tickin’, remains as the biggest sandpaper/lunch pail/BLUE COLLAR player on the club.

And now he’s tasked to beat his own brother, Chucky, in the first-round of the playoffs.

If there was anything notable about Lindgren during the second-half of the season, then it was the fact that #55, who was just taking a beating after allowing himself to be prone to such big hits, shied away from them – and also prevented a lot of them from taking place.

His health is pivotal to the team – and by playing a smarter brand of hockey – it will only help the Rangers’ chances in the playoffs.





Some will say that a rumored not-to-be healthy Trouba weighed Miller down a bit at the onset of the season.

However, Miller, and under his own admission, blamed himself – and then took a mental health break too.

Once returned from his therapy timeout, and when Trouba temporarily went down too – Miller, who continues to eat minute-after-minute for this club, played his best hockey of the season – and with BABY TROUBA, Braden Schneider, as his RD.

First nicknamed as “THE PRAYING MANTIS” from his first NHL head coach, DQ – we saw a lot of Miller’s defensive stick work as the season moseyed along.

And when he won his first fight?

That term of “soft” had been eradicated – and as his 117 blocked shots and 148 hits would also tell you.

While there are still some inconsistency issues with Miller’s physicality; I think we are now seeing more of an edge from #79.

It should not be understated – and in fact – it should be stressed – that Miller’s average time on ice (21:34) is second-best to only Fox (23:27).

In other words, for all of the people who want to criticize every goal allowed, and where such criticism is warranted at times – these people should also be reminded that the other team is paid to score too – and that no NHL defense is perfect either.

Since Miller is on the ice for more than 33% of every game – then of course – there will be some goals allowed – and where some of these goals allowed aren’t even on him to begin with.

He also finished as +5 amongst all defenseman – and only behind the elite Fox and Lindgren pair.





At times, #4, who was just a marvel in his rookie season, slumped a bit.

Now in his junior season, Schneider scored a career-high 5 goals, 14 assists and 19 points.

He also logged an average playing time of 15:54 – another career-high – and that’s after blocking 133 shots – second-best to only “FATHER TROUBA” (183).

For a player that’s had a rotating-pair of partners ever since making his league debut in January of ’22 – he’s now finding the most success in his career whenever paired with Miller – and the most likely second-pairing of Rangers’ defense that we’ll see come Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

I don’t care what any deranged psychopath says – including “Dominik The Dolce” – Jacob Trouba has been one hell of a captain for the Blueshirts!





For whatever reason – there’s a lot of criticism and negativity out there in the mean streets of Rangerstown, USA for the captain these days – but nary a word from me!

As someone who had no problem calling out Trouba for his piss-poor play during his first two-seasons (and where Trouba later said himself that he was bad and he needed a lot of time when trying to adjust to N.Y. – but for $8M per-season – that excuse never flew with me); it’s my opinion today that #8 is the greatest captain in Rangers’ history ever since the days of #11 – Mark Messier.

And that’s not a shot at the captains between Messier and Trouba, legendary alum such as Leetch, Gretzky, Jagr, Callahan, McDonagh, et al; it’s just to say that the new father in-town has truly embraced this role as the ultimate team leader.

And if he can win the Cup?

Sorry Trouba Haters – then his #8 will be adorned from the rafters of M$G one day – and just like #11.

What I love most about Trouba, and where his stats really aren’t that important to me (3 goals, 19 assists, 22 points, 183 blocked shots and 191 hits), are his traits of leadership and accountability.

Unlike others, many others at that – the captain is always there to speak to the fans after every win – and after every loss too.

It’s very easy for anyone to BE THE MAN when things are good. It’s not that easy to be front-and-center when the shit hits the fan – and as it did for six-weeks during the early winter months.

And yeah, there’s a lot ado about how the team turned it around once Trouba went down from injury – but that kind of stuff comes from a “what have you done for me lately” perspective.

What, have these people forgotten all about the TROO TROO TRAIN?

(And if such amnesia has taken place, then it’s my opinion that Rempe is a factor in such memory-loss.)

While I’m not a doctor, nor have any privy information about Trouba’s health either; at best guess, then I’m under the assumption that Trouba isn’t playing at 100% health.

But with a week off between the end of the regular season and the start of the playoffs – these crucial off-days should prove to be a wonder for Trouba – and where I think that we’ll see his big hits return too.

Jacob Trouba is MY CAPTAIN – and he should be yours too!

It’s been one hell of a season for the Rangers’ goaltenders. Photo Credit: NYR





What’s left to say about the three-time Stanley Cup champion and future Hall of Famer that I haven’t already said before?

