Greetings and salutations everyone and welcome to another blog here on BlueCollarBlueShirts.com. Bah humbug part deux!
While I do have some positive stories and reviews to share with you tonight; by now, you’ve probably heard the news – the Rangers vs Montreal Canadiens game, originally scheduled for Wednesday, 12/23, is now officially postponed.
And I think I may have mentioned this before – I hate that dirty “C” word, you know – “COVID!”
If you read my last blog that was posted on this site (the Rangers/Vegas game review), I predicted this postponement would happen. However, I take no joy in being right about this news. Far from it.
As stated then, and as I’m saying again now – I just didn’t see the Montreal Canadiens taking a risk of being stuck in some crappy Times Square Hotel during Christmas Day and during the break following the holiday. (For more on this, just check out my last manifesto, which is linked during the PLUGS segment below.)
But wait, there’s more.
It’s not just the Montreal Canadiens who are staying put in their own motherland this week.
Instead, the NHL has postponed every cross-border game between American and Canadian franchises, beginning on 12/20, and ending after the Christmas break. (And of course, all of this is subject to change at the drop of a hat too.)
Here’s how the NHL broke this news, where they used Twitter as their medium:

Furthermore, here’s the official press release pertaining to this news, courtesy of https://www.nhl.com/news/nhl-and-nhlpa-agree-to-continue-season/c-329156048 :
NEW YORK/TORONTO – Following several days of meetings with their respective medical experts amid increasing positive test results and rising numbers of postponed games, the National Hockey League (NHL) and National Hockey League Players’ Association (NHLPA) today jointly announced the following:
i) We will continue to play the 2021-22 regular-season schedule. Although there has been a recent increase in positive COVID test results among Players, coaches and hockey staff, there have been a low number of positive cases that have resulted in concerning symptoms or serious illness. Therefore, the NHLPA’s and NHL’s medical experts have determined that, with virtually all Players and Club hockey staff fully vaccinated, the need to temporarily shut down individual teams should continue to be made on a case-by-case basis. The effects of recently introduced enhanced prevention and detection measures will be evaluated daily. The NHL and NHLPA, along with their medical experts, will be monitoring not only the number and pattern of positive COVID results, but also the depth of Club line-ups so as to ensure both the health and safety of the Players and the integrity of League competition.
ii) Due to the concern about cross-border travel and, given the fluid nature of federal travel restrictions, effective on Monday, all games involving a Canadian-based team playing a U.S.-based team from Monday, Dec. 20 through the start of the Holiday break on Dec. 23, will be postponed and rescheduled. Those additional postponements include:
Monday, Dec. 20:
Montreal @ NY Islanders; Anaheim @ EdmontonTuesday, Dec. 21:
St. Louis @ Ottawa; Vancouver @ San JoseWednesday, Dec. 22:
Montreal @ NY Rangers; Winnipeg @ Dallas; Edmonton @ Los AngelesThursday, Dec. 23:
St. Louis @ Toronto; Carolina @ Ottawa; Montreal @ New Jersey; Anaheim @ Vancouver;
Edmonton @ San Joseiii) Given the disruption to the NHL’s regular-season schedule caused by recent COVID-related events – 27 games had been postponed as of Saturday and at least 12 more will be postponed through Dec. 23 – and the continued uncertainty caused by the ongoing COVID pandemic, the NHL and NHLPA are actively discussing the matter of NHL Player participation in the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China, and expect to be in a position to announce a final determination in the coming days.
With the number one priority of maintaining the health and safety of our NHL community, and amid changing and unpredictable conditions, we are determined to remain flexible and adaptable both in terms of scheduling and in adjusting Protocols as necessary.

While this is personal issue (and a small one at that in the grand scheme of things) – I have no clue what to do about my upcoming road trip to Vegas and to the left coast.
According to all reports, the NHL does not want to go back to a state of “pause” and wants to limit as many postponed games as possible. Of course, what happens next is up to the NHL.
In addition (and as mentioned 675676785 times before), these players who are testing positive for COVID-19 and its variant, omicron, aren’t sick and/or gravely ill. In fact, in most cases, these players aren’t even aware that they are carrying the virus in the first place.
If there’s any encouraging news; on Friday, the NFL, the big brother of the four major sports leagues in America, announced that they would no longer test asymptomatic (and vaccinated) players. It is now interesting to see if both the NHL and NBA will soon follow suit.
However (and when you look at the story as a whole), what’s not encouraging is that both the NHL and NBA, unlike the NFL, have Canadian franchises in their respective leagues. (The NBA only has one Canadian franchise, the Toronto Raptors, as opposed to the seven Canadian franchises who play in the NHL.)
In other words – the NFL doesn’t have to worry about crossing the border, nor has to worry about strict Canadian COVID mandates either.
Obviously, the NHL is impacted the most among all pro leagues when it comes to border issues.
Recently, some teams, like the Washington Capitals (and just last week at that), have done their COVID testing in America on the same day of a game, and after receiving their negative results – then boarded a plane to Canada. (The Caps did this before a tilt in Winnipeg.)
Of course, all of this is now moot – or at least for the next week. Merry Christmas everyone!

Having the NHL schedule in a perpetual state of limbo is not good for the NHL’s business. I think we can all agree on that.
Yes, road-trippers like myself are a small percentage of people to think about here. My present dilemma is the least of anyone’s concerns – and rightfully so. I make no bones about that.
More importantly, there are many season ticket holders across all 32 NHL franchises – where many of these fans purchase these tickets for the purpose of re-sale. Needless to say, these season-ticket holders are getting killed (not literally) right now.
(And for the record: not every season ticket holder is looking to re-sell all of their games. Very often, these people re-sell some of their tickets, in order to recoup some of the money invested in these high-priced ducats and/or “investments.”)
As we all know, many people enjoy these games. In addition, many people need these games to go on as scheduled in order to make a living – whether it be the concessions worker, the parking attendant, the bartender, etc. By creating an environment of uncertainty, even if it’s not a matter of self-infliction – well it just hurts the league and everyone who follows and/or relies on it.
I talked about this last week and these two words most certainly apply again here – “taxi squads.”
For Gary Bettman, he must sit down with the owners and the NHLPA. Bettman then must come up with a solution to fight this latest battle that COVID-19 (I really am so sick of writing “COVID-19” on this site) has dropped at the NHL’s doorstep.
After deciding what to do about testing (and hopefully he follows the NFL’s lead, as there is now a precedent set, where Bettman then won’t be the fall guy if something goes wrong) – Bettman then must address the idea of bringing back taxi squads and then figure out the salary cap ramifications as a result of these taxi squads.
The NHL had a good thing going last season with their taxi squads. Even better, Bettman made sure there were no loopholes for teams to use, where theoretically, a team then could’ve buried a bad contract on their taxi squad for cap relief.
With the success that Bettman and the league had last season – there’s just no reason why to not employ the taxi squad rules and regulations from this point forward this season.
And of course, and as mentioned many times before – just say NO to the Chinese Olympics.
(Of note: it’s being reported that the NHL’s involvement with the Olympics will officially be nixed sometime next week, and perhaps by the time that you read these words.)
Plus, with all of these recent postponements, the NHL will have to reschedule a bulk of games now. The NHL should play those make-up games during the scheduled Olympic break.
After all – there is no reason to have another Stanley Cup Final decided during the dog days of the summer. We need to get back to a state of normalcy.
In closing on Bettman and suggestions for his league, here’s this idea:
With Montreal staying home for the holidays, why not reschedule the previously postponed Rangers vs Islanders game (originally slated for November 28th, 2021, now scheduled for March 17th, 2022), for this upcoming Wednesday night?
Both New York teams are now off on 12/23 and M$G is obviously available too. Of all the games that have been postponed in the league – this Rangers/Isles tilt would be the easiest to reschedule.
In addition, who wouldn’t love a good old Christmas Clash between the two rivals? I know I’d rather watch some hockey on Wednesday night, rather than having this coal dumped in my stocking! (And should the NHL use this idea, it would eliminate at least one potential future obstacle, in regards to postponements and the schedule.)
Moving forward, as I feel like I’m wasting my time whenever talking about “COVID”; let’s now take a look at the current state of the Rangers and how this news impacts them.

At 3PM on 12/18, the Rangers announced that CZAR IGOR had come off the injured reserved list. Great news!
In a corresponding transaction, the Rangers also returned Keith Kinkaid to the Hartford Wolfpack. In addition, it was also announced that Patrik Nemeth has entered COVID protocol, where really, that could mean anything.