Quick deserves all accolades imaginable, including his 2024 Players’ Player Award and Bill Masterton Trophy nomination.

And what a hell of a comeback season too, as Drury’s best prize from this summer nearly matched all of CZAR IGOR’s stats – and for $5M less too:

Not listed here? Quick’s two shutouts – which preceded the eventual four NYET NYET’S that CZAR IGOR would go on to record. Furthermore, both men picked up an assist this season too! Photo Credit: NYR

Quick, due to his epic comeback season, later earned himself a contract renewal for next season – where hopefully come that time – he’ll be known as a four-time Stanley Cup champ!





Again, I will ask you to refer back to both the quarter-pole and mid-season report cards when talking about my favorite goalie – and one that I first started following all the way back in 2017 – and when I was wearing this jersey at the expensive halls of M$G:

A big shout-out to Travis – the first reader of this blog when it was first launched in 2014! ICWT too!

Following a slow start, and an injury too, CZAR IGOR bounced back.

While it was arguably undeserved when #31 was named as an NHL All-Star this past February; it’s no longer an argument – it’s deserved now.

At the 50% mark of the season, and nearing the time of his All-Star bid in Toronto, CZAR IGOR was 16-10 – and without a shutout to his ledger.

Since then, he went 20-7, and with four shutouts to boot, to close the second half of the campaign.

And should he win the Stanley Cup this season?

Then he’ll be the second goalie in franchise history (Dave Kerr) to win both the Vezina Trophy and Stanley Cup for the Rangers.

Not even Henrik Lundqvist and Mike Richter can make a stake to that claim.

And for someone pumping the tires of CZAR IGOR to you guys and gals for seven straight years now – no one wants to see this hopeful event take place more than me!

Doesn’t it feel like forever ago since Tyler Pitlick last wore a Rangers’ jersey? My, oh my, how fast time flies! Photo Credit: NYR

The Dearly Departed





For everything on Bonino’s departure, then check out:

In an update, and now three-months removed from when Drury cut the cord on Bonino – Bonino hasn’t played an NHL game since.

Furthermore, Bonino hasn’t played a hockey game since refusing to report to the Wolfpack either.

(And this was a mutual decision/prearrangement between both the player and the franchise.)

For the now 35-year-old – he still has a chance of becoming a Stanley Cup champion for the third time in his career – as he met the minimum requirement in games played (41) with 45 in total for the Blueshirts.

While perhaps Bonino, and through wear-and-tear throughout his career, “aged out;” he did leave a lasting and positive impact with team – and as both Goodrow and Trocheck have displayed this season at the faceoff circles.





For Pitlick, one of Drury’s six-figure summer signings, the Rangers marked his eighth NHL franchise.

And for more on Pitlick’s varsity departure, then check out:

Once leaving the Big Apple for the friendly confines of Hartford, CT; Pitlick, who scored one goal and three assists in his 34 games for the Rangers, has since scored 3 goals and 4 assists for the Calder Cup playoff bound Blueshirts’ AHL affiliate.

Should the Pack go howlin’ out of the AHL playoffs early – then perhaps Pitlick will be returned to the varsity roster as a black ace.

But that’s a best-case scenario for a potential Pitlick Rangers’ return – and where I don’t envision the former #71 of the club to ever skate in a Stanley Cup Playoff game for Laviolette and Co. either.

After previously being ruled out for the season, it now sounds like there’s a good chance of Filip Chytil returning during the playoffs. Photo Credit: M$GN






As mentioned a few times during this past week – there’s a shot that Chytil, once cemented as done for the season – may return for the playoffs.

More on this below.





Similar to Chytil, Wheeler, who didn’t suffer a concussion, but a leg/knee injury instead, may also return sometime during the playoffs – but where his recovery isn’t as advanced as the Czech’s return currently is – yet.

And yep – more below!

Whether it was 1% or 100%, either way, this much is true: Following Connor Mackey’s one-and-done appearance against the Ottawa Senators, which took place in the Rangers’ final game prior to the All-Star Game/bye week, the team, which had been playing .500 hockey prior to this Hartford recall, never looked back – and then finished the season with a jaw-dropping 26-7-1 record. Photo Credit: NYR

INCOMPLETE (Players who played fifteen games or less)

ADAM EDSTROM scored two goals in his eleven games played – and where his NHL career was stunted following the events of the trade deadline. However, he did show promise – and he should also compete for a varsity spot next season.

LOUIS DOMINGUE looked excellent in his one game played, in a Rangers’ 4-1 win over the Wild – and when he made 25 saves on 26 shots faced. However, his return to the NHL, or at least with the Rangers, won’t take place anytime soon – that is, and knock on wood – unless an injury is suffered by either CZAR IGOR or Jonathan Quick.