Since all of this news was broken prior to the Rangers/Canadiens game postponement; my first reaction was that Montreal would’ve been a great team for CZAR IGOR to return against. With the Canadiens struggling right now, and struggling mightily at that – this would’ve been an ideal situation for #31 in blue.
Instead, Shestyorkin will now most likely return on Monday, 12/27, when the Rangers host another Original Six opponent – the Detroit Red Wings. (Marc Staal night! I’m sure the former #18 will be good for a multi-point game on that date! After all, if former Ranger Brett Howden can pick up two points against our beloved Blueshirts, I shudder to think how many points Staal can pick up!)
As far as Nemeth’s current status on the COVID list; at the time, I didn’t really put much stock into that news item. There was just too much time in-between Saturday and Wednesday.
Who knows what would’ve happened had the Canadiens/Rangers game gone off without a hitch? However, it’s very likely that Nemeth would’ve been cleared by then anyway – especially with all of these false positive tests polluting the league. Now, under current conditions, Nemeth should be available in a week’s time.
(And even if Nemeth wasn’t available, Nils Lundkvist would have been healthy by then. Plus, Libor Hajek has played well too. While this isn’t an indictment of Nemeth himself – the Rangers have options defensively and losing Nemeth for one game wouldn’t have hurt them.)
Lastly, while wrapping up on the Rangers news here (I’ll have more on the Blueshirts following the Stan Fischler “Tales of Brooklyn” and Cosby’s reviews), here is this, as food for thought:
If the Rangers (or any of these professional teams), really wanted to increase the vaccination rate among their respective fan bases (and as they claim), maybe they should ask their 789567835 gambling sponsors to require all of their bettors to be vaccinated? I hope this happens – just to see the reaction – especially with sports betting becoming legal in New York come this February.
And wouldn’t you know it – sports gambling becomes legal in New York right before the Superbowl. What a coincidence!
Stan Fischler time!

A few months back, I talked about how the iconic Stan Fischler was releasing a new book, where for the first time ever, rather than writing about other people – he was going to write about himself. To read the entire description/preview of “Tales of Brooklyn,” check out: https://bluecollarblueshirts.com/tob/
On December 9th (which was also the same day where Stan Fischler was inducted into the United States Hockey Hall of Fame), the 89 year old released “Tales of Brooklyn.” Fischler, who has written over a hundred books during his lifetime, presented a new angle in “Tales of Brooklyn,” where he recapped his days as a youth.
(And after reading “Tales of Brooklyn,” I’d like to see Fischler write another tell-all – a tome about his many days and years covering the NHL. I know Fischler has written many articles about his days as a freelance reporter, but it would be nice to have a collection of these stories in one book.)
“Tales of Brooklyn” is pretty much an ode for Fischler’s family, including his adult sons and grandchildren.
The book provides a very detailed history about the Fischler family and what Stan’s life was like growing up – something that his family (now, and in future generations) will definitely enjoy.
Fischler admits as much in the book, where as a reader, we are also taken along for the ride – a ride that perhaps is more pleasurable than the roller-coasters at Coney Island that “The Maven” used to ride during the late 1930s and early 1940s!
When reading “Tales of Brooklyn,” I felt like I was sitting at a bar with the octogenarian, where perhaps a glass of manischewitz was sitting in front of him too, where I just soaked in all of Stan’s tales. I don’t know if this appeals more to me than it will for others, but I loved reading about New York from the 1930s -1950s, where not only does Fischler tell personal stories – but he also talks about his own neighborhood, gentrification, “white flight,” and other mitigating factors. For those with the notion of a book written by an “old-timer” may be prude – that line of thinking would be 100% incorrect. Sprinkled into the memoir are stories from Cupid’s end of the arrow, where Fischler vividly talks about his early days as a “leg man” and more times than not – striking out with some of the ladies too! Speaking of “striking out,” Fischler, who loves baseball as much as he loves hockey and trains (of all makes and models); “The Maven” also reminiscences about his days of attending Brooklyn Dodger games at Ebbets Field. His one summer of ripping line drives with his “blood-stained” bat are also discussed. At this time (and to give you a gist of the topics discussed in the book), here are the Table of Contents from “Tales of Brooklyn”: Anyone can write their own life story. However, there aren’t markets for everyone’s life story. For Fischler, the latter doesn’t apply. As mentioned, Fischler’s unique and animated brand of story-telling is what really makes the book a hit. Stan’s descriptiveness (especially considering that he’s talking about events from over 75 years ago), is uncanny. Whether “The Maven” is talking about his best friend Howie Sparer, his aunts, his grandmother, “toilet hockey,” “discovering” Staten Island or something else; more times than not, you’re laughing right along with the author. The story that had me cackling and laughing out loud the most was Fischler’s stint as a summertime drummer for a local hotel. Here’s a peek of that chapter: You can read “Tales of Brooklyn” to get the full details, but needless to say – Mr. Fischler won’t be a welcomed guest at Pollock’s out of Ferndale, NY anytime soon! (And yes, I’m fully aware that Mr. Pollock is long gone and so is the hotel, but just go with it for the joke!) When Stan isn’t making you laugh with his stories from his formative years; you will soon appreciate what can be considered as a deep-dive on the old days of New York. During these tales, we learn about Fischler’s affinity and love for the subway system, and really, anything train-related in general. As someone who was keenly aware of Fischler’s past, I never knew what got him into the world of choo-choo’s. Now I know. (In addition, I never knew that “The Maven” was an accomplished drummer either. There are many stories in the book about Stan’s days as a percussionist, including one where a see-through négligée was involved!) When I reached the final page of “Tales of Brooklyn,” I was left wanting more – only because I enjoyed the stories that Stan told. I’m sure there are hundreds more, but then again, I suppose these were the best of the lot. (That’s why they were chosen for this book after all!) This book is definitely a treasure for Fischler’s family. However, it’s also a gold mine for people wanting to know more about the days of yesteryear. Many huge events from Fischler’s younger years as a New Yorker are discussed, such as the World Fair, the Dodgers, integration in baseball, minor league hockey at M$G, World War II, the theatre (both Broadway and movie houses), and of course – good old fashioned hotdogs from Coney Island. For the man from “582 Marcy,” I thought his book was a homerun – just like one of his epic fly balls smacked over the fence during one of his “Uncle’s” summer camps! To purchase the book, click this link: “Tales of Brooklyn”. I highly recommend you do so. For Ranger fans (and for any fan of any affiliation), when it comes to the topic of sports apparel, gear and player jerseys – the word “COSBY” has always been synonymous with the word excellence. That tradition still remains true today. For fans old enough to remember (those with birthdays prior to the year 2000), Cosby’s was always a staple of Madison Square Garden, where fans were able to buy jerseys (custom or otherwise), of their favorite players. Cosby’s, which has been around in some form since 1938, was the brainchild of Gerry Cosby, a former goaltender. Originally starting out as a business where both players and teams could buy equipment; Cosby’s later turned into a one-stop shop for fans looking for any sorts of hockey apparel – where authentic jerseys were the top item of choice. In fact, very often (especially in the late 1990s including when Wayne Gretzky came to town), Cosby’s would also make last-second/emergency jerseys on behalf of the Rangers, and usually whenever a player was traded or called-up to the team. You can visit https://cosbysports.com for all of Cosby’s history, but for the purpose of this blog, I wanted to make people aware that Cosby’s is still around – especially since being forced to close their Manhattan storefront location during the pandemic. Cosby’s, still a family-ran business to this day, spent many years adjacent to Madison Square Garden. A renovation of the arena would force Cosby’s to switch locations, where they then spent a over a decade at 157 West 31st Street, which is a block away from M$G. The coronavirus, as it did to many NYC businesses, would soon force Cosby’s to close their Manhattan doors. Today (and perhaps contrary to popular belief), Cosby’s is still in existence, where since the pandemic – they now call Sheffield, Massachusetts home. While no longer in New York, the company does accept mail orders, where they continue to provide exceptional value for fans wanting premium gear. You’ll just have to pony up a few extra bucks for shipping, but in my opinion – it’s well worth doing so. In fact, I can speak to this first-hand! Here are some pictures of an Adam Fox New York Rangers Liberty jersey that Cosby’s recently made-up for me: While I do think that these pictures look spiffy; I should also add that these pictures don’t give the work that Cosby’s did for me justice. Just like a Christmas lights display – the jersey is much better looking in person. And speaking of the work, not only did Cosby’s