JAKE LESCHYSHYN is back in the AHL where he belongs, following his one-game where he finished as a minus-one. I don’t envision him ever returning to the Blueshirts either.

CONNOR MACKEY may have saved the season in his one game’s worth of action – and that’s what some are still proclaiming today. For more, check out:

RILEY NASH was barely noticeable in his one game and 11:05 played this season – and I can’t imagine him being recalled again.

BRENNAN OTHMANN had a cup of coffee with the Blueshirts – but it was apparent that this cup was still cold and not ready yet. He should compete for a roster spot next season though…

CHAD RUHWEDEL was acquired at the trade deadline for insurance/depth purposes – and he didn’t really stand out in his five-games played either. At best, while remaining on the playoff roster, he’s still eighth on the d-man depth chart – and behind the seventh-man, Zac Jones.

BRANDON SCANLIN played in one game due to injuries on the Rangers’ defense – and once this sextet was ruled as healthy 24-hours later – he was then returned to Hartford. Unlike Mackey, he didn’t do much to stand out – but it’s not his time either.

Will this picture, taken all the way back on June 20th, 2023, become iconic following the events of the 2024 Stanley Cup Final? I sure hope so! Photo Credit: NYR




Let me have at it – and share my season-long and daily disclaimer with you one more time:


That said, this GM/HC duo just won a Presidents’ Trophy – but it won’t matter – and in fact, such a historic accomplishment will be met with derision, should the Rangers not achieve their end-goal.

For Laviolette to shed the “Lateralette” label, and despite all of his regular season success, then his team will have to reach the Stanley Cup Final – and then win it once there.

For Drury, he will receive bigger flowers than Neil Smith should the Rangers go all the way.

If the Blueshirts aren’t hoisting Lord Stanley’s silver over their heads come June, and despite all of Drury’s other hits – then his trade deadline, where all he did was hit singles (Ruhwedel, Wennberg and Roslovic), rather than taking a big home run swing like Carolina did (Jake Guentzel), will be the top talk in a sad Rangerstown, USA.

Such a failure may also draw the attention of James Dolan too.

I need to be celebrating my 42nd birthday at the Canyon of Heroes!!! Photo Credit: Al “SMD” Demauro

Up next for the Rangers?

Cup or Bust time.

This now brings us to our quick-and-abbreviated segment of the 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs!

And in advance, and as noted up top – I do apologize for being so brief here – and I hope to go more in-depth with my predictions come the second-round.

For whatever stupid reason, doesn’t allow you to share all of your picks from your 2024 Stanley Cup Playoff Bracket. And the less said about my preseason pick of the Pittsburgh Penguins winning the Stanley Cup – the better – and I’m glad that I jinxed them too! Photo Credit:

Here’s what I’m going with for these 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs:


— Vegas Golden Knights over the Dallas Stars in seven games.

— Colorado Avalanche over the Winnipeg Jets in six games.

— Vancouver Canucks over Nashville Predators in six games.

— Edmonton Oilers over L.A. Kings in seven games.

— New York Rangers over Washington Capitals in five games.

— Carolina Hurricanes over New York Islanders in six games

— Boston Bruins over Toronto Maple Leafs in six games.

—- Tampa Bay Lightning over Florida Panthers in seven games.


— Vegas Golden Knights over Colorado Avalanche in seven games.

— Edmonton Oilers over Vancouver Canucks in six games.

—- New York Rangers over Carolina Hurricanes in six games.

— Tampa Bay Lightning over Boston Bruins in seven games.


Vegas Golden Knights over Edmonton Oilers in seven games.

New York Rangers over Tampa Bay Lightning, the redemption/team of fate series, in six games.


New York Rangers over Vegas Golden Knights in seven games – and where yes, I know – picking a Rangers/Canucks SCF, and in seven-games too, is a very popular pick right now!

And while my Ranger pick is most certainly from a homer perspective – I truly believe it – or at least I need to believe it!

One last time – more on these playoff series’ in the upcoming weeks – as time was an issue tonight.

Final segment of tonight’s barrage of words and commentary – the Rangers’ off-day/playoff preparation news!

Laviolette, sounds confident, but not cocky, as his team approaches the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

To bring you up-to-date, here were the last two blogs that were posted on this site:

Following the events of Monday night’s Presidents’ Trophy clinching win, the team then had a well-deserved two-days off on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Come Thursday and Friday, the team was back at their training facility in Tarrytown, NY.