make this jersey for me, they also made up three other Ranger jerseys for my friend – three jerseys that my friend is more than elated with. (A Chris Kreider home blue jersey, a Mike Richter Winter Classic jersey, and a Joey Kocur road white jersey.) More impressive? Despite a Thanksgiving holiday sandwiched in-between – my friend and I received our four jerseys in less than a week’s time. Talk about fast service! I want to be clear with you guys (and gals) here: this is not a paid advertisement. I didn’t get any free swag or discounts from Cosby’s. I just think that with so much negativity and horror stories in the world, we should combat such tales of woe and go out of our way to the praise businesses who take care of their customers – especially a family business during these tough economical times. Cosby’s would be one of these businesses. In addition, just think about this – whenever you see a restaurant reviewed on Yelp or elsewhere, more times than not, you’ll see people who wrote negative reviews. No one ever goes out of their way to write about the good experiences that they’ve had. The majority of the time, when someone has a negative experience, that’s the one that’s shared for the consumption of a world-wide audience. In the current world of sports jerseys and apparel, Fanatics has pretty much monopolized the market, where they have also weeded out many of the little guys along the way. That’s capitalism and you can’t fault Fanatics for having a successful business model. At the same time, quality and craftsmanship suffers when one company controls the market. Need evidence? Here you go: Needless to say, in all of my dealings with Cosby’s (about a dozen in total) – I’ve never received a jersey like this from them! Cosby’s not only works with fans – they also boast pretty much a who’s who clients list, a list that you can find here: https://cosbysports.com/cosbys-clients And yeah – I doubt that the Rangers will be going to Fanatics anytime soon for a Shesterkin jersey! For fans looking for hockey jerseys (and hockey equipment too), the company now has a thriving mail-order business. To place an order and to have someone work with you on your idea, call 1 800 548-4003. Ask for Ann – she’s a miracle worker! I’ll have more on Cosby’s later this week. A few more words on the Rangers before going home. The New York Rangers, now idle until 12/27, took Saturday and Sunday off. The team will resume practice on Monday and Tuesday – where it’s not known yet if the Rangers will make it three practices in a row come Wednesday. The time off will not only allow CZAR IGOR to completely heal (and hopefully return Patrik Nemeth to a full state of health too); but the time off will also give Artemi Panarin more time to recover from his lower body injury as well. Standings-wise, the Rangers are currently in third place with 42 points, where they trail both Carolina and Washington, who have 43 points each. As mentioned last blog, the team in the Metropolitan Division to watch right now are the streaking Pittsburgh Penguins (39 points); a black-and-yellow team who are currently enjoying a seven-game winning streak. The Penguins have one more game to play before Christmas, when they host the down-and-out New Jersey Devils on Tuesday (12/21). Should the Penguins win that game, they would still remain in fourth-place and with one more game played than the Blueshirts. I am assuming my idea of rescheduling the previously postponed Rangers/Islanders game to 12/23 won’t happen, because after all – it makes sense. Once the schedule resumes (and assuming there are no more issues), the Rangers will endure their biggest tests yet – as the team now has a slew of games against opponents who are currently in playoff positioning: — 12/27 vs Detroit (second wild card in the Eastern Conference) — 12/29 at Florida (third place in the Atlantic) — 12/31 at Tampa (first place in the Atlantic) — 1/2 vs Tampa (first place in the Atlantic) — 1/3 vs Edmonton (second wild card in the Western Conference) — 1/6 at Vegas (first place) That’s a six-pack of opponents that will surely provide a kick. In other words, the Rangers won’t be able to beast on bottom-feeders for the next two weeks. These upcoming six games should give us a better look at what this team truly is. On the bright side, the Rangers will have had ten days off by the time the date of December 27th rolls around. This means that they should be fresh, well-disciplined and ready to go. And if we can get the Mika Zibanejad of the Rangers’ last two games – watch out. PLUGS TIME! The first plug of tonight’s blog – the mandatory plug for my new book, “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden”. As mentioned previously, the book is now available in hardcover, in paperback and in Kindle formats. To purchase a copy of the book, visit this link: https://www.amazon.com/Rangers-Rafters-Madison-Square-Garden-ebook/dp/B09CM5N2WD For those still looking for signed paperback versions of the book, I have re-ordered more copies. I now have 14 signed copies for sale at $25 a pop (includes shipping price) through me directly. Here is all the information on that: Here are my last few blogs, in case you missed them: If you haven’t already, subscribe to this blog for the next update: Up next: The Rangers are now off until 12/27. I’m sure some news will go down between now-and-then, but probably not much. I know “The Blueshirt Underground Show” plans on returning Monday night (12/20), with their special Christmas-themed episode. (“Oh Joe, is that coal in your stocking or are you just happy to see me Joe?”) For me, I’m back to working on my second book, “The Best and Worst Trades in New York Rangers History & Everything In-Between.” (Working title!) That book will look at every trade made by the Rangers and evaluating every general manager too. Yes – this is a project, but I look forward to completing it – and hopefully by September 1st! (I just finished the Frank Boucher era – I only have a tad under 70 years to go!) Stay FABULOUS my friends. As always here, thanks for reading and… LET’S GO RANGERS! Sean McCaffrey BULLSMC@aol.com @NYCTHEMIC on Tweeter
Fischler (who absolutely has his own style, and a fantastic way of telling stories too), recalls, and in amazing detail at that, his early life while growing up in Brooklyn, New York.