In the effort of time, here’s what Lavy said following both skates:

Here’s what you need to know, as the -500 favorite Rangers approach their series with the Capitals:

— Chytil is a full participant at practice – and even skating on the right-wing with the BFF line.

— Ditto Roslovic.

— Wheeler is skating on his own – and similar to Chytil – who just this January was ruled out for the season – he may become available during the playoffs.

— Laviolette said don’t ask him about his line-up – but based on practice lines – it looks the same as the Rangers’ last two regular season games played – including Rempe on the fourth line, Miller/Schneider together and Trouba on the third pair with Gustafsson.

This also means that both Brodzinski and Jones are most likely to be healthy scratches.

— Everyone is stressing the mission statement – win the Cup – but how they can’t overlook the Caps either.

— The Rangers/Caps schedule was also announced – and here it is:

  • Game 1: 4/21 at 3PM
  • Game 2: 4/23 at 7PM
  • Game 3: 4/26 at 7PM in Washington
  • Game 4: 4/28 at 8PM in Washington
  • Game 5: 5/1 at TBD*
  • Game 6: 5/3 at TBD in Washington*
  • Game 7: 5/5 at TBD *

That Sunday night game, Game 4, in Washington, has ruined a lot of plans – and especially for people who have to work on Monday, 4/29.

All first-round games are airing on the national networks – and on M$GN too.

Let’s put a bow on this bad boy of a blog.

At the sake of both this site and the almighty CLICKS too – I’m watching the first game of this series, this Sunday, at my local watering hole.

I may be back tomorrow (Saturday night) with some final written thoughts when previewing Game 1 of this first-round series.

If I don’t return with words, then I’ll return with some video – as I will be appearing on a video podcast this Saturday night as hosted by “The Hockey News” with a Caps’ writer/friend, Glen Dreyfuss.

During the playoffs, I usually like watching the games at home on my big screen TV.

After all, it’s easier to take notes and then write these blogs afterwards.

However, and as mentioned a few times throughout the course of this 2023-24 regular season – yours truly, my dad and my friends, are now 8-0 whenever watching the Rangers play at our favorite bar.

As a superstitious fan, and even if this means that these GAME REVIEW blogs won’t be as detailed (and my poor liver too) – I must continue tradition at my local watering hole!

Similar to the club – I’m Cup or Bust too – and I must do my part!

In other words, I’ll be watching Game 1 at the bar – but I will have something posted about three-hours following the game – and I’ll probably write it with one-eye open too!

Thanks for sticking with me if you’re still reading these words – as I know that this blog was long – as in 15,000 words too long!

And if I’m not back tomorrow?

Then let me be the first to wish you a blessed playoffs – and a Blueshirts’ Cup too!

As I look at the clock (it’s now 6:00AM on the morning of 4/20) – it’s bed time for me, which means for you, the following…

PLUGS TIME! (Buy a book and support my Rangers’ induced therapy bills. After all, I don’t run ads on this site!)

And in a new wrinkle?

After ten-years of doing this – I have finally realized that my previous blogs show up at the end of my most recent one.

In other words, I don’t have to promote my past blogs – as they show up automatically.

For those in awe of my computer-deficient dumbassery – that’s why I’m a writer – and not a webmaster!

My fourth title and tenth book is now available!

“The Top 100 Villains of New York Rangers History,” is now available for sale!

For complete information, please visit:

The hardcover version of my first book, available now at

My second plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden.”

As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link:

For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have a few signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that:

Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today

My four-volume set of books, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is a game-by-game recount of the Rangers 2021-22 campaign.

My second title as an author, “One Game at a Time – A Season to Remember,” is now available in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.

To obtain signed copies, visit:

To purchase all four volumes on Amazon, visit: – “One Game at a Time.”

The greatest volume-set of books on Rangers’ history today!

“Tricks of the Trade – A Century-Long Journey Through Every Trade Made In New York Rangers’ History,” a four-volume set of books that meticulously covers every trade made in franchise history, is now on sale.

All four volumes of the title can be purchased on and are presented in three different formats – eBook, paperback and hardcover.

To purchase Volume I: Conn Smythe (1926) – Craig Patrick (1986), visit

To purchase Volume II: Phil Esposito (1986) – Neil Smith (2000), visit

To purchase Volume III: Glen Sather (2000-2015), visit

To purchase Volume IV: Jeff Gorton (2015) – Chris Drury (2022), visit

To purchase signed copies of all four volumes, visit

If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog for the next update:

Now on sale!

Don’t forget to order my four-volume set of books, “Tricks of the Trade!”

If you don’t order through me, all four volumes are now available on

For more details, check out:

Thanks for reading.


Sean McCaffrey

@NYCTHEMIC on the Tweeter machine

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