Order “The New York Rangers Rink of Honor and the Rafters of Madison Square Garden” Book Today
NYR/VGK 12/17 Review: One Great Period Not Enough to Lift Rangers; NYR Fall in Shootout, Filip Chytil Fails Fat Cats in Revenge Game; Howden Has Last Laugh (Of Course), The Russian Report, Gallant, C-19, Last Game Before X-Mas, Habs, M$GN & More
NYR/ARI 12/15 Review: The Find-a-Way FIRST PLACE Rangers Do It Again; Win Ugliest Game Yet, Kreider, Kakko & Kinkaid Shine; Zibanenash Scores Too, Consistency, State of the ‘Yotes, NYR Beat, COVID Issues Stun Canada, Panarin Injury, Chytil, Spanish Commentary & More
NYR/COL 12/14 Review: Rangers Fail Litmus Test, Zibanenash Continues “Missing Mika” Act; Panarin Plays Patty-Cake with AJ, Lack of Focus, Nemeth Needs a Powder, IgoR, COVID-MANIA Runnin’ Rampant; The “Pause” Word, ESPN+ Thoughts, Gallant & More
What happens when we get to the omega variant?
We bat around!
What about the alpha variant?
Alpha is the lead off hitter after we bat the order up to Omega.
I told someone that I expect the vaccine to be mandatory soon and likely globally at that and they said……..wont happen, cant happen, isn’t going to happen, crazy talk, conspiracy theory……..so I asked them to remember the conversation later for when it does happen……..but what will happen then after it happens is that then they will say………oh well, if it happened then its no big deal or rationalize it with whatever propaganda is on the Tee Vee and in the newspapers at that time. Ive seen this happen nearly a dozen times in this already……..mandatory masks…….cant happen, wont happen, only a nut would even think that is going to happen…..same for testing…….lockdowns………mandates……..C19 passports…….vaccines……rolling out vaccines to 100’s of million kids who are not at risk……….and it is always the same…….crazy talk until it does happen but then it’s…………well then it’s no big deal since it happened.
I call this nobigdealism and its proponents nobigdealists……….yes, yet two more completely contrived and fabricated ism’s and ist’s for the world to suffer through.
Ok the German Health Minister said yesterday vaccines should be mandatory, and Austria has announced fines and jail time for the unvaxxed, so yea I’d still say it is going to happen but that’s ok…….no big deal…………heh.
There first, then the entire EU, then the US and Canada will adopt the exact same policies.
Note that the danger and threat is obviously diminishing as should be expected scientifically from an evolutionary biological perspective of viruses and their life cycles yet the draconian measures are substantially increasing and the hype is once again going off the charts with this Omicron variant although there is no reason that it should except to keep this whole global vaccine charade going forward full steam ahead.
We need the Zap Manifesto Blog on Covid!
they skipped the Xi variant to bend over for China.
There was any danger. It is a very treatable virus.
The frontline doctors who treat this virus stood on the capitol steps two years ago and this is nothing to fear. These voices have green silenced by Google and others.
I ordered my Ivermectin, “from India”, a while ago.
I can’t have any more blood clots or an enlarged heart. No vaccine for me.
When the Colorado Avalanche required it, I immediately sold all of my tickets. I will not comply. my dad fought in WWII for my freedom, I am not going to give it away like another sheep or lemming.
Shut down a multi-billion dollar industry because of the sniffles? Even Yzerman eventually figured it out.
I am not going to let this ruin my Christmas